8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 6

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Not being nosy at all................it's a little hard to explain, but I will try. I think she feels since her birth mother gave her away, she doesn't feel deserving of being loved by my wife and I. We have tried to reassure her over and over again, that she is very special and that her birth mother only wanted the best for her, and she knew she couldn't give her the kind of life in Mexico that she could have gotten here with us. The birth mother was young, unwed, and came from a very poor area. Like I stated earlier, we have been making progress and we hope it continues as she gets older. School has also been very difficult as Angelina has a learning disability. Our school system has been great, and this school year has been one of the best she has ever had. Angelina went from making D's and F's in the Middle School to this last marking period of getting one A, four B's and one D+ which was in math her weakest subject. She has also been getting more involved with other school activities, which has greatly helped.

Andy we are not sure what grade Angelina is in in High School both our sons were in choirs they were also on the cross country track and swim teams really helped them to fit in and have confidence .I just think the High School girls liked seeing the boys in there speedos but beining envolved is great makes parents really busy but great for the kids

LOL!!! I know what you mean, Angelina wanted to try out for the swim team (the boys in the speedos was a plus for her) this year (11th grade) but she couldn't do that and the high musical at the same time, since she likes being on stage, she is sticking with the musical again this year. My DD can be a ham went she wants to be!!! :rotfl:
Thanks For Your warm thoughts. I can put up with almost anything........just not my child hurting...........FGM and I want to get it fixed ASAP. Initial Diagnostics show it can be repaired..........but its looking like surgery is going to be required. Poor thing just wants to get back to being a normal Stinky Teen !!!!


:hug: :hug: :hug: It's awful, isn't it? When our kids hurt, we actually DO find out that it's true....there IS such a thing as a broken heart. You can feel it.
Judy how did you know i needed to get my taxes done....

By tomorrow i promise.....

Now next week you guys really do need to kick me off because i have to study for three exams towards my professional license while i'm still at home.

They have the tests over three days but i had to schedule all three for one day (March 14th) because my job isn't paying me to take the time off.

One test is three hrs, one is two, and one is two & half.

Ay yi yi----boy you need some pixie dust.....Kristina I hope for you the best...
Trying to catch up here.

Thank you. "the praying kind" just basically means not to offend anyone who doesn't believe in prayers/etc. Yanno? I appreciate the prayers.
If I come across as a little snappy or depressed lately (or soon), please keep in mind that it's incredibly stressful to know that any minute your sole income could disappear when your DH is hurt like this. I'm unbelievably stressed right now. We just bought the new house last Nov! *sigh*

I need SOMETHING to cheer me up!
Bib, sending prayers to you and your DH. I hope that he has a speedy recovery and that there isn't any work loss. Please know you are in our thoughts.

Here are my two girls Madison 12 and Austyn 6.
Oh they are beautiful. Hope you have your ammo ready for when they start dating. :)

Hello everyone!! I have been reading and reading and reading and thought I should jump in to say our family is on this cruise as well. We consist of me - Laura, my DH and our 3 children ( 1 DS and 2 DD's). We are so excited to be going on this trip :banana: Anyway, I'm really looking forward in chatting with you all for the next 16 months, bye for now,

YIPPEEE!!!! Another Laura. We are getting stronger in numbers.!!!! Welcome.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
LOL I've done that too..Sometimes it works sometimes is doesnt. Usually works well when it involves power tools!!!!:rotfl: :rotfl:
Power tools? Love power tools. I have to get all mine out tomorrow to finish a job. My favorite department is the power tool department in Home Depot.

So you're telling me that I say stupid stuff all the time?? ;) :rotfl:
Not all the time :lmao: :lmao:
Andy, thank you so much for sharing the picture of you and precious little BJ. Such a powerful moment to have captured in a photo! What a beautiful little thing she was!
(oh, and thanks! :rolleyes: I really did cry this time...Not just a few tears...LOL)
Sorry to hear that you didn't get any real answers today.

Do you feel like the doctors are heading in the right direction? If not, then maybe it's time to consider having someone else take a look. Sometimes it just takes a fresh set of eyes or slightly different clinical experience to get to an "a-ha!" moment that will make all the difference.

