The Pursuit of Disney Magic (June 7-14, 2008) ~ UPDATED 9/30 pg. 191

As promised here are some of the Disney scrapbook pages that I have done. These are from last year's October trip where we did a quick weekend at Pop for the express purpose of seeing MNSSHP. Sadly, I have yet to get an album for them.













I have yet to scrapbook the April trip, and I have only done two layouts from the June trip: Chef Mickey's and Kali.





One of these days I will get completely caught up on the Disney trips!

Your pages are awesome!!!!
So with much teeth gnashing and a heavy heart, we have decided not to do the October trip. It was just going to be a lot of money, and we thought we should just make sure that our trip in June was extra magical. So, there will be a June PTR started soon.

Wow! Those are great and so much work. I'm very impressed.

Thanks! :goodvibes

Beautiful scrapbooks. Wish I had the talent to make mine that magical!

You do have that talent, I am sure! I borrowed a lot of ideas from other places!

You and Jill would get along very well! She loves to scrapbook, but I don't think she will ever get caught up!!! This weekend, she was working on the March trip. She was getting the pictures together, but hadn't started on the writing part yet. After she finishes March, she still has to do a summer one, a MNSSHP one, and a Thanksgiving one. Then she gets a break until next summer. :)

The past few years I have only scrapbooked the vacations, and I am still behind on those! I keep buying paper and stickers for them though! :rotfl:

Wow! Your scrapbook pages are awesome! It's amazing to see how grown up Chelsea has become since last October.

Thanks! She has changed a lot! I think she has even grown up a bit more since the June trip!

Great pages, I did a scrapbook once for my October 2003 trip, but haven't tackled it again since. Do you pick anything up at the DTD scrapbook store?

I love the DTD scrapbook store, but I also find a lot of good stuff in the World of Disney.

great pages Jackie, hope you get to go in Oct too... so lucky!

Thanks! Well, the October trip isn't going to happen, but we are planning on doing some fun Halloween stuff around Atlanta.

Those are awesome pages, Jackie! Thanks for sharing!

Don't feel like you're behind. I keep things in boxes and files and Katie said "what's that? something else to go in the-scrapbook-that-you'll-never-finish-for-me?"

:rotfl: That's too funny that Katie says that! The kids are going to assume that we spent all of our free time at WDW judging by how that is the only thing I scrapbook these days! :rolleyes:

Those pages are awesome! Wow. I am so not a great scrapbooker!

Thanks! I have been doing it for years, though -- when I first started they didn't look anything like these!

Jackie, those pages are BOO-tiful!!!!

Thanks!!! I adore Disney scrapbooking! Sometimes I just buy Disney scrapbooking stuff to use for a future trip!

Great pages! They look wonderful. :thumbsup2

Those pages are so awesome! We are just starting and I am so jealous of your embellishments! Em and I are working on our pages together and they are all really simple, because we don't have much. I think that will be changing!
We may be there at WDW at the same time! We are thinking of doing POFQ for one week and CBR (depends on how we like it in December)
for the next week. It's really up in the air for now.

You will be amazed at what you begin amassing! Sometimes I rope Chelsea into helping with the scrapbooks -- she is usually my advice giver!

A week at both of those would be great! I can't wait until next June!!!

Love those scrapbook pages, jackie!

I have so many scrapbooks that i have started and never finished. I am impressed by your dedication!

We won't talk about the boxes of photos I have that aren't scrapbooked! ;)

Your pages are great! I'm so far behind on mine, I don't even want to think about it!

Thank you! I tried to catch up this summer, but it didn't happen!

Wow! Those pages are amazing! You are talented!! Re: the Oct trip... hope that your straw turns to gold and/or the bank gets the memo soon. I know how much you're looking forward to Oct but as you said, a June trip to AKL ain't so shabby either. Hope it all works out and I will be anxiously awaiting another PTR from you either way! :hug:

As long as I go to Disney at least once a year, I am happy and fortunate! :goodvibes

Tell me about this Christmas trip that I see a ticker for!!!

:worship: :worship: I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! :worship: :worship:

What is it with me and Wayne's World lately, I wonder?

