In Search of My Body....Not the One I ATE! Vol. 5: Goddesses are Always on Top!

Hey Everybody!

Got my shift out of the way at work and now I am uber hungry. I bought donuts for my gang at work and didn't have a bite. It was tough.


Ok. here's what's goin' on. One of my High School classmates sent an email concerning a reunion. Along with an invitation to join a Facebook group.

mmm.k. I registered with Facebook, but didnt' know how to do anything else. Just registered.

NOW. My 76 year old AUNT just sent me a friend request :eek: How come SHE can do this and I'm completely paralyzed :confused3 I made DD13 promise not to mock, belittle or otherwise taunt me - and set me up.

I thought she was going to wet herself laughing at me 'cause I'm so challenged :laughing:

oy. I'm so not cut out for the technology age :lmao:

I'll go back and read the thread after I'm done with my panic attack :rolleyes1

:hug: It will be ok!

Just a quick checkin before I go down for a nap.

Game last night was AWESOME!!! Our goalie really came through for us (which is the main thing I was worried about), and though the other team totally outmatched us, we held our own. Only losing 2-0 is a big deal for us, as the other team is the one that most of us would play on if we were any better.

This morning was fargin EARLY! Even the cats were like blink, nah, I'm not getting up. I left the house at 6:30. Bleah. The game went okay, that team is a lot more aggressive so there was more bumping and such, and two girls got hurt (mostly from bumping leading to running into the boards) but luckily not too badly. We lost 3-1 but again, not too bad.

Okay, game at 7 tonight and then again (likely) at 9:30AM tomorrow. I may not have time to check in again until tomorrow afternoon as I am staying after tonight to scorekeep for the game after me, and may stay to help out at the game after that.

Amy, thanks for starting the new thread! Love the short sweet intro, it is so much more "me" than the long sappy stuff. Did I mention I am so not-sappy that we don't even celebrate v-day in this house (at my request)? :laughing:

Stacey, SOOO SOOO SOOO proud of you. I know you were worried about joining a gym and I am so excited that you got past that and found one that you are going to love!!! Such a big step!! :yay:

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend and thanks for all the well-wishes. :goodvibes

So excited for you Kat!

SO, I totally kicked the 10k's A$$ this morning. Haven't checked chip time yet, but Garmin said 6.3 miles, 73 minutes, 11:42 average pace! Which for me is fast for that kind of distance. I even walked for about 5 minutes total. It was just fantastic. Fell into my stride early. and felt awesome the whole way through. A bit of shin pain initially, but I put biofreeze on my shins pre-race and I think that helped. Course was also flat as a pancake. A beautiful morning, low 60's at the start. Just awesome.:goodvibes I am enjoying some Blue moon spring ale right now and it tastes so good! :drinking1 Little D and DH are napping, but I am just too wound up to do so. Definitely a runner's high. The worst thing was that somewhere along the way I lost my 13.1 bondiband. :sad: :sad:

Erika Your night out sounds like fun! DH and I will have a belated valentines night out when MIL is here in a couple weeks.

KatSounds like your weekend of hockey is going along well! Can't wait to see pics!

Be back later with a few pics...

Awesome Amy! You definitely deserve that beer.
Way to go, Amy!!! :cool1: So proud of you!!!!

Amiee, happy anniversary!!! I forgot to say that yesterday!

E, enjoy your dinner out!

Lyz, I haven't had Chipotle yet. I'm on the fence. It seems like fat, fat, fat to me. Like I need another fat, fat, fat place.
Also, i posted some new questions in the first post of this thread. So, when you get a minute, post them and Lyz and Liz will compile them.
Ok, Dawn, since I rag on you for your food, I guess I will post what I eat. These are some of my standards (note: fruits and veggies and grain are all organic for the most part)--


-lowfat organic granola with either skim or soy milk
-fiber one with either skim or soy milk
-Kashi Go Lean with skim or soy milk
-2-3 egg whites with 2 strips of veggie bacon (note: the veggie bacon is neither healthy nor crap. Sort of a neutral food)
-Fruit and yogurt (ff, organic)


I often just have a small serving of something leftover from a dinner we had earlier in the week. I specifically make larger dinners so that J and I can both have leftovers for lunch later in the week. But when I make a specific lunch, it is often one of the following:

