The Top Three Meet Dis-nee (CMO Contest, Part Three)

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I am going to try and get some sleep. Goodnight all! :cloud9:

Thanks for the fun and speculation..........see you didn't bring us down Josh.........only made our bond stronger! :grouphug:
Okay, 'still not quite logged off, so I thought I'd post [again ;)].

(I was trying to add another link to my siggy [from tonight's event], and I've run into some technical issues. 'Guess I'll wait to fix them tomorrow. TMI, I know... :rolleyes: )

Valid point, tothesea! When you put it that way... :flower3: (I appreciate your aggravation, too, Ann!) 'Guess I've just got a warped sense of humor! :eek: Plus, I never had a chance at winning the contest (since I never even entered), so my emotions aren't quite as raw... (It's probably much easier for me to laugh at these things than it is for the actual contestants. :sad2: )

I do wish that Disney and CB would eventually put people out of their misery, though...

Hey DIS, no need to explain, we completely understand! Really! ::yes:: Just looking at different angles. I'll be very glad if we ever do find out who Josh is--I just can't figure it out! :sad2: But I know he was probably just trying to add some fun and excitement!
Just got an email from Brady at the LA Times pointing me to his article on the Top 3.. it's official!

With nearly 500,000 online ballots cast, the field in the Disney Dream Chief Magic Official (CMO) competition that once numbered 1,300 contestants has been narrowed to the Top 3: David “Blooper Reel” Hawley of California, Justin “Adventurosity” Muchoney of Pennsylvania and Tripp “Radio DJ” West of Georgia.

Online voters cast ballots throughout March for their favorites among the Top 10 finalists. (Watch videos and read profiles of the Dream CMO finalists.)

The Top 3 vote getters travel to Walt Disney World in mid-April for a head-to-head competition that will be videotaped and voted on again by the online public April 17-21.

The reality television-style tests of creativity, enthusiasm and Disney theme park knowledge include:

Stroller mix-up — Match the stroller with the correct accessory bag.

Towel folding — Create a towel animal following a training session.

Noise making — Generate the loudest crowd reaction.

Park information — Offer assistance, directions and tips to visitors.

Face painting — Create a design following a training session.

The overall Dream CMO winner will be crowned in front of Cinderella’s Castle at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom on April 22. The winner serves as a goodwill ambassador at Disney parks in Florida and California.
Gotta say......this isn't even a teeny bit funny to me......kinda cruel actually.

I really am invested in all of this. And I know others are too, as I had two phone calls and three emails. We really care!

Whoever did this, knows the players involved.

Speculating has gotten me in trouble on here before though. Just know I am thinking thinking thinking over here.

Ann, I agree with you 100%. Although I didn't enter myself in the CMO contest, I know there's some out there that have put their heart and soul into it. It was just a cruel, cruel joke. :mad:

*would probably point a finger at Josh*

I was thinking of something with a little sharper point. Maybe something like this ...


Thanks again Madbrad!!

Hey! Where did he go anyway? Did he collapse from exhaustion? ... from excitement? :confused3 ... or is he hunting down "Josh" so that he can "rough him up" for us?! Somehow, I always thought that was HMF's job, but maybe HMF has reformed -- now that he's in the Fleagle's "foster care" program! ;)

Yes, I wanted to be the first one to find him just in case this was a hoax. Had no luck. Someone needs to fix that hole in the fence. That rat just slipped right thru it.

Okay! I really must get to bed! (Goodnight all!)

I guess I'm still sticking with my [second ;) ] original prediction: The real news will come next week (Monday, April 14) at the stroke of midnight!

We'll see...

On a positive note: I know folks have mixed feelings about this "Josh" dude, but he did create a bit of excitement today -- along with NostraDISmous and Madbrad & Cat (with their extraordinarily well executed "special event")! Good times! :teeth: (In fact, much like old times... :thumbsup2 )

We went from page 16 of this thread (when Cat first appeared to drop hints about this evening's festivities) to page 51 in one day! :eek: The thread was introduced less than 48 hours ago!

