8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 10

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Hello everyone!!! Before I play ketchup, I was curious as to who was on this late at night??? :confused3
Wooo-Hoooo. It's a new personal record - 37 pages of ketchup in 75 minutes. :woohoo: Course, now I have to respond to the posts I marked... :eek:

Sorry in advance, about the groundhogs at that rate - I'm certain I missed stuff.

We've done CRT breakfast twice (this was before they made the changes). First time just me and DS, second time with a friend and her godson. My son wasn't really sure he wanted to do it, but he knew it was mainly for mom. First trip he was 8, next trip 9. Turns out he loved it, and was glad I had planned it again for the next trip. He loves characters and will wait in line for his favorites. However he won't wait in line for the princesses. Not that he doesn't want a pic with them, but he doesn't want anyone seeing him wait in line. So when he was able to get pics and autographs at the meal, he was pretty happy. Especially since they all called him prince and told him how handsome he is.

Thanks to everyone for the advice on CRT. Now that they've announced a P&P Party on same date we have our ressies - things may have to change. I asked DS10 and DS5 if they're rather do CRT or the P&P Party. After due consideration (about 90 seconds) partying with Pirates won out over Breakfast with Princesses. So, I've got to go back and relook at it all. Still - that's a Friday night, and the locals may be packing the place... Ah well, lots of time to figure it out I suppose.

You may be on to something there......remember my pic of my dad with Jasmine???

My thoughts exactly. :lmao:

Well, DS has had girl friends come over for a couple hours before. He tells me he is going to marry one of them. They have known each other most of their lives. They are pretty cute together talking about it. LOL! Then he is only 8 right now.

DS5 annuonced last week that he was going to marry Sydney. Sydney's mom called a few days later to ask about a play date. Apparently, Sydney is agreeable. So, they had a play date to celebrate the betrothal. :rotfl2:

DS told me after dinner at 1900 Park Faire that he wished he had worn his best clothes like the girls did for his pictures...that after saying that he didn't want to go at all. Prince Charming gave him a lesson in how to stand like a prince.

My boys could sure use some Prince lessons. Handsome lad.

One of my favorite scifi book series ..... "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. The movie did not do it justice!

Amen brother.

Where is that global warming they talk about?


:rotfl: :laughing: :rotfl:


Anyhow, that is how the got their picture with the princesses. The girls were floating on a cloud the entire time and all of the princesses took the time to talk to everyone there. BJ brought us autographed copies the last night at dinner. I wasn't expecting that either...but imagine that they can't post the pictures in Shutters because it would create more problems than it would be worth.

Wow. Impressive recovery on the part of Disney.

We have a couple of fruit trees in back too... but our problem appears to include possums, rats, squirrels, birds ... and once we had a family of bobcats visit our back yard. Our neighbor saw them enter one very early morning - but neglected to tell me till a couple of days later <?!?> and they were long gone by then. Not to say they were after our fruits.


Maybe they're taking care of those possoms and rats and squirrels - Oh, My! Here kitty, kitty, kitty.

Not been keeping up with the thread regularly so hope we are not too late. Would want to order a t-shirt or 2 for both of us, and take a look at any other merchandise there may be, including magnets and pins and such.


Tom and Diana

There will be loads of warning. I just posted it here to get a feel for the response and if I'd missed anything (like tank tops). There will be an email going out to everyone once I have all the information to help figure out what's going to work best. No worries.

Okay , I woke up to this ... :yay:

Pirates of the Caribbean : At Worlds End .(Movie Trailer)....its in Russian , but it looks great ...as soon as I get the English Version I will post too ...but that might not be until late tonight ...

Enjoy....I have many time already


Uh. It's gone already. Something about it not meeting the posting requirements?

I was at church. I haven't figured out how to DIS during the services yet. :lmao:

Dude. Smartphone. :woohoo:

Just surfin' the web and I saw this teaser trailer for POTC3. It's in english.


I'm no expert, but all those scenes looked really familiar. It didn't look like much of a trailer to me. Still, if it was a fake - it was well done.

Is that "The Wench" or "The Boss" or "Both?"

My dad calls here "She Who Must Be Obeyed"

My husband? CIC-Spouse (who apparently can out rank the CIC in certain circles)

Are you volunteering? if so that would be great!