--black bean soup (tons of protein and no fat)
--vegetarian chili (same--lots of protein and no fat)
--veggie "deli" slices sandwich (I use low cal whole wheat bread; good protein)
--Boca burger (sometimes with low cal whole wheat bun, often without)
--Smart Dog (with low cal whole wheat bun)
--tuna made with lf mayo on lc, ww bread
--a BIG salad (made with organic spring mix--never iceberg!--cherry toms, cuke, broc, cauli, craisins, sunflower seeds, and lf cheese)

With lunch, I will have a fruit or a vegetable (raw) or sometimes both. Once in a great while, I will also have soy crisps (YUM! OMG, a great find. Feels like you are having chips, but they are low in fat and high in protein!), and once in a while I will have pretzels and humus.


I usually make something from each of the following categories each week:

--a Fish meal
--a tofu meal
--a bean meal
--a pasta meal
--a soup/stew in the winter
--we always have "salad night" once a week, where I make a meal-sized salad and we have it with a really yummy whole grain bread. (Not the low cal stuff I eat otherwise. REAL bread. But only whole wheat, whole grain.)


Almost entirely made up of raw fruits and veggies. I never use canned fruit. Ever. Loaded with extra sugar and you lose the fiber. And I always have a garden of veggies in the fridge that are chopped and ready to eat. That way, when I need to just grab something, the veggies are right there and fast and easy.

I used to eat a Fiber One bar every day. Now it is more like one a week. It is processed and I really like to stay away from processed food as much as I can.

Other snacks:

~whole grain lf crackers with either lf cheese or humus
~popcorn (made in my air popper)
~almonds (and I cut these way back as I was just eating too many. Almonds every day was KILLING my weight loss efforts). I have basically eliminated all other nuts. Though I cook with peanuts once in a while.


~hot cocoa! I get the low cal, low carb, sugar free stuff, but I found a brand that is AWESOME.
~sugar free chocolate pudding (60 cals. per serving)
~If I really need something sweet, I will have it, but just a very small portion.
a few pics from today..

Me, post race. that weird building in the background is on the St.Pete Pier.

Little D enjoying the slide at the park. We walked almost 2 miles post race to get to the park and then to the restaurant!

Also, some sort of regatta going on in the gulf today. Lots of boats.

Amy. You look FANTASTIC!!!

Wow. Really admire yourself, okay???

On the home front, I bought the tile for my bathroom. Whee!!! We'll go to Costco tomorrow, but I am just so happy we bought the tile in one visit to the store. Thanks, Lyz and Paula!!!
--a BIG salad (made with organic spring mix--never iceberg!--cherry toms, cuke, broc, cauli, craisins, sunflower seeds, and lf cheese)

With lunch, I will have a fruit or a vegetable (raw) or sometimes both. Once in a great while, I will also have soy crisps (YUM! OMG, a great find. Feels like you are having chips, but they are low in fat and high in protein!), and once in a while I will have pretzels and humus.


I usually make something from each of the following categories each week:

--a Fish meal
--a tofu meal
--a bean meal
--a pasta meal
--a soup/stew in the winter
--we always have "salad night" once a week, where I make a meal-sized salad and we have it with a really yummy whole grain bread. (Not the low cal stuff I eat otherwise. REAL bread. But only whole wheat, whole grain.)

Other snacks:

~whole grain lf crackers with either lf cheese or humus
~popcorn (made in my air popper)
~almonds (and I cut these way back as I was just eating too many. Almonds every day was KILLING my weight loss efforts). I have basically eliminated all other nuts. Though I cook with peanuts once in a while.

First of all, before I get to my point of quotation, I have a question. Does it make me a bad person that I like and eat iceberg lettuce? The HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) passively-aggressively disses iceberg lettuce to me. I remember once talking to the HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) and mentioning I'd picked up some iceberg lettuce at the store and the HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) was like "I don't eat iceberg lettuce :snooty: ". Then, the HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) said something about it not being nutritious enough or something. Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter. :rotfl:

Oh, did I mention that the HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages? :confused3 -- AY QUE MUY BONITA!! :rotfl2:

On to why I quoted and I'm posting. OMG, I LOVE HUMMUS :yay: !

(Geez, I hope we're talking about the same thing! :lmao: )

Do you make it at home or do you buy it already made? I make mine at home and mine is always a bit extra-garlicky and extra-limey because I like to use limes vs lemons though I do switch off from time to time. I never put tahini in mine because it's hard to find where I live. I go simple with mine, chickpeas, garlic, cumin, lime juice, easy on the salt. Sometimes, I'll throw a chunk of onion into the food processor with the other ingredients. Not authentic but it's lovely.

