Vanessa- figmentfan814 ~ Happily Ever Wedding & 10th Anniversary VR Brunch #1 Added 8-10

As always, another fabulous report!

I can't wait to see what the gift is!!!

You should write soap operas with your cliff hanger out there!
As always, another fabulous report!

I can't wait to see what the gift is!!!

You should write soap operas with your cliff hanger out there!
I hope to finish it in the next day or two, I know I'm leaving you ladies in suspense. I'm teaching some college courses in addition to my regular job and tomorrow's the first day of class :scared1:


Everything looks great with the DP, can't wait to read more! Loved your Figment theme!
Thanks, it really was a lot of fun. I only wish that you were allowed to have Figment appear as a character because I definitely would have found room in the budget for him!

Just wanted to thank you for sending me the Hidden Mickey list (and the other also). I changed the HM list a bit and added the resorts where my guests will be staying. Also, instead of the picture of Mickey that you put on the cover, I used a picture of Sheldon's son showing off his Hidden Mickey picture in Morocco. This way he is included in our wedding stuff.

Thanks again,
Linda, that sounds fantastic! I'm so glad that you were able to add your personal touch to the documents. Definitely let me know if you have any luck with the scavenger hunt!

Vanessa - I love the Figment theme for your dessert party. Those napkins are very cute. Love the picture of you and Kris in front of Spaceship Earth. Can't get enough of that Spaceship Earth pictures.
It was so cool to be able to get the shots of it at night with all the lights :goodvibes

Vanessa the Figment theme is too cute! Subtle enough but perfect. :thumbsup2

Is there little Figment's in the centerpieces? How did you do that?
We bought the glow gel centerpieces from Disney Floral. They normally put Mickey confetti in them, but you can have a lot of different characters added. Later in the report, you'll see where we took them apart to save some of the Figments.


Everything from your DP looks great!! The food looks yummy. I also love the figment decorations and the bright colors. Now that we are waiting awhile for our vow renewal, I am seriously thinking about adding on a DP!! It makes me excited to wait now!! :lmao:
The DP was definitely a highlight for our guests. I highly recommend including it if it's at all possible.

I love the figment statue!!! I have a big one of Donald Duck like that. I wish I could bring that down with
You should ask Disney Floral they might have one that you can use :goodvibes I didn't even know they had the figment statue, so it was a great surprise to see him there that night.

I really want to do that!! I'm thinking when we go back in May I will do that.

Your dessert party was so cute with Figment!!!!!! I like the pics of you in front of Spaceship Earth!! Too cool!
Thanks, Lynn! I hope you're able to get your bouquet done, I know it will be a great keepsake for years to come.

I just love your wedding. Epcot is also my favorite park. The photopass photos are a fun touch, and I love your photos from your dessert party.
Thank you so much, Epcot is my favorite too, in case anyone couldn't already tell ;) I'm glad you're enjoying the report so far :)

Vanessa the DP looked great! I Figment theme is so cool, my DF loves Figment! Great job with the napkins! That was an awesome bargin!:thumbsup2
Photopass was a great idea!! Loving figment! Everything looks great and yummy too!
Thanks so much, I'm glad you're both enjoying it so far. The treats were definitely really good. I wish I could get those peanut butter bars somewhere now.

Your DP looks great and I also love the Figment theme!! :lovestruc What a novel idea to grab the Photopass person along the way :cutie:
It was a spur of the moment thing that ended up being such a fun thing to do :goodvibes

Tomorrow is our 6 month anniversary; it's amazing how fast the time has flown by already!
Six months times flies! Congrats girl! :hug: Tell your honey his Disfriend says congrats too!

Anna Marie

Happy 6 month anniversary!


Six months times flies! Congrats girl! :hug: Tell your honey his Disfriend says congrats too!

Anna Marie

Thanks, ladies, we're heading out to dinner now. It's hard to believe how fast the time has flown by since March. Although, I would have thought that I would have had my trip report done by now :rotfl:
After taking a few minutes to check out the decorations, I headed over to the dessert table. Most of our guest had already hit it up, so it was already starting to get picked over a little. I loaded up a plate and took it over to the table near some of the members of our bridal party. I knew we wouldn’t have long before pictures, so I wanted to get in a few bites before that time.

I then headed over to the coffee bar for a beverage. We had swapped out lemonade for fruit punch (I had a fear of red drink staining my dress before the MK shoot) but I wasn’t really in the mood for anything too sweet. I mentioned that I wish I could have some iced tea and the lady running the bar offered to make me a small cup full using the hot tea packets and adding ice. I thought this was so nice of her, of course I’m sure it helped that I was the one standing there in my wedding gown and since we were paying for everything.

