What will you play next?

Sad to say but I bet alot of kids see/hear worse in their own schools :worried:

I'm trying VFK, Furcadia (think I spelled it right?) yeah we have to be an animal there but we can build our own world there and you can "boot" those out of yours that don't follow what you set as your values.

I will check out some of these others though, thanks!

furcadia? do tell @_@
I'm just mad that the girls don't have a choice of red hair, but that's ok. I was hidden behind SeeLow in that picture, but the cool thing is you can rotate the camera angles.

My version of the dance looked quite different. :teeth:

And the dance moves are quite silly. There's a "clap" feature that makes you look like a trained seal, and a "sitdown" feature that I actually wish we had in VMK.

I didn't think I'd join another game so soon, but the description of this one intrigued me. I did my first "mission". You get one mission per day. I covered some guy with an excuse to miss a date with his girlfriend. She doesn't like me, but the guy owes me one for trying to cover for him. :laughing:

And did I mention that you start the game IN JAIL? That was interesting. LOL!
Sorry but omg!! Tricks you look hysterical doing that little dance.
Like my dance, eh? I call it "the Elaine." But you should really see my running skills. They are spaztastic! See and I run like Phoebe from Friends.

Oh and uh, Cruise? Play your cards right and I'll dance a jig for you over at Potco. I get "jiggy" wid it. :thumbsup2
I think he migrated over from VFK with that hair and body :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Jealous!! :snooty:
Oh, he's got mad dancing skills! :cool1: How do you think he pays for his apartment rent over there? ::yes::
I got dance for days!

Ricks (who puts the phat in TransPhat) :cool1:
I tried that socia town thing and was highly disappointed. I had not been in the game 15 minutes and had made my way to the appartment guy or my sponser what ever he is called when a guy followed me and started talking. he was saying how sexy i was and i needed to go on a date with him. blah blah blah. I just wanted to go in and check out the game not get accosted right off the bat. I could not get rid of this guy he followed me everywhere. so I left the game and have not been back
I tried that socia town thing and was highly disappointed. I had not been in the game 15 minutes and had made my way to the appartment guy or my sponser what ever he is called when a guy followed me and started talking. he was saying how sexy i was and i needed to go on a date with him. blah blah blah. I just wanted to go in and check out the game not get accosted right off the bat. I could not get rid of this guy he followed me everywhere. so I left the game and have not been back

There is a report feature. And yesterday, I got to see someone actually use it! Surprisingly enough, help came "in person" to discuss the issue with the inappropriate mail message.

I don't think this game is moderated enough. The game designer said it was meant for ages 13+, but I saw many people telling their ages, and one boy sent me his email address. We voiced concerns about that.
I'm trying VFK, Furcadia (think I spelled it right?) yeah we have to be an animal there but we can build our own world there and you can "boot" those out of yours that don't follow what you set as your values.

I will check out some of these others though, thanks!

Ah the wonderful Boot button that many VMK players came to love (and some abused).

There is a report feature. And yesterday, I got to see someone actually use it! Surprisingly enough, help came "in person" to discuss the issue with the inappropriate mail message.

Another great feature from VMK (when not abused)

They both were feature that were a great help when used correctly and would really love to see them in other games
I tried that socia town thing and was highly disappointed. I had not been in the game 15 minutes and had made my way to the appartment guy or my sponser what ever he is called when a guy followed me and started talking. he was saying how sexy i was and i needed to go on a date with him. blah blah blah. I just wanted to go in and check out the game not get accosted right off the bat. I could not get rid of this guy he followed me everywhere. so I left the game and have not been back

Delicious- I am so sorry! I thought I may have seen you breeze thur last night:confused3 Sorry for your bad expierience, do keep in mind that you did get the occassional knucklehead on vmk too. AND nothing will ever replace what we had there.
I hope to see you somewhere soon friend!

Rickscafe- I don't think we met on sociotown yet ... but this line just killed me! Ricks (who puts the phat in TransPhat)
I tried that socia town thing and was highly disappointed. I had not been in the game 15 minutes and had made my way to the appartment guy or my sponser what ever he is called when a guy followed me and started talking. he was saying how sexy i was and i needed to go on a date with him. blah blah blah. I just wanted to go in and check out the game not get accosted right off the bat. I could not get rid of this guy he followed me everywhere. so I left the game and have not been back

They really need a way to prevent people from following you around or an ignore button so you can block out inappropirate chat if necessary. Also, once someone talks to you or listens to you talk for a minute or so, they automatically join you inner circle of friends giving them the ability to send you mail. I wish there was a way to boot people out of your inner circle of friends who you don't want there.