I know it's always messy and time consuming making hummus, guacamole and fresh salsa at home, but they are all terribly good for you. I just don't trust the companies that make them and they always seem to put in either a bunch of preservatives that I don't want in my body or stuff that compromises the healthy aspect of those foods.

And I'm secretly addicted to smoked and salted almonds. But don't tell anybody because I don't need an intervention right now. :rolleyes1

On a more serious note, I'm really glad you posted the different meal categories. I hadn't thought about it in those terms before and I need to structure my meal planning a little better. If I don't, I have a bad habit of getting lazy and eating nothing but salad during the week and by weeks end I'm way exhausted. That gets a three thumbs up for useful info!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Hey, Roddy, remember when Kat didn't tell you a new thread started after 200 pages? Remember? OMG! :rotfl:

Love the snark. I will totally bring this up with her, again and again. Only then she might tell you how I walked around the MK is hot pink sweatpants.
Hey, Roddy, remember when Kat didn't tell you a new thread started after 200 pages? Remember? OMG! :rotfl:

Love the snark. I will totally bring this up with her, again and again. Only then she might tell you how I walked around the MK is hot pink sweatpants.

Do I remember when the hockeykat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages?

I remember that, I remember that! Good times, GOOD TIMES, WHOA!!! :cheer2:

Ok, I have no idea what the MK is, but hot pink sweatpants sound interesting. :lmao:
Way to go, Amy!!! :cool1: So proud of you!!!!

Amiee, happy anniversary!!! I forgot to say that yesterday!

E, enjoy your dinner out!

Lyz, I haven't had Chipotle yet. I'm on the fence. It seems like fat, fat, fat to me. Like I need another fat, fat, fat place.

Thanks Liz! Still on cloud 9 ~ feeling very empowered today.

a few pics from today..

Me, post race. that weird building in the background is on the St.Pete Pier.

Little D enjoying the slide at the park. We walked almost 2 miles post race to get to the park and then to the restaurant!

Also, some sort of regatta going on in the gulf today. Lots of boats.


Amy, spectacular pics.

First of all, before I get to my point of quotation, I have a question. Does it make me a bad person that I like and eat iceberg lettuce? The HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) passively-aggressively disses iceberg lettuce to me. I remember once talking to the HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) and mentioning I'd picked up some iceberg lettuce at the store and the HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) was like "I don't eat iceberg lettuce :snooty: ". Then, the HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) said something about it not being nutritious enough or something. Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter. :rotfl:

Oh, did I mention that the HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages? :confused3 -- AY QUE MUY BONITA!! :rotfl2:

On to why I quoted and I'm posting. OMG, I LOVE HUMMUS :yay: !

(Geez, I hope we're talking about the same thing! :lmao: )

Do you make it at home or do you buy it already made? I make mine at home and mine is always a bit extra-garlicky and extra-limey because I like to use limes vs lemons though I do switch off from time to time. I never put tahini in mine because it's hard to find where I live. I go simple with mine, chickpeas, garlic, cumin, lime juice, easy on the salt. Sometimes, I'll throw a chunk of onion into the food processor with the other ingredients. Not authentic but it's lovely.

I know it's always messy and time consuming making hummus, guacamole and fresh salsa at home, but they are all terribly good for you. I just don't trust the companies that make them and they always seem to put in either a bunch of preservatives that I don't want in my body or stuff that compromises the healthy aspect of those foods.

And I'm secretly addicted to smoked and salted almonds. But don't tell anybody because I don't need an intervention right now. :rolleyes1

On a more serious note, I'm really glad you posted the different meal categories. I hadn't thought about it in those terms before and I need to structure my meal planning a little better. If I don't, I have a bad habit of getting lazy and eating nothing but salad during the week and by weeks end I'm way exhausted. That gets a three thumbs up for useful info!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Hummus ~ omg food of the gods. I'm glad you found us even though Kat forgot about the max pages, lol:rolleyes1

Erika ~ very cool to see a glimpse at your food choices. Yum!
OMG stop the presses (but don't turn on the lights)

I was at the gym for 2 HOURS and i LOVED every single second of it.