So, I went back to my seat to taste some of my treats in the meantime. My bridesmaid and her husband were at the table next to us and they said that they had picked up a gift for Kris and I while they were in the World Showcase that afternoon. It turned out to be a wooden carved fertility god that they bought at the African outpost. The funny part is that everyone knows Kris and I plan to wait a very long time before we start a family (we only want one child anyway since we’re both only children too) so it was a joke that we all enjoyed :rotfl:

Around this time the coffee bar attendant brought over my tea and I was able to grab a few quick bits of the items on my plate before I was whisked off to work on handing out the glow necklaces and bracelets that we had bought for favors for the guests. I didn’t realize that the necklaces were the ones that had to be charged in the sunlight in advance. Randy took them and put them under one of the lights that run along the patio for awhile and this helped some, but not a great deal. I enlisted the help of my younger cousins to help pass out the bracelets that were all ready to glow. The ones that wouldn’t charge I ended up saving to pass out at our at-home reception a few months later.

Stan had also brought back the laptop, so more people were able to check out our sneak peek video. I’m not sure if I mentioned this or not, but Kris and I were able to watch it at LS earlier that afternoon :happytv:

I had my MOH and MOH (maid and matron of honors) help me get out the Mickey ears that I had brought for some shots. I wanted to have some pictures of the ladies showing off our Mickey ears :earsgirl: I love these shots! Randy asked us to turn around because he was going to photograph the names on the back. My one bridesmaid said that might be a problem, mine says “John” (my dad’s name.) It was true; we had gathered matching ears from my family members, so most of them weren’t correct ;)



Within a few minutes, our Epcot guide came over asking when I wanted the cake brought out for my little cousin :cake: I told him that it was fine to bring it out now, so Kris and I headed in his direction. The look on his face was priceless. He had already told everyone that the party that night was for him and we didn’t tell him otherwise. My cousin has some special needs and it was so sweet to see the excitement on his face!



To this day, he still tells people that DH and I got him fireworks for his birthday. He was visiting MI on my birthday in August and he wrote a song for the occasion. It was quite original and Kris says that it will be an annual birthday tradition to sing it each year :rockband:

Just as we finished singing to my cousin, Kris pulled me off to the side. I don’t remember what he said at this point (I guess I need to watch the raw footage from the video) and then he pulled a small box out of his pocket. I slowly unwrapped it and inside I found a beautiful sapphire necklace that matched my engagement ring perfectly. It was such an amazing gift and I knew that he had gone great lengths to get it there after having forgotten it in Ohio. I was shocked; it was way beyond anything I expected to receive.



I quickly took off my Swarovski necklace that I was wearing and switched into my new gift. Then we were swept off by Randy and Stan to start shooting shots since Illuminations would be starting shortly. I won’t bore you with the details of the show since most of you have seen it no doubt. Periodically Stan would ask us to point as though we were staring in amazement (we just kept cracking up whenever we did this and you can tell it’s so exaggerated on the video! :lmao:) We also had to hold several kissed poses and dips throughout. During the low point when the video is playing on the globe we had a few minutes to watch the show, but not for long. Stan also had us break into a dance at one point too.
Oh, that necklace is gorgeous! I am certain you were thrilled with it. You look so happy in the picture where you are recieving it!

I think that having the cake for your cousin was a very nice touch. I'm sure he will remember that forever!
Here are some shots throughout the show. Randy really is awesome and the video from Stan of the show is breathtaking. We were told that we lucked out because the wind had changed direction shortly before our arrival. If it hadn’t we would have been engulfed by smoke from the show




You can really see the smoke in the distance is this shot:

It looks like the fireworks are shooting out of our hands in this shot:



These are just some regular shots of Illuminations that my maid of honor caught on her camera; I thought they turned out great too. My mom has a picture of some of our guests looking in awe at the show which I forgot to upload. Most of our guests had never seen Illuminations before and it was great to see their reactions. It was definitely worth the small price of adding on the DP. At our MI reception, Kris’ best man who had skipped the DP came up to me and started raving about how amazing the fireworks show was on the video. I kept thinking that he had already saw it in FL, but it dawned on me that he had went to his hotel early that night and missed out on the show, so he saw it for the first time on our video.



At some point, Randy and Stan caught my mom with the veil on her head. In the video she describes how I wore her veil and what we had done to transform it from the original one that she had worn 30 years earlier.

These are some other random shots from the DP. My maid of honor went around and got most of these for me.

My parents look tired after the long day:


The only shot I’ve seen of our two moms together.


After the show was over our guests started to trickle out. A lot of them were leaving early the next morning and it had been a long day for everyone. I had asked about adding on time to the DP, but honestly with a morning ceremony we didn’t need it all. So many of our guests just wanted to go to bed at that point, we didn’t really need it. Around this time people started talking about the post-wedding brunch that we had scheduled for the next morning at 1900 Park Fare. We had scheduled it for 11 am since we knew everyone would be tired from the day before. It turned out that out of the 20 people that were originally going to be attending, 12 had to catch the Magical Express so early they wouldn’t be able to make it. We talked to my parents and decided to just cancel it and to meet at the Magic Kingdom instead. (Later we discovered that we forgot to tell my MOH and her parents about the cancellation; this will come up later in my report.)

Kris’ mom came over and took me aside and told me that it had been a beautiful wedding and it had all been very elegant. She told me that I had done a good job planning everything. Since she had not been a fan of a Disney wedding I knew this was a big step for her to admit too. She told Kris and I that she was going to try to get an earlier flight out the next day though because she was ready to go home. (Kris had booked her a night flight, so she could spend the day in Orlando, but she decided against this and ended up going home on standby.)

