Dieting for Disney

Hey everyone! It looks like all of you are doing very well and that is awesome. I know we have 2 people that are doing better than the rest of us, CJK and Twotoohappy. CJK is about to head to WDW for her trip and Liz is already there. (How envious am I?!)

I have been a little quite recently but there are reasons. 1) After my race, I was experiencing a lot of soreness in my legs that was actually making it hard for me to walk so I figured I needed to rest and recuperate. 2) If I am not exercising, I feel like a hypocrite to come on here and talk about training and exercise. (It may be silly but again, that's just me.:confused3 I promise that I am not calling anyone a hypocrite for taking a rest day. That is how we grow and rest. Like I said, it's just me and my crazy psyche.)

I am so impressed with every single one of you that you fuel my workouts more than anything else that I could ever take as a supplement. Today was my first day back in the gym and let me tell you, it felt good. I was able to get a pretty good workout on my shoulders, did some good ab work and then did another 26.3 miles on the bike. My legs and hips are still giving me some issues but I couldn't go another day without working out. Plus, honestly, I had a really bad day at work so I had to let out some frustration. That is why I LOVE coming on here. Everyone is so positive and upbeat that you have actually changed my feelings and attitude tonight. I am feeling much better right now than I was just 20 minutes ago. None of you will ever know what you mean to me.

I will be back soon. GO USA! Have a great night!!

Bryan:yay: :woohoo:
Eva, I'm so happy your back in the pool! I know you love the pool so it makes being healthier so much easier.

Sounds like so many of us are headed to WDW for Christmas, one of the things I love most about being there in December is all the walking we do & the weather is so beautiful.
Headed back to the doctor tomorrow, hopefully my progress is still headed in the right direction.

Hope everyone is having a great day!:goodvibes

Good Luck and Pixie Dust Maria at the Doctor's tomorrow!

I have never been to WDW in December so it will be interesting to see the differences....The only thing I do know that it will be a MADHOUSE! :scared1:

Bryan, good to see you!! :yay: I miss you when you are not here. It is good that you are watching out for yourself. That is so important. :hug:

Go team! I will be thinking of you all as I go swimming tomorrow! :thumbsup2
Hey Gang!! Today was a really good day. While I was at work I had a friend to come in that I haven't seen in several months. He used to own the nutrition store where I would buy my vitamins and protein supplements from. He came in and said that he had to do a double take to recoginize me. He looked at me and said: "Dude! You have gotten RIPPED!" He couldn't believe the transformation that I have undertaken in the last few months and he has known me for at least 4 years.

Now, granted, I am not ripped by any means but I know I am leaner than I used to be. But now, I am having a lot of people come up and talk to me about it. Congratulating me on the success of my workouts. All I can say is that I owe it to a lot of determination, sacrifice and some wonderful friends (all of you) that keep my motivation up when I am wanting to quit.

So, now with the Olympics ending in just a couple of days and our challenge is winding down, we need a new challenge. A unified goal for all of us to achieve. We are a team. No! We are a family and we will be there to lift each other up when one of us are down. Summer is practically over so we need to Fall ahead with our plans and aspirations. So come on team! Throw out some ideas and let's see what we can do together!

Have a great night!
Bryan:woohoo: :cheer2: :grouphug:
Is anyone still out there? I know we have just had the ending to the Olympics but it has been quite around here.

I had an abbreviated workout today which means I went and did my 25 miles on the bike and then came home. I did have a success yesterday though. I was able to get my bodyfat levels checked and I am below the national average at 16%. When I started, I was in the range of 25-30% so that was a good feeling. I am also just 4 points away from the manager of my gym. I told him my goal was to pass him soon. :yay: :woohoo:

Otherwise, today has been my cheat day so I have been a little relaxed on what I have eaten. I haven't been bad but I have taken in a bit more fat than I usually would.

It is the last week of the month and for most, the last week of the Summer. What are we going to do to finish out strong? Come on Team! Let's make our Olympians proud of us!!

Bryan (Your Jedi Master:yoda: )
I'm here...just a little blah for the time being.
Having a lot of work issues to the point I am sending out resumes.

Also I hate the end of summer........winter is so long and depressing!

Hope everyone is doing ok.

Maria--hang in've had a tough time lately between health and job issues. Here's pixie dust for finding the perfect job.:tink:

Bryan--sounds like you've had a couple of major accomplishments--awesome job on the body fat percentage. Isn't it nice when people we haven't seen for a while notice the changes in us? I haven't come far enough to have a lot of that yet, but my SIL hadn't seen me since the beginning of July, and when she saw me this weekend, she said "Woah, you've lost a ton of weight! How did you do it??" It made me smile.