Mind you i wasn't working hard every minute, as they had to show me things etc, but did Treadmill, Elliptical, Recumbent Bike and 45 minutes on the full nautilus circuit....and I...Friggin...Loved....It :scared1: Goodbye sunlight, i'll miss you, but i'm off to the dark side, i promise i'll write ;)

I signed up for a 1 year membership today, and plan to go mornings (8AM weekends 6AM weekdays) :cheer2:

Hope everyone is having a great morning!!!

Yeah! Very exciting! I have to say the recumbent bike is my fav.
I finally started my PTR ~ it's

Mom gave me free reign on the restaurant choices. Now I need to get busy, busy, worky, worky.

I am way under on eating today, but I am just not hungry at all. I've some string cheese, a chopped chicken salad (mixed greens, salsa, and grilled chicken), water, and a skinny latte.
Quick fly-by. Fun night! Great time with friends. Did well in terms of food. Definitely off the alcohol wagon, but it is all good. :goodvibes

Jeff delivered this year! (OMG, remember last year??? The awful card?) Anyway, champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries. Nicely done.

Pop quiz: Who can tell me when and where I had champagne last????
Woot for volume 5!

Just stopping by for a quick minute, why? Because it's 7:15 AM on a saturday, and i'm up, dressed, and on my way out the door to head to the gym :scared1:

I'm scared of the dark.... Erika? Paula? Kat? Liz? anyone? I hear voices and cackling laughter, is that you? It's dark, i'm scared haha :rotfl2:

I'll lend you a flashlight girl... Welcome to the dark side. It is truly addicting...

OMG stop the presses (but don't turn on the lights)

I was at the gym for 2 HOURS and i LOVED every single second of it.

Mind you i wasn't working hard every minute, as they had to show me things etc, but did Treadmill, Elliptical, Recumbent Bike and 45 minutes on the full nautilus circuit....and I...Friggin...Loved....It :scared1: Goodbye sunlight, i'll miss you, but i'm off to the dark side, i promise i'll write ;)

I signed up for a 1 year membership today, and plan to go mornings (8AM weekends 6AM weekdays) :cheer2:

Hope everyone is having a great morning!!!

So happy that you loved it. That is just too cool.

Just a quick checkin before I go down for a nap.

Game last night was AWESOME!!! Our goalie really came through for us (which is the main thing I was worried about), and though the other team totally outmatched us, we held our own. Only losing 2-0 is a big deal for us, as the other team is the one that most of us would play on if we were any better.

This morning was fargin EARLY! Even the cats were like blink, nah, I'm not getting up. I left the house at 6:30. Bleah. The game went okay, that team is a lot more aggressive so there was more bumping and such, and two girls got hurt (mostly from bumping leading to running into the boards) but luckily not too badly. We lost 3-1 but again, not too bad.

Okay, game at 7 tonight and then again (likely) at 9:30AM tomorrow. I may not have time to check in again until tomorrow afternoon as I am staying after tonight to scorekeep for the game after me, and may stay to help out at the game after that.

Amy, thanks for starting the new thread! Love the short sweet intro, it is so much more "me" than the long sappy stuff. Did I mention I am so not-sappy that we don't even celebrate v-day in this house (at my request)? :laughing:

Stacey, SOOO SOOO SOOO proud of you. I know you were worried about joining a gym and I am so excited that you got past that and found one that you are going to love!!! Such a big step!! :yay:

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend and thanks for all the well-wishes. :goodvibes

Kat (who forgot to tell Roddy what happens when the thread hits 200 pages) - awesome job on the tourny so far. Can't wait to see the pictures (after you enjoy your beer of course).

Amy. You look FANTASTIC!!!

Wow. Really admire yourself, okay???

On the home front, I bought the tile for my bathroom. Whee!!! We'll go to Costco tomorrow, but I am just so happy we bought the tile in one visit to the store. Thanks, Lyz and Paula!!!

Yay... so - what did you buy? Details!!!!

Quick fly-by. Fun night! Great time with friends. Did well in terms of food. Definitely off the alcohol wagon, but it is all good. :goodvibes

Jeff delivered this year! (OMG, remember last year??? The awful card?) Anyway, champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries. Nicely done.

Pop quiz: Who can tell me when and where I had champagne last????

I can, I can... would it be on the deck at Narcoosee's while watching the holiday fireworks across the lagoon at MK with three fabulous women. And oh yeah - they were all wearing tiaras???