We took a few last shots with members of our bridal party and then Stan and Randy headed out. We thanked them profusely for their amazing work and for being a part of such an important day in our lives. We asked Stan about Club 33 since we want to make it out there some time in the next couple of years and he said just to let us know when we want to make it there. He is a member there and will make a reservation for any of his clients. Club 33 is a private club at Disneyland. Randy told us that our shots would be up in a couple of weeks online. I said that I had heard he was running a little behind and he admitted that it would be a little longer than the normal 3 week window, I assured him that would be fine. Stan also told us that the sneak peek would be online the next day and then they headed off :thanks:

We stuck around talking to our Epcot guide and filling up our goodie bags. It turned out our guide’s daughter had gotten married at Disney 8 years earlier (prior to his retirement to Orlando and before his Disney employment) and her DP was in the same location, so it brought back a lot of great memories for him. I wish we would have gotten our picture with him, he was such a sweet man. After seeing all of Lynn’s shots with cast members, it made me regret not getting one.

We had bought some baggies to bag up any leftover treats. All future brides make sure to bring these because any leftover food will be thrown away otherwise. Although, we didn’t end up with much food left, I think we probably filled 5 or 6 quart size bags. There weren’t any brownies or lemon bars left if I remember correctly. That’s okay because we still had plenty of cake from the reception.

The funny thing was that the one Epcot staff person who was replenishing the food said that he had never seen a group eat so much of the sweets! I guess there is usually a lot leftover. They even brought over some things from a DP that was taking place at the United Kingdom. I’m not sure what goodies these were though because they were gone by the time we were done with our fireworks shots.

I had asked Laura about keeping the centerpieces and she said we owned everything in them except the vases that were rented. She said that we could take what we wanted and then she would retroactively charge us $5 each for the cylinders. After looking at the centerpieces we decided the only thing that we would really want to keep from them was the Figments and some of the glow ice cubes, so my mom and her best friend decided to disassemble a few for us. It was funny to see them digging through the gooey gel :rotfl2:


I should’ve had them pull out all the Figments, but I didn’t think of it at the time :figment: I still ended up with 3 of the figurines to keep, but since we technically had bought them all I really should have gotten all 10! We divided up the ice cubes among her best friend’s kids and us and then we decided to make the walk to the front of the park.

Around this time I decided I should take some pictures with my cape on that my matron of honor’s aunt had so graciously made for me 2 weeks before the wedding. I was worried about it being cold outside, but we had perfect weather. I wasn’t cold at all, but I wanted to show appreciation for all her work because she did a truly amazing job. I had bought the material and had arranged to pay her to make it up. When my MOH picked it up for me her aunt said that there was no charge and that it was a gift. I thought that was so touching.

As we headed out we stopped to take some more pictures around the World Showcase and the fountain near Spaceship Earth. We probably spent 30 minutes leisurely walking to the front gate. The park was nearly deserted and it was funny walking around in my wedding gown.
Attempting a shot in the UK:





:tink: I wanted to get some shots by the Year of a Million Dreams sign since our dreams had truly came true that day!


As we were walking out we realized that we had forgotten to get the marriage license signed by the best man and matron of honor. They had early morning flights, so that meant we still had to pick it up from my parent’s room then head over to their hotel on Hotel Plaza Blvd. near Downtown Disney! :eek: :scared1:

Up next… we are officially married; at least our license is finally signed!

Btw- my one bridesmaid had her baby last night. It's so strange to think how much everyone's lives have changed this year already. My matron of honor is due with her second set of twins in November :goodvibes
great shots!! I love the necklace! sapphires are my fav, since that's my birthstone!! :rotfl:
Oh, that necklace is gorgeous! I am certain you were thrilled with it. You look so happy in the picture where you are recieving it!

I think that having the cake for your cousin was a very nice touch. I'm sure he will remember that forever!
Kris really did surprise me, I definitely would've never guessed my present.

It was a lot of fun having my cousin's cake, I know it was the first time he had gotten to spend his birthday with the majority of his family (since he lives in Virginia and we're all in MI) plus what kid wouldn't love to have a bday at Disney!

great shots!! I love the necklace! sapphires are my fav, since that's my birthstone!! :rotfl:
Thanks! You're lucky, I'm stuck with the peridot for mine :mad:
Vanessa - that is a lovely gift from Kris and great shots from your DP.
Vanessa that necklace is beautiful! It looks perfect with your ring! I am so glad everything turned out perfectly for you!
Great update, looks like you had a great DP. I love the necklace! Sapphire is my favorite stone :)

Can't wait to hear more.
Vanessa, thank you for not giving up on your TR! I just realized today that it's almost 60 pages long already!!! Wow, it's already been 6 months since you've gotten married??? It's amazing how fast time seems to go. Beautiful necklace and that's so sweet to get your nephew (or cousin?) a birthday cake! Can't wait to see pics of your at home reception!
You always write the best installments, Vanessa!!! :goodvibes I love your fireworks pics too! What a big day you had; I can't believe you were still moving at that time and thinking up more pics to do on the way out! :worship:


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