DISappearing Peeps meets

I cant do it today - I'm immersed in disney planning :faint:

I've ordered a slipper a cake and a tour for dd bday!! I was upset, I thought we could do the Wild by Design AK tour (I read an old report that it was for kids ten and older - its now 14!! :sad1: she would've so loved that - I think its mainly to "keep the msytery/magic" alive for under 14, but they dont know THIS dd!! She appreciates the magic more with the behind the scene stuff -

so I'm debating on the Family magic tour (which is hokey - and I would love it...) or skipping it... the Family tour is in MK and you go searching clues and end up finding Peter Pan... it sounds fun, but not really informational...

I booked Behind the scenes - which I know we'll like... I just want to do one more magical thing...

any ideas?

Maybe we have enough...

I need to make a list!!

and I have to say every doggone time I make a fancy all adr confirmation listed - I LOSE IT!! arrrg... the last one I put on orange paper so I could find it - all my sloppy copies are in my Passporter - but since I'm trying to "hide" the dates from dd - :rolleyes:

not that I'm obsessing or anything!!
eeyore - I need to cancel my extra ADRs today.
Do you want that Chef Mickey one or not?
Sorry Celery - no, we're good with an adr that night! Thanks for asking, and for making the adr!!
Yes, I'm talking to myself...

however... in my research for dd birthday I came across

for $100 someone will come in and decorate your table!! (and so yes, I thought "I can do that for a lot less the $100!!) but thought I'd share!! A table cloth, and paper plates and napkins, plastic forks, etc, maybe a candle :-)confused3 fire hazard, so I might drop that ) lights... you know the string christmas style ones you can find for any holiday now!!

So thought I'd share!! as I add to my litany of things to add to a packing list I havent started yet!!
Yes, I'm talking to myself...

however... in my research for dd birthday I came across

for $100 someone will come in and decorate your table!! (and so yes, I thought "I can do that for a lot less the $100!!) but thought I'd share!! A table cloth, and paper plates and napkins, plastic forks, etc, maybe a candle :-)confused3 fire hazard, so I might drop that ) lights... you know the string christmas style ones you can find for any holiday now!!

So thought I'd share!! as I add to my litany of things to add to a packing list I havent started yet!!

:lmao: You sound like me. Instead of packing (or making a packing list even) I have been making an autograph book for Amanda. The Mod Podge is drying as I type. I also have a pile of sewing projects to finish thanks to that disney custom design board. I may actually finish it all in time to pack it!
back to square one - DD says we're leaving the 22nd, so now she's back to "I cant do the plane mom"

I was so close - she was getting so excited... I bought her a costume, and I'm altering it... *sigh

how many days?

I have so much to do!!
back to square one - DD says we're leaving the 22nd, so now she's back to "I cant do the plane mom"

I was so close - she was getting so excited... I bought her a costume, and I'm altering it... *sigh

how many days?

I have so much to do!!

I thought you guys got there the 21st? I cant believe she went back to the plane thing!!! She was doing so well. Let her know she has a very excited 4 yr old waiting on her arrival.
She admited that she found a spread sheet with dates 22 - I changed our dates to get better air fare!! :rotfl2:

Trying to find the address to Pop - want to send us some stuff -
I've got a suitcase with misc.crap I've been collecting. I only have 4 pants that fit me, so I have to do laundry on vacation! Oh well! I'll enjoy the Me-time! :rolleyes:

We did our Garden Grocer order so as to have plenty of diet Pepsi and water and other provisions.

NINE more days! YAY!!!! :cheer2:
We leave TOMORROW NIGHT! :cheer2:

Yesterday we did all the food/alcohol/misc shopping, and I began packing my toiletry kit and we got out the luggage... tonight is for serious packing.

Aries I am sorry I never got my itinerary to you, I am such a procrastinator. :guilty:

Dawn, you and Tara are at Kona the same day/time as us (the only overlap actually). We will be with another couple, so I am not sure how much escape I will be allowed, but I will try and find you guys to at least say hello. :yay:
Dawn, you and Tara are at Kona the same day/time as us (the only overlap actually). We will be with another couple, so I am not sure how much escape I will be allowed, but I will try and find you guys to at least say hello. :yay:

cool! so you guys are having breakfast there? because that 8:10 time is for our breakfast at kona, not dinner. just wanted to make sure you didn't think it was dinner! you have my cell, right? if not, let me know and i'll send it to you. if you're having breakfast there, call me and we'll say hello!

:yay: HAVE FUN ON YOUR TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay: i'm sure i'll "talk" to you before then, but just wanted to tell you that in case i don't. and don't stress out about food. ;)
mmmmmm. tonga toast.
too bad I can't have it anymore.

i can't wait! i think i'm going to try to convince erin (my friend that's going with us) that one of us should order tonga toast and the other one should order the big kahuna and we should split everything. what diet? :rolleyes1
Oh!! Our Kona is dinner. :(

Yes, I have your cell, and I think you have mine, if not PM. You can always text me too, my texts are still free for now.

I really have no clue what Sept 20-26 is going to be for us, since we are just following the other couple's lead. I know that I will definitely make the pre-Ohana meet though, even I have to clock someone over the head!
Tonga Toast IS on the diet! I agree, Punkin, split it and the Big Kahuna. You'll still leave enough food on the table to feed 2 more people. :rolleyes:

I just packed my Bagallini. I like the strap in the front where my cell phone is in that special pocket. But we'll see.

NO diapers this time!!!! YESsss! :cutie: I put a cellphone # tag on our stroller and plan on doing that with our camera bag too. I hate searching and we lose something every time.

I'm just wayyyy too excited! This is going to be our BUDGET trip. At least we're going! :wizard:

I'm trying to come up with a list of things to mail down to us - I want it in the mail today...

$75 later (from Wallyworld) and I'm still not sure I have everything!

I bouaght a new noise machine, mine is over ten years old isnt working - Halloween Candy, snacks - cheese, and crackers and nuts, toothpaste, chlorax wipes, costume for dd, Champage for us!

I didnt buy ginger, dramamine, ear planes (wally doesnt carry these items, must now go to Walgreens)

I feel overwhelmed suddenly!
I'm working on my notebook for the car -
maps, confirmations, people's names and numbers (sandy, send me your cell phone. I don't know if I misplaced it or what. Not your cell phone. your cell phone number. ha!)
and trying to pay bills to see how much we have left to spend

oh yeah -
and there's that work thing.
who needs it, right?


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