You're a National Treasure - Nov. Exercise Challenge

I've been feeling well for the last few days and it's been a nice weekend. Very happy to say I'm looking forward to working out tomorrow! I don't like not being able to exercise for a whole week!

I'm not sure if I'll make this month's goal but I'm trying my best to do the most I can while listening to my body at the same time. Next month is difficult for me...I'm doing hair & make-up for the musical at my school, so the week of December 8th through the 13th, I won't have time to exercise because I'll be working until anywhere from 7pm to 11pm! And I already get up at 5am every morning without a morning workout, so that's not happening. That will be an exhausting week, no doubt, but I love it! The musical is The Wizard of Oz and my son is actually in it as a munchkin. They asked some of the teachers if our children would be able to participate and since my son has been in singing lessons for more than 3 years and loves being on stage, he is in it! My little one gets moody when it comes to performing on stage. It's just not his thing. So he prefers to come watch the show and enjoy it!

So there are 5 performances of our musical. The opening day is always a Wednesday at 3:30pm, followed by a photo shoot of different poses on stage, depicting the different scenes in the show. The two days before are dress rehearsals. The following nights are always Thursday at 7, Friday at 7 or 8 (8 this year), and then Saturday there are two shows, one at 2pm and one at 8pm. In between the two Saturday shows, we have pot luck. Parents of our students involved in the show either cook and bring a dish or chip in for pizza. There is always so much food for everyone, including crew, costumers, cast, orchestra and all us teachers working the show as well.

The week after the musical, are the auditions for the student-run musical that I oversee. That means a meeting with some of my leaders one day after school, auditions another day after school, and call backs two days later. Then a weekend, 2 days of school and then Christmas break! After Christmas break, my daily after school rehearsals begin for the whole month of January as well as 3 Saturdays in January. Ok, I'm tired just typing all of this, knowing what's ahead of me, but it truly enjoy all of it. That's why I do it. Yes, the extra money is nice but any teacher who works overtime for extra pay knows that we put in way more hours than we get paid for, and most of us do so with a smile on our faces! :)
30 min run Friday
Thanks for hosting

As for Thanksgiving dinner, my husband ate baked turkey every Sunday while in college (the fraternity house served it to the hungry appetites) so once he graduate (now 40 years ago) he never wants to see turkey. My staple is chicken and dumplings and pies and this year a cake for my son's birthday.
13 minutes for me today

I've been really slowing down over the past week or so, not sure why. I've still been going out for my runs twice a week, but haven't really done much else. I'll need to get a move on if I want to reach my goal by the end of the month!


Glad everybody is feeling better! I'm feeling like such a slacker because I've only been doing one exercisy thing a day instead of my usual two! TOM came so I didn't swim (and I wasn't swimming when I was sick). ugh This week is my crazy week so will be off schedule again. But I am happy that I do get to work out (even if it's not everything I want)! And I think I set my goal so I would make it this month. :cool1:

Bonnie, I had to laugh at your statement about not being an administrator because you'd miss working with the kids. This week the principal and I were "dealing" with an upset student. After he was sent home, another staff person said, "And that's why I'm not getting my administrator license!" Our principal said that so many people go into it thinking it'll be so fun to work with peers and guide them, etc. but really sooo much of the time is dealing with naughty students! :rotfl:

So I guess one thing that I am really good at is dealing with naughty kids! It doesn't bother me at all, while I know it totally freaks out some people. I also always see the bright side of things--hence my user name! ;)

Our turkey dinner is pretty much traditional. Normally we don't have a pumpkin pie, just pumpkin dump cake which is mmmmmm so yummy!

Have a super start to the week--and no more gobbling until you're wobbling! :goodvibes
Happy last Monday morning in November! (can you believe it)?

We had a lot of exciting reports yesterday. I do love seeing everyone move closer to meeting their goals.

It seems that some folks are a bit discouraged. But regardless of whether or not your workouts are as long as you think they should be - or whether or not you're getting in as many workouts as you think you should be. Here's the part that sets you apart from so many others, especially this time of year, you're not giving up or giving in.

You're fighting that clock that says you should be doing something else.

You're fighting those commercials that say you should be in a store buying something because "this is the BEST SALE of the season" (have you ever wondered how it can always be the best sale of the season?)

You're fighting that part of your brain that invites you to sit under a blanket and read a book because it's cold and dark at 4:30 in the afternoon.

You're fighing all of these demands on your time and energy, but whether you exericse for 10 minutes or 100 - you're winning! You're getting it done!

Did you know that our team total is 70%?! And we're only 759 away from 75%? 759! We've done more than that in a single day! We can do this! Despite the craziness - we've got this.

We have 3 new great-gray-go-getters:
and me

This year I'm making it, which I've only done once before in my life.

Breakfast is always pumpkin chocolate chip muffins
The dinner itself will be pretty traditional - turkey, potatos, stuffing, squash, home-made rolls, and something called 24-hour fruit salad, which sounds healthy but is basically fruit cocktail and whipped cream and a few other ingredients. and I don't know what else maybe another veggie. Dessert: my father-in-law is bringing and apple pie, dh wants to make a pecan pie and I don't know what else. In the evening we'll have something called "turkey fondue" which is basically fruit laid out in the shape of a turkey (a 1/2 pear is the turkey's body and the cut up fruit is laid out to resemble turkey feathers) and some chocolate fondue for dipping.
I'm in my early 40s and have never made a whole turkey before - so fingers crossed!

*****WANTED: a host for the December Exercise Challenge thread. It's a great gig.*******
30 min run this morning.

No sure if I'll make my goal this month but I'll keep pushing on. Hmack if your hubby needs an easy recipe for pecan pie pm me and I'll share my husband's aunt's. It never fails.

Anyone else running a turkey trot this year? My husband is joining me for his first. :)

hmack--cooking a turkey is easy. The hardest part is taking it out of the freezer enough days ahead that it's thawed on Thanksgiving morning! :lmao: You will do fine and it will be delicious! :)
adding in what I've done so far today (36 minutes so far)

We're currently at 358 minutes to go to hit that next level!

Only 358!!
Adding 150 more minutes for this week. gym, walking.......finally caught up on all the MD visits and crafty stuff. Will try to sneak in another gym session before Thursday....Safe travels to all, and a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!!!! Deb

600/900 total so far.
208 minutes to go!

Have I said lately how much I utterly adore this team???
Ooohhh, I can help with that number! Nice long walk with my sis this morning, preceded by a walk with the pooch, I've got 108 minutes to add!

Another long walk planned for tomorrow....
Hmack, take a pic of that turkey fondue, that sounds so cute, and exactly the kind of unique thing I was hoping to hear about. And Linda's right, don't stress over cooking the bird, it's definately doable. Just remember to remove the bag with the giblets from the neck cavity before you put it in the oven!
I'm adding 21 more minutes

which brings my day total to 57 minutes


79 minutes to go to hit 75%!!!
Hmack, take a pic of that turkey fondue, that sounds so cute, and exactly the kind of unique thing I was hoping to hear about. And Linda's right, don't stress over cooking the bird, it's definately doable. Just remember to remove the bag with the giblets from the neck cavity before you put it in the oven!

Yup, that would be me, back in the 70s, making my first turkey!!!! Wondered why so little stuffing went in the bird!


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