Disboutiquers Part 13 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I had my first mammogram this morning. I'm only 34, but I've been having some pain, so my midwife wanted me to have it checked out. Thankfully it was all clear! They scared me because they had to do a few extra scans because they thought they saw "something" and then they did an ultrasound just to be sure. I was pretty nervous about it, especially after reading the posts this morning. I am really relieved that they didn't find anything.

So glad to hear everything was fine!

Grandpa died this morning. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers.

So sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you and your family.
Very cute. Those fabrics really go well together.

Thanks, for a while I thought the pink FQ was too dark, but it is growing on me.

That dress is adorable! I don't think I've seen that pillowcase, it looks like it has a really pretty background! The Betty Boop purse is very nice!

Thanks. The pillowcase was bought here, in Canada, so it may differ from the one available in the US. I kinda thought it was the same though, cause it had Cinderella on one side and then Cinderella, Belle and Aurora on the other.

Here are a couple of outfits I made for a fellow Diser recently. I digitized Mickey, Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore myself.







Candicenicole: I bought the applique tutorial from www.secretsof.com. It really helped me figure things out!

OMG, those are gorgeous :worship::worship:

Grandpa died this morning. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers.

So sorry for your loss.

ok, finished today Super Girl... I like to call this one super jojo!!!!



Very cute Lori.

I am soo sorry:hug:

Cute! Great job!

I have been lurking, and I am sure I have missed some, but everything posted is great. Cute Tink outfit! Love the precious dresses - I want that pattern next.
I made hubby a laptop sleeve with the pattern from YCMT. I won't post pics - its plain black w/ black zipper. But it was my first zipper! So, I am proud it works and look good.
I finally got DD dress done!!!! Thanks for your help in picking the striped fabric... I like how it turned out. She is napping so no model, but she had it on last night before I had the ruffle and ties on and didn't want to take it off, so thats a good sign.

Pics off my phone... the real camera needs to be charged.
So, I still need practice with gathering and ruffles and I think a ruffle foot (or whatever its called) would make life easier, but putting the bias tape on is that cause me the most grief. It looks a bit twisty... not sure if an iron would take care of that or not... I really didn't notice it til I looked at the pictures. I am hoping that when its on a moving 2 year old it will be harder to see the few things I messed up on ;)
I promised DS a new tie this week also, that should be quicker than the dress ;)

Looks great. I don't think anyone will notice the twisty bias tape once it is on.
Anna- So sorry for your loss

Lori- LOVE the super girl. Do you mindtelling me where you got the applique? I understand if you don't want to say as you sell, but i would love to have t for personal use!

Ok ladies, I finally figured out what as wrong with my new embroidery machine,... ME!!!! It just wasn't doing what I wanted it too, and i was almost ready to chuck it when it dawned on me what I was doing wrong. THE HOOP WAS UPSIDE DOWN!!!! I` don't understand how it could even sew that way, but it did 2 complete appliques with the hoop upside down. I did minnie tonight with it rught side up and the difference is huge!

Sorry the pice is burry. Didn't notice that untill I posted it.

I feel really silly, but at least I fugured it out!
Anna- So sorry for your loss

Lori- LOVE the super girl. Do you mindtelling me where you got the applique? I understand if you don't want to say as you sell, but i would love to have t for personal use!

Ok ladies, I finally figured out what as wrong with my new embroidery machine,... ME!!!! It just wasn't doing what I wanted it too, and i was almost ready to chuck it when it dawned on me what I was doing wrong. THE HOOP WAS UPSIDE DOWN!!!! I` don't understand how it could even sew that way, but it did 2 complete appliques with the hoop upside down. I did minnie tonight with it rught side up and the difference is huge!

Sorry the pice is burry. Didn't notice that untill I posted it.

I feel really silly, but at least I fugured it out!
Wow, I am wondering how that is even possible! My hoop can only be attached right side up! Does yours let you attach it upside down? Goodness.. how confusing!!! Glad you got it figured out. Minnie looks great!
Oooh.. I hope I don't lose a screw. I am loving my serger. Where did you get an extra screw?? Does the dealer sell them? I'm just wondering.. I lose everything. ;)
BTW.. I don't think gymboree is my friend. Everything is so expensive there. When I shop there I definitely will get in trouble with hubby. :(

I lost the screw in a really stupid manner. I took the left needle out to do a rolled edge hem. I stuck the screw back in, but I must not have turned it far enough. When I started serging, the little booger just jiggled right out and fell into a huge basket of scrap fabric, never to be seen again! I bought one from the dealer today, and when I was checking out I was told, "OH! You do know there's one of these screws in your accessory compartment, right?" UH... NO! I didn't!

I must have missed quoting your question about gymboree coupons. There is currently a 20% coupon in one of the parenting magazines (Parents? Parenting? one of those)

I finally got DD dress done!!!! Thanks for your help in picking the striped fabric... I like how it turned out. She is napping so no model, but she had it on last night before I had the ruffle and ties on and didn't want to take it off, so thats a good sign.

Pics off my phone... the real camera needs to be charged.
So, I still need practice with gathering and ruffles and I think a ruffle foot (or whatever its called) would make life easier, but putting the bias tape on is that cause me the most grief. It looks a bit twisty... not sure if an iron would take care of that or not... I really didn't notice it til I looked at the pictures. I am hoping that when its on a moving 2 year old it will be harder to see the few things I messed up on ;)
I promised DS a new tie this week also, that should be quicker than the dress ;)

Oh wow.. I might try to see if the one in New Orleans has the shorts and tank. Where do you get the 20 percent off coupon? I get their emails, but I didn't notice that. Maybe I will join the forum just so I can notice when the cheap stuff is going on. :)
OH, and I LOOOOVE Ariel. I hope you make the design so I can CASE your design. LOL!

I LOVE THIS PATTERN! Your dress turned out GREAT! I LOVE the fabric choices!
HEATHER: LOVE the boy outfits!!! They turned out so cute!

Grandpa died this morning. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers.

So sorry Anna! :hug:

Anna- So sorry for your loss

Lori- LOVE the super girl. Do you mindtelling me where you got the applique? I understand if you don't want to say as you sell, but i would love to have t for personal use!

Ok ladies, I finally figured out what as wrong with my new embroidery machine,... ME!!!! It just wasn't doing what I wanted it too, and i was almost ready to chuck it when it dawned on me what I was doing wrong. THE HOOP WAS UPSIDE DOWN!!!! I` don't understand how it could even sew that way, but it did 2 complete appliques with the hoop upside down. I did minnie tonight with it rught side up and the difference is huge!

Sorry the pice is burry. Didn't notice that untill I posted it.

I feel really silly, but at least I fugured it out!

Don't feel silly. Once I destroyed 3 Mike Wazowski appliqued tee shirts before I figured out I had the sewing foot on instead of the embroidery foot. :laughing::lmao::blush:
I am soo sorry:hug:

Cute! Great job!

I have been lurking, and I am sure I have missed some, but everything posted is great. Cute Tink outfit! Love the precious dresses - I want that pattern next.
I made hubby a laptop sleeve with the pattern from YCMT. I won't post pics - its plain black w/ black zipper. But it was my first zipper! So, I am proud it works and look good.
I finally got DD dress done!!!! Thanks for your help in picking the striped fabric... I like how it turned out. She is napping so no model, but she had it on last night before I had the ruffle and ties on and didn't want to take it off, so thats a good sign.

Pics off my phone... the real camera needs to be charged.
So, I still need practice with gathering and ruffles and I think a ruffle foot (or whatever its called) would make life easier, but putting the bias tape on is that cause me the most grief. It looks a bit twisty... not sure if an iron would take care of that or not... I really didn't notice it til I looked at the pictures. I am hoping that when its on a moving 2 year old it will be harder to see the few things I messed up on ;)
I promised DS a new tie this week also, that should be quicker than the dress ;)

This came out sooo cute! i bought the wrap dress pattern, but havent tried it yet- I have a few in my "pattern stash" like that.

I am shamelessly asking you to *vote* for me!

My dd entered a Victoria's Secret on-line Mother's Day contest. Prize is a trip to NYC. I need votes! The easiest way to get to it is to go to her myspace... www.myspace.com/k8win
There's a picture of us, and under it three boxes...click on the one that says "vote", and you've voted!
shameless, I know, but if you get the chance, please????

I voted and confirmed my vote ;)

Hi everyone!
I was just shown this thread. I never knew it was here!

I am a huge Disney customs fan. I can't sew to save my life but my DD and I love putting fabrics and ideas together and I have a few designers who are friends :hippie:

People tease us all the time for the time and effort we put into the outfits but we ENJOY it so =p to them :dance3:

On our upcoming trip my DD is starting to get out of the princess stage and more into the tween stage. We have come up with some ideas for great sundresses and are slowly watching them take shape. We focused on many of her favorite rides (TT dress, EE dress, RNR dress)
along with some camp rock stuff.

Anyway ~ just wanted to give a quick shout out as I hate lurking without giving an intro :thumbsup2
I can't wait to see all of the adorable outfits!
Welcome!!! You know, once you have come out of lurkdom, you wont be able to resist- watch, in another week you will be asking for a pillowcase, a-line or easy pants pattern LOL. Non sewers welcome here too!
Speaking of....CampbellScott WHERE are you?????

Toadstool- I dont know how I lost your quote but I just had to say- I can tell ever since you joined us- it's a good thing we don't live close, because Id want to get together with you ALL the time- we have such similar taste! Love the Kari Me Away site, and of course we already both read sew beautiful- the difference is I subscribe and just drool over the photos- you actually MAKE those creations of batiste and smocking!
and DH and I came to an agreement yesterday- we are going with "Hannah" and Im so pleased.

One of these days I plan to post a belly shot- it has to be a day when I have make up on. For Tom's sake I wont post any photos that may show my lovely "striped" skin. LOL Okay, its for EVERYBODY'S sake- cause really- nobody wants to see that......
So. I talked to one of my midwives today about the potential of travel for a funeral, and she had them copy my medical records and said, if I travel with them it will gaurantee I wont go into labor (tongue in cheek) and we basically agreed, anything past this coming sunday is probably too great a risk for me to travel. My chiropractor (who I cried in her office today from emotions, pain and lack of sleep) cautioned me my symphysis would not like the 7-8 hour car ride.....sigh.....but otherwise, I could travel if I really really wanted to go.

I have accomplished no sewing today!!!!:scared1:
I DID make up my mind which fabrics to use for the cupcake purse...
Here are a couple of outfits I made for a fellow Diser recently. I digitized Mickey, Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore myself.







Candicenicole: I bought the applique tutorial from www.secretsof.com. It really helped me figure things out!

I forgot to add- Heather these are UNBELIEVEABLY awesome!!!!! Best boy's stuff I've ever seen!!!

ALSO- for all my fellow pregnant gals I wanted to tell you about
I used their clothes last time and really liked them, even the nurses were impressed (although with every shift change I had to reexplain that in fact did NOT need to "get undressed/change" then I would show them the clothes and they loved them. I just ordered a new Go Go top because I cant find either of the 2 I used to own.
Welcome!!! You know, once you have come out of lurkdom, you wont be able to resist- watch, in another week you will be asking for a pillowcase, a-line or easy pants pattern LOL. Non sewers welcome here too!

Nooo I have tried to sew and I am HORRID at it! :lmao:

I do like to match fabrics and come up with fun ideas and I love looking what others have done.
Grandpa died this morning. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry for your loss.:hug:

Yes, stay away from Gymboree! Don't get hooked in there like I did, they are evvvilll!

(In my defense, it's hard to find things I like for the boys, except for some at Gymbo. At most stores they are either the same boring thing over and over, or they are BEYOND ODD...and I only buy on SUPER SALE there!!! And usually to earn or spend gymbucks! That's an excuse, right? :laughing: )

Who doesn't love shopping with coupons. It's like free money.
Very cute I love the pattern you used.
Ok ladies, I finally figured out what as wrong with my new embroidery machine,... ME!!!! It just wasn't doing what I wanted it too, and i was almost ready to chuck it when it dawned on me what I was doing wrong. THE HOOP WAS UPSIDE DOWN!!!! I` don't understand how it could even sew that way, but it did 2 complete appliques with the hoop upside down. I did minnie tonight with it rught side up and the difference is huge!

Sorry the pice is burry. Didn't notice that untill I posted it.

I feel really silly, but at least I fugured it out!
That looks so good. I am glad you figured out the problem.
I am soo sorry:hug:

Cute! Great job!

I have been lurking, and I am sure I have missed some, but everything posted is great. Cute Tink outfit! Love the precious dresses - I want that pattern next.
I made hubby a laptop sleeve with the pattern from YCMT. I won't post pics - its plain black w/ black zipper. But it was my first zipper! So, I am proud it works and look good.
I finally got DD dress done!!!! Thanks for your help in picking the striped fabric... I like how it turned out. She is napping so no model, but she had it on last night before I had the ruffle and ties on and didn't want to take it off, so thats a good sign.

Pics off my phone... the real camera needs to be charged.
So, I still need practice with gathering and ruffles and I think a ruffle foot (or whatever its called) would make life easier, but putting the bias tape on is that cause me the most grief. It looks a bit twisty... not sure if an iron would take care of that or not... I really didn't notice it til I looked at the pictures. I am hoping that when its on a moving 2 year old it will be harder to see the few things I messed up on ;)
I promised DS a new tie this week also, that should be quicker than the dress ;)

forgot to mention I LOVE this! I've been eyeballing those fabrics for quite a while now waiting for them to be on sale.
I lost the screw in a really stupid manner. I took the left needle out to do a rolled edge hem. I stuck the screw back in, but I must not have turned it far enough. When I started serging, the little booger just jiggled right out and fell into a huge basket of scrap fabric, never to be seen again! I bought one from the dealer today, and when I was checking out I was told, "OH! You do know there's one of these screws in your accessory compartment, right?" UH... NO! I didn't!
I must have missed quoting your question about gymboree coupons. There is currently a 20% coupon in one of the parenting magazines (Parents? Parenting? one of those)
I didn't find a screw in the little compartment thing. I keep putting stuff in there and forgetting where it is. I looked forever for that little plastic brush with the holes in the end to help put in/ take out needles. It was in there! :laughing:
Thanks for the tip on the magazine. I think I get the parenting magazine for free, but I just skim and throw it out.

Cute embroidery designs for free for boys. It is a tool theme. Just thought some of you with embroidery machines might want them. I love her deisigns!!
I am shamelessly asking you to *vote* for me!

My dd entered a Victoria's Secret on-line Mother's Day contest. Prize is a trip to NYC. I need votes! The easiest way to get to it is to go to her myspace...
There's a picture of us, and under it three boxes...click on the one that says "vote", and you've voted!
shameless, I know, but if you get the chance, please????

I voted! Good Luck Ladies!

Michelle::MinnieMoDH:smickey:DD (6)princess:DD (4):tink:DD (2):tigger:
I am shamelessly asking you to *vote* for me!

My dd entered a Victoria's Secret on-line Mother's Day contest. Prize is a trip to NYC. I need votes! The easiest way to get to it is to go to her myspace... www.myspace.com/k8win
There's a picture of us, and under it three boxes...click on the one that says "vote", and you've voted!
shameless, I know, but if you get the chance, please????

My vote is in.... now you just need to remind us daily as we can vote daily... and all those votes will add up!

Ok ladies, I finally figured out what as wrong with my new embroidery machine,... ME!!!! It just wasn't doing what I wanted it too, and i was almost ready to chuck it when it dawned on me what I was doing wrong. THE HOOP WAS UPSIDE DOWN!!!! I` don't understand how it could even sew that way, but it did 2 complete appliques with the hoop upside down. I did minnie tonight with it rught side up and the difference is huge!

Sorry the pice is burry. Didn't notice that untill I posted it.

I feel really silly, but at least I fugured it out!

Don;t feel silly....... feel proud you figured it out and that now you can applique with the best of them!

Don't feel silly. Once I destroyed 3 Mike Wazowski appliqued tee shirts before I figured out I had the sewing foot on instead of the embroidery foot. :laughing::lmao::blush:

OMG Jhammers!!! That is classic!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Anna, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Heather, I love the outfits. I so badly want an embroidery machine. I've been taking notes while everyone talks about them. I'm glad your mammogram was clear.

Adi, I think it was you who asked about the preggo pillow, it was the Leachco Snoogle pillow. I LOVED that thing and if there was enough room in my bed right now I would use it but Delaney still sleeps with us and there is NO room in the bed. One day the child will move into her own bed, we're actually working on that now since she starts school in Sept. I told her she had to be out of the bed. She also wants to be a big sister and I explained to her that chances were if we had another baby she would need to move into her big girl room because the baby would more than likely be in bed with us. Delaney would nurse/feed every two or three hours so I ended up co sleeping just so I could get some sleep.

I can't believe that I've managed to keep up the last couple of days. I didn't think I was going to be able to but I'm happy to be keeping up so far. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have my sewing space back.

I need to go through all my fabric and see what I've got and what I need for this upcoming trip. I just have to figure out how to pay for it all. :scared1: This year we're doing something different, we're spending one week at Disney and then we're spending the next week between Universal and Sea World. I scheduled in a trip to Discovery Cove because I wanted to swim with the dolphins for my 40th. I was determined to do something memorable that I wouldn't usually do.

I was able to fit in the gym today as well. I ended up taking off two weeks because of shin splints and I'm training for a 4 miler the end of June. I can't wait until the race, I'm looking forward to it. RJ and Delaney are giving me some time with my personal trainer for Mother's Day. I'm really excited about that.
Hi everyone!
I was just shown this thread. I never knew it was here!