I started work today, and the kids come back to school next week, so I'm making a major commitment to get up an hour earlier so that I have an extra hour to work out before I get ready for work. This is a challenge for me because I treasure my sleep, and getting up at 5 am is not my favorite thing to do, so I might need a few kicks in the pants from you guys if I fall behind. I'm going to need to keep posting to keep on track, because two things happen when the school year time suddenly becomes a precious commodity and the pressures of teaching make me want to reach for chocolate.

Enough about me. Eva--did you survive the rush of gold medals from our Olympians?

Keep up the good work everyone, and let's hear those fall commitments!
Thanks Jen:hug: the support is really appreciated.
I hope the blahs move on pretty soon.

I've taken so much pride in my career in the past so I really feel like I'm being kicked around. I have to start to realize that there is more to me than my career...we are also starting adoption proceedings so I'm concerned if I'm laid off or fired how much that is going to be viewed as a negative in the proceedings.

I have kept to "good eating habits" today so that is one good thing.

Hi Everyone...hope you all had a happy Monday.

Okay I need lots of help. I started my official diet yesterday. I am not a good dieter as food is my "friend". So I am trying to change my life habits. Here are my stats:
current weight 232.4 pounds
goal weigh 150 pounds
total weight lose needed 72.4 pounds
next disney trip 1/26-2/4
weight loss by disney goal 40 pounds
Does this look possible? I am starting my exercise program today. Please keep me in your prayers to stay focused. I am in seemingly good health but I know that won't last at this weight much longer. I am 51 years old and I know I need to be in better shape.
Okay I need lots of help. I started my official diet yesterday. I am not a good dieter as food is my "friend". So I am trying to change my life habits. Here are my stats:
current weight 232.4 pounds
goal weigh 150 pounds
total weight lose needed 72.4 pounds
next disney trip 1/26-2/4
weight loss by disney goal 40 pounds
Does this look possible? I am starting my exercise program today. Please keep me in your prayers to stay focused. I am in seemingly good health but I know that won't last at this weight much longer. I am 51 years old and I know I need to be in better shape.

We are here and we are all behind you!!!! This is a great place to celebrate and also whatever problems & challenges you may be having bring them here.
Good Luck!
Hello all!! I need some support!! My current weight is 174.1 and i want to lose 20 pounds before my early NOV. land/sea trip to disney! I dont want to look like I am now when i'm on my trip and wearing a bathing suit!:scared1: (why were they invented??):confused3

I'm going to be coming on here more often to give you weekly(and daily) updates on my progress so I can stick with this lifestyle of eating healthy and exercising!!! Any help or advice is always welcomed!! Throw some pixie dust my way!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!:flower3:
Just a quick note....

Sorry, I just back to school and it has been CRAZY! I am just glad that I am back in the pool!

I will have to write back when I have more time. I am sorry for being so quiet. :sad1: I LOVE YOU ALL!!

Welcome to all the new ones!! :cheer2: :grouphug:
Maria--there is far more to you than a career...that's just one small piece of the puzzle. Starting the adoption process must be exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time! Good for you for keeping up with the healthy eating even through a bout of the blahs!

Eva--I'm so glad you're back in the pool! I know how hectic things can get when your schedule changes, so I'm glad you got to check in with us.

A big welcome :yay: to kimis and disneyismyname! We're so glad to have you with us. I think you'll find this is a fantastic group for support and encouragement.

Kimis--that timeline gives you about 21.5 weeks until your vacation which means you can hit 40 pounds loss by losing about 2 lbs/week. That's a tough goal, but I bet you can do it if you set your mind to it!

Disneyismyname--check in as often as you need to. I find that it helps me to be accountable when I come here...even if I just read.

Inservice days started at work, and I'm finding it really hard to get up early, so I've been fitting in my workouts at night...I know it doesn't kick-start my metabolism the way morning works would, but at least I'm getting them in. It would help if they didn't feed us breakfast/lunch during the inservices (I know, what fool complains about free food), but it's easier for me to make healthy choices when I'm packing them myself and harder for me to turn down the pizza staring me in the face! Luckily, today was the last day until the kids start school on Tuesday.
Happy Wednesday everyone,
Here is a BIG :welcome: :welcome: to both kimis and disneyismyname. I am sorry I haven't been by here sooner to say hello. We are at the middle stages of some 2 stressful weeks at work trying to get rid of a big visit from some "Big Wig" and it is driving everyone crazy. I am very happy that you have stopped by to join our fray. We have a wonderful group here that can give lots of information and even more motivation. Feel free to come in often and posts successes and failures. We are here for you.

