Your Unpopular Opinions

My unpopular opinion would be the media... Both sides whether liberal or conservative. This would include ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, Gannett, Media News Group, N.Y. Times and many others.

I wish the media would just stick to reporting factual news and stop trying to be the news or shove their propaganda and opinion down our throats (again both sides). Today the media has become nothing more than sensationalized cheap grocery store isle tabloid fodder once reserved for National Enquirer or the Globe... Unfortunately, they are now more news worthy than the mainstream media we buy into as factual. I could go on and on about this but I think I will climb down from my soap box now. :D
Bless your heart.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I had a Pre-K teacher whose name was Mrs. Gross, actually.


OK, a few of my unpopular opinions :3

» If you're going to introduce someone to Doctor Who, you never skip Nine! He's integral, especially when it comes to Rose!

» I believe in modern Christian music. I believe that having great music that is singing praise and shouting our excitement for the Lord is what I want to do, not feel like I'm 100 with creaky knees.

» I don't like cops.

» Socialism is what makes the US go 'round.

» When talking politics, I wish everyone would stop blaming the other side; everyone is at fault for America's problems.

» Public universities need to be free.

» The US Defense Budget is ridiculous and out of control and is not needed to be so exorbitant when we've got tanks sitting around doing jack squat. Our budget is a combination of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, France, the UK, India, and Germany combined -- plus some!

» My nephew is about to turn a year old and I wish people would stop asking me when I would have my first child and give Eden his first first cousin. Look here you little poop, I'm young, unmarried, struggling to figure out how to live on my own, go to school full-time, go to medical school and try not to die a little inside every day until I'm 50; don't ask me that.

» Orange flavored candy is absolutely disgusting. So is Cotton Candy.

» Unicorns are real. Just kidding. Or am I?

» I think peanut butter is gross unless in a warm sandwich with jelly.

» If your first language is English and you don’t have some kind of disability or condition that limits your language abilities, you have literally no excuse for being crazy crappy at spelling and/or grammar. If your education was bad, then buy a dictionary.

» Honestly think that if you want a child, you should be tested for psychological problems and either work through them or just be sterilized from having kids. Your mental illness that you hid from your significant other is not an excuse for why you drowned your children in the bathtub and are sitting in front of the TV eating popcorn watching Barney.

If this is an accurate description of where you are in this point in your life - then you are smarter than those asking you why you haven't had a baby yet! For crying out loud - tell them to get off your back! People who truly care and want you to succeed wouldn't be asking a full time, unmarried, struggling med student why they aren't knocked up yet. o_O You keep doing what you're doing and tell them to zip it. :D
If this is an accurate description of where you are in this point in your life - then you are smarter than those asking you why you haven't had a baby yet! For crying out loud - tell them to get off your back! People who truly care and want you to succeed wouldn't be asking a full time, unmarried, struggling med student why they aren't knocked up yet. o_O You keep doing what you're doing and tell them to zip it. :D
Thankfully, I'm not in medical school just yet (sorry if it came across that way!), but that's my goal in the next two years and undergrad isn't a walk in the park either. But yeah, I usually tend to ignore their comments, but it sure is annoying!
My unpopular opinion would be the media... Both sides whether liberal or conservative. This would include ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, Gannett, Media News Group, N.Y. Times and many others.

I wish the media would just stick to reporting factual news and stop trying to be the news or shove their propaganda and opinion down our throats (again both sides). Today the media has become nothing more than sensationalized cheap grocery store isle tabloid fodder once reserved for National Enquirer or the Globe... Unfortunately, they are now more news worthy than the mainstream media we buy into as factual. I could go on and on about this but I think I will climb down from my soap box now. :D

I'm with you on the media. I agree with you and in addition, I don't like the news mixed with entertainment in a round table discussion format or sitting around on a sofa chatting. It's too casual. We have some heavy stuff going on. The media is light on substance and heavy on entertainment/ social media. It's tiresome. Sure sometimes they cut to a desk for the heavy stuff, but the laughter still lingers from the soft stuff. I just want the straight news. Leave the entertainment and chatting for an entertainment hour or something. I don't need someone to digest it for me. It's gotten so I would rather read the news than watch it on TV. At least I can pick and choose and skim through someone's opinion and BS, without having to mute, change channels, or hit pause.

Another thing, my opinion is our country has become a nation of knee-jerk, outraged, individuals that come together with pitch forks and mob mentality to bring people down over any viral story without having all the facts. It's one viral overreaction to a video to the next. The media feeds into this by getting opinions and replaying stuff that doesn't look good, but there is no sense of reason, no sense of fact gathering. It's react first, trial by media, and then on to the next.
I got another opinion, probably unpopular. What is with the women "journalists" wearing tight, revealing clothing? The men are still wearing suits, but the women do not look professional at all. It looks weird. I don't like that trend at all. Same (and worse) with actresses and musicians. I can't believe some of the "outfits" some of these women wear! It's getting less and less fabric and what is there is tighter and tighter. I guess they must think they have to do something to stand out, but it's getting ridiculous in my book.
My unpopular opinion would be the media... Both sides whether liberal or conservative. This would include ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, Gannett, Media News Group, N.Y. Times and many others.

I wish the media would just stick to reporting factual news and stop trying to be the news or shove their propaganda and opinion down our throats (again both sides). Today the media has become nothing more than sensationalized cheap grocery store isle tabloid fodder once reserved for National Enquirer or the Globe... Unfortunately, they are now more news worthy than the mainstream media we buy into as factual. I could go on and on about this but I think I will climb down from my soap box now. :D

Have you asked yourself why?

I don't blame the media at all, I blame us. Media outlets are products. If people didn't want propaganda, and buying the products advertised, news outlets would shut down in a minute.