Have no idea why I marked this one.... Sigh. :sad2:

Oh yeah!! :idea: Liquor stores by HoJo's!! Can get liquor (yes, even the hard stuff) at the grocery stores in CA. So, it shouldn't be hard to find.

Ugggg. Computer / internet soooo slow.... can't ketchup....

Almost glad I have a 3+ hour conference call tomorrow, can you say ketchup mutli-task?

Just slip that privacy filter over your screen, and have at it!! Everyone will think you're taking copious amounts of notes! :rolleyes1

First the Bad News: Grumpy's Train House has Closed it's doors.:faint: The lady that we were sub-letting from couldn't come with the rent and decided it would be best for all concerned,to shut the doors. No way could we have come up with the all of the rent money by ourselves. Since we hadn't signed anything yet, we just gave the business back to the man we got it from.

Now for the Good News: I ordered my New :moped: yesterday. It should be here within 2 weeks

Oh. That's really too bad. :sad1:

Yeah, he was little hurt,at first. But very happy we hadn't jumped in any further and spent a lot of money, that we didn't have in the first place. Ya know what I mean? On a happier note tho, this will be the first time in over 15 years that he's had an entire weekend to do whatever, other than when we go on vacation.

Or maybe a blessing in disquise? :angel:

Earliest uses
Slate's Daniel Engber dates the modern usage to 1974 college campuses, where it was perhaps an outgrowth of the Vietnam War. The origins of the phrase are uncertain, with some speculating that it may refer to being "out in the open" or "ready for action." According to Engber many soldiers do go without underwear to "increase ventilation and reduce moisture." The earliest known use of the term in print is January 22, 1985 when Jim Spencer wrote in the Chicago Tribune:

Furthermore, colored briefs are 'sleazy' and going without underwear ('going commando', as they say on campus) is simply gross".
"Going commando" may also come from the mistaken idea that "commandos" go into an area "without cover."

The origin of the term "going commando" may connect to the tradition in military units of Scottish heritage to not wear underwear under their kilts. The first Commando units were raised and trained in Scotland in WW2 (which is where the present-day Commando Monument is).


Going commando appears to be an increasingly popular practice. A 2004 study of 7,000 people by the New York-based clothier Freshpair revealed that 9% of men and 7% of women go commando day-to-day. Those who do so semiregularly are much more numerous, possibly around 25-30%, and most people have tried it at some point.

One can learn the strangest things on the boards. :rolleyes:
Thanks for sharing - I really did find this interesting. Trivia, but interesting.

Well, I've just discovered the downside of multiquoting an entire day's responses at one time. We're limited to 25 images in our posts. (I had 35.) I didn't know that. Had to go remove smilies from the posts I quoted.
One more thing before I toddle off to bed...

DH does all the cooking. :stir: (Back Ladies! Go find your own! :cool2: ) Tonight's menu?

Shamrock Sushi
Corned Beef, Mozerella Cheese, and Carrot. Rolled in Nori (sushi seaweed) with sushi rice.
Stop laughing. It was really yummy! popcorn:: The kids couldn't eat them fast enough.

Only in CA would you find something that multi-cultural weird. :rolleyes:
A quick posting to say hi and to share what I've been up to today.

Went to the Ultimate Fan Event in SF. Tons of people in pirate garb. A few give aways. Saw P1 on the big screen again....awesome to see the one that started it all. Then at the very end, the P3 trailer....that's one EPIC movie...they even showed the trailer twice so we could catch bits that we didn't see the first time around.

And as an added bonus......Marty Klebba was there....we got pics and autographs




Can't wait for MAY 25.
Hello everyone!!! Before I play ketchup, I was curious as to who was on this late at night??? :confused3

Hi Cheryl,
I'm just finishing ketchup and then saying goodnight!! Tomorrow starting back into my "prepare for the cruise" exercise schedule!!
That is so cute -- my girls will like seeing these pictures . . .

My grandaughter's first word was MICK!!!:rotfl:

Nice pictures, from the Star.


