TGIF: The College Years

Happy Valentine's Day!

I don't have a valentine, either, but I don't really care this year. Plus I'm going out for dinner and maybe bowling with some friends later.:)
Happy Valentine's Day! I don't have a Valentine, just staying home and catching up on sleep tonight.
i really wish i could enjoy this holiday! it's alright.. my "valentine" came over.. my 3 year old neighbor came over and say "happy vawentimes day wawyn".. that makes it all worth it! and to think if i had a valentine, there is a good chance i would have missed him!

i'm really good at rationalizing things. or at least making them sound good.

happy valentines day yall!
TGIF!!!!! :cool1:

I only have to get through work this afternoon and then I'm finally FREE for the weekend, woo hoo!!!!!! I'm going home for the weekend cuz I have a babysitting job tomorrow night. The rest of the weekend will be spent catching up on school work.......but hey, at least I'm not in class, right?! :thumbsup2

Any big plans for the weekend? :goodvibes
I'm going to the Brad Paisley tour tonight. :cool1: then it's homework all weekend along with catching up on sleep.
I just wanted to post and say how excited I am because I just bought tickets to go see Michael Buble in April. I can't wait!!:cool1: :cool1:
It's happened again, another college school shooting...
At Northern Illinois Univeristy, a student opened fire in a 200-seat lecture hall, killing five and injuring many more, before killing himself.

My prayers go out to the NIU campus/community, and to the families of the victims. :(
It's happened again, another college school shooting...
At Northern Illinois Univeristy, a student opened fire in a 200-seat lecture hall, killing five and injuring many more, before killing himself.

My prayers go out to the NIU campus/community, and to the families of the victims. :(

It's sick. My friends school (St. Johns in Queens) was on lock down a few months ago and this is now the fifth or sixth incident in a year. What the hell is the world coming to for people to have to be afraid to go to school?

It's sick. My friends school (St. Johns in Queens) was on lock down a few months ago and this is now the fifth or sixth incident in a year. What the hell is the world coming to for people to have to be afraid to go to school?


I know, isn't it ridiculous?!?!? I'm so sick of hearing about all these shootings...I really wonder what is wrong with some people.

Anyways...I had my second subbing job this afternoon. I taught (well not even really taught, more like supervised!) 6 gym classes...2 3rd grades, 2 2nd grades, and 2 kindergartens. It was a lot of fun, but now I'm kinda tired! I'll be leaving soon for the Marquette-Pitt basketball game and then it's off to Madison tomorrow for my cousin's wedding.
i just dont understand why school shootings are occuring so commonly all of a sudden... people are just saying that bullying is the source of all of this.. i know bullying is a problem, but its ALWAYS been a problem.. it was a problem 10 years ago too, and shootings like these didnt occur during that time.. the past few years just seem to have exploded with violence for no reason, and that really bothers me -_-.. ahh well...

and this weekend is calc weekend for me lol.. theres a quiz everyday next week in that class >_<
Hell week started today. :)

We had our first Q2Q tech rehearsal today for Streetcar Named Desire. Four and a half hours. YAY. (That's actually REALLY good for the first cue-to-cue tech run). We open on Friday, I'm so exicted!

But hell week means crazy!busy!hectic! so yeah. Not fun for that.
So, I had to watch "Hotel Rwanda" for a class. And I just finished it. Probably not the best decision to watch before bed.

Such a GREAT movie if you haven't seen it already!
Does anyone know any foreign films I could watch? I have to do an analysis for my speech class and i need all the help I can get.
Does anyone know any foreign films I could watch? I have to do an analysis for my speech class and i need all the help I can get.

The Science of Sleep was a GREAT one! It's a French film about a man who analyzes his dreams and it's pretty crazy. It's on HBO a lot and is really, really good... one of my favorites!
pans labyrinth comes to mind lol.. and all of the asian cinema that was remade in recent years (departed, grudge, eye, ring, etc etc)
Ok, random question time...

Has anyone read the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer? I just finished the first one (500 pages in less than 24 hours- I couldn't put it down!) and can't wait to read the rest! It' actually a young adult series, which made me REALLY hesitant to read it, but it's really a great book!

Anyway, from what I've heard/read online, the MOVIE should be coming out around Christmas, while we're in Orlando!!! Hopefully I won't be the only one obsessed with the series and I can find some friends to go see it with when it opens!


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