In Search of my Body...Not The One I ate...#3 "Crowning Goddesses As We Go"

Morning Babes--

Another long night here. Today is a day we have been dreading for over year. Kelly woke up at midnight very sick. No idea what the situation is. Could be nothing...could be everything. Headed up to the hospital soon (we were able to keep her home through the night so that at least I could get the other two off to school). Will keep you posted.

I'll be thinking of you all today.... hope things go well...

Mornin' Everyone :wave2:

(I just had a "Walton's" moment. And if you don't know what I mean by that, please don't tell me...just nod and agree....:rolleyes1)

Me too. I would definitely pick her. Have you ever done her shred workout? Holy freakin' crap.

No. (afraid to ask...) what's this "shred workout"? :confused3

Well here I am. I just found this thread and thought, oh what the hey. I'll give it a shot.

Welcome! :flower3:

Morning Babes--

Another long night here. Today is a day we have been dreading for over year. Kelly woke up at midnight very sick. No idea what the situation is. Could be nothing...could be everything. Headed up to the hospital soon (we were able to keep her home through the night so that at least I could get the other two off to school). Will keep you posted.

:grouphug: I'm so sorry....I'll be thinking of you guys

Crunched for time this a.m. - so I think I'm going to RUN again! (oh God. This is like giving an alcoholic a beer...I think I need a 12 step program. :scared1:)
E -
Please let us know how she is...I will keep her in my prayers throughout the day and you and the family.

Thought of funny responses to the posts..but after reading that...not very appropriate.

Once we know our little angel is okay - the funny will be back.

Goof - Thanks - sorry I made ya cry.:hug:
Plus a warm hello :woohoo: to the new person whom I cannot pronounce but reading the intro and seeing sandscrit (sp?) have now affectionatley nicknamed - ABU - from Aladin...:yay:

So Abu - how are you?
Morning Babes--

Another long night here. Today is a day we have been dreading for over year. Kelly woke up at midnight very sick. No idea what the situation is. Could be nothing...could be everything. Headed up to the hospital soon (we were able to keep her home through the night so that at least I could get the other two off to school). Will keep you posted.

You'll be in my thoughts today... Keep us posted! :hug:
Well here I am. I just found this thread and thought, oh what the hey. I'll give it a shot.

I currently weigh 175 lbs, but my goal is, by the end of the school year, to be at least 30 lbs lighter.

I am, to be honest, having trouble with my diet. It's not that I'm eating too much. I'm not hardly eating a thing. I just don't feel like eating any more.

I am slowly getting back into the routine of walking at least 30 min five days a week when DS is in school. I've also started going to our library twice a week to use their Wii. :) Lately I've been hooked on Wii Tennis, although that might change because I think I sprained something today. My shoulder hurts like a mo'fo.

I just figured out your screen name! :laughing: So what's it forwards? Unless you want Dawn to get us all calling you Abu?

Deb, who really should be working but is desperately trying to hold off from snacking before lunch and came here for some inspiration (and got a laugh instead)
Morning Babes--

Another long night here. Today is a day we have been dreading for over year. Kelly woke up at midnight very sick. No idea what the situation is. Could be nothing...could be everything. Headed up to the hospital soon (we were able to keep her home through the night so that at least I could get the other two off to school). Will keep you posted.

Oh no E... Hope that it is something simple and not what you fear. :hug:

The 30-day shred workout is a Jillian Michaels thing. Our exercise-on-demand has the first two for free, and I tried them out once. She uses dumbbells along with cardio. If you can make it through workout 1 the first time (assuming you aren't E), you kick more booty than I.

Welcome to sdarwkcabemanmy!! Wow what a username!
Morning Babes--

Another long night here. Today is a day we have been dreading for over year. Kelly woke up at midnight very sick. No idea what the situation is. Could be nothing...could be everything. Headed up to the hospital soon (we were able to keep her home through the night so that at least I could get the other two off to school). Will keep you posted.

