Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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And now for the BIG GIVEoutfit!!!

I had so much fun making this! I really hope Alicia and Isabelle like it.

I don't really have a model, but I subbed Ella, so it is ridiculously big on her, but here it is on her. It should come to right below the knee on Isabelle. I hope.


And bows are seriously not my forte, but I did make a pair to match:

WOW! I love it! Did you use an embroidery machine? If so, which one do you have? That is an amazing dress. Isabelle will be so happy!
That is the cutest birthday party EVER! Too bad Lily is insisting on a Cinderella party. I love the cake! Lily is obsessed with cupcakes, she's going to want giant ones now!

LOL! It's from a cake pan that I got at JoAnn - it's the cutest thing. As soon as I saw the pan, I NEEDED it!
Oh my goodness how adorable!!!! I think the cake looks great!!! And Ella is cute as a bug!!! What a doll!!!!! It looks like she was having so much fun!!

Thanks! She did have a TON of fun!

I just could NOT stop smiling!! She will only have to look back at these pictures to see just how much her mommy loves her! What a wonderful party you made for her!!

good job mommy!!!

thanks for sharing the pictures!! Made my day!!

Awww, thanks! See - you just made MY day!

That is ridiculously cute!!! It is sooo different and she is gonna love it! Great job Lori!

This is fantastic!!! I just love ruffles!!!! WOW WOW WOW!!! LOOOOVE IT Lori!!!!

Thanks you two!!

WOW! I love it! Did you use an embroidery machine? If so, which one do you have? That is an amazing dress. Isabelle will be so happy!

Thank you! LOL, but I don't have embroidery machine! I can do simple shapes fairly well - letters, etc. I've done a couple of more detailed ones, but I'm not so good at it yet. Thanks for the compliment, though!!!!
Well totally OT but:

Well Princess A just left. I guess I need to update my siggy now. We are taking down the crib and packing up all baby stuff tonight. We have a prospect of a kinship placement on the horizon but I cannot sit and look at it all until then. They were supposed to come get her at 11 ... they changed thier minds yesterday and decided to come at 9 this morning. It was really hard, but i lived through it. Something I honestly was not sure as of last night I would be able to do. We knew she was leaving and at least that is not looming over me. But wow my house is so quiet with just four. Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you will continue to pray for her. I think this child is destined for great things. She has already touched so many lives.
:hug: :hug: I am sorry she had to leave. I know you will be missing her.:hug: :hug:
As promised, here are some pictures from Henry's graduation. My camera is driving me crazy, it keeps switching settings for no reason. So, most of the pictures turned out grainy or blurry- GRRR!!! I'm hoping someone else got some good ones.

I'm glad he got the dark blue uniform instead of the brown! The class started out with 23 people, but only 9 graduated. So, I'm extra proud! They also said that no one got lower than a 90% on the written test, which is the first time that's ever happened. It was a HARD test (I helped Henry study for it), too. During the ceremony, one of the reserves said that Henry was the guy he wanted to be next to in a difficult situation because he always keeps his cool.


Tessa was so proud of him, she yelled "YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY!!!" when he went up to get his badge.

Here's the one that Teresa's SIL liked, even though she tends to like girls:

Henry's Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Great-Great Grandpa were all police officers. ::cop: So, I'd say it runs in the family! His dad tends to be on the "other" side of the law. ;)

He is now a reserve police officer, which is a volunteer, part-time police officer. So, be nice to cops, some of them aren't even getting paid (we've spent a LOT of money for equipment, too)!!
Congratulations ! Your DH is very handsome in his uniform.::cop: :faint:

Just wanted to stop by and say howdy y'all!! We had a "situation" at work yesterday and I was pulled from all forms of communication for hours on end. It was one of those "this did NOT just happen" kind of things...


it did.

i think we got it sorted...but now I've got 84,000 pieces of paper I need to sign and organize. *sniffle*

anyhow...LOVE LOVE LOVE all the bows and bracelets and headbands and outfits for the Big Give! Y'all make me SO proud and I've been talking about y'all non stop at work! Everyone is really impressed. The principal even mentioned it during a staff meeting! :cool1:

okay seriously...seeing these pictures elicited my "Souther Belle" response...