It was nice to meet the game developer and have him inquire about our likes and dislikes of the game. He told us to make sure we voiced our concerns through a feature on the homepage.

All and all, we just enjoyed hanging out with each other.

Oh, and btw, I wasn't blocking Briar in that picture, she's actually only behind me because she was stalking me...as usual. :)
Delicious- I am so sorry! I thought I may have seen you breeze thur last night:confused3 Sorry for your bad expierience, do keep in mind that you did get the occassional knucklehead on vmk too. AND nothing will ever replace what we had there.
I hope to see you somewhere soon friend!

Rickscafe- I don't think we met on sociotown yet ... but this line just killed me!
Ricks (who puts the phat in TransPhat)

Like my dance, eh? I call it "the Elaine." But you should really see my running skills. They are spaztastic! See and I run like Phoebe from Friends.

Oh and uh, Cruise? Play your cards right and I'll dance a jig for you over at Potco. I get "jiggy" wid it. :thumbsup2 Jealous!! :snooty: I got dance for days!

Ricks (who puts the phat in TransPhat) :cool1:

Gee thanks Mr. I'mTooTiredToPlayTonightSeeYouTomorrowCita, show up after I go to bed will ya?
:hippie: Mamacita
the gamer part of me is starting to get bored, I think I found the answer to the social aspect at least.. now to find a game

Is anyone playing any of the igg games? they look interesting to me, but the newbie guides seem to be out of date and confusing.
furcadia? do tell @_@

For those that want info (not sure your do tell was more info wanted or the "what are you doing there kind of do tell" hehe

Basically a role playing site I believe and certain parts/areas are definitely NOT for children. You can set a "standard" to not enter certain areas I believe but I've not experiemented with this feature. No, I don't do the role playing there either...I would not let children wander around there with free reign.

I'm there basically to meet with a few of my friends and to build "dreams or rooms." It may not be for everyone, you need to start from scratch...you add everything...floors, walls, items; and takes a little to learn but is still somewhat easy (I can build there but can't figure how to post pic here - go figure) :rotfl2:

It is completely different from VMK or VFK, but I enjoy the part to build and some of those I've seen from others. Let me just say again, it is different and NOT for children to wander in. pm me if anyone has questions.
It seems like we are all a little lost right now. I know I am. I have looked at several other games and none of them seem to be a good fit. :(

Edit: I just looked at the igg games. They are free and have 24/7 live online chat support. The games are recommended for 16 years and up. I told them my daughter is 12 and they said that she may need some assistance with understanding the game. I doubt that! She usually runs circles around me. We will check it out and let you know.

Edit again: We downloaded Wonderland from igg. As I predicted, my 12 year old was able to figure out what to do before I did. Her review: It's a fighting game and it's lame. So I guess we keep looking.
I am so disheartened in my search for something fun to play, it seems that I have looked at everthing and nothing fits the bill. Bearville is probably closest to a VMK style, but the games are more suited to younger players. Do the games get any better if you buy a bear?

Guess I will head back to my Webkinz, because at least the games are interesting, and making recipes amuses me also. I take no joy in being a pet though. I miss my little Lady, with her pretty Dreams ears :sad:
I am so disheartened in my search for something fun to play, it seems that I have looked at everthing and nothing fits the bill. Bearville is probably closest to a VMK style, but the games are more suited to younger players. Do the games get any better if you buy a bear?

Guess I will head back to my Webkinz, because at least the games are interesting, and making recipes amuses me also. I take no joy in being a pet though. I miss my little Lady, with her pretty Dreams ears :sad:

:hug: Don't worry! There are plenty of games out there. We all just need to keep searching! :goodvibes
I have created a room on sociotown.com. But before i tell you where the room is in game, let me say that while the game has a report button and an ignore button the chat is completely open. So I suggest that small children are either not allowed to go on the site or are supervised while there. Most of the older younglings know better I am worried about the small kids that may read this. Peeps do not and I mean DO NOT for any reason give out any info about yourself outside what you could say in VMK. Stay safe and be smart.

I made this room for a private place for us to hang out while we figure out what we are going to do next. And it allows for some privacy in the company of friends making it a tad bit safer for the kids.

Ok once you create a character there and get out of jail ... LOL, click on the map button. and now you want to go to the most south west corner of the town. My room is in the apartment building called Evan's Cove. It is on the second floor and my title is Hyperion. You can just go right in, and if you run into some good friends then so much the better.

Hugs you guys see you around.


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