E~ your in my thoughts

AS for me I don't log in and you all LEAVE ME! GEEESHH !!! What's a girl to do when all her friends up and leave...:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

So I finally have a day off and I get a call from the school nurse saying Zac (my diabetic) has a headache and stomach ache . I call pediatricians and tell them that he is complaining of an ear and stomach ache and has keytones. bring him in ... LOW and BEHOLD he has strep throat! Great because Tyler has been complaining of a sore throat all week, The bad mom I am said well you are coughing like crazy and that is why you have a sore throat. Doc send me home with swabs to swab his throat, I get zac his antibiotic and home we come . I fight to stay awake till 1030 to recheck Zac's sugar. Didn't happen 930 I am ZZZZZZZZZ snoozing. I wake up and check him and then go right into my bed.. missing all of you! This morning I swab Ty and send him to school. Zac and I get dressed and bring down the swabs I stated that I was going to wait for the results in outpatient waiting area. A half hour goes by and nothing No results in puter ( I had friends check it out for me) wait another half hour Still NOTHING I am getting PISSED now and I finally call upstairs to the lab and say Were are MY RESULTS, in return I get they are there I was like oh ok so I am just waiting on the DR's office to call me than. UMM YEAH! I looked for results and NOTHING! So I got pissed and came home so when I get the call that Tyler has strep than guess what I am calling in. SHORT NOTICE AND ALL!!!!!!! can we tell what type of mood I'm in????:mad: :mad: :mad: :headache: :headache:
Ok here it is NOW 11:30 and I just called work and it is STILL NOT DONE! FUMING HERE!!!!!
So ok thanks for letting me vent! I can't wait to get to work and vent there! I am almost tempted to call my boss and say what the heck DR doesn't have results yet from a Rapid strep test (boy almost put the test code down ..oops work mode) what is the HOLD UP!
Ok just called the pediatrician and they said they just checked and that it is still pending and it can take up to two to three hours to get results. Um hello in the ER it is a fifteen minute turn around. YEAH I AM PISSED! I should have put it as a STAT!

Ok no packing today very bad of me! No laundry just DOING NOTHING! I still haven't gotten a closing date as of yet. Currant owners are MOVING:banana: Stephen stalks them and drives by and they were packing their cars!:cool1:
I think I have mostly all rooms but my bedroom and sam's bedroom and the bathrooms done. For the most part I won't pack the clothes just leave them in their draws. Then everything else is stuff we use on a daily basis so that will be packed on the day we move!
Ok no words of wisdon for me to say so I am off to watch SHREK III with zac and wait patiently on results for ty!
I just figured out your screen name! :laughing: So what's it forwards? Unless you want Dawn to get us all calling you Abu?

Deb, who really should be working but is desperately trying to hold off from snacking before lunch and came here for some inspiration (and got a laugh instead)

LOL... Be strong!! You don't need to snack!

E~ your in my thoughts

AS for me I don't log in and you all LEAVE ME! GEEESHH !!! What's a girl to do when all her friends up and leave...:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

So I finally have a day off and I get a call from the school nurse saying Zac (my diabetic) has a headache and stomach ache . I call pediatricians and tell them that he is complaining of an ear and stomach ache and has keytones. bring him in ... LOW and BEHOLD he has strep throat! Great because Tyler has been complaining of a sore throat all week, The bad mom I am said well you are coughing like crazy and that is why you have a sore throat. Doc send me home with swabs to swab his throat, I get zac his antibiotic and home we come . I fight to stay awake till 1030 to recheck Zac's sugar. Didn't happen 930 I am ZZZZZZZZZ snoozing. I wake up and check him and then go right into my bed.. missing all of you! This morning I swab Ty and send him to school. Zac and I get dressed and bring down the swabs I stated that I was going to wait for the results in outpatient waiting area. A half hour goes by and nothing No results in puter ( I had friends check it out for me) wait another half hour Still NOTHING I am getting PISSED now and I finally call upstairs to the lab and say Were are MY RESULTS, in return I get they are there I was like oh ok so I am just waiting on the DR's office to call me than. UMM YEAH! I looked for results and NOTHING! So I got pissed and came home so when I get the call that Tyler has strep than guess what I am calling in. SHORT NOTICE AND ALL!!!!!!! can we tell what type of mood I'm in????:mad: :mad: :mad: :headache: :headache:
Ok here it is NOW 11:30 and I just called work and it is STILL NOT DONE! FUMING HERE!!!!!
So ok thanks for letting me vent! I can't wait to get to work and vent there! I am almost tempted to call my boss and say what the heck DR doesn't have results yet from a Rapid strep test (boy almost put the test code down ..oops work mode) what is the HOLD UP!
Ok just called the pediatrician and they said they just checked and that it is still pending and it can take up to two to three hours to get results. Um hello in the ER it is a fifteen minute turn around. YEAH I AM PISSED! I should have put it as a STAT!

