Your diet and vacation


DIS Veteran
Jan 17, 2000
We leave for WDW tomorrow for 10 days and I have no desire to do any point counting while I'm gone. I figure all of the walking will make up for any extra points I will have (at least a little)!

When you go on vacation do you strictly follow your diet, somewhat follow your diet, or take a vacation from your diet?
Can I go with you???? Our trip isn't until late September- boy it would be great to go now.....

I eat WHATEVER I want because of all the walking- but funny thing- now that I am more conscious of what I eat I do crave the grilled salmon over the shrimp fettucini alfredo. I'll probably eat fries twice during the week, have to have a fresh hot chocolate chip cookie on Main Street, dig into the barbecue at the Hoopdedoo, and have a high fiber cereal each morning in our hotel room! :) We have three children (4,5,8) and they don't let us sit for one minute- we try to sneak in a "show" where we can sit for 30 minutes but that doesn't always work.

Have a great time and report back how wonderful it was!
In a word NO!! I do not worry when I am on vacation!!

I don't make a total pig out of myself...but I eat what I want, I am not doing it because I am stressed or for any other reason...its usually because I am sooo hungry.

My advice...ENJOY...your are going to spend a gazillion $$$ might as well enjoy it!!

Have fun!!

I didn't use to follow my diet while vacation but I found it was way to hard to get myself to get back at it when I got home. We went to Arkansas over spring break and I was determined to stick with my diet for the whole week. We ate out a lot but I stood my ground and didn't cheat! I was so happy when I got home and stepped on the scales! I hadn't lost any weight but the important thing was I hadn't gained any either!! I was so proud of myself!

We have a WDW vacation coming up at he beginning of June and I'm going to try to stick to my diet while we're gone. I really love eating all those treats but I love losing wieght even more!! Not to mention I feel so much better when I'm eating right. There's so many things to enjoy at WDW the I'm sure I won't feel like I'm missing out just because I'm eating low carb.

Maybe you could plan one big cheat while your on vacation and stick to your diet the rest of the time. Just pick out whatever would be your favorite cheat, maybe a Beavertail at Canada or a special desert at Cape May Cafe. What do you think, would that work for you?
Hi cinmell,

I plan to try and stay within point range most days of our vaca in June - but I know there will be days/nights I will eat well above point range - so I figure if 1/2 the vacation I stay in range and 1/2 the vaca I may overdue it - I hope to break even/maintain whatever wgt I am when I leave.

If I totally abondon the plan when I am on vaca I am afraid it will be hard for me to restart - but thats me.

by the way - Where in MA are you from?
We also leave for our WDW vacation tomorrow! We're taking the Wonder 4 day cruise then hitting WDW next Thursday. Can't wait (and don't have to much longer!)

To answer your question, I don't follow any sort of diet at WDW. I figure there are some things there that I can't get anywhere else in the world--Mickey Mashed Potatoes at Chef Mickey's, a Dole Whip at the Magic Kingdom, Chocolate cake at Norway in Epcot....

We eat pretty well while there. One time I weighed myself before we left and when we got back. Even after eating like kings (or pigs) I was only 1/2 pound heavier!!

Good luck! Enjoy! Maybe I'll see ya at the World! :)
Although our trip is a long way off, I have already thought about this. My plan is to still journal everything, I may not count points on it, but I still have to write it down. I think that would help me still keep track and hopefully not overdo it.
We leave for WDW on Saturday, arriving Sunday, and I do not plan on watching what I eat. I tend to not eat when it is hot out...and it probably will be. It will be a lot of water for me. As long as I am busy I don't think of food, it is the boredom that does me in.
We leave next Wed for our trip! :bounce: :Pinkbounc

I usually don't worry too much about diet while we are on vacation because we are so active then. We also ride a lot of roller coasters & big meals are not such a good idea while doing that! :earseek: The main thing is that I try not to stuff myself because I know I won't feel very good about that, but I am a little more flexible while on vacation. The good news is that I generally lose weight on vacation because we're so active regardless of what I eat. :teeth: Maybe I should go on a permanant vacation! :confused: What a diet solution that would be!
First of all, ENJOY YOUR TRIP!!! :) We will be in the MK on Sunday with some friends from out of town - so if you see three women in their early 30s w/ two cute little kids in tow, that's us! ;)

I am going on vacation later this month for two weeks and I am not planning to count points. We will do A TON of walking and the food is part of the vacation for us. That said, I am going to try to just have a sensible breakfast and then eat what I want for lunch or dinner (not both). And last time we went to England I think I had a bag of Thornton's rum/champagne/whisky/irish cream truffles every day, so this time I won't do that. But you bet your bippie I'll be enjoying a scone slathered in strawberry jam or steak and kidney pie or a pastie or many, many beers... :)
The last time I was on Atkins I went to Disney for 10 days and gained 10 pounds. I started back on induction and lost it again when I got home. I ate everything in sight while I was there and enjoyed every bite! I can't say I'd put my body through that again next time, it can't be good for it. I have no regrets though, it was kind of like giving myself permission to splurge. At first I couldn't eat too much, but by the end of the 10 days I was eating constantly.

