"Disneyland isn't a place appropriate for an infant"

My mom always told a story about how I cut my first tooth in line for It's a Small World.

We first took our kids a year ago. DS1 was turning 3 and I didn't want to throw a party. So we packed up all the grandparents and took both boys (3 and 6 months, at the time). The baby was thrilled to be held all day, or worn in the sling. He LOVED the Tiki Room, too. And it's a Small World--it turns out--is a great place to nurse a thirsty baby!

So we went back to DCA for DS2's first birthday in October. He loved it!

Oh man, were you one of those one-day tooth-cutters? If only my son were like you? Each tooth was days and days or difficulty. :upsidedow

Just because of your username, and because you mention using a sling, I wanted to show you this and this.
(sling I made from a cheapie satin, with Incredibles logo b/c the concept was that I was Mrs Incredible, holding baby JackJack (with flames on his onesie b/c he was JackJack from the JackJack Attack short) in a "sling" made of my own stretchy self.) (no one at the party really got it, LOL) :cool2:

I liked POTC better than Small World for nursing, it's much darker in POTC and I felt more private. :D
We took our daughter when she was 1 month old and we all had a wonderful time. I guess it's what you make it. But that is a strange comment to make. I would say Disneyland is one of THE most appropriate places for an infant.
What's important to remember is that you are making YOUR memories...and the infant will pick up on your emotions. If you are happy...they will be happy.

If, however, you happen to be one of those high-stressed people who runs over everyone with your stroller, screams at the other children in your care, and thinks people should treat you special just because you are carrying a baby...well, no one is going to be happy, including all the other people around you.

I've seen plenty of both types in the parks.
with newborns and wondered "WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?" but I guess it is because when our family goes to DL we do just about every ride together and I can't imagine sending my kids off on Peter Pan, Splash Mountain, or Big Thunder without mom and dad because we have so much fun together. I think as long as it works for your family then go for it.
Yeah, I guess I do that too. When the weather is really really cold or very hot I feel sorry for the newest of newborns I see out in the elements. I worry by nature, but I do understand that the decision of the parents to bring them in the parks is theirs and theirs alone. :shamrock:
I'm also "one of those" who wouldn't take an infant to Disneyland. I agree that it's semantics, though. I would guess that she didn't mean it is inappropriate for the baby, rather just not an easy, convenient place to take one.

I think the big difference is that on the boards here, so many of you are at DLR what seems like all the time.;) (detect the envy?) For those of us going every 5 years or less frequently, it just makes sense to plan around so that the experience can be maximized.

I certainly didn't sit around with my infants. My dd went to Hawaii at 4 months, and had been to many different states by age 2. We have taken a multitude of trips. They were just places that seemed easier for our family and the way we like to do things. My ds did go to theme parks very young, but they were local to us; parks that were easy to return to since we couldn't see as much with an infant.
I think there's a big difference between deciding when to take a trip based upon your children being older to maximize the value of the experience, or even personally choosing that it might be a hassle or your baby might be uncomfortable (like, I wouldn't take a baby in August or something) Or that your baby is too fussy for anyone else to enjoy it
It's not appropriate place for infants.

To me the first are all personal choices about best time to go and dynamic of their kids and the second is a judgment (against others, not just a choice for self.)

None of my kids had any issues, they were in 7th heaven. I personally like the thought that, like me, they don't remember not going to DL or WDW, it's always been a part of their memories. While they don't "remember" their earlier trips, I certainly do. And we have pictures of it, of course. And, to me, it's magical that Disney has always been a part of their family times. We don't go very frequently. Since the summer DD was conceived, it's oddly been about every other year, but before that not consistent.

Kinda funny. I mentioned the email to my co-worker, who just got back from President's day weekend in WDW with her 5.5 month old and she said "not appropriate for an infant....a strip club is not appropriate for an infant, but a family place like Disney.....she's crazy!" :rolleyes1 I had to chuckle.
I'm also "one of those" who wouldn't take an infant to Disneyland. I agree that it's semantics, though. I would guess that she didn't mean it is inappropriate for the baby, rather just not an easy, convenient place to take one.

I think the big difference is that on the boards here, so many of you are at DLR what seems like all the time.;) (detect the envy?) For those of us going every 5 years or less frequently, it just makes sense to plan around so that the experience can be maximized.

I certainly didn't sit around with my infants. My dd went to Hawaii at 4 months, and had been to many different states by age 2. We have taken a multitude of trips. They were just places that seemed easier for our family and the way we like to do things. My ds did go to theme parks very young, but they were local to us; parks that were easy to return to since we couldn't see as much with an infant.

See and that just goes to show you it's perspective because I DO NOT enjoy the beach with an infant. I think there's way more to do with an infant at DL than in Hawaii. I went with DS to the beach last year in CA, he was 7 months and let's just say crawling in sand....not fun!! But that's why this board is great. You get a variety of answers and you can pick what helps you and what doesn't!

I know personally for me, if I waited till me kids were 2 or 3 to go, my first would be 9 going on 10 by the time she got to go and that doesn't work for me because every 2.5-3 years, I had another one! It's not fair for oldest DD not to get to go and I am not willing to only have one kid just so I dont' have to take an infant to DL!

I personally like the thought that, like me, they don't remember not going to DL or WDW, it's always been a part of their memories. .

:goodvibes Couldn't agree more. I love the fact that my kids will not remember a time when Disney was not a part of their lives!! :goodvibes

Ya I think a lot of it is the thought process of "I don't want to change diapers in Disneyland, I don't want to have to feed them in Disneyland". Well my thoughts have always been you are going to have to change diapers, deal with spit up, and all that fun stuff...I'd rather do it in Disneyland than at home :rotfl:

Of course it depends on the baby too. Our son spent the first six months of his life screaming for hours on end and projectile vomitting...that wouldn't have been nice in Disneyland. But at seven months is WAS a blast!
This is so funny because when I was 19 and working as a CM at WDW I always thought of the poor babies that were brought to WDW and they could have cared less. Of course it was VERY humid and hot then so that might have influenced my opinion back then. :rotfl2:

:rotfl: MANY years later I had my dd and dh and I were missing Disney. I remember thinking that I swore I would never bring a baby to the parks when I was younger and then I thought about DL being such a huge part of our lives that we wanted to share that with our child. She was so stimulated by the characters, shows parades and the rides she could go on that she had a blast. We took a ton of great pictures for the baby book (that I STILL havent put together but that is another story!) We took things slow and really enjoyed the awesome people in the baby center. Then when ds was born dd was 2 1/2 so of course we were going to take her back. We took him on 3 trips before he turned 1. I didnt take him at 2 weeks old in August and stay from 8-midnight but we went when the weather was nice and he would sleep beautifully in the stroller as I walked through the shops!! :cool1:

I kept thiking back on my previous stance and laughed because I would have missed so many memories for me and the kids if we would have not gone. I never regretted taking my babies.


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