Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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YAY!!! Another good guy. Heaven knows we need them.

That is what my DH wants to be, but I'm just too afraid for him to let him do it. His Grandma is on my side too. We keep telling him to be a mailman. His grandpa was a mailman and so was mine. We think that he would be good at that.
I know what you mean!! Henry has wanted to do this since we got married, 14 years ago. He started going to school for it then, but I just couldn't handle it, so he dropped out. I finally decided that I have to let the guy do what he wants to. I am SOOO worried. But, he'll be working in the little village we live in, not a big city.


Congrats to your hubby! That's awesome! I LOVE the pic of Tessa and her Daddy!
My dad's family have lots of law enforcers too! My Grandpa was a Los Angeles county Sherriff FOREVER (like during the 40's and 50's until he retired in the 80's...he's got the BEST stories about Hollywood...) and my Aunt and her husband are also police officers (in FL...)...

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
How cool!

Luke got very silly when he saw these pictures. I'm not sure if he was excited or scared :scared1: That pic in the vest is definitely one to show any boys who want to date Tessa!

Luke says tell Tessa this letter: "I love her and I live at Utah" :lovestruc
That boy does my heart good! Tessa said to tell him "I love him, too." She's been wanting me to type that for a while, but I wouldn't do it. :rotfl2:
I showed Armind the pictures this morning, and when she saw the one with the drums, she bestowed upon Jacob her HIGHEST honor!!! "AWWWW, he looks like Sawyer!"

Aw, that is so sweet! He does look like Sawyer in that picture!

I'll bet Megan would be a FANTASTIC cheerleader!! It really is a wonderful sport. The time requirements can be a lot, but it's a great sport to start young and it teaches kids a lot about commitment and discipline!!! I started when I was just three. I cheered all the way through college and got a job after college with NCA. I coach two squads now and I love it!! :cheer2:

Jacob truly was a gorgeous little boy. I don't think he looked like a girl at all! Darling little cherub, but in a very masculine way!

what was that word you used...scanner? Don't believe I've heard of that...I know I don't have one!

KEENS ROCK!! You won't be sorry. I got a pair for Teddy after he beat his crocs to death last summer. They were the best investment. Incredibly durable. They can be worn for any activity. They can get wet with no problem and dry in a flash. They are acceptable for camp wear (at Teddy's camp they were!) and they have a supportive foot bed which is actually really important for growing bodies! Teddy loves his. I got a pair for Jay before Disney last year and even though he was massively resistant at first, he wore them every day and was really happy with them. He brought them out this weekend b/c it was pretty spicy round these parts! I ALSO got a pair for Sally. She isn't overfond of the "look" but she wore them on hikes and such.

1) I have to respectfully disagree about the cheerleading thing. This is the sort of kid who skips around the soccer field holding hands with the other girls while the coach emphatically urges them to stop playing and maybe kick the ball once in a while and then decides to score four goals in the second half. Disciplined is not the word I would describe Megan and those cheerleading girls look way disciplined. I am afraid she will be a disaster but since she wants to do it we will try; she will be a cute disaster I am sure!

2) Thank you! He was such a sweet baby. Actually, still is. He got an award from his teacher yesterday for being the most thoughtful and sensitive to others. I almost cried!

3) LOL about the scanner. Just busting your chops!

4) Thanks! DH was not happy about me spending so much on shoes but I am going through about two pairs a month for both of them and I want something to last the summer. Is that so much to ask, lol. DH has them for fishing and loves them too.


Sweet Parker! Love the pillowcase dress.

Aww...Megan looks so cute! Why didn't she bust a move for us when we met her?

Jacob looks absolutely adorable!!

1) *very quietly* she really can't dance, just like her mother she doesn't have any rhythm. But doesn't she look cute!

2) Thank you!

3) I am behind, but did you post Henry in uniform? I am sure all the ladies will swoon when you do!

I like it with the black bow. Very cute!