Enjoy your trip! I'm sure the walking will help, afterall I only gained a pound a day. I brought bigger pants for the plane ride home!
I'm going to eat and drink whatever I want. The restaurants are one of the reasons we go to WDW.
I'd like to try something my girlfriend and her husband always do. They always try to take off 5 to 10 pounds before vacation. Then eat what they want. I remember a couple of years ago they went on a cruise and when they came back she said her husband gained 8 pounds! She said he ate and ate and ate morning, noon and night. That's when they started taking off weight before vacation so they could eat what they wanted. Of course, they are not (and have never been) overweight but that did give me an idea that I could do something similar. I have no desire to be all bloated and uncomfortable in the Florida heat and humidity by over indulging but there are certain goodies I do plan on wrapping my lips around (like a Mickey ice cream bar, fish and chips from the UK and a made to order omelette from 1900 Park Fare).

I hope to be able to keep up my workout routine while at Disney too. Anybody ever make it to the work out facilities at their resort? That's my goal but it's easy to say all this in May when my trip isn't until August!
Haven't done it yet- because I was never dieting before/during a vacation before. But I do have some "thoughts" on how I will do on our next vacation.
First off it will depend on how close to goal I get (or at goal weight). If I get to goal weight- I will probably not be QUITE as careful about everything I eat- but I still don't intend to cheat constantly and definitely won't get "full" or "stuffed". I just do NOT like the feeling of getting stuffed anymore at all. (found that out when I went out to eat for the first time awhile back- after about 7wks of not eating out since I had started Atkins. Ate at Red Lobster and while everything was "legal" on Atkins- I ate way more than I was used to and it didn't feel "good" afterwards like it used to when getting stuffed at RL. LOL)

If I don't reach goal or even get close- then I will probably be a lot more strict with myself. What I mean by that is that I'll still eat at the places we plan on eating- but I'll TRY to stict to low-carb foods for the most part and still not get "stuffed" at any sitting.

The one thing I can see me probably "cheating" on while there will be ice cream. I know that's a big no-no on Atkins but it's going to be HOT! LOL All I can think about now at my weight now is that I'm going to be hot and things like ice cream will help cool me off (although I'll also be toting around ice cold water too ofcourse). But then maybe if I'm even thinner by then I won't get so overheated. :)

Basically I want to enjoy myself without having to watch every single carb I eat or be counting them up on the trip/etc. But I'll try to eat low carb as much as possible while still enjoying myself without too many worries- BUT I won't go overboard, because I really don't want to start outgrowing my clothes while there or have a lot to have to fight back off of me when I get back home. :)
Well, shuckydarn, I didn't get to tell you goodbye and now you are already soaking up the magic :(

I have a trip in a couple of weeks. I find that it is easy to stay on program with Atkins. I don't plan to eat any refined carbs like sugar, bread or pasta. It's just not worth getting knocked out of ketosis to me. I sure don't want to have to break my addictions again so I will avoid those particular kinds of foods.

I do intend to have zero carb drinks like Rum and Coke or whatever, maybe even bunches of them ;) They won't knock me out of ketosis. I may not lose anything while I'm in Orlando, but heck, I haven't lost anything here at home for a couple of weeks, either, so no biggie. I'm pretty sure I won't be gaining though and that's all I ask.

If I was following weight watchers I might be in trouble on vacation, though. I would probably eat stuff with sugar. Atkins works for me because sugar just isn't allowed so I don't tempt myself with it. I'm too weak to be a WW. It's true :(
I hope you are having a great vacation....

Me, I can tell you I plan not to think about my diet at all while on vacation at the end nof this month. I will be gone for only 4 days, so I figure I will not be able to do much damage. I have also picked a few PS that I know I can stay pretty safe...I do intend to have a few drinks and maybe a dessert or two....Then when I get home I go right back on for my next goal in July!!!!
glo, if I was as close to goal as you are, I would do that too. Except, I'm still not sure I would eat sugar or potatoes because of my addiction. Plus with dh being diabetic it just isn't a good idea to go that far :) can give me the evil eye...and keep me on my toes ;) not let me stray to much :)
Kath, I have the same problem with WW. I think it's a great plan, but I am way too weak to be able to stick to it. A little piece of chocolate would turn into a whole bag. :rolleyes:

I'm going on a DCL cruise in August, so I'll get to test out this way of eating in a big way. LOL! I plan to allow myself a few no carb "grown-up" drinks, one Big Island cookie and at least a taste of dessert with dinner. The rest of the day will be low-carb. It shouldn't be too hard on the ship, they have lots of bacon! :D
I actually LOST weight in January on vacation-(Only 2 pounds, but hey it was a loss) I knew I was at a high point in my weight after the holidays and didn't want to gain anymore on vacation, so I counted points during the day allowing myself 6-8points and then ate what I wanted for dinner....two days before we left we found these evil chocolate frosted brownies at Roaring Forks at VWL and we shared one each night (they were huge)....lucky we didn't find them at the beginning of the trip or I definitely would have gained.:eek:


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