"Why SIR...I do declare...if I was ever in need of rescuing I'd know just who to call..."


goodness gracious HeatherSue, in Texas your husband would be considered "A Tall Drink of Water"...

The picture of Henry with Tessa is just the most darling thing I've ever seen! She looks SO proud!!

Congrats Henry! Michigan's Finest is now finer still!::cop:
Sorry about your troubles at work. I am impressed that we were mentioned!
I definitely have to agree with Miss Cammie. He is a tall drink of water!

OH, you know I couldn't leave that easily right...Yesterday, after battling the ants once again, I decided to clean out my car. Now my car, God love it, is 12 years old. It is falling apart. There is very little wrong w/ it mechanically but the seats are tearing and the headliners falling down and the carpet is practically gone! But it is paid for and it's mine and it was the first new car I ever bought , when I was in the stationed in GE and I have sentimental attachment to it. We have been planning on getting a new car for almost 2 years. Most of you know about the struggles we went through the last two years w/ my family's business but suffice it to say we were unable to do so. Once again we have plans to buy a new car. Our goal is to do so in late august/early september. BUT I got a hair up my skirt to buy seat covers, a steering wheel cover and some floor mats. I then went to the carwash, had it washed and vacuumed. went home put on the seat and steering wheel covers, put down the floor mats and armorall the dash and console etc... It felt REALLY good to be in car and it hadn't for a long time. I always felt a bit embarrassed to be seen in it. But now it felt practically brand new (to me at least, Mac said "okay, but you are LYING to yourself"...he might not live to see 10-which is sad cause it's only 17 days away!!) So last night we're in the nice re-furbished car w/ the windows down, we cruise out to the boat docks to watch the sun set on the Gulf. The weathers nice, no bugs -which doesn't happen often in FL. It was nice family time. Driving back home a coyote runs full speed into the side of my car and keeps running. Brandon saw it running toward us and SCREAMED at me but I had a (rather large) truck on my tail (I drive a honda civic 2 door) and full on traffic coming toward us so there was little I could do. It hit my car spun around and kept on running (FULL SPEED) across the other lane of traffic and into the woods. I was so freaked out. And now my car that I spent so much time on is crunched!!! The whole front quarter panel is crushed in and my driver side door doesn't open all the way....JUST MY LUCK!!!:headache:

OH NO! First of all I don't blame you for giving your car a little makeover! It sounds like a good idea to me!

I am so sorry about the accident though. :hug: I hope it all works out with the insurance company.

OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The setup:

The whole ensemble - including shoes and jewelry:

The cake (I had major frosting issues, so it's not as cute as it should have been):

The doll:

And just because - Ella rockin' out with her new Hanna Tanna (as she calls her) guitar


Big give pics are downloading as I type, so I'll be back in a few minutes with pics!
What a wonderful party! How many kids did you have? I am planning DS's fourth birthday party for the end of June. I can't believe he is going to be 4.
Happy Birthday ELLA!
And now for the BIG GIVEoutfit!!!

I had so much fun making this! I really hope Alicia and Isabelle like it.

And bows are seriously not my forte, but I did make a pair to match:

Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous! What kind of machine do you do your appliques with? I am practicing making Mickey Heads with my new Singer Futura and I am this close to :badpc: :headache:
DH is already a computer guy just without a computer job. :lmao: He wants to go to school and finish learning all about computers.

:rotfl: My Hubby actually went back to school for his masters in computers when I was pg with our oldest and now runs 2 computer departments now clue which 2 but i know he makes the web site work or at this point manages the people who make it work! :surfweb:

He actually misses coding so he says....
My hubby is a computer guy too -- litigation support. He supports a law firm here in Atlanta and Houston.
As promised, here are some pictures from Henry's graduation. My camera is driving me crazy, it keeps switching settings for no reason. So, most of the pictures turned out grainy or blurry- GRRR!!! I'm hoping someone else got some good ones.