Hoping that your DD is feeling better soon!
Actually, we do feel like we are starting to get somewhere. Elizabeth, who is a extremely active girl, has run track and played on school and church basketball leagues since she was in 1st grade. Was hit with a knee pain. (not sport related) this past May. After many doctor appointments it was determined she need knee surgery for extra placa in her knee joint. She had that in July. Start PT in October when the knee pain returned full force. PT found that her hip was very weak and needed major strengthening. (this weakness, due to a spetic hip she had when she was 4, had emergency surgery then.) So then in January this year, while undergoing PT for knee she developed hip pain. (Can't pinpoint as to if PT caused it to flare up or just made it more recognizable.) Anyway, she has been back and forth to different doctors and specialists since then. Many test and xrays and prodding. She basically, is in pain 24/7. She says 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 in pain. Can not be comfortable but like a typical woman, continues to live her life as best she can. Sometimes causing us confusion as to why she can do somethings she does even though in pain.
Today's visit was very informative and this Doc really seemed to know his stuff. He was able to pretty much give his diagnosis but wants to have a better view with this high powered type of MRI and ultrasound with dye test. Says it will give him a better look at the shape of the hip joint bones and the cartiledge, etc. I am glad he isn't rushing to make a diagnosis. We kind of feel that the doctor who did her knee surgery might have missed something. If it is what he thinks, there will probably be more surgery in her future. To what extent we don't know yet. Doc says it will probably take at least a month to get her in for the test. She just wants to have some relief from pain and get back into running. She is a bit depressed and would like to get some exercise to get back into her size 0 jeans.
Thanks Lil' Grumpy, now you have me tearing up, what a day this has been.

One of the nurses at CHOP told my wife and I, if it hadn't been for us making daily visits to be with BJ, she most likely would have died weeks sooner. The nurse truly believes that BJ was fighting for us, more than for herself. The nurse also shared with us, that everytime we walked into the NICU and started talking to BJ, her vital signs would improve.

Here is a picture that is glued into the inside cover of my Bible, of me holding BJ the night before she passed. Her little body had swelled from the medication she was on.


I'm just at a loss for words (mostly due to the lump in my throat that comes from trying not to sob while reading your story). :sad1:

It's obvious that BJ loved her Mommy & Daddy every bit as much as you both loved her. :grouphug:
So you're telling me that I say stupid stuff all the time?? ;) :rotfl:

And besides, doesn't everyone take their phone in the bathroom when waiting for THE CALL??

Ummmm NOooooooo.....some of us(I am not included thanks to Barb) decided instead to sit on hold and listen to the Beast:lmao: :lmao: Now who's stupid?

Thank you so much for telling your story. Very heartwarming. I think your beautiful Angelina is just the healing you need. She is a true gift from God.
NOOO don't go! We can avoid housework together. Safety in numbers you know! I can blame you & you can blame me. It's all good.

I LOVE the Christmas Tree Shop! I made the treck 1-2x a month when we lived in CT.

Please buy something you totally don't need, but can't beat the price in my honor.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
To everyone, who has told their stories here about their children's deliverence in to their lives and those who are still waiting for God's little miracles. Thank you! It is so great that we feel comfortable sharing with each other. It is amazing how this internet can bring us together.
Thanks Lil' Grumpy, now you have me tearing up, what a day this has been.

One of the nurses at CHOP told my wife and I, if it hadn't been for us making daily visits to be with BJ, she most likely would have died weeks sooner. The nurse truly believes that BJ was fighting for us, more than for herself. The nurse also shared with us, that everytime we walked into the NICU and started talking to BJ, her vital signs would improve.

Here is a picture that is glued into the inside cover of my Bible, of me holding BJ the night before she passed. Her little body had swelled from the medication she was on.


Oh Andy that is so sad........she was beautiful.......I know the angels are smiling on you for what you did for her......
That's okay. Have you had the misfortune of seeing thinks like MTVs My Super Sweet 16? All that matters is she has confidence in herself. An overblown ego would be much worse to deal with!:rolleyes:

Guilty pleasure!
DW and I love My Super Sweet 16 and also Parental Control! popcorn::

We're getting ideas on what NOT to do as parents so as to keep DS from winding up on shows like that!! :rotfl: She also likes Super Nanny...the Terrible Two's torture begins this year!! :faint:
Thanks Lil' Grumpy, now you have me tearing up, what a day this has been.

One of the nurses at CHOP told my wife and I, if it hadn't been for us making daily visits to be with BJ, she most likely would have died weeks sooner. The nurse truly believes that BJ was fighting for us, more than for herself. The nurse also shared with us, that everytime we walked into the NICU and started talking to BJ, her vital signs would improve.

Here is a picture that is glued into the inside cover of my Bible, of me holding BJ the night before she passed. Her little body had swelled from the medication she was on.


Your not supposed to make Pirates cry......... :sad1:

Andy, may your faith :angel: continue to be a light in a dark world. Well Done Matey.........Very Well Done Indeed !!!! :angel:

Oh please...I had a new garage door opener that sat in the box,in my front room, for a Year before it finally got installed!:confused3

speaking of that i still have a new bath tub faucet set sitting on my work bench in the basement told dw it will have to wait for spring now as the wall has to be opened up to install
[ Actually, we do feel like we are starting to get somewhere. Elizabeth, who is a extremely active girl, has run track and played on school and church basketball leagues since she was in 1st grade. Was hit with a knee pain. (not sport related) this past May. After many doctor appointments it was determined she need knee surgery for extra placa in her knee joint. She had that in July. Start PT in October when the knee pain returned full force. PT found that her hip was very weak and needed major strengthening. (this weakness, due to a spetic hip she had when she was 4, had emergency surgery then.) So then in January this year, while undergoing PT for knee she developed hip pain. (Can't pinpoint as to if PT caused it to flare up or just made it more recognizable.) Anyway, she has been back and forth to different doctors and specialists since then. Many test and xrays and prodding. She basically, is in pain 24/7. She says 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 in pain. Can not be comfortable but like a typical woman, continues to live her life as best she can. Sometimes causing us confusion as to why she can do somethings she does even though in pain.
Today's visit was very informative and this Doc really seemed to know his stuff. He was able to pretty much give his diagnosis but wants to have a better view with this high powered type of MRI and ultrasound with dye test. Says it will give him a better look at the shape of the hip joint bones and the cartiledge, etc. I am glad he isn't rushing to make a diagnosis. We kind of feel that the doctor who did her knee surgery might have missed something. If it is what he thinks, there will probably be more surgery in her future. To what extent we don't know yet. Doc says it will probably take at least a month to get her in for the test. She just wants to have some relief from pain and get back into running. She is a bit depressed and would like to get some exercise to get back into her size 0 jeans.

I'm glad that you feel like her case is in competent hands now. That is more than half the battle. Really, it is! Still, I have a feeling that you might need to be the one filling the doctor in on what your daughter ISN'T saying, like times when you know she's having pain, or things that make the pain worse. Sometimes with joint problems, the person having the pain & difficulty gets used to it to the point that it seems ok. If she's grouchy and/or depressed, it could be in large part due to her trying to manage the pain while also trying to live her life.

I'll be keeping her and the medical staff who care for her in my thoughts & prayers!
A tissue warning is advised if you care to read. I needed them as I wrote the Reader's Digest condensed version of our story........(buckifan said I should put the tissue warning in bold red letters, so I'm taking her advice).........

.......we were married about two years and decided to try to start a family. After 4 months of trying we found out that we were expecting our first child the following May. The day before my 22nd birthday in April 1977, Hazel went into labor and off to the hospital we went. Upon having an exam, the nurse asked Hazel the last time she felt life. We were young, caught up in the moment not thinking anything of the question. A short while later I was told that I could go into the changing room to get ready as Hazel would be going into delivery very soon. When I came out, Hazel was already moved to the delivery room and I was told I couldn't go in due to complications. The next words I share were words that I will never forget and are eched in my memory forever. I heard Hazel ask if the baby was OK, the nurse replied, "The baby is dead." The doctor arrived a few minutes after Kristen was delivered, and I had the task of telling my in-laws the news, as they were in the Father's Waiting Room. My mom and step-dad arrived at the hospital a few minutes later.

We tried again and again for another child, but to no avail. We went through years of fertility treatments, and finally the fertility specialist gave us a 1/2 of 1% chance of ever having another biological child. After hearing this news, we finally gave up on all fertility treatments and put everything in God's hands. We decided if He wanted us to have a child, then He would provide it.

In 1988 were we contacted about a young girl who was 6 months pregnant and was asked if we would be interested in adopting her child after it was born. We went through the last 3 months of the pregnancy with her. In February 1989 a baby girl was born as Hazel and I sat in the Father's Waiting Room (the same Father's Waiting Room I was in 12 years earlier), only to be told that the child had less than a 20% chance of survival. The baby girl was rushed to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and we didn't know if we would ever get the chance to see her. After three long days of testing on the baby, and with the birth mother's permission, we were allowed to visit our daughter. We met with the doctors and were advised it did not look good for our daughter. We found out that she was born with a form of dwarfism. The birth mother let us name our baby Barbara Jean(BJ). BJ fought long and hard, had a major surgery, an infection set in, and within a month she lost her battle and died a few days after Mother's Day 1989. The birth mother allowed us to bury BJ next to our daughter Kristen. The entire time BJ was at CHOP, the birth mother only came twice, once to sign for the surgery, the second to remove BJ from life support, other than that, Hazel and I took care of all of BJ's needs. We made daily visits to the hospital for the 12 weeks she was there.

On September 16, 1990 we received a call about a baby girl that was born the night before in Oaxaca, Mexico and were asked if we would be interested in adopting her. After 7 months, and 4 trips to Mexico we were finally able to bring Angelina home with us, and she has been the apple of her daddy's eye ever since, even when she drives me up a wall.

I don't know why I felt the need to share this, but it helps with my healing even after all these years.

Andy, let me tell you that without even knowing you, I can tell what a special person you are just through enjoying your posts these last few years. I am so moved that you would share this story with us. My dearest friend lost her baby girl at three days of age and except for losing my own family members, it was one of the most devastating experiences I have ever gone through. My heart bled for her. She was 39 years old at the time and thought it was her last chance. I am happy to say that just a couple of weeks ago, almost four years later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy and they are doing great. I am so grateful that miracles happened for you and for her.
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