You're Going AGAIN?????

I so hate having people ask me if I am going again....yes I am, get over it :snooty:

Last time I went I shared the photopass with some nice people off the budget board. The main person put all the pictures on CDs and sent them to us. I think 4 of us shared so it turned out really cheap. We were all going about the same time so I didn't have to wait long for the pictures. And for the price it was well worth the wait. :thumbsup2

We are having horrible weather here in Texas today. Poor people coming in for the Super Bowl. All the schools are closed and I think the airport was closed for most of the morning. Thank goodness the teams arrived yesterday and avoided the weather.
The envelopes are so cute! And I agree that you have lovely handwriting! The CMs will enjoy getting those (not to mention the tips inside :rotfl: )
They look cute to me! And your handwriting is beautiful!!!! :cheer2:
Thank you for the compliment. I've got to experiment a little more with my stamps. And welcome to my ptr. I hope I can keep you entertained.....

I so hate having people ask me if I am going again....yes I am, get over it :snooty:

Last time I went I shared the photopass with some nice people off the budget board. The main person put all the pictures on CDs and sent them to us. I think 4 of us shared so it turned out really cheap. We were all going about the same time so I didn't have to wait long for the pictures. And for the price it was well worth the wait. :thumbsup2

We are having horrible weather here in Texas today. Poor people coming in for the Super Bowl. All the schools are closed and I think the airport was closed for most of the morning. Thank goodness the teams arrived yesterday and avoided the weather.

You were lucky to find a photopass share to do. I think I'm way too much of a control freak to "share" with others. :lmao: And don't you just hate it when people say that to you? Some people go camping, etc. so Disney is my "thing" with it!! :). Thanks for reading my ptr. I'll try to keep it interesting......

Cute envies...and your handwriting is superb! :thumbsup2

thanks!!! I still don't really like them......:confused3

The envelopes are so cute! And I agree that you have lovely handwriting! The CMs will enjoy getting those (not to mention the tips inside :rotfl: )

Thanks Erin. Yeah, I's more the tips inside that count, but some of the envelopes I've seen others do are way more creative and cuter than mine!! Wow...if this is my only issue than I'm doing pretty well! :rotfl2:

Love those tip envelopes!! I'm sure they'll brighten the CMs' day!

Thanks.....That's the idea!!! :hug:
Joining in:)
Your thread title pulled me in... I sooo get it:rolleyes1 This upcoming trip is our second this year for many reasons I won't bore you with. Let's just say I hear "You're going again???" a few times a week myself.

Looking forward to following your PTR:goodvibes

Thanks for coming along for the ride....Oh, to make 2 trips is one year would be heaven and believe me, you could never bore me with your story!!! I love listening to other people's lives....:yay:
Hello all my wonderful readers. Here I sit after being sent home! Believe me, I am not complaining....they shut the state government at noon due to the snow.....ugh!!! At least it's just snow and not ice like some states... Here is our predicted snowfall map:


Anybody want to come over?? Yeah, thought not. Victoria is happy I'm home as she didn't have school today and she's glad I was here to cook lunch. No sandwiches for that girl....spoiled thing! I'm thinking I'll probably do more tip envelopes this afternoon....that or scrapbooking. I probably shouldn't even be updating right now as someone hurt my feelings and my tail feathers are all ruffled, so I'm kind of snarley. I don't want to be that way with all of you. I've got to get back into that Disney frame of mind, so for now I'll sign off. Everyone, have a great day and stay warm and safe!! :hug:
More snow?!? Goodness gracious, woman! Well, I'm glad you got to go home. I, for one, am SICK of snow and ice! It is a balmy 38 degrees here in VA, so we didn't get the ice they were predicting. Stay warm and safe and don't let anyone else ruffle your tail feathers! :laughing:
Enjoy your snowday! Ours was yesterday and we ended up with more sleet (about 2 inches!) than snow. I think it worked out better, the roads aren't great, but there's not huge drifts of snow either, so that's good.

Sorry someone hurt your feelings! :flower3:
Hi Everyone!!! I really haven't been doing a whole lot to get ready for Disney other than squirrelling away $200 per month and checking the airlines for low fares. Ugh!!! Flight searching is driving me crazy!! Will the prices ever come down? :confused3 I did actually pick up some travel size face wash, hairspray and something else that I can't remember at this moment. I was at Wal-Mart and just thought what the's not like this stuff will spoil, right?? :worship: You all know how I've been saying I have to get my scrapbooking done......well, it's not done, but I at least spent most of the day on Sunday working on it....oh, that's in between the seven zillion loads of laundry....ok, was only 5 loads, but it felt like seven zillion!!! I wanted to share some of the pages with you guys. Now remember, my photography skills are not wonderful, but you can see the general idea. I haven't done any more tip envelopes yet, though. I may break out my Cricut cutter for those.....


Believe me there are way more pages than that......these were just some of my favorites!
Thanks Karen....I really enjoy scrapbooking. You are really crafty, so I bet you would be great at it!!!
Ok, YAY! I just realized that you will be there until MONDAY!!! I thought you would only be there Thursday & Friday that we are there, that gives us lots more days to work with. Do you have your itinerary ready yet?!?!? :laughing: If you don't, shame on you!!! :p
I did my first scrapbook for our 09 trip and the first few pages look like it was my first scrapbook. Hopefully this years will be better


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