Trading Pins from Ebay

I'm sure it would still be a problem but I think they would be better able to keep it in hand if it was all done here.
I'm sure it would still be a problem but I think they would be better able to keep it in hand if it was all done here.

I agree :thumbsup2

That would not be a huge switchover either, it's not like they need presses for pins. I'm sure that they could make them in some of the closing down businesses in the US.
I am sending this out to some sellers.
I would love to buy your lot of pins, but first I have a few questions.

How do you obtain your pins, and are these scrappers/unauthorized fake pins?


These are the responses so far:

nannub(probably scrappers, high sales volume, lots of lots)
We get all our pins from trading with cast members obviously since we got them$ from cast members they are all 100percent tradeable use my feedback to make your decision

travelinwynns(no way they are real!)
I buy discounted pins and I trade several thousand pins in the WDW parks every month. Anyone selling pins this way has to be doing the same as the Cheapest Disney pins sell for $6.95 at the parks. I am being up front with you. You will have no problem trading any of the pins you buy from me with cast members as they are all official Disney pins. Many of the pins I have have been traded for over the past few months. I really do not know how to tell if a pin is unautherised as I was told by the head pin person at WDW last year if it said Disney on the back it was a good pin as far as he was concerned. If my answer to you makes you uneasy about buying from me I would suggest that you be very carful about buying from any one else in this price range either.
Thanks for asking

fox_trading_co(NO WAY! You can't buy HM pins if you are a CM!)
My pins come from Florida. My supplier has children that work for Disney. The pins have been traded they are not new.

Thank you for watching my eBay auctions.
gold747(pretty sure that they are real, sells mostly antiques, money, and stamps)
All are Genuine Disney issues with the Official Disney Trademark on back along with the Official Pin Trading emblem. We do not purchase scrappers or fakes.....all pins come from Disneyland or Disney World Florida. Thanks for your interest.
I would be surprised if someone said this and they were selling scrappers. They clearly stated that they sold genuine issue Disney pins. Most of the sellers don't clearly state this.
snowdog!(blocked me, probably because I left negative feedback for BBBC)
As stated in the auction, they have all been acquired through trading in the parks. I live 5 minutes from the main gate at Magic Kingdom and Disney World. Thank you for your email.
I also received this in response to my question about them blocking me:
I believe you just answered your own question. You seem like high maintenance and I don't want to deal with you accusing me like you did the other seller. Best of luck.

bibbidi_bobbidi_boo_colectibles(I purchased from them, and I received at least 80% scrappers)

Other Disers have had great transactions with them!

Other Disers have had great transactions with them!

Other Disers have had great transactions with them, including me!
Other Disers have had great transactions with them!

Other Disers have had great transactions with them!
I've only purchased from one of those sellers, nannub. And yes he does get his pins by trading, BUT he trades scrappers to newbies, tells them to go buy him $14.95 pins and the good pins are what he's selling, so that's how he does that. How do I know? It was a post from someone else on the boards and I asked for a PM with the sellers name. I do believe the person who gave me the info. I won't buy from him now because what he's doing is wrong.
I've only purchased from one of those sellers, nannub. And yes he does get his pins by trading, BUT he trades scrappers to newbies, tells them to go buy him $14.95 pins and the good pins are what he's selling, so that's how he does that. How do I know? It was a post from someone else on the boards and I asked for a PM with the sellers name. I do believe the person who gave me the info. I won't buy from him now because what he's doing is wrong.

That's awful! I will never buy from him!
That was me a year ago. Getting taken advantage of just trying to make my daughter happy. Its very wrong not only are they robbing people but also turning kids down because of there selection of pins.My daughter asked me Why doesn't he wanna trade with me.That is one of the reasons why I do not trade with Guest's and only Cast Members because they cannot let her down and always have something nice to say. I'm glad they stopped it to where they cant ask you to go into the store and buy a pin for the trade.

I am sending this out to some sellers.

I would love to buy your lot of pins, but first I have a few questions.

How do you obtain your pins, and are these scrappers/unauthorized fake pins?


These are the responses so far:

nannub(probably scrappers, high sales volume, lots of lots)

We get all our pins from trading with cast members obviously since we got them$ from cast members they are all 100percent tradeable use my feedback to make your decision

I have heard of this seller and would steer clear! It is very vague and makes no sense. A lot of sellers try to use the "they are tradeable at the parks" excuse. And most are, but it doesn't make them legitimate. And since they refer to feedback from unknowing buyers, I would completely discount that comment. I say no way!

travelinwynns(not sure)