Thanks! :goodvibes

:rotfl: I love that movie! I need to find a copy!

Great pages thanks for sharing! They are much more time consuming than the mass amount that I did this summer!

Yours turned out so great!!! And you got all caught up before Luke arrived! :thumbsup2

I love your pages! You are very talented.

I noted that another posted mentioned a scrapbook store at DTD...have you ever been there? If so, do you have any idea if they have some all-in-one kits? :scratchin

Thanks! I have been to the DTD store -- it's right next door to the Art of Disney. They have a lot of kits that would make page layouts easy -- I have also seen them at the resort gift shops and the World of Disney.

they looked great. :thumbsup2

Thank you! :goodvibes

Those scrapbook pages look great!! Right now I have a quick weekend booked for Pop Oct. 8-11th -- I may drop the 11th (or the trip alltogether lol) but I really wanted to be there for my bday!

Now, we aren't going :(. I am really sad about not being able to meet you and Jill!

Jackie---GREAT Scrapbooks!!!! You must have some type of lettering machine, because your lettering is AWESOME!!!! Give me the secret!!!

I have figured out how to help you with your October about if all of your loyal readers each just send you a dollar.....with all of us together, that money would add up quickly!!! You are a great charitable cause to donate provide us with SO many HOURS of entertainment!!!! What do you think?!?!?!?!?!? ;o) ;o)

Thanks! Just stickers for the most part on the lettering.

You are too funny!!! I will make up for not being able to do an October trip with the June trip! I already have lots of ideas swirling around in my head!

Great scrapbook pages- really nice job! I wish mine were that nice lol.

Thanks! I bet yours are just as nice!
love, love, love those pages!!!

Nice work! :thumbsup2

Thank you! Your new signature pics are great!!! I love the one of Junior with Pluto!

Hey just noticed your TR and trip dates, we we're there practically at the same time (us 5-12 of June) I'll come back to peruse your TR and beginning of the PTR too, but right now have a tired and cranky 21 mo. old at my leg.....

ok just had scrolled up and noticed you are a Scrapbooker! well now I'm like your new best friend! Can't wait to start scrapping this trip! (mine not yours)

Welcome!!! We were there at almost the same time!

I am looking forward to being able to scrap the rest of the June trip!

LOVE your scrapbook pages, Jackie! I'm such a scrapbooking newb' they all look the same! LOL

Thank you!

:rotfl: Somehow, I don't believe that considering some of the other stuff that you have designed!

Your scrapbook pages are just gorgeous, I love all the colours and embellishments :thumbsup2

Thank you! Finding just the right embellishments and papers is my favorite part of scrapbooking!

Your pages are awesome!!!!

Thank you so much!
Awww! I saw on my TR that you changed your ticker! Oh well- looks like an extra special AKL stay for you guys, eh? That's exciting!
You do have that talent, I am sure! I borrowed a lot of ideas from other places!

You're too sweet! It's not that I don't have...ummm...talent, exactly. It's just I never have time to do it. I went to DC over a year and a half ago and tried doing a scrapbook for that, nothing. Tried doing one for our trip to Disney World this summer and still nothing. Between school, theatre, family, homework and sleep, all the time is gone from my day and I'm exhausted by 9PM.


Too bad about the October trip, but this just means you get an AMAZING stay at AKL next summer. And, hey, there's always NEXT October. :rolleyes1
So with much teeth gnashing and a heavy heart, we have decided not to do the October trip. It was just going to be a lot of money, and we thought we should just make sure that our trip in June was extra magical. So, there will be a June PTR started soon.

Oh, well :headache:, but June will be fabulous!
So with much teeth gnashing and a heavy heart, we have decided not to do the October trip. It was just going to be a lot of money, and we thought we should just make sure that our trip in June was extra magical. So, there will be a June PTR started soon.

I am so sorry. You are stronger than I am. I have no business going on a March trip, but I can't tell myself no. It'll be the airline prices that tell me no, if need be.

I'm leaving it up to the Man upstairs, the one a little higher than the airplanes fly! :) If He decides the trip with Brooklynn would be good, He'll make flight prices good, and if He thinks I'm a nut for even considering it, He'll make them too high for me to even consider it. I'm like the most terrible decision maker in the world, so I let things like this get decided by outside forces.