Do I get a prize if I am right?
Hi Everyone -

Amy - you so rocked that 10k. I am over the moon thrilled for you!!! Enjoy that beer my friend. You certainly earned it.

Hi to everyone... I miss chatting with you all and am a bit overwhelmed trying to catch up with all of the posts.

My day went pretty well today, but sadly, I could not get a workout in. I was all set to head for the hotel fitness center when I got back from dinner, only to find out that they have no exercise bike (when their website said they did) and the treadmills were occupied. The hotel is mobbed with hockey players and their families as there is a tournament in town (and no I am not in NC where Kat is playing - although I wish I was). So I am not happy about the no cardio workout thing at all. I will definitely be getting one in tomorrow when I get home though because...

Food wise I did all right until dinner. I was totally rocking my planned food for the day (JC muffin for breakfast w/ tea, JC tuna salad for lunch over a large fresh veggie salad) until we got to dinner. The group decided on BBQ. I tried really hard to portion control and had 4 ribs, some green beans, a little cole slaw and a half of a corn muffin. Overall, not too bad, but the amount of sugar in the BBQ sauce and the excess fat in the ribs has me a bit concerned. I really wanted to come back and get a good workout in, but that is not happening :sad2: . I am going to do some squats, some lunges a little bit of core and some stretching before I go to bed though. I feel like I need to do something.

I'll be in meetings tomorrow for the better part of the day, but am hoping to make it home to get to the gym before it closes. If not, then it is a workout tape for me.

Off to move a little bit and then to bed.

Have fun everyone and I'll talk to you tomorrow,
Hi Everyone -

Amy - you so rocked that 10k. I am over the moon thrilled for you!!! Enjoy that beer my friend. You certainly earned it.

Hi to everyone... I miss chatting with you all and am a bit overwhelmed trying to catch up with all of the posts.

My day went pretty well today, but sadly, I could not get a workout in. I was all set to head for the hotel fitness center when I got back from dinner, only to find out that they have no exercise bike (when their website said they did) and the treadmills were occupied. The hotel is mobbed with hockey players and their families as there is a tournament in town (and no I am not in NC where Kat is playing - although I wish I was). So I am not happy about the no cardio workout thing at all. I will definitely be getting one in tomorrow when I get home though because...

Food wise I did all right until dinner. I was totally rocking my planned food for the day (JC muffin for breakfast w/ tea, JC tuna salad for lunch over a large fresh veggie salad) until we got to dinner. The group decided on BBQ. I tried really hard to portion control and had 4 ribs, some green beans, a little cole slaw and a half of a corn muffin. Overall, not too bad, but the amount of sugar in the BBQ sauce and the excess fat in the ribs has me a bit concerned. I really wanted to come back and get a good workout in, but that is not happening :sad2: . I am going to do some squats, some lunges a little bit of core and some stretching before I go to bed though. I feel like I need to do something.

I'll be in meetings tomorrow for the better part of the day, but am hoping to make it home to get to the gym before it closes. If not, then it is a workout tape for me.

Off to move a little bit and then to bed.

Have fun everyone and I'll talk to you tomorrow,

Hang in there Paula! One trick that worked for me while I was in a hotel for an extended amount of time a few years ago was to do a step workout. I couldn't do the up and over moves, but was still able to use the stairs to my advantage.
Hang in there Paula! One trick that worked for me while I was in a hotel for an extended amount of time a few years ago was to do a step workout. I couldn't do the up and over moves, but was still able to use the stairs to my advantage.

What is this step workout that you speak of? I'll be needing some details...

I did find an exercise on demand station on the TV so I did get a good thigh and butt workout in. Not really cardio, but at least I moved right?
Paula - buy yourself a cheap portable DVD player. Then you can bring along any exercise DVDs with you when you travel. Really, really helps.

Also, stairs. Stairs, stairs, stairs. Oh you have knee issues, yes? Forgive me if I got that wrong.

I love that you are sad that you are wanting a good workout in - is that wrong? :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl:

Paula - you're really rockin' sweetheart. And I forgot to tell you way back when you said something about looks. I have no idea what you are talking about. You are one cute woman. So cute that I considered making you co- cutie. :lmao:

Have you seen the sparkle in your eyes? Look at yourself. Cute, cute, cute. And I know cuties.


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