I'm glad he got the dark blue uniform instead of the brown! The class started out with 23 people, but only 9 graduated. So, I'm extra proud! They also said that no one got lower than a 90% on the written test, which is the first time that's ever happened. It was a HARD test (I helped Henry study for it), too. During the ceremony, one of the reserves said that Henry was the guy he wanted to be next to in a difficult situation because he always keeps his cool.


Tessa was so proud of him, she yelled "YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY!!!" when he went up to get his badge. :rotfl:

Here's the one that Teresa's SIL liked, even though she tends to like girls:

Henry's Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Great-Great Grandpa were all police officers. ::cop: So, I'd say it runs in the family! His dad tends to be on the "other" side of the law. ;)

He is now a reserve police officer, which is a volunteer, part-time police officer. So, be nice to cops, some of them aren't even getting paid (we've spent a LOT of money for equipment, too)!!

You crack me up about Teresa's SIL!

Darren (my DH) has relatives on the other side of the law too. They got arrested when he was five for growing some "plants", I'm sure for medicinal purposes :rotfl2: . His parents told him if anyone asked him at school if they were related to say no! How lovely! Family events on that side of the family are always an adventure!

Okay, still trying to catch up, my parents were here over the weekend for Claire's (DD now 3) birthday and I had about a million things to do. Still trying to complete the skirts for she and Grace for her birthday party on Saturday. I think I can get it done!
Love the Fancy Nancy party! Very cute! My girls love her, we only have a couple of the books but she is definitely a favorite around here!


Hope the car thing works out! I hate car issues! Something about the whole thing rubs me wrong usually. Insurance is such a racket too. You pay money and if you get into an accident they jack up your rates, nevermine the fact that you went 10 years without an incident!. Good luck sorting it out!
:hug: for ms_mkenna & T

I used to be a computer person. My company had major lay-offs one year & after that I realized that I really could do without that source of stress in my life. I like to be able to leave most if not all of my job at the office & not bring the residual crankiness home with me & programming did NOT let me do that.

OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The setup:

The doll:

Big give pics are downloading as I type, so I'll be back in a few minutes with pics!

:love: it! That cake is so adorable. And that outfit is just perfect. Too much fun!

And now for the BIG GIVEoutfit!!!

I had so much fun making this! I really hope Alicia and Isabelle like it.

Very nice! I really like that applique. I haven't gotten brave enough to try letters yet. The bows look pretty good to me!

I love all the Big Give outfits. Makes me wish I'd jumped in too.
Good news, I actually DO have comp and collision so, it looks like the accident will be covered by my insurance. WHEW! My deductible is $500 but hey it's something at least.
Okay, sorry to keep posting! I just remembered something else!

Miss Cammie, can you share the incident from your school w/o naming names? I miss my drama from teaching! We had lots of things that made you think "that really didn't happen, did it?". The best was during the last day of school, immediately after school, the art teacher was putting supplies away in the basement (which was never used except for supplies and no one usually goes down there). She walked in on two kids having sex! Eighth graders so they were only around 14. The principal was talking to the girl while waiting for the parents to come pick her up and was trying to understand what was happening, he asked if it was her boyfriend and she said No, we're just friends with benefits! Can you believe it? At the ripe old age of 14 they had friends with benefits! And I thank GOD I was not the principal b/c I would not have wanted to make that phone call to the parents. Thanks Anyway! I think my girls will be entering a convent at around 10 (even though we're not Catholic) just for precautions!
My hubby is a computer guy too -- litigation support. He supports a law firm here in Atlanta and Houston.
My hubby used to work at a law firm in Atlanta before we moved to Chicago. He was at Alston and Bird. He was a developer over there.

Litigations support sounds familiar I know he deals with them but I don't think that is his department! LOL
"Why SIR...I do declare...if I was ever in need of rescuing I'd know just who to call..."


goodness gracious HeatherSue, in Texas your husband would be considered "A Tall Drink of Water"...

The picture of Henry with Tessa is just the most darling thing I've ever seen! She looks SO proud!!

Congrats Henry! Michigan's Finest is now finer still!::cop:
There you go, making me laugh and cry again! Thank you!