However, your next magical trip will be extra magical when you get to stay where you want to for the whole time, so you have that to look forward to!
I'm sure that was a tough decision for you and Charles. :goodvibes I'm already excited for an extra magical June trip! :cool1: Are you still thinking AKL? Concierge? One of those special safaris? How about the backstage AK tour? OK... you said a PTR was coming... I'm getting ahead of myself. :rolleyes1
So with much teeth gnashing and a heavy heart, we have decided not to do the October trip. It was just going to be a lot of money, and we thought we should just make sure that our trip in June was extra magical. So, there will be a June PTR started soon.
It's tough making those decisions, isn't it?! At least you have June to look forward to!

Thank you! Your new signature pics are great!!! I love the one of Junior with Pluto!
THANKS! There's a great story that goes with it - although it's from our last day, so it'll be awhile before we get to it in the TR!
Don't know how I managed to miss your trip report up until now! Sounds like it was a fun trip. The pictures of your family are wonderful. Your daughter looks just like you!
Awww! I saw on my TR that you changed your ticker! Oh well- looks like an extra special AKL stay for you guys, eh? That's exciting!

Barring unseen financial upsets, we will be staying at AKL in June -- I just need to change the reservation. ;)

You're too sweet! It's not that I don't have...ummm...talent, exactly. It's just I never have time to do it. I went to DC over a year and a half ago and tried doing a scrapbook for that, nothing. Tried doing one for our trip to Disney World this summer and still nothing. Between school, theatre, family, homework and sleep, all the time is gone from my day and I'm exhausted by 9PM.


Too bad about the October trip, but this just means you get an AMAZING stay at AKL next summer. And, hey, there's always NEXT October. :rolleyes1

I know what you mean about finding time -- summer is my most productive scrapbooking time.

One of these days I will make it to Food and Wine.

Oh, well :headache:, but June will be fabulous!

Yes, it will -- I am already going through Disney withdrawals though!

I am so sorry. You are stronger than I am. I have no business going on a March trip, but I can't tell myself no. It'll be the airline prices that tell me no, if need be.

I'm leaving it up to the Man upstairs, the one a little higher than the airplanes fly! :) If He decides the trip with Brooklynn would be good, He'll make flight prices good, and if He thinks I'm a nut for even considering it, He'll make them too high for me to even consider it. I'm like the most terrible decision maker in the world, so I let things like this get decided by outside forces.

However, your next magical trip will be extra magical when you get to stay where you want to for the whole time, so you have that to look forward to!

It is one of the hardest decisions that I have made in a long time. However, I am trying to console myself with planning fun October outings here in Atlanta. Plus, in the back of my mind, I can't help but think that maybe if Charles's coaching stipend is the same as last year's then we could "maybe" go in the spring for a quick fix.

If not, I may add some days to the June trip. Heaven knows I will be so withered from Disney Deprivation that I will need an extra long dose of magic to recover. :rolleyes:

I'm sure that was a tough decision for you and Charles. :goodvibes I'm already excited for an extra magical June trip! :cool1: Are you still thinking AKL? Concierge? One of those special safaris? How about the backstage AK tour? OK... you said a PTR was coming... I'm getting ahead of myself. :rolleyes1

Still thinking AKL, but not concierge -- that's all I will reveal for now. :laughing:

Sorry about no October trip!:hug:

Thanks -- I am okay with it for the most part.

It's tough making those decisions, isn't it?! At least you have June to look forward to!
THANKS! There's a great story that goes with it - although it's from our last day, so it'll be awhile before we get to it in the TR!

I can't wait to hear all about it since it looks like Junior and Pluto were on Barnstormer together!

Don't know how I managed to miss your trip report up until now! Sounds like it was a fun trip. The pictures of your family are wonderful. Your daughter looks just like you!

Thank you!!! :goodvibes We had a great time!

sorry about the october trip.

It's okay -- should we take wagers on whether or not I will last until next June? :rotfl:
OK, so when is spring break for you all? I'm thinking no way will you last until June.......

I SO second this motion!!!! ;) ;) Ain't NO WAY Miss Jackie--Ain't NO WAY!