Just to give a quick update, like I said work has been insane. But not only that, Tuesday we had local elections. We had a very close battle for Mayor (which I was concerned about). So that day started at 4 am, stayed at work until 5 pm, came home and ate and changed clothes, went to vote, went to my volunteer group's meeting and then went to the Mayor's party to await the results. (I was good. They had it at a local Bar-B-Q place called Johnny Ray's and I didn't eat anything. Not that tough since I am not a big fan of BBQ but they also had chicken strips which I do like but I couldn't indulge on the fried foods.) We stayed there until after 10 pm before we got the official word and then I was able to go home and get a little bit of sleep. Woke up the next day again at 4 am, was at work by 5 am and the cycle continues. I was so tired yesterday afternoon when I got off but I was insistant on trying to go workout. I got to the gym and fell asleep in the car. When I finally woke up, I decided that I needed to go home and get some sleep. But I did get back today after work and had a great workout. It was wonderful. I feel great and I am looking forward to tomorrow's workout already.

Otherwise, I hope everyone is doing well.I really hate it when I can not get on here consistantly. You are my family and I love talking with all of you. So tomorrow is Friday and the week has come to an end. It has been long. It has been hard. But we are a group with resolve, dedication and determination so we will stride on to the finish line. That line represents us reaching our goals. Our dreams. And our lives that we deserve to have. The Olympics may be over. The races may be done for them. But our races are ongoing and just like those athletes that were running for medals, we are running too. We may not be running for a medal, a prize or anything tangible. We are running for something greater. We are running for OURSELVES! Come on TEAM! Let's WIN this race!!:cheer2: :cheer2: :woohoo: :yay:

Well it has been one week today that I started my change (I decided I don't want to call it a diet. LOL), I am down 6 pounds and I am sure that is water weight. However it was soooooo hard to do as most of you know. I know it is going to get even harder and probably will only drop a pound or two a week. I know that is the healthy way but it sure is slow. Why does the weight go on so fast and come off so sloooooooowwwww? LOL
I hope the rest of you that are losing weight are having a good week on scales. The sad part is that my week is good without the scales and sometimes a lot more fun! LOL
Well my stress level is still over 100 so I have struggled a bit. Tomorrow I have a very tense doctor appointment and I know that has been heavy on my mind.
Wishing you all a great week and I will check in as soon as I can!

Welcome to our 2 new family additions!!!! It's wonderful to have you with us!
~Kimis that is a terrific 1st week!:cheer2:

Hi everyone!!

I have been a little MIA and I am sorry for that. Just trying to get back into school and everything. Thank goodness I am all settled now for the most part and I can start getting back on track! :woohoo:

Well, I started the week off really good. I went to the pool today and did not just do ONE 50 minute class, I did TWO 50 minute classes! Oh I am so tired and sore, but it is a good kind. Tomorrow is my day "off" so I will get a moment to get strength for Friday. But, that does not mean I do not get some exercise tomorrow...just not swimming. :yay:

Well, I cant be long, but I thought I would check in. I hope we all are having a good week. It is so good to be around all of you. I know we can do it!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :grouphug:
Hi everyone!!

I have been a little MIA and I am sorry for that. Just trying to get back into school and everything. Thank goodness I am all settled now for the most part and I can start getting back on track! :woohoo:

Well, I started the week off really good. I went to the pool today and did not just do ONE 50 minute class, I did TWO 50 minute classes! Oh I am so tired and sore, but it is a good kind. Tomorrow is my day "off" so I will get a moment to get strength for Friday. But, that does not mean I do not get some exercise tomorrow...just not swimming. :yay:

Well, I cant be long, but I thought I would check in. I hope we all are having a good week. It is so good to be around all of you. I know we can do it!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :grouphug:


Great going! I hope I catch some of your energy soon.
I know I have been pretty quite this week. I am sorry for that. I hate being away from my family. The last week or so has been very, very stressful at work. We all have been working 10-12 hours a day 5-6 days a week. We were doing this to get ready for a visit that happened today. The visit was from a guy who is the 3rd highest guy in the company so we were trying to make a good impression (and keep our jobs!). Well, the visit is over and we did very well. Now it is time to relax and I am leaving town for the weekend so I thought I would come on here and say a temporary farewell. I will be back Monday so it won't be for long. Just know that I love all of you and will be thinking about you everyday. Support each other for the next few days as we continue our quest for healthier, happier lives.

I will be back in a couple of days and will talk to you more then. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

Have a WONDERFUL weekend Bryan!!! You deserve it! :thumbsup2

Come on everyone...Let's have a GREAT weekend too!! :yay: Can't wait to get to my water class tomorrow! :cool2: We can do it!

Thanks Maria for the hug! Here is one for you! :hug: I hope all is well for you. :)

I love you all!! We can do this....:cheer2: :cheer2: :grouphug:
Hi Bryan,

I hope you get this before you leave, have a wonderful time and leave all that stress where your going!

Eva, you really are a good friend and support. I knew that the minute you sent me the postcards!

Still trying to catch you wonderful energy!

:grouphug:to all......



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