Ok no packing today very bad of me! No laundry just DOING NOTHING! I still haven't gotten a closing date as of yet. Currant owners are MOVING:banana: Stephen stalks them and drives by and they were packing their cars!:cool1:
I think I have mostly all rooms but my bedroom and sam's bedroom and the bathrooms done. For the most part I won't pack the clothes just leave them in their draws. Then everything else is stuff we use on a daily basis so that will be packed on the day we move!
Ok no words of wisdon for me to say so I am off to watch SHREK III with zac and wait patiently on results for ty!

LOL... Stalking isn't funny but in your case it cracks me up! Have fun watching Shrek 3 :)
LOL... Be strong!! You don't need to snack!

Yup, did it. Chugged 2 glasses of water and went to lunch 10 minutes early. Now I'm chomping gum (which I hate to do) because I'm hoping to beat out the urge to eat. Why do I want to eat? Because my splurge of the day was oreos from the vending machine with lunch. If this afternoon is anything like yesterday - and it looks like it will be - I'll be on my feet doing triage on 6 test seats until 6pm. And I need more than a bowl of soup to get through that without blowing it in the evening.

So I've had 6 glasses of water so far today. I haven't drank this much in a month. I'm even logging food on SP again.

Now if I can only suck it up to find a way to exercise that I enjoy...
Heard from EriKa.

Kelly is having kidney pain, vomiting for 12 hours now and had 2 seizures. They have her on meds for pain, and she is out.

EriKa is going crazy, no word from drs, trying to stay busy.
LOL... Be strong!! You don't need to snack!

Yup, did it. Chugged 2 glasses of water and went to lunch 10 minutes early. Now I'm chomping gum (which I hate to do) because I'm hoping to beat out the urge to eat. Why do I want to eat? Because my splurge of the day was oreos from the vending machine with lunch. If this afternoon is anything like yesterday - and it looks like it will be - I'll be on my feet doing triage on 6 test seats until 6pm. And I need more than a bowl of soup to get through that without blowing it in the evening.

So I've had 6 glasses of water so far today. I haven't drank this much in a month. I'm even logging food on SP again.

Now if I can only suck it up to find a way to exercise that I enjoy...

Maybe bring lo-cal snacks with you to work... like celery, carrots, or something like that so when you get the urge or actually do feel hungry you have something to eat and aren't relying on vending machines... 100 calorie packs are a god send for that kind of stuff.
Heard from EriKa.

Kelly is having kidney pain, vomiting for 12 hours now and had 2 seizures. They have her on meds for pain, and she is out.

EriKa is going crazy, no word from drs, trying to stay busy.

Aww... if you hear from her again send love and hugs to her from me!
Abu is fine. My name is (if you spelled it forwards) MyNameBackwards (only I can't spell and mucked up spelling it backwards:rotfl: ).

Never heard of being able to play at library. Your supposed to be quiet at the library.
Our head librarian is really about trying to get teens/young adults into the library any way she can so she has an anime/manga club and has recently added a PS3 and a Wii to the library's collection.

I feel so funkified..I volunteered to help out with storytime today (pirate themed since Talk Like A Pirate Day is Friday) and so I haven't had a chance to go walk yet. I might after DH gets home tonight, I don't know.

I think I sprained my shoulder yesterday playing Wii Tennis. I must've hyperextended it a bit or something because it's really, really sore. Owie.

I was watching BL last night and I'm on earth do they manage to drop so much weight in just one week? Are they like working out six hours a day or something?:confused: I would love to be able to drop 9 + lbs in one week. But I don't think I could stand somebody like Jillian yelling at me all day.
Heard from EriKa.