(Excuse the use of slang---but it just sounded better for effect!) :rotfl: :rotfl2:
Yes, it will -- I am already going through Disney withdrawals though!

It is one of the hardest decisions that I have made in a long time. However, I am trying to console myself with planning fun October outings here in Atlanta. Plus, in the back of my mind, I can't help but think that maybe if Charles's coaching stipend is the same as last year's then we could "maybe" go in the spring for a quick fix.
If not, I may add some days to the June trip. Heaven knows I will be so withered from Disney Deprivation that I will need an extra long dose of magic to recover. :rolleyes:

It's okay -- should we take wagers on whether or not I will last until next June? :rotfl:

All of the same feelings were involved in me booking the March trip. I knew that by then, I'd be so ready for a break from school and in need of a Disney treat. However, I have a feeling flights will be outrageous when they are released, and my decision about that trip will be made for me.

My other option would be if my friend, Kay, does get to go:
-if she's willing to buy all the gas
-I'll rent a car
-I wouldn't take Brooklynn

then just the two of us might go.

If I take Brooklynn, I definitely want to fly, so if we go by car and don't take her, I'll do something else fun with her in the beginning of the week before I go.

In truth, I have no business thinking of a spring trip at all, but I know I am going to be dying for one when Spring Break gets here!

At least with October, you have some Halloween and fall festival activities around the community, school, church, etc. that you can have fun with. Do you have a Disney Store near you? They had some Halloween stuff out when we went by there yesterday. Not a lot, but a little. We got the Halloween party box, because of course we will do a Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party of our own.

Anyway, I hope you get to take that mini-trip in the spring. What dates are you thinking off going, or have you planned that far ahead? I really don't want to see you in the worst stages of Disney Deprivation. That is a bad, bad thing.:sad2:
OK, so when is spring break for you all? I'm thinking no way will you last until June.......

Unfortunately, it is the week right before Easter -- one of the busiest times of the year. Grrrr. :headache:

I SO second this motion!!!! ;) ;) Ain't NO WAY Miss Jackie--Ain't NO WAY!

(Excuse the use of slang---but it just sounded better for effect!) :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Slang for effect is perfectly acceptable! :lmao:

All of the same feelings were involved in me booking the March trip. I knew that by then, I'd be so ready for a break from school and in need of a Disney treat. However, I have a feeling flights will be outrageous when they are released, and my decision about that trip will be made for me.

My other option would be if my friend, Kay, does get to go:
-if she's willing to buy all the gas
-I'll rent a car
-I wouldn't take Brooklynn

then just the two of us might go.

If I take Brooklynn, I definitely want to fly, so if we go by car and don't take her, I'll do something else fun with her in the beginning of the week before I go.

In truth, I have no business thinking of a spring trip at all, but I know I am going to be dying for one when Spring Break gets here!

Disney trips for mental stability are perfectly acceptable. :rotfl:

As teachers, we need to rejuvenate so that we can do the best job we can for our students. ;)

See, I can justify a trip to WDW in any way you need me to! :rotfl:

At least with October, you have some Halloween and fall festival activities around the community, school, church, etc. that you can have fun with. Do you have a Disney Store near you? They had some Halloween stuff out when we went by there yesterday. Not a lot, but a little. We got the Halloween party box, because of course we will do a Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party of our own.

Yes, there are several fun Halloween activities that we can do -- I already have some planned out. Yesterday we went shopping and I got some great stuff for Halloween fun around the house -- it will make for great updates! :goodvibes

Anyway, I hope you get to take that mini-trip in the spring. What dates are you thinking off going, or have you planned that far ahead? I really don't want to see you in the worst stages of Disney Deprivation. That is a bad, bad thing.:sad2:

Haven't even thought about dates since I am trying to be all noble and self-sacrificing so I can see my AKL dream come to fruition. :rotfl: However, I keep seeing all these great photos on various TRs and there is a yearning in my heart that just won't go away (how's that for Disney melodrama?).

I think it might be easier if I could somehow bottle up the scents I associate with WDW. If I could just have a whiff of Early Morning on Main Street, I might be okay for awhile. :rolleyes:


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