These are awesome! Will you make some for us when we get to go again?

What a beautiful quilt! I love the patchwork feel to it.

Cute! Your daughter is gorgeous.

Love your perm! The dresses are so cute, as is your daughter. I love the stripwork one but they are all adorable!

Stephanie, that is wonderful for a first skirt! Your daughter is so cute twirling around, you can tell she loves it too.

I can tell they were made with love, Isabelle will adore them for sure. I love the flower barrettes: great idea!

I definitely do velcro for all doll clothes: snaps and buttons are just too hard. I think it looks cute and I bet the bigger one will be easier. Just make sure everything is pressed nicely before you pin and you'll do great!

So cute! You did a great job on all of them. I was thinking that it was neat to see a bigger girl in a Little Einsteins dress and then I realized your daughter and mine are the same age! Megan loves Little Einsteins and all the playhouse disney shows still. I shudder thinking of when she will want to watch Spongebob instead of Mickey!

I think it looks great! I hope you will post a picture of you wearing it.

Your bows are awesome! I especially love the little lion ones.
Just wanted to stop by and say howdy y'all!! We had a "situation" at work yesterday and I was pulled from all forms of communication for hours on end. It was one of those "this did NOT just happen" kind of things...


it did.


i think we got it sorted...but now I've got 84,000 pieces of paper I need to sign and organize. *sniffle*


anyhow...LOVE LOVE LOVE all the bows and bracelets and headbands and outfits for the Big Give! Y'all make me SO proud and I've been talking about y'all non stop at work! Everyone is really impressed. The principal even mentioned it during a staff meeting! :cool1:

As promised, here are some pictures from Henry's graduation. My camera is driving me crazy, it keeps switching settings for no reason. So, most of the pictures turned out grainy or blurry- GRRR!!! I'm hoping someone else got some good ones.

I'm glad he got the dark blue uniform instead of the brown! The class started out with 23 people, but only 9 graduated. So, I'm extra proud! They also said that no one got lower than a 90% on the written test, which is the first time that's ever happened. It was a HARD test (I helped Henry study for it), too. During the ceremony, one of the reserves said that Henry was the guy he wanted to be next to in a difficult situation because he always keeps his cool.


Tessa was so proud of him, she yelled "YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY!!!" when he went up to get his badge. :rotfl:

Here's the one that Teresa's SIL liked, even though she tends to like girls:

Henry's Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Great-Great Grandpa were all police officers. ::cop: So, I'd say it runs in the family! His dad tends to be on the "other" side of the law. ;)

He is now a reserve police officer, which is a volunteer, part-time police officer. So, be nice to cops, some of them aren't even getting paid (we've spent a LOT of money for equipment, too)!!

okay seriously...seeing these pictures elicited my "Souther Belle" response...

"Why SIR...I do declare...if I was ever in need of rescuing I'd know just who to call..."


goodness gracious HeatherSue, in Texas your husband would be considered "A Tall Drink of Water"...

The picture of Henry with Tessa is just the most darling thing I've ever seen! She looks SO proud!!

Congrats Henry! Michigan's Finest is now finer still!::cop: :thumbsup2
Wow! Everyone has been busy! Love it all! We had the Fancy Nancy party on Sunday and it was a blast, but soooooo exhausting! I just have a couple of buttons to sew onto my big give outfit and that will be done. Still need bows or something, though. I'm really hoping to post pics tomorrow!

So glad Ella had a great time at the party, what a great idea. Can't wait to see your pictures of the big give outfit.

Well totally OT but:

Well Princess A just left. I guess I need to update my siggy now. We are taking down the crib and packing up all baby stuff tonight. We have a prospect of a kinship placement on the horizon but I cannot sit and look at it all until then. They were supposed to come get her at 11 ... they changed thier minds yesterday and decided to come at 9 this morning. It was really hard, but i lived through it. Something I honestly was not sure as of last night I would be able to do. We knew she was leaving and at least that is not looming over me. But wow my house is so quiet with just four. Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you will continue to pray for her. I think this child is destined for great things. She has already touched so many lives.

It's so strong of you to give her back. :hug:

My goodness, is he handsome! Tessa looks so proud of her Daddy!
I am just lurking and looking at all the wonderful things you girls make.

I just had to say GO RED WINGS!!!! We are going into 3OT!! I have a final in the morning and I should be sleeping. My poor kids have no school, but have to get up and go somewhere because I do @@
I should have stayed up!!! See what happens when I stop watching and go to bed!!!

Okay ladies I know you all will know the answer. I bought the girls some flip flops, I really wanted to add ribbon to them to make the look custom. Is there a link to a site that helps to break it down?
There are some links in the bookmarks under shoes and socks.

I finished some of the bows for the BIG GIVE!

These are the bows to match HeatherSue's outfit.

These bows are to match the Giselle outfit that I made.

And I made a Tinkerbell headband to match the outfit that kstgelais4 made.


I still have several to make for other outfits.
So cute!!! I love the Lion King ones, and the Giselle ones!!! This is so wonderful for you to do Crystal!

I knew you'd like that!
Well totally OT but:

Well Princess A just left. I guess I need to update my siggy now. We are taking down the crib and packing up all baby stuff tonight. We have a prospect of a kinship placement on the horizon but I cannot sit and look at it all until then. They were supposed to come get her at 11 ... they changed thier minds yesterday and decided to come at 9 this morning. It was really hard, but i lived through it. Something I honestly was not sure as of last night I would be able to do. We knew she was leaving and at least that is not looming over me. But wow my house is so quiet with just four. Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you will continue to pray for her. I think this child is destined for great things. She has already touched so many lives.
The fact that this is so hard to you speaks volumes about what a wonderful parent you are! :hug: You were just what this little girl needed you gave her more than just care, you gave her love. That will make such a difference in her life. :hug:
As promised, here are some pictures from Henry's graduation. My camera is driving me crazy, it keeps switching settings for no reason. So, most of the pictures turned out grainy or blurry- GRRR!!! I'm hoping someone else got some good ones.

I'm glad he got the dark blue uniform instead of the brown! The class started out with 23 people, but only 9 graduated. So, I'm extra proud! They also said that no one got lower than a 90% on the written test, which is the first time that's ever happened. It was a HARD test (I helped Henry study for it), too. During the ceremony, one of the reserves said that Henry was the guy he wanted to be next to in a difficult situation because he always keeps his cool.


Tessa was so proud of him, she yelled "YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY!!!" when he went up to get his badge. :rotfl:

Here's the one that Teresa's SIL liked, even though she tends to like girls:

Henry's Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Great-Great Grandpa were all police officers. ::cop: So, I'd say it runs in the family! His dad tends to be on the "other" side of the law. ;)

He is now a reserve police officer, which is a volunteer, part-time police officer. So, be nice to cops, some of them aren't even getting paid (we've spent a LOT of money for equipment, too)!!

I'm so stinkin' proud of him!!!! I can't even tell you! Henry has overcome so much in his life to turn into the wonderful man he is today. So many people with hard childhoods use it as an excuse to do nothing with their lives, but look at Henry!!! A police officer! I'm crying, of course! :hug:
So cute! You did a great job on all of them. I was thinking that it was neat to see a bigger girl in a Little Einsteins dress and then I realized your daughter and mine are the same age! Megan loves Little Einsteins and all the playhouse disney shows still. I shudder thinking of when she will want to watch Spongebob instead of Mickey!
I was thinking she was older too! She's such a pretty girl!

Sawyer LOVES Spongebob! Corey was flipping through the chanels at my Mom's the other day, and he went right past SPONGEBOB!!! Poor Sawyer let out such a pitiful Spoooongebobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.............. sounded like he was losing his best friend, so we let him watch it!
YAY!!! Another good guy. Heaven knows we need them.

That is what my DH wants to be, but I'm just too afraid for him to let him do it. His Grandma is on my side too. We keep telling him to be a mailman. His grandpa was a mailman and so was mine. We think that he would be good at that.

So funny you say be a mailman instead of a cop! Because a few yrs ago I had that talk with my DH. He really wanted to be a cop but I convinced him to be a mail man. He liked it for awhile but now he is a computer guy. I think he still regrets not being a cop!

Congrats to the new police officer! YEAH! I have a few great uncles that were cops in NJ
I finished some of the bows for the BIG GIVE!

These are the bows to match HeatherSue's outfit.

These bows are to match the Giselle outfit that I made.

And I made a Tinkerbell headband to match the outfit that kstgelais4 made.


I still have several to make for other outfits.
Those are so cute!!!
Well totally OT but:

Well Princess A just left. I guess I need to update my siggy now. We are taking down the crib and packing up all baby stuff tonight. We have a prospect of a kinship placement on the horizon but I cannot sit and look at it all until then. They were supposed to come get her at 11 ... they changed thier minds yesterday and decided to come at 9 this morning. It was really hard, but i lived through it. Something I honestly was not sure as of last night I would be able to do. We knew she was leaving and at least that is not looming over me. But wow my house is so quiet with just four. Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you will continue to pray for her. I think this child is destined for great things. She has already touched so many lives.
As promised, here are some pictures from Henry's graduation. My camera is driving me crazy, it keeps switching settings for no reason. So, most of the pictures turned out grainy or blurry- GRRR!!! I'm hoping someone else got some good ones.

I'm glad he got the dark blue uniform instead of the brown! The class started out with 23 people, but only 9 graduated. So, I'm extra proud! They also said that no one got lower than a 90% on the written test, which is the first time that's ever happened. It was a HARD test (I helped Henry study for it), too. During the ceremony, one of the reserves said that Henry was the guy he wanted to be next to in a difficult situation because he always keeps his cool.

Tessa was so proud of him, she yelled "YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY!!!" when he went up to get his badge. :rotfl:

Here's the one that Teresa's SIL liked, even though she tends to like girls:

Henry's Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Great-Great Grandpa were all police officers. ::cop: So, I'd say it runs in the family! His dad tends to be on the "other" side of the law. ;)

He is now a reserve police officer, which is a volunteer, part-time police officer. So, be nice to cops, some of them aren't even getting paid (we've spent a LOT of money for equipment, too)!!

I have to agree your dh looks extra handsome in his uniform!! Tessa looks very proud!!! Hopefully he won't see too much action!! That would make me anxious too!!
okay seriously...seeing these pictures elicited my "Souther Belle" response...

"Why SIR...I do declare...if I was ever in need of rescuing I'd know just who to call..."


goodness gracious HeatherSue, in Texas your husband would be considered "A Tall Drink of Water"...

The picture of Henry with Tessa is just the most darling thing I've ever seen! She looks SO proud!!

Congrats Henry! Michigan's Finest is now finer still!::cop: :thumbsup2

I'm sorry you had a rough day! :hug:

As far as Henry is concerned, I predict a sudden dramatic increase in traffic violations by women whenever he is on duty! :rotfl:
Well totally OT but:

Well Princess A just left. I guess I need to update my siggy now. We are taking down the crib and packing up all baby stuff tonight. We have a prospect of a kinship placement on the horizon but I cannot sit and look at it all until then. They were supposed to come get her at 11 ... they changed thier minds yesterday and decided to come at 9 this morning. It was really hard, but i lived through it. Something I honestly was not sure as of last night I would be able to do. We knew she was leaving and at least that is not looming over me. But wow my house is so quiet with just four. Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you will continue to pray for her. I think this child is destined for great things. She has already touched so many lives.

So sorry, Callie! I can't even imagine how tough it must be. If you wanna go have lunch, get a pedi, get a latte, ANYTHING to get away and get your mind off things, let me know! Big hugs to you, my friend!

As promised, here are some pictures from Henry's graduation. My camera is driving me crazy, it keeps switching settings for no reason. So, most of the pictures turned out grainy or blurry- GRRR!!! I'm hoping someone else got some good ones.

I'm glad he got the dark blue uniform instead of the brown! The class started out with 23 people, but only 9 graduated. So, I'm extra proud! They also said that no one got lower than a 90% on the written test, which is the first time that's ever happened. It was a HARD test (I helped Henry study for it), too. During the ceremony, one of the reserves said that Henry was the guy he wanted to be next to in a difficult situation because he always keeps his cool.


Tessa was so proud of him, she yelled "YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY!!!" when he went up to get his badge. :rotfl:

Here's the one that Teresa's SIL liked, even though she tends to like girls:

Henry's Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Great-Great Grandpa were all police officers. ::cop: So, I'd say it runs in the family! His dad tends to be on the "other" side of the law. ;)

He is now a reserve police officer, which is a volunteer, part-time police officer. So, be nice to cops, some of them aren't even getting paid (we've spent a LOT of money for equipment, too)!!

Yep, I'd be proud to have him help me if I were in need. Congrats!
So funny you say be a mailman instead of a cop! Because a few yrs ago I had that talk with my DH. He really wanted to be a cop but I convinced him to be a mail man. He liked it for awhile but now he is a computer guy. I think he still regrets not being a cop!

Congrats to the new police officer! YEAH! I have a few great uncles that were cops in NJ
DH is already a computer guy just without a computer job. :lmao: He wants to go to school and finish learning all about computers.
I'm so excited to post my FIRST skirt! It's for my 4 year old DD and it's a pirate twirl skirt:




Thanks so much for letting me share!


HOORAY Stephanie... a first skirt ANYone would be proud of!! I LOVE it!

CONGRATULATIONS to our Henry!:thumbsup2

Many :hug: for our dear MsMckenna and her family

Mad props :banana: :banana: :banana: to Jen, Jeanne, Linette and all the other Big Givers out there. And to Amy who is,now, a sewing FOOL!

Yay for new sewing machines!!!!

I have to go deal with a never ending ANT problem :furious: and go try to do some sewing.

OH, you know I couldn't leave that easily right...Yesterday, after battling the ants once again, I decided to clean out my car. Now my car, God love it, is 12 years old. It is falling apart. There is very little wrong w/ it mechanically but the seats are tearing and the headliners falling down and the carpet is practically gone! But it is paid for and it's mine and it was the first new car I ever bought , when I was in the stationed in GE and I have sentimental attachment to it. We have been planning on getting a new car for almost 2 years. Most of you know about the struggles we went through the last two years w/ my family's business but suffice it to say we were unable to do so. Once again we have plans to buy a new car. Our goal is to do so in late august/early september. BUT I got a hair up my skirt to buy seat covers, a steering wheel cover and some floor mats. I then went to the carwash, had it washed and vacuumed. went home put on the seat and steering wheel covers, put down the floor mats and armorall the dash and console etc... It felt REALLY good to be in car and it hadn't for a long time. I always felt a bit embarrassed to be seen in it. But now it felt practically brand new (to me at least, Mac said "okay, but you are LYING to yourself"...he might not live to see 10-which is sad cause it's only 17 days away!!) So last night we're in the nice re-furbished car w/ the windows down, we cruise out to the boat docks to watch the sun set on the Gulf. The weathers nice, no bugs -which doesn't happen often in FL. It was nice family time. Driving back home a coyote runs full speed into the side of my car and keeps running. Brandon saw it running toward us and SCREAMED at me but I had a (rather large) truck on my tail (I drive a honda civic 2 door) and full on traffic coming toward us so there was little I could do. It hit my car spun around and kept on running (FULL SPEED) across the other lane of traffic and into the woods. I was so freaked out. And now my car that I spent so much time on is crunched!!! The whole front quarter panel is crushed in and my driver side door doesn't open all the way....JUST MY LUCK!!!:headache:

HOORAY Stephanie... a first skirt ANYone would be proud of!! I LOVE it!

CONGRATULATIONS to our Henry!:thumbsup2

Many :hug: for our dear MsMckenna and her family

Mad props :banana: :banana: :banana: to Jen, Jeanne, Linette and all the other Big Givers out there. And to Amy who is,now, a sewing FOOL!

Yay for new sewing machines!!!!

I have to go deal with a never ending ANT problem :furious: and go try to do some sewing.

OH, you know I couldn't leave that easily right...Yesterday, after battling the ants once again, I decided to clean out my car. Now my car, God love it, is 12 years old. It is falling apart. There is very little w/ it mechanically but the seats are tearing and the headliners falling down and the carpet is practically gone! But it is paid for and it's mine and it was the first new car I ever bought , when I was in the stationed in GE and I have sentimental attachment to it. We have been planning on getting a new car for almost 2 years. Most of you know about the struggles we went through the last two years w/ my family's business but suffice it to say we were unable to do so. Once again we have plans to buy a new car. Our goal is to do so in late august/early september. BUT I got a hair up my skirt to buy seat covers, a steering wheel cover and some floor mats. I then went to the carwash, had it washed and vacuumed. went home put on the seat and steering wheel covers, put down the floor mats and armorall the dash and console etc... It felt REALLY good to be in car and it hadn't for a long time. I always felt a bit embarrassed to be seen in it. But now it felt practically brand new (to me at least, Mac said "okay, but you are LYING to yourself"...he might not live to see 10-which is sad cause it's only 17 days away!!) So last night we're in the nice re-furbished car w/ the windows down, we cruise out to the boat docks to watch the sun set on the Gulf. The weathers nice, no bugs -which doesn't happen often in FL. It was nice family time. Driving back home a coyote runs full speed into the side of my car and keeps running. Brandon saw it running toward us and SCREAMED at me but I had a (rather large) truck on my tail (I drive a honda civic 2 door) and full on traffic coming toward us so there was little I could do. It hit my car spun around and kept on running (FULL SPEED) across the other lane of traffic and into the woods. I was so freaked out. And now my car that I spent so much time on is crunched!!! The whole front quarter panel is crushed in and my driver side door doesn't open all the way....JUST MY LUCK!!!:headache:

:hug: That's not good. Will insurance cover the repairs since it wasn't your fault? DH ran over something while driving to work which broke something in the suspension. The cost of the repairs was $1000. We did not have that much money. His insurance covered the repairs and the cost of the rental car that we had to have since it was a driving accident.
I am still waiting to hear back from the ins. agency. But I am thinking NOT. The car is old and we have the bare minimum coverage. So, no collision which I guess is what they consider an animal running into your car. Of course the girl that handles our policy is out on vacation and I had to talk to someone else who had NO personality at all who kept insisting on knowing what kind of animal it was. I'm all "it was dark and it was running and maybe a coyote" was it a deer? "it definitely wasn't a deer" WHAT DOES IT MATTER?!?!?!? GRRR. anyway, she didn't have an answer.
OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The setup:

The flowers:

The whole ensemble - including shoes and jewelry:

The cake (I had major frosting issues, so it's not as cute as it should have been):

The doll:

And just because - Ella rockin' out with her new Hanna Tanna (as she calls her) guitar :rockband:



Big give pics are downloading as I type, so I'll be back in a few minutes with pics!
OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The setup:

The flowers:

The whole ensemble - including shoes and jewelry:

The cake (I had major frosting issues, so it's not as cute as it should have been):

The doll:

And just because - Ella rockin' out with her new Hanna Tanna (as she calls her) guitar :rockband:



Big give pics are downloading as I type, so I'll be back in a few minutes with pics!

Oh my goodness how adorable!!!! I think the cake looks great!!! And Ella is cute as a bug!!! What a doll!!!!! It looks like she was having so much fun!!
OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The setup:

The flowers:

The whole ensemble - including shoes and jewelry:

The cake (I had major frosting issues, so it's not as cute as it should have been):

The doll:

And just because - Ella rockin' out with her new Hanna Tanna (as she calls her) guitar :rockband:



Big give pics are downloading as I type, so I'll be back in a few minutes with pics!

I just could NOT stop smiling!! She will only have to look back at these pictures to see just how much her mommy loves her! What a wonderful party you made for her!!

good job mommy!!!

thanks for sharing the pictures!! Made my day!!
And now for the BIG GIVEoutfit!!!

I had so much fun making this! I really hope Alicia and Isabelle like it.

I don't really have a model, but I subbed Ella, so it is ridiculously big on her, but here it is on her. It should come to right below the knee on Isabelle. I hope.


And bows are seriously not my forte, but I did make a pair to match:
That is ridiculously cute!!! It is sooo different and she is gonna love it! Great job Lori!
And now for the BIG GIVEoutfit!!!

I had so much fun making this! I really hope Alicia and Isabelle like it.

I don't really have a model, but I subbed Ella, so it is ridiculously big on her, but here it is on her. It should come to right below the knee on Isabelle. I hope.


And bows are seriously not my forte, but I did make a pair to match:

This is fantastic!!! I just love ruffles!!!! WOW WOW WOW!!! LOOOOVE IT Lori!!!!
OH, you know I couldn't leave that easily right...Yesterday, after battling the ants once again, I decided to clean out my car. Now my car, God love it, is 12 years old. It is falling apart. There is very little wrong w/ it mechanically but the seats are tearing and the headliners falling down and the carpet is practically gone! But it is paid for and it's mine and it was the first new car I ever bought , when I was in the stationed in GE and I have sentimental attachment to it. We have been planning on getting a new car for almost 2 years. Most of you know about the struggles we went through the last two years w/ my family's business but suffice it to say we were unable to do so. Once again we have plans to buy a new car. Our goal is to do so in late august/early september. BUT I got a hair up my skirt to buy seat covers, a steering wheel cover and some floor mats. I then went to the carwash, had it washed and vacuumed. went home put on the seat and steering wheel covers, put down the floor mats and armorall the dash and console etc... It felt REALLY good to be in car and it hadn't for a long time. I always felt a bit embarrassed to be seen in it. But now it felt practically brand new (to me at least, Mac said "okay, but you are LYING to yourself"...he might not live to see 10-which is sad cause it's only 17 days away!!) So last night we're in the nice re-furbished car w/ the windows down, we cruise out to the boat docks to watch the sun set on the Gulf. The weathers nice, no bugs -which doesn't happen often in FL. It was nice family time. Driving back home a coyote runs full speed into the side of my car and keeps running. Brandon saw it running toward us and SCREAMED at me but I had a (rather large) truck on my tail (I drive a honda civic 2 door) and full on traffic coming toward us so there was little I could do. It hit my car spun around and kept on running (FULL SPEED) across the other lane of traffic and into the woods. I was so freaked out. And now my car that I spent so much time on is crunched!!! The whole front quarter panel is crushed in and my driver side door doesn't open all the way....JUST MY LUCK!!!:headache:

:hug: sorry T!

OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The setup:

The flowers:

The whole ensemble - including shoes and jewelry:

The cake (I had major frosting issues, so it's not as cute as it should have been):

The doll:

And just because - Ella rockin' out with her new Hanna Tanna (as she calls her) guitar :rockband:



Big give pics are downloading as I type, so I'll be back in a few minutes with pics!

That is the cutest birthday party EVER! Too bad Lily is insisting on a Cinderella party. I love the cake! Lily is obsessed with cupcakes, she's going to want giant ones now!
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