My goodness, is he handsome! Tessa looks so proud of her Daddy!
She was so proud. It was so funny when she yelled "YAY DADDY" because no one else made any noise with their relatives went up to get their badges. It was great!

I'm so stinkin' proud of him!!!! I can't even tell you! Henry has overcome so much in his life to turn into the wonderful man he is today. So many people with hard childhoods use it as an excuse to do nothing with their lives, but look at Henry!!! A police officer! I'm crying, of course! :hug:
:hug: You're so sweet. :hug:

Congrats to the new police officer! YEAH! I have a few great uncles that were cops in NJ
Thank you!!

I have to agree your dh looks extra handsome in his uniform!! Tessa looks very proud!!! Hopefully he won't see too much action!! That would make me anxious too!!
He said his top priority will be to come home safely. He better stick to that!

As far as Henry is concerned, I predict a sudden dramatic increase in traffic violations by women whenever he is on duty! :rotfl:
HEY!! :rotfl2:

Yep, I'd be proud to have him help me if I were in need. Congrats!

CONGRATULATIONS to our Henry!:thumbsup2
Thanks t! Sorry about your car, but glad that insurance will pay for it. I say drive it until it won't go anymore! Car payments are never a good idea, if you can avoid them!

WOW! I love the Fancy Nancy party!! How cool is that huge cupcake!?
The big give outfit is gorgeous!! I LOVE it!! I think the bows look great, too!

:Congratulations ! Your DH is very handsome in his uniform.::cop: :faint:
Thank you!! I love the faint smiley! :lmao:

Darren (my DH) has relatives on the other side of the law too. They got arrested when he was five for growing some "plants", I'm sure for medicinal purposes :rotfl2: . His parents told him if anyone asked him at school if they were related to say no! How lovely! Family events on that side of the family are always an adventure!

That sounds like my dad's side of the family. He is the only one that amounted to anything in life. I'm VERY proud of my dad!!

Miss Cammie, can you share the incident from your school w/o naming names? I miss my drama from teaching! We had lots of things that made you think "that really didn't happen, did it?". The best was during the last day of school, immediately after school, the art teacher was putting supplies away in the basement (which was never used except for supplies and no one usually goes down there). She walked in on two kids having sex! Eighth graders so they were only around 14. The principal was talking to the girl while waiting for the parents to come pick her up and was trying to understand what was happening, he asked if it was her boyfriend and she said No, we're just friends with benefits! Can you believe it? At the ripe old age of 14 they had friends with benefits! And I thank GOD I was not the principal b/c I would not have wanted to make that phone call to the parents. Thanks Anyway! I think my girls will be entering a convent at around 10 (even though we're not Catholic) just for precautions!
I want to hear more about Miss Cammie's "incident", too!
:scared1: about the 8th graders!!!!! Tessa will be joining your girls in the convent!
Well totally OT but:

Well Princess A just left. I guess I need to update my siggy now. We are taking down the crib and packing up all baby stuff tonight. We have a prospect of a kinship placement on the horizon but I cannot sit and look at it all until then. They were supposed to come get her at 11 ... they changed thier minds yesterday and decided to come at 9 this morning. It was really hard, but i lived through it. Something I honestly was not sure as of last night I would be able to do. We knew she was leaving and at least that is not looming over me. But wow my house is so quiet with just four. Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you will continue to pray for her. I think this child is destined for great things. She has already touched so many lives.
:hug: :hug:
I had so much fun making this! I really hope Alicia and Isabelle like it.




And bows are seriously not my forte, but I did make a pair to match:

WOW, all the Big Give sets are amazing but I have to admit this one really caught my attention. I love how the front looks cut but fairly simple and then you see the wonderful variety of prints used for the ruffles in the back!!!

BTW - I think you did a great job on the bows. I made one feeble attempt at a bow and decided it just wasn't something I wanted to pursuit. Instead, I'm content to admire the work of others without feeling much temptation to try it again. :)

Good news, I actually DO have comp and collision so, it looks like the accident will be covered by my insurance. WHEW! My deductible is $500 but hey it's something at least.