Kelly is having kidney pain, vomiting for 12 hours now and had 2 seizures. They have her on meds for pain, and she is out.

EriKa is going crazy, no word from drs, trying to stay busy.
Thanks for the update.... I am praying for them... keep us posted when you can...

Maybe bring lo-cal snacks with you to work... like celery, carrots, or something like that so when you get the urge or actually do feel hungry you have something to eat and aren't relying on vending machines... 100 calorie packs are a god send for that kind of stuff.
Sarah is right. I bring healthy snacks with me now so that I have no excuses for bad food choices. I also plan to eat every 3 - 4 hours so that the hunger issue never really gets away from me. It is amazing what a 1 oz bag of pretzels and a fat free cheese stick can do to fill you up. Fresh fruits and veggies are always an option too...

Abu is fine. My name is (if you spelled it forwards) MyNameBackwards (only I can't spell and mucked up spelling it backwards:rotfl: ).

Our head librarian is really about trying to get teens/young adults into the library any way she can so she has an anime/manga club and has recently added a PS3 and a Wii to the library's collection.

I feel so funkified..I volunteered to help out with storytime today (pirate themed since Talk Like A Pirate Day is Friday) and so I haven't had a chance to go walk yet. I might after DH gets home tonight, I don't know.

I think I sprained my shoulder yesterday playing Wii Tennis. I must've hyperextended it a bit or something because it's really, really sore. Owie.

I was watching BL last night and I'm on earth do they manage to drop so much weight in just one week? Are they like working out six hours a day or something?:confused: I would love to be able to drop 9 + lbs in one week. But I don't think I could stand somebody like Jillian yelling at me all day.

if you exercised for six hours and day and did nothing else but focus on your eating and exercise plans for the remaining day than you could lose 10 pounds in a week. Guess that is where the "results aren't typical" tagline comes in...

Abu... love that name (and the character)... Welcome!!!! I am Paula and sometimes go by Goof as well. Tell us a little about yourself when you get a chance. You should know that we are following all different types of diet and exercise programs so jump right in, the water is fine...

Today has been crazy for me at work so not much time to post... my eating is going well and I have already walked two laps around the Empire State Plaza running errands today and think I have about a mile or two of walking down already today, plus I have swimming tonight... :woohoo:

Hope all is going well with everyone else and Erika - I am with you and your family right now in spirit. I am praying for you...

Well, let's see...what is there to tell?
I've been a SAHM for the past 2 1/2 years to my wonderful 4 1/2 year old DS who is in his second year of Pre-K now and doing well so far. Well, except for today. I just got off the phone with the school nurse and while his class was coming back from lunch, DS tripped and fell and bonked his head. Nurse D said he seemed perfectly fine though, maybe just a little bump where he whacked his head.

My neighborhood is great for walking and I try to squeeze in at least 45 min of walking per day. I usually grab my MP3 player and head out. I just have to pay attention to where I'm going because I get lost really easily, even though I've lived here for almost 8 years now.:rotfl:

I'm turning 30 on Friday and last year I decided I didn't want to be fat anymore. I want to get back down to my HS weight (which was around 140) if I can. I have a fear of ending up like those women on BL and other shows like that..that I'll be so fat I can't get out of bed or drive The Pregnant Rollerskate (my car). DH and I will go out to public events (like our town's Autumnfest, etc) and I will see women who have big, schlumpy looking stuffed sausages for legs, their ankles hidden by a roll of fat and big, puffy feet and it scares me.:scared1: I am TERRIFIED of ending up that way now.

As far as diets go, I'm following the food rules as set down by Paul McKenna (I Can Make You Thin). I eat what I want, whenever I am hungry, even if it's not "good" for me. I don't know if it works, but at least I'm not always hungry. Since I've started this, I've gotten less hungry than before when I've tried other diets. I feel like there are no "bad" foods...I can have carbs, I can have candy, I can have those things that other diets tell you are not allowed. I could never do the South Beach or TAtkins because they say no carbs, no meat, no this, no that.
Abu is fine. My name is (if you spelled it forwards) MyNameBackwards (only I can't spell and mucked up spelling it backwards:rotfl: ).