There is a reason the kardashians are still on TV, we are still watching.
I got another opinion, probably unpopular. What is with the women "journalists" wearing tight, revealing clothing? The men are still wearing suits, but the women do not look professional at all. It looks weird. I don't like that trend at all. Same (and worse) with actresses and musicians. I can't believe some of the "outfits" some of these women wear! It's getting less and less fabric and what is there is tighter and tighter. I guess they must think they have to do something to stand out, but it's getting ridiculous in my book.

lol I don't know about your city but in Philly it seems like the news channels are trying to out do each other in the "sexist weather girl" category. lol, I've seen way more of Sheena Parveen's "girls" than I need to just to get the temperature.
I think it's better to swear than replace the swear with another word. To me, that just makes you a hypocrite.
Example: if something s (4 letter word) is so awful so they say sugar instead.
Like instead of " oh s (swear)" they say "oh sugar". The meaning is the same so you basically just made sugar your swear.

I don't think this at all. I actually applaud those who can speak without swearing and still get their point across.

I say crud, shoot, and darn all the time.
Have you asked yourself why?

I don't blame the media at all, I blame us. Media outlets are products. If people didn't want propaganda, and buying the products advertised, news outlets would shut down in a minute.

There is a reason the kardashians are still on TV, we are still watching.

My unpopular opinion...I hate female sportscasters. The only one I can tolerate is Pam Oliver, and occasionally Erin Andrews.
lol I don't know about your city but in Philly it seems like the news channels are trying to out do each other in the "sexist weather girl" category. lol, I've seen way more of Sheena Parveen's "girls" than I need to just to get the temperature.

Hi E! It's everywhere! I do a double take sometimes and say to myself, "Are you kidding me?"

It wasn't that long ago there was a dress code for professionalism. That's just gone. Gone, baby gone.
Which reminds me.....your best friend from childhood? NOT YOUR KIDS AUNT. Your cousin who is your age, but you think it's weird for your kids to call a family member by first name. ALSO NOT YOUR KIDS AUNT. These are words with literal definitions. This is probably the most unpopular opinion I have among people I know. You can still spend holidays and vacations, feel an unexplainable bond with, and what have you with a person and still call them by their first names. I promise.

When I was growing up overseas, we were part of a very small, close-knit group of Americans. We all called rather other Aunt and Uncle. We could differentiate when we came back to the states and met with our real aunts and uncles.

I don't do it in the States with my friends for the most part though.

When we lived on the West coast all kids called adults by their first names unless it was in a school type setting. Now that we live in the South, it is "Miss" so and so. I find that strange.
I got another opinion, probably unpopular. What is with the women "journalists" wearing tight, revealing clothing? The men are still wearing suits, but the women do not look professional at all. It looks weird. I don't like that trend at all. Same (and worse) with actresses and musicians. I can't believe some of the "outfits" some of these women wear! It's getting less and less fabric and what is there is tighter and tighter. I guess they must think they have to do something to stand out, but it's getting ridiculous in my book.
They might be trying to compete with the ladies on Univision and Telemundo, don't think they ever will match them.
If you are spending a decent amount of money on a meal dress the part. A very nice restaurant in our area that has been around for years was known as the place to go for special occasions. The dinner per individual is about 70 dollars with tip. They used to have a dress code but threw in the towel because so many people started showing up in t-shirts and shorts. Is it that difficult to put on a collared shirt and some slacks for a nice dinner? I think people have just gotten lazy and don't care what they look like.
If you are spending a decent amount of money on a meal dress the part. A very nice restaurant in our area that has been around for years was known as the place to go for special occasions. The dinner per individual is about 70 dollars with tip. They used to have a dress code but threw in the towel because so many people started showing up in t-shirts and shorts. Is it that difficult to put on a collared shirt and some slacks for a nice dinner? I think people have just gotten lazy and don't care what they look like.
I'd completely turn them away, that's ridiculous.

Another unpopular opinion:
I think pie is weird. Sorry, Dean Winchester.
My unpopular opinion is about wearing seat belts. If you are under the age of 18, you should have to wear them. As an adult, I don't feel the government has the right to tell me how to drive a car that I own. If I don't wear a seat belt and I die in a car accident because of it, that was my call. Then again, I would feel sorry for the paramedic who had to scoop my carcass off the road.
Hi E! It's everywhere! I do a double take sometimes and say to myself, "Are you kidding me?"

It wasn't that long ago there was a dress code for professionalism. That's just gone. Gone, baby gone.

LOL, We go to college campus for career days and we have now had to literally put on our faq pages "what not to wear" on an interview. no kidding. I know it's been a minute since I was a serious college students but didn't they use to have advisers and career centers that help with resumes, interviews and other things.

and unfortunately it seems to be more common with the young ladies. I can't tell you how many interviewees show up in flip flops.

my funniest story is from church. a few years ago, our church decided to have dress down Sundays during the summer. Big mistake. lol, Pastor got up one Sunday and said "Do I really have to tell girls that bikini's is not appropriate attire for church".
I would much rather have pets in my home than kids

and the current issue that really gets me going these days: weddings, especially being in the bridal party.
I don't understand why we ask our friends to be part of this big day only to have them fork over at least $150 for a dress, more for alterations, more for a special bra if needed. Fork over more time and money to help with bachelorette party and shower expenses. Get hair and make up done (sometimes optional) as well as provide gifts, sometimes multiple gifts depending on what parties the couple wants, not to mention hotel room and transportation costs.
It translates to me as "hey friend, give me money so you can stand with me on my wedding day in an expensive dress you'll never wear again." I love my friends but it really gets expensive and really gets stressful
Also do not understand wanting to spend 35k plus on a one day party. I just don't get the fascination with weddings.


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