Thanks for the star Andrew. It has been 23 years since I was in Hollywood!!!:scared1:


Thanks Andy!!! Hope all goes well with Angelina at B-a-B.:cheer2:

:goodvibes ..V-man!!!! , any color that can catches the

:blush: to micmse2003...i'm so sorry, it seem, i have more memory
problems, getting your "call-sign" right- then anyone else...:blush:

must be my weakness for the blasted rum!!! :tilt: anyhoot..fyi,
my post # 45983 was directed at you,
* noticed i left off the "er" , like "her possessions"...practicing my
gentleman pirate: skills, & believe me..."i" need the practice..:rolleyes1

hey, :thumbsup2 pics..but i sure hope my lil'miss sugar pie,
dosne't see them'mmmm, :eek: , i can imagined her reactions..
"lookie what they have!!!! finger pointing & then here comes the

[ pssst, there's lisa showing off her lil':angel: again...look at those
darlings, & can you believe they ever fight? ..noticed how
her daughter is soo much like her mother, in all their princess: ways.
..if i was a betting pirate: , me sez...her husband is humming

"cherish"..to himself! by dirt!, i'm going for a family pic...even if
i got to twist a couple boys' arms!

almost forgot...[again]..i wanted to post this yesterday....but i
was tooo :sick:

Now when you see micmse2003 you will know "Who Loves the Mouse in the House.":cheer2:

I hope your sniffles get better.:flower3:

We have that same kettle on our stove!

I do like the B&W theme. Really nice!

I'll have to take some pictures of my Disney room and post them soon. Talk about addicted.

We all have the same disease on this board. It is called Disneyitis!!

I would soooo love to do at least one room "Disney"! Maybe when I get rid of the next Stinky Teen!!

It took me til my baby was 25 to get her out of the house.:cheer2: You still have years to go.:rolleyes1

I enjoyed redoing the kid's rooms last year....DS's is Buzz & space, DD's is the Disney princesses. Our family room is going to have mainly Magical pictures & items we have picked up on the cruises...so that will be my Disney sanctuary.

Yep Lisa,you have the "Disneyitis disease too!!":

My Mickey Room is in the basement in his house. It is also my other computer room and where the wireless network is set up. I have not finished putting things where they belong yet but hope to do it soon. (Hey I've only been here 9 months!


It's also the room where I take computers apart and work on them. You'll see one in the corner in the last photo.

Don't let my DW know I'm showing this because she will be very :mad: at me because it is such a jumble mess ..... but it's my mess!

Brack I love it. :woohoo: I will never tell her.:rolleyes1
We were actually on the 8/25 cruise (technically the week after Invincible opened up....)

It was the Western turned Eastern due to hurricane (the ONE we had last year)

I probably should be open and honest with the group, I have not had the best luck travelling... first family trip to the World was 9/16/01, had to drive instead of fly due to grounding of all planes. I was in Florida for one of the 4 bad hurricanes in 2004 (managed to get last plane out of Tampa - literally - we would have weathered it out, but would have meant missing youngest DS first day of Kindergarten....), 2006 cruise rerouted due to hurricane.... and other minor incidents on other trips (tornados, etc.) My Mother will not travel the same week I do vacations (although if any rooms open up on this trip she wants to come).

Are you sure you don't want to take the May repo??:rotfl:
A quick posting to say hi and to share what I've been up to today.

Went to the Ultimate Fan Event in SF. Tons of people in pirate garb. A few give aways. Saw P1 on the big screen again....awesome to see the one that started it all. Then at the very end, the P3 trailer....that's one EPIC movie...they even showed the trailer twice so we could catch bits that we didn't see the first time around.

And as an added bonus......Marty Klebba was there....we got pics and autographs




Can't wait for MAY 25.

OMGosh!!! That is SOOOOO awesome!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Since I still have a few minutes left until I turn back into a pumpkin....I did want to thank everyone for all the wonderful wishes for my birthday. It makes it so much more special to see all of this...it really means a lot, and I thank you all!!:grouphug:
I love it! It is wonderful to have touch of the mouse in your home.
I have my guest room done in Mickey. When and if we ever get the hardwood installed upstairs, I'll post a pic.

I would love to see it.:banana: I never get to tired of seeing the mouse.:earseek: :mickeyjum

Cheryl not only do I love your decor.............will you please come an clean my house..........pretty please? :lmao:

Do you really think it stays that clean.:rotfl: :laughing:

Glad you had a good time ....it seems they are picking little girls everywhere ...they did the same thing in Chicago ....