I'm glad you are covered. $500 isn't a trivial amount but at least you know that's the most you'll have to cover. Of course if it were me, I'd probably leave the car "as is" and think about other (more fun) ways to use the insurance money. :rolleyes1

Well Princess A just left. I guess I need to update my siggy now. We are taking down the crib and packing up all baby stuff tonight. We have a prospect of a kinship placement on the horizon but I cannot sit and look at it all until then. They were supposed to come get her at 11 ... they changed thier minds yesterday and decided to come at 9 this morning. It was really hard, but i lived through it. Something I honestly was not sure as of last night I would be able to do. We knew she was leaving and at least that is not looming over me. But wow my house is so quiet with just four. Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you will continue to pray for her. I think this child is destined for great things. She has already touched so many lives.

:hug: I admire what you do and that you continue to do it even after events like this.
Tessa was so proud of him, she yelled "YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY, YAY DADDY!!!" when he went up to get his badge. :rotfl:
Very handsome indeed!

The whole front quarter panel is crushed in and my driver side door doesn't open all the way....JUST MY LUCK!!!:headache:
That stinks! Glad insurance will cover some of the repairs.

OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The setup:

The flowers:

The whole ensemble - including shoes and jewelry:

The cake (I had major frosting issues, so it's not as cute as it should have been):

The doll:

And just because - Ella rockin' out with her new Hanna Tanna (as she calls her) guitar :rockband:



Big give pics are downloading as I type, so I'll be back in a few minutes with pics!
SO cool!!! She looks SOOOOOO happy!!!!!!

And now for the BIG GIVEoutfit!!!

I had so much fun making this! I really hope Alicia and Isabelle like it.

I don't really have a model, but I subbed Ella, so it is ridiculously big on her, but here it is on her. It should come to right below the knee on Isabelle. I hope.


And bows are seriously not my forte, but I did make a pair to match:

WOW!!!!!!!!!:worship: That is so awesome! Your bows look great too!!!!!!!
Well totally OT but:

Well Princess A just left. I guess I need to update my siggy now. We are taking down the crib and packing up all baby stuff tonight. We have a prospect of a kinship placement on the horizon but I cannot sit and look at it all until then. They were supposed to come get her at 11 ... they changed thier minds yesterday and decided to come at 9 this morning. It was really hard, but i lived through it. Something I honestly was not sure as of last night I would be able to do. We knew she was leaving and at least that is not looming over me. But wow my house is so quiet with just four. Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you will continue to pray for her. I think this child is destined for great things. She has already touched so many lives.
Thinking of you :hug: I think fostering is an awesome thing to do, and something i'm seriously considering for the future. I had a university lecturer who really inspired me and she used to foster and also worked as a grief counsellor in a children's hospice.

As promised, here are some pictures from Henry's graduation. My camera is driving me crazy, it keeps switching settings for no reason. So, most of the pictures turned out grainy or blurry- GRRR!!! I'm hoping someone else got some good ones.
CONGRATULATIONS to your DH, what an achievement!! :yay:

OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The setup:

The flowers:

The whole ensemble - including shoes and jewelry:

The cake (I had major frosting issues, so it's not as cute as it should have been):

The doll:

And just because - Ella rockin' out with her new Hanna Tanna (as she calls her) guitar :rockband:



Big give pics are downloading as I type, so I'll be back in a few minutes with pics!
What a cute theme, love the cake (I love cupcakes so much I have one tattooed on me..!) and the pics of your DD rockin out, hehe! :cutie: I didn't know what Fancy Nancy was so I googled it and I must say I can relate :rotfl2:

And now for the BIG GIVEoutfit!!!

I had so much fun making this! I really hope Alicia and Isabelle like it.

I don't really have a model, but I subbed Ella, so it is ridiculously big on her, but here it is on her. It should come to right below the knee on Isabelle. I hope.


And bows are seriously not my forte, but I did make a pair to match:
So adorable!! The denim looks great with a Minnie theme and the back ruffles are an awesome touch :)
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