I buy discounted pins and I trade several thousand pins in the WDW parks every month. Anyone selling pins this way has to be doing the same as the Cheapest Disney pins sell for $6.95 at the parks. I am being up front with you. You will have no problem trading any of the pins you buy from me with cast members as they are all official Disney pins. Many of the pins I have have been traded for over the past few months. I really do not know how to tell if a pin is unautherised as I was told by the head pin person at WDW last year if it said Disney on the back it was a good pin as far as he was concerned. If my answer to you makes you uneasy about buying from me I would suggest that you be very carful about buying from any one else in this price range either.
Thanks for asking

This one is just ridiculous! The ONLY thing I see as credible is the very last sentence, which is what we advocate on this thread OVER and OVER!! Secondly, if this person trades THOUSANDS of pins monthly, that would make him a serious trader. A serious pin trader KNOWS scrappers. Besides that, if this person IS a serious trader, they would NOT WANT TO sell their pins, LET ALONE for pennies on the dollar. Makes absolutely NO sense!! Lastly, who exactly is the "head pin person @ WDW" and why, if they trade so frequently, has was his only conversation with this person last year? I just had to laugh..honestly "the head pin person @ WDW" gimme a break :lmao:

fox_trading_co(not sure)

My pins come from Florida. My supplier has children that work for Disney. The pins have been traded they are not new.

If it weren't for the seller above, this one would take the cake (close race though). I love how he completely distances himself from "his supplier". And "his supplier" has children that work for Disney. #1, it is stated in every handbook and at every venue for CM's buying merchandise, you CANNOT buy the merchandise (whatever it is) with intent to resell and make money!!! That is in DIRECT violation of Disney policy and creates direct competition for Disney sales. Let's say "these children of his supplier" (sorry cracks me up every time..makes me think of, "I got this tv from my cousin's room mates friend who has a brother that works at Best Buy on weekends :lmao:) anyway, I digress. Let's say these CM's actually do work for Disney and DO violate policy and DO buy merchandise for resale. #1 There is ABSOLUTELY NO QUANTITY available for purchase. AND, IF THERE WERE, there is a strict limit per CM available for purchase. #3, the actual discount is FAR MORE than what they are selling them FOR!! So if they did buy them @ the lowest CM cost, their SELLING price is BELOW the cost they paid for them, they would LOSE money on every pin..Makes no sense!!

Thank you for watching my eBay auctions.

Mount..bottom line, if you're buying cheap pins from ebay, they are scrappers. These sellers are NOT going to tell you "oh, I bought these illegally overseas". They are going to make up whatever they can to TRY (emphasize TRY) to sound official. NONE OF THEM ARE..PERIOD!! There is simply NO explanation of such volume and such a cheap price.

I would look back in this thread, there are at least 3 sellers that have gotten rave reviews. I personally bought from sleepys_emporium ( that right?) and they were GREAT!! You will likely pay around $3 per pin from Legit sellers if you can find them. Anything less than that is highly suspect. Good luck on your search. If you buy from Disney, although more expensive, you remove all doubt and further the true pin trading experience. :hippie:
Yes, Sleepys_Emporium has good pins, I've been happy with what I've purchased from her. They are in the process of opening their own website but I don't think it's up yet.
Mount..bottom line, if you're buying cheap pins from ebay, they are scrappers. These sellers are NOT going to tell you "oh, I bought these illegally overseas". They are going to make up whatever they can to TRY (emphasize TRY) to sound official. NONE OF THEM ARE..PERIOD!! There is simply NO explanation of such volume and such a cheap price.

I would look back in this thread, there are at least 3 sellers that have gotten rave reviews. I personally bought from sleepys_emporium ( that right?) and they were GREAT!! You will likely pay around $3 per pin from Legit sellers if you can find them. Anything less than that is highly suspect. Good luck on your search. If you buy from Disney, although more expensive, you remove all doubt and further the true pin trading experience. :hippie:

I completely agree, and I had no intention of purchasing from these sellers.

Gold, however, only had 2 pin auctions in his past 200 feedbacks. I believe that he may have real pins, since he doesn't sell many and he starts his auctions much higher than everyone else.
I completely agree, and I had no intention of purchasing from these sellers.

Gold, however, only had 2 pin auctions in his past 200 feedbacks. I believe that he may have real pins, since he doesn't sell many and he starts his auctions much higher than everyone else.
Sounds Good!!!
That was me a year ago. Getting taken advantage of just trying to make my daughter happy. Its very wrong not only are they robbing people but also turning kids down because of there selection of pins.My daughter asked me Why doesn't he wanna trade with me.That is one of the reasons why I do not trade with Guest's and only Cast Members because they cannot let her down and always have something nice to say. I'm glad they stopped it to where they cant ask you to go into the store and buy a pin for the trade.


Chris not all traders are like this. We love trading with kids and will often trade something "good" for something "normal", please don't judge everyone by the actions of a few of us. I have people tell me "you don't have anything I need but....." and I just shake my head and move away. Except for 1 or 2 or 3 traders we don't do that at all. The few that we do buy pins for, they want rack pins in trade for LE's or Hