Headscratching Comments from Others

there's always the comments you hear while on the buses out of Epcot/DHS/AK
"Ok, lets go to Disney World tomorrow!"

:lmao: While not a specific comment exactly, last year we found ourselves on the monorail with another family that were heading to "Disney World". They weren't aware that there was more than one park. I tried explaining in the short ride we had together....it wasn't really working. They explained this was their first trip.....I'd have never guessed it:rotfl: As we approached the MK station they just wanted to confirm with me that they were getting off at "Disney World"....and this was the place with the castle. I said it was, which seemed to satisfy them and off they went.
rain jacket with a hood. Used to get them from GAP. They come in a bag Just noticed someone making fun of them this past weekend. . . so this was a new one for me.

I prowbably spellllet it rong anyways.

I'm a product of the 80's kids that were taught sound spelling mixed with our southern drawls.
I have an Anorak with Mickey on the back...I'm taking it in September and will wear it, along with my water shoes. :lmao:

When I think men wearing denim shorts I picture an old guy with giant white socks pulled up, white orthopedic shoes, denim shorts to his knees, sleeveless shirt (which is another no-no in my book. Unless said guy is muscular.), and a red "Veteran" hat sitting upon his head like a truck driver.

You just described my Father.........:rotfl2:

Anyways, my hubby wears denim shorts. This year and last they are becoming very hard to find. We usually got them at JCPenney. The guy at Penneys said we cant find them anymore because they are out of style :confused3 He still wears them, and if a day comes we cant find any, I dont know what he will do.
Well, I am in Birmingham, Alabama, and people here are now making fun of Crocs! There is even a group on facebook now...."I don't care how comfortable crocs are, you look like a #$@%^&*!! I love my crocs and they are great at WDW!!
there's always the comments you hear while on the buses out of Epcot/DHS/AK
"Ok, lets go to Disney World tomorrow!"

OMG!!! I used to work at Blizzard Beach, do you know how much I wanted to SCREAM at people saying that?! :headache: I would talk to guests and ask them what they had done the day before or what they were doing the next day and so many people would reply with "Oh, we're going/went to Disney World" :confused3 Seriously, where did these people think they were?! :confused3
:thumbsup2I will be wearing a cotton sundress in the parks- its not fancy at all and Ill be in comfy shoes not high heels. But way more comfortable then shorts that bunch when you sit on a ride and so light weight.
I will also be putting on makeup and fixing my hair every day and I will wear an "outfit". Ill be in pictures and out in public so I want to look like me.
Demin shorts are really depending on what they look like and who is wearing them. I have seen some ppl look a wreck in very nice clothes and others look fine in denim shorts(not fringy cut offs though :laughing:)
My headscratching comments I get a lot now that we are going- Why would you take kids to WDW(mine are young) and why take them if they wont remember.- Ok, I am going because I like it, I like vacations and my kids are going on a family vacation. I dont care that they dont remember it-thats why there are cameras. Plus with that logic, I could skip any holiday, birthdays and any other fun until they are 6.
Ah, the jorts insult thing. There are many theories, but no one seems to know where it really came from. It seems to be kind of specific to sports fans in the SEC (because really, no one from anywhere else in the country is ever going to be wearing shorts of any kind to a college football game -- too cold at night.) Funny article on the topic:


This isn't the first regional brouhaha over what to wear to a college football game. In my day (early 80's), standard attire for an SEC football game if you were male was a pr. of khaki trousers, and either a button-down dress shirt or a polo-shirt (preferably Polo). If the weather was cooler, the button-down would be worn with a sport coat and a tie. Girls wore suits, or dress trousers/skirts with a silk blouse and pearls. Yes, we dressed up to go to football games -- it was a tradition. Students from up north were always freaked out by it. (BTW, You'll still see a fair number of women in dresses and pearls if you go to a tailgate party at Ole Miss.)

I don't live in the South any more, so this whole issue is just a curiousity to me. However, I'll agree that jean shorts can be a bit of an oxymoron if you think about it. If the point is to keep cool, wearing heavy denim in a tightly constructed style kind of defeats the purpose. The guy in that photo above is also wearing really pale denim, which is badly out of style at the moment, long or short.

FTR, DH does own a pr which are actually olive green canvas -- he wears them for yardwork.

seriously, I think the jorts thing is crazy....people who get all dressed up to sweat in the sun at a football game make no sense to us Floridians....there's a facebook group making fun of UF fans cuz they wear jorts.....and usually I hate UF, but I am SO with them on that!!!!! Good thing that all of UCF wears black/gold/black and gold shirts and whatever kinda shorts we want to our games :)
What is an annorack?

And Spectro, I hear what you are saying and understand. Hey, from New England, we don't even understand your obession with college sports period..... :)

One of our favorite things for the drive to WDW, or to the mid-west to visit family, is to check out all the vehicles going to college games! Our last WDW trip was at Thanksgiving and WOW! It was like a bunch of lemmings all heading to a football game cliff! Stickers, flags, glass markers/paint. The closest we get to that are the moms here who paint their kids team name on the minivan/SUV windows before states or regionals! It is a totally different world! But I did find myself saying Geaux Tigers! to all the LSU 'shirts' I saw at WDW. (Thanks mid-west cousins who have converted me...) Now I realize I'm sitting here at the computer in my bright orange Illini shirt... No wonder people in Rhode Island look at me funny in this shirt... If it isn't a Pat's Jersey or a Red Sox shirt...you just don't see it around here.

I'll be there in 11 days in my denim shorts, with my croc flipflops, but no way do I wear a fanny pack. I have to quit somewhere!

Oh, and to The Wog.. I even have an anorak. Got it at LL Bean a long time ago. It's like a hoodie that isn't made of sweatshirt material. Mine is like Gore-tex and keeps the rain out, but doesn't make me sweaty.
Blah! I was born and raised in FL - I've never lived anywhere other than Jacksonville, FL, St. Augustine, FL, and Orlando. I wear blue jean shorts (so does my hubby and all of my kids LOL), I wear a Disney fanny pack at Disney, and I wear water shoes at water parks (but not the beach). However, I despise mullets. In fact, my poor 1 yr old has a "natural mullet" and I cannot wait until Thursday - we are driving down to Disney for the day and he will receive his first haircut at the Barber Shop to rid him of the dreaded mullet LOL - he really doesn't have much hair at all - but I can't deal with the mullet. My almost 4 yr old will receive her 1st haircut also LOL.

However, I must say while my younger middle schooler wears a pair of jean shorts, my high schooler does NOT! It could be 95 degrees outside and the dead of summer and the kids are outside in swimsuits or Jeans and black t-shirts! Seriously, why the extremes?:confused3
My headscratching comments I get a lot now that we are going- Why would you take kids to WDW(mine are young) and why take them if they wont remember.- Ok, I am going because I like it, I like vacations and my kids are going on a family vacation. I dont care that they dont remember it-thats why there are cameras. Plus with that logic, I could skip any holiday, birthdays and any other fun until they are 6.

AMEN!!! :thumbsup2 I just got finished booking DD's birthday trip for September... she's turning ONE! DH & I met at WDW, so she wouldn't be around if it werent for WDW! I wonder if people can see the steam coming out of my ears when they say that to me.... It takes everything in me to restrain myself from going off on them. But I give them the same reason you do... Why do anything with/for them until they are 6ish?! They wont remember it before then... But I can promise anyone, sure, she wont remember the trip, but she sure will have fun while she's there and I am the one who is going to remember those smiles and happy days! Plus... it's not like we're spending any money to get her in or anything!
Hilarious article! And yes, I have been guilty of saying, "Timmy Tebow wears jorts" many of times. And yes, we still get very dressed up for our football games in the SEC. Here at LSU, we wear casual purple and gold sundresses, because as another poster said, they are SOOO comfortable in the hot, humid, scorching weather of the South. I also agree with you about jean shorts being an oxymoron. I feel that way about any tight shorts though, that's why I stick to the sundresses and flowy skirts. I too think that is a regional thing.

Things that may not be stylish in some parts may be acceptable in other parts of America. It's just something you're going to have to deal with anywhere. That's what's great about America!

One more thing, first thing that article did was call out LSU fans for smelling like corn dogs! To set the record straight: WE DON'T!!! Thanks Ole Miss for that rumor!

Of course not -- we smell like gumbo! ;) I don't care how tony that party in the Grove is, we have MUCH better food.

I never wore a sundress to a football game when I was an undergrad; we were more formal then. (And besides, I worked for the athletic dept. as a VIP greeter.) I had a champagne beige silk suit and a purple blouse that I wore for most games if it wasn't too cold. When it was cold I wore an aubergine sweater and long skirt with boots. (It did help that games in Death Valley are almost always played at night.)

I only know about the jorts thing from Alumni crawfish boils; it hadn't started yet when I moved away from the South. (And while I do wear shorts to crawfish boils, they are never denim!)

[LSU 83', 87']
I have an Anorak with Mickey on the back...I'm taking it in September and will wear it, along with my water shoes. :lmao:

WHAT??:confused3 I wear one all the time that I got from Gap. It is dark green and I have had it since high school....over 10 years ago but I LOVE it. Why are they dorky??? I rather wear it than carry an umbrella everywhere I go.
seriously, I think the jorts thing is crazy....people who get all dressed up to sweat in the sun at a football game make no sense to us Floridians....there's a facebook group making fun of UF fans cuz they wear jorts.....

Yeah, odd. I see people wearing denim shorts everywhere in Florida, not the cut offs, not the short kind, the below the knee length ones for guys. Like someone mentioned, must be a regional thing.

And what drives me crazy is the comments about my daughters hair...ever since she was about 2 yrs old her hair was real curly. And at least once a day while out in public someone would ask if it was naturally curly??? What did they think I permed it? Or I sat there and rolled/curled all her hair every day, a 2 yr old, really? Her hair has now lost some of the curl since it is longer/heavier, and I surely dont miss those silly questions!!:laughing:
A friend of mine who just recently got back from his first ever trip to dw had his credit card hooked up to his room keycard during his stay. He had a party of 7. During checkout time, after he had shockingly gone through the 30+ pages to his hotel bill, the hotel cb smiled wryly and told him "Have magical day!"

Needless to say he's not liking the mouse too much right now...
And what drives me crazy is the comments about my daughters hair...ever since she was about 2 yrs old her hair was real curly. And at least once a day while out in public someone would ask if it was naturally curly??? What did they think I permed it? Or I sat there and rolled/curled all her hair every day, a 2 yr old, really? Her hair has now lost some of the curl since it is longer/heavier, and I surely dont miss those silly questions!!:laughing:

I would wonder if some of this might have something to do with the popularity of Irish dance nowadays. In recent years it has become pretty much required for Irish dance participants to have a head full of small ringlets. (I think it's ridiculous, but there it is.) Lots of moms try at first to set the curls, but most of them quickly give up and invest in a wig.

It could be that they were fishing for tips on how you managed to get it to stay!
WHAT??:confused3 I wear one all the time that I got from Gap. It is dark green and I have had it since high school....over 10 years ago but I LOVE it. Why are they dorky??? I rather wear it than carry an umbrella everywhere I go.
I agree..the first I heard of anoraks being dorky was on this thread.

Just goes to show that no matter what you wear, there's always a fashion critic somewhere who's going to look down on you for it.;)

I love my Mickey anorak and I love my water shoes..can't really speak about fanny packs because I don't use them(I like to carry more stuff than a fanny pack allows).
Since this has become "A What not to Wear" thread. I want to check with everyone to be sure my attire will be ok for my trip to Disney World.

I will be dressed in Cargo Shorts, several which are Blue Denim. Also have a Brownish denim and a Black kaki pair. Along with these shorts I will wear either a 3 button collared polo or a pocket t. White Tube Socks and White Hi tops. I will let this group decide if the socks are pulled all the way up or bunched at my ankles.

Do I have the approval of DIS?

Sarcasm is just one more service I offer.
If there is anywhere on god's green earth where you can get away with wearing pretty much anything you could possibly want without really standing out or receiving criticism or ridicule, it would be Disney World. Everything from the trailerest trash to the freakyish goth to the nerdiest nerd to the sickeningly underdressed to the ridiculously overdressed will be on display in the parks. Acceptance and universal agreement about one place we all love allows all the weirdos and freaks to escape the constant pressure for approval for a few carefree days...yes, even the scary lunatics who wear denim shorts!

Now, back to the regularly scheduled thread topic...head-scratching comments overheard at Disney.

-- Your friendly neighborhood zen master :)
Of course not -- we smell like gumbo! ;) I don't care how tony that party in the Grove is, we have MUCH better food.

I never wore a sundress to a football game when I was an undergrad; we were more formal then. (And besides, I worked for the athletic dept. as a VIP greeter.) I had a champagne beige silk suit and a purple blouse that I wore for most games if it wasn't too cold. When it was cold I wore an aubergine sweater and long skirt with boots. (It did help that games in Death Valley are almost always played at night.)

I only know about the jorts thing from Alumni crawfish boils; it hadn't started yet when I moved away from the South. (And while I do wear shorts to crawfish boils, they are never denim!)

[LSU 83', 87']

Small world! I too worked in the Athletic Dept as an undergrad (2002-2006) and a little after graduation. I had two different jobs, one that required me to work gamdays (we had to wear khakis and a polo) and another that didn't. The girls in the football office are still required to dress in suits though.

When I started girls in soriorites dressed formally, but now with all the little boutiques popping up around campus (that their entire stock is purple and gold sundresses) that's pretty much all you see girls in. It really makes a difference because if it's a night game, you're out in the sun ALL DAY and it kind of flows in the breeze and it makes you more comfortable. Plus, in the last couple of years, we've had a lot more day games and it is MISERABLE in Tiger Stadium during a day game!
When did jean shorts go out of style?? I bought my DD (2) a pair of jean shorts at the gap yesterday. Are just the long jean shorts dorky, or is it the short jean shorts dorky too? What about bermuda jean shorts?


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