Our head librarian is really about trying to get teens/young adults into the library any way she can so she has an anime/manga club and has recently added a PS3 and a Wii to the library's collection.

I feel so funkified..I volunteered to help out with storytime today (pirate themed since Talk Like A Pirate Day is Friday) and so I haven't had a chance to go walk yet. I might after DH gets home tonight, I don't know.

I think I sprained my shoulder yesterday playing Wii Tennis. I must've hyperextended it a bit or something because it's really, really sore. Owie.

I was watching BL last night and I'm on earth do they manage to drop so much weight in just one week? Are they like working out six hours a day or something?:confused: I would love to be able to drop 9 + lbs in one week. But I don't think I could stand somebody like Jillian yelling at me all day.

Ya my Wii causes me pain too on occaision... LOL...

Well, let's see...what is there to tell?
I've been a SAHM for the past 2 1/2 years to my wonderful 4 1/2 year old DS who is in his second year of Pre-K now and doing well so far. Well, except for today. I just got off the phone with the school nurse and while his class was coming back from lunch, DS tripped and fell and bonked his head. Nurse D said he seemed perfectly fine though, maybe just a little bump where he whacked his head.

My neighborhood is great for walking and I try to squeeze in at least 45 min of walking per day. I usually grab my MP3 player and head out. I just have to pay attention to where I'm going because I get lost really easily, even though I've lived here for almost 8 years now.:rotfl:

I'm turning 30 on Friday and last year I decided I didn't want to be fat anymore. I want to get back down to my HS weight (which was around 140) if I can. I have a fear of ending up like those women on BL and other shows like that..that I'll be so fat I can't get out of bed or drive The Pregnant Rollerskate (my car). DH and I will go out to public events (like our town's Autumnfest, etc) and I will see women who have big, schlumpy looking stuffed sausages for legs, their ankles hidden by a roll of fat and big, puffy feet and it scares me.:scared1: I am TERRIFIED of ending up that way now.

As far as diets go, I'm following the food rules as set down by Paul McKenna (I Can Make You Thin). I eat what I want, whenever I am hungry, even if it's not "good" for me. I don't know if it works, but at least I'm not always hungry. Since I've started this, I've gotten less hungry than before when I've tried other diets. I feel like there are no "bad" foods...I can have carbs, I can have candy, I can have those things that other diets tell you are not allowed. I could never do the South Beach or TAtkins because they say no carbs, no meat, no this, no that.

I know how you feel. My rude awakening was when I hardly fit on some rides at 6 Flags! I was devastated... At my heaviest I was 255 and thats what some of the BL contestants start at!! I am so glad I made the change... I'm down to 192.6 now!
Abu is fine. My name is (if you spelled it forwards) MyNameBackwards (only I can't spell and mucked up spelling it backwards:rotfl: ).

Our head librarian is really about trying to get teens/young adults into the library any way she can so she has an anime/manga club and has recently added a PS3 and a Wii to the library's collection.

I feel so funkified..I volunteered to help out with storytime today (pirate themed since Talk Like A Pirate Day is Friday) and so I haven't had a chance to go walk yet. I might after DH gets home tonight, I don't know.

I think I sprained my shoulder yesterday playing Wii Tennis. I must've hyperextended it a bit or something because it's really, really sore. Owie.

I was watching BL last night and I'm on earth do they manage to drop so much weight in just one week? Are they like working out six hours a day or something?:confused: I would love to be able to drop 9 + lbs in one week. But I don't think I could stand somebody like Jillian yelling at me all day.

I am laughing at many things here. Most namely, Talk like a Pirate Day. :)

They manage to drop so much weight for both the reasons mentioned above (personal trainer, devoted 24x7, etc), and the fact that most of them are significantly overweight and have likely either not dieted before, or not in a while. So at least for the first week, a good bit of that is water weight.

E, thinking of you and Kelly. :hug:
from EriKa:

"Thanks. Early test results look good. Looks like she is still in remission,
but we won't know for sure for 24hrs or so. We will be home tonight I think,
unless bad results come in. she does better at home. We all do."


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