I am a huge Disney customs fan. I can't sew to save my life but my DD and I love putting fabrics and ideas together and I have a few designers who are friends :hippie:

People tease us all the time for the time and effort we put into the outfits but we ENJOY it so =p to them :dance3:

On our upcoming trip my DD is starting to get out of the princess stage and more into the tween stage. We have come up with some ideas for great sundresses and are slowly watching them take shape. We focused on many of her favorite rides (TT dress, EE dress, RNR dress)
along with some camp rock stuff.

Anyway ~ just wanted to give a quick shout out as I hate lurking without giving an intro :thumbsup2
I can't wait to see all of the adorable outfits!

Welcome!! I saw your Test Track dress on the other thread - it's really cute!! I'm in the same boat - DD is NOT into the princesses and I have to bribe her to get her into anything I make. Of course a Disney trip would be a different story - she says she'd be happy to wear ANYTHING I made her in Disney! Too bad we don't have a trip planned!!
I have been lurking, and I am sure I have missed some, but everything posted is great. Cute Tink outfit! Love the precious dresses - I want that pattern next.
I made hubby a laptop sleeve with the pattern from YCMT. I won't post pics - its plain black w/ black zipper. But it was my first zipper! So, I am proud it works and look good.
I finally got DD dress done!!!! Thanks for your help in picking the striped fabric... I like how it turned out. She is napping so no model, but she had it on last night before I had the ruffle and ties on and didn't want to take it off, so thats a good sign.
Pics off my phone... the real camera needs to be charged.
So, I still need practice with gathering and ruffles and I think a ruffle foot (or whatever its called) would make life easier, but putting the bias tape on is that cause me the most grief. It looks a bit twisty... not sure if an iron would take care of that or not... I really didn't notice it til I looked at the pictures. I am hoping that when its on a moving 2 year old it will be harder to see the few things I messed up on ;)

That dress is too cute and I love the fabric choice. My DD (4) would love it!

Me (Michelle)::MinnieMoDH:smickey:DD (6)princess:DD (4):tink:DD (2):tigger:
Hi everyone!
I was just shown this thread. I never knew it was here!

I am a huge Disney customs fan. I can't sew to save my life but my DD and I love putting fabrics and ideas together and I have a few designers who are friends :hippie:

People tease us all the time for the time and effort we put into the outfits but we ENJOY it so =p to them :dance3:

On our upcoming trip my DD is starting to get out of the princess stage and more into the tween stage. We have come up with some ideas for great sundresses and are slowly watching them take shape. We focused on many of her favorite rides (TT dress, EE dress, RNR dress)
along with some camp rock stuff.

Anyway ~ just wanted to give a quick shout out as I hate lurking without giving an intro :thumbsup2
I can't wait to see all of the adorable outfits!

Welcome Brook! Your TR is what got me addicted to customs! I was reading for the VIP tour, but feel in love with the cute dresses. (BTW Thanks for the info.... DH agreed and I am booking them for our girls trip in August in 2 weeks when I reach my 90 days). I bought a few customs, and then found this thread. I couldn't sew a button to save my life a few weeks ago and thanks to everyone on this thread I found some great patterns and made my first custom dress last week. I am like 99% finished with my skirt and tank for Animal kingdom now, hopefully I will have pics tomorrow.
Anna, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Adi, I think it was you who asked about the preggo pillow, it was the Leachco Snoogle pillow. I LOVED that thing and if there was enough room in my bed right now I would use it but Delaney still sleeps with us and there is NO room in the bed. One day the child will move into her own bed, we're actually working on that now since she starts school in Sept. I told her she had to be out of the bed. She also wants to be a big sister and I explained to her that chances were if we had another baby she would need to move into her big girl room because the baby would more than likely be in bed with us. Delaney would nurse/feed every two or three hours so I ended up co sleeping just so I could get some sleep.

Thanks. .. I'll look into it!
I didn't find a screw in the little compartment thing. I keep putting stuff in there and forgetting where it is. I looked forever for that little plastic brush with the holes in the end to help put in/ take out needles. It was in there! :laughing:
Thanks for the tip on the magazine. I think I get the parenting magazine for free, but I just skim and throw it out.

Cute embroidery designs for free for boys. It is a tool theme. Just thought some of you with embroidery machines might want them. I love her deisigns!!

I just finished uploading one batch on facebook! I've got another batch to go, but that's gonna have to wait til morning. I'm thinking about doing a trip report, but I'm afraid it would be kinda boring. BUT, I can do pictures1
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