I know, you're fed up with hearing this

Ahh Podcasters...any show is better than no show. :) Who cares what day really?
I'm ambivalent with anticipation! I was soooo looking forward to this week's podcast today. We're going down in three weeks and wanted to hear all the details of the MVMCP right down to the last drop of cocoa! :surfweb: Also wanted to get the info on the meet. Not sure if we can make it, but would love to meet all of you. You're podcast is great, we especially enjoy the banter and interaction when there is a full cast. Can't quite explain it except there is definitely a higher energy level when you're all together. Keep up the great work!
Even Mongello is behind schedule this week...by two whole days. He is making you look better this week. ;)

I'm sure it will be worth the wait.

BTW, thanks for posting that it will be delayed so I don't waste the whole day pushing the refresh button on Itunes.
um, I have a suggestion... the round table comes out on tuesday, the email show will be comming out on wed. Can we get an MST3k Style comentary track for various of the videos that comes out on thursdays? The videos are great, I mean I get to see stuff that I would otherwise not get to see... but if we could get a behind the scenes comentary track, that would be great... for some of the videos, the story behind them has to be as good as the video itself?

um, I have a suggestion... the round table comes out on tuesday, the email show will be comming out on wed. Can we get an MST3k Style comentary track for various of the videos that comes out on thursdays? The videos are great, I mean I get to see stuff that I would otherwise not get to see... but if we could get a behind the scenes comentary track, that would be great... for some of the videos, the story behind them has to be as good as the video itself?


I am still voting for a televised version of the Podcast. I know Pete said that his studio is too small, but I would love the podcast happening. I will settle for the meet though!


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