That's just nuts, "ya'll"! ;)

Anyway ... I'm now off my soapbox and preparing to log off for the night!

DISgeeksfromDC, I wasn't meaning to create the kind of excitement that Josh did. I just wanted to have a little fun. Cat really did most of the work. I just came up with the idea. She did all the art work herself. Isn't she talented!! I'm going with Monday, April 14th at 1200 am as well. Wasn't someone keeping up with this?

I still say it was GMT+8.....

So that would be ... lets see... where's that clock? Hey 3g&g, does this help?

tothesea, DISgeeksfromDC ... have you seen the news? Darn, the post was made after everyone has called it a night. :headache:
This is sooo killing me!!!! Is there anyone else still out there? kennythepirate, can we take this piece of news as being the real thing? I see your green light is still on!
tothesea, DISgeeksfromDC ... have you seen the news? Darn, the post was made after everyone has called it a night. :headache:

Yes, not sure quite what to think!
Congrats to Justin, Tripp, and David!
Mr. Autopia, still wish you and others would have had a chance too! :goodvibes

must have been the same email Kenny was chirping about???
Just got an email from Brady at the LA Times pointing me to his article on the Top 3.. it's official!

Ooooh! 'So glad I stuck around. (Of course, now my credibility -- about really leaving this time ;) -- is entirely shot!) Oh, and I reiterate how good it is that I'm not the gambling type... :rolleyes:

Okay: Two of the three contestants -- Justin and Tripp -- come as no surprise! :-)cheer2: Yay, DISers! :cheer2: ) I'm wondering, though, where the third contestant -- David H. -- garnered his support, 'cuz it certainly wasn't from here! Or, did he make a brief appearance during the Great DISbate?!? If I recall correctly, he did, but it was a "blink-or-you'll-miss-it" cameo.

I have to say: I'm really surprised Amy Kate! ('Not quite the "news" I was expecting or hoping to hear... :sad2: ) And, Meggin, I was convinced the third contestant could be you, too! :sad:

I wonder why Disney and CB haven't officially updated the dreamcmo site? :confused3 Is that reserved for April 14?

Anyway, congratulations to all! And, to those DISers who didn't progress, we share your disappointment!

Edited to Add: I hope I haven't just offended anyone with my candid remarks... I'm happy for David H.; he had an incredible video. I guess I just hoped that the Top Three would be people we "know." And, I truly expected them all to come from the DISboards! ... Myopic thinking, I guess! :rolleyes:
This is sooo killing me!!!! Is there anyone else still out there? kennythepirate, can we take this piece of news as being the real thing? I see your green light is still on!

The news is real. Disney issued a press release.
Just before i shut down thought I would check in.
Holy C*%P!!!
If this is true congrats David H, Justin and Tripp!!
Should we email Tripp?
He did say his Blackberry would vibrate??

:confused3 :confused3
I'm sure all three already know, as they likely have had to sign another round of papers and send them in. I've emailed all of them with a congratulatory note as well. :)

I'm off to bed... can't wait to see the explosion of discussion in the morning!
I hope everyone has had fun tonight. I would like to thank Catotigger for all her hard work. I couldn’t have done this without you. It truly is an honor to be part of such a special group of people. I hope everyone feels like they now fit in here at the DISnee Dream CMO Resort. In closing, I would like to remind everyone how this thread and thus this family got started. We all met here in the pursuit of our dreams, no matter how big or small. As Walt Disney once said, “All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.” We must never give up! And remember “that it was all started by a mouse.”

Now … we must all sit and wait to see if there’s any truth to what CMO CONTEST INSIDER – Josh had predicted.

Thank you and good night!
This was so much fun.... even though I had a TON of catching up to do. Way to go madbrad and cato!!!! Wheeeeee!!!!
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