And yes , the trailer was great ....soo many things on the trailer ...your all going to love the Movie ....Go to opening night dressed as a Pirate ..I will be ...LOL


I guess that would surprise us of you getting dressed up as a pirate:

First the Bad News: Grumpy's Train House has Closed it's doors.:faint: The lady that we were sub-letting from couldn't come with the rent and decided it would be best for all concerned,to shut the doors. No way could we have come up with the all of the rent money by ourselves. Since we hadn't signed anything yet, we just gave the business back to the man we got it from.

Now for the Good News: I ordered my New :moped: yesterday. It should be here within 2 weeks :yay: :banana: :yay:

The Sad News is sorry to hear your train store closed down. :sad2: The Good News is you will have more time to ride.:cheer2:

I just came across this picture of our GREAT KIDS AKA Stinky Teens during our 8/06 cruise:


MR it took me over 25 years to get rid of my youngest daughter out of the house.:yay: You have a long way to go.:rolleyes1

I am all caught up.:thumbsup2 I had to watch the tips on crusing just in case I did not know something.:eek:
Okay...I'm going to BURST! Now that I'm all packed, I am double-triple excited and ready!! :yay:
You'd think I was going on that TOAL or something!! And it's just Disneyland......holy guacamole...if I'm this excited now, just imagine how bad I will be come August 2008!!!

Glad you had a good time ....it seems they are picking little girls everywhere ...they did the same thing in Chicago ....

And yes , the trailer was great ....soo many things on the trailer ...your all going to love the Movie ....Go to opening night dressed as a Pirate ..I will be ...LOL


We'll be at the midnight showing. My DS wasn't too sure about dressing up for the event today, but did anyway. Once he saw everyone else, he was glad he dressed up. Then when I asked if he would dress up for DL for the red carpet and for the midnight showing on opening day, he said he would. Even if he didn't I would.

Oh and the kids winner at ours was a little 3 or 4 yr old boy.
Loved seeing the Disney rooms. In the slow process of remodeling my bathroom. It will be a Mickey bath when done.

It's been a long evening, I've managed to catch up, but I'm pooped, night all.
Hey Sooz, that sounds a lot like me in "real life" I tend to hide back away from the crowd, I just feel more free writing on the thread, than speaking in person, until I get to know someone, then look out..................
Congrats on post #300 Sooz!!!

Thanks Andy.

I love these dogs!!!

and 59 seconds.


Waiting, its like Snow White, sending all her photos to Kodak to process,

She waited and said.

Someday my prints will come.
:lmao: :lmao:

I love everyone's pictures!!!! Since we are empty nesters with no animals. We do not have recent pictres of grandchildren. I thought I would share a few pictures of my addiction to the "MOUSE!!!!" Hope you all do not mind. I guess you will all know who my favorite character is.:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :lmao:



DH is also talented (unlike me) and made my grandmother clock.:yay:

Wow, I Love It!!!!

ok? the old cpt crash isn't the only one who can ask thee questionss...

does everyone have a favorite? :confused3 , [before chosing, i
had to make sure my lil' miss sugar pie wasn't near this vicinity..
as she possess this one lil fault...of changing into..."a woman
scorn"] ...here's mine ":laundy: "...esp today . my # 2 choice

is: :wizard: ( he looks just like me). my least favorite by far...is

this varmit," :groom: "..he looks a lil'too submissive...:lmao:
My favorites:
:dancer: :hippie: :faint:

How many shirts do you plan on ordering? 3
When would you like to order them? (Now, Christmas, Just in Time) Doesn't matter.
Is it more important that you have them at a certain time, or get the best price? Price
Is eBay / PayPal a problem for you? No problem
Do you prefer 1-sided or 2-sided shirts? Or do you care? 2 sided
Which is more important, the number of sides or price? doesn't matter
Do you want a door magnet? How many? One
Are you interested in other stuff? What? Sure, what you got?!?!? ;)

First the Bad News: Grumpy's Train House has Closed it's doors.:faint: The lady that we were sub-letting from couldn't come with the rent and decided it would be best for all concerned,to shut the doors. No way could we have come up with the all of the rent money by ourselves. Since we hadn't signed anything yet, we just gave the business back to the man we got it from.

I'm very sorry. But at least you got out, before you had a loss.

I'm sure everyone knows about the new Disney dollars that were available starting today at Disneyland.
Pretty Cool. :thumbsup2

Anyway have a very Happy Monday!!!
:wave: Good Morning Crew :wave:

It only took about 40 minutes to be able to sign in this morning, now it's time to go back and see what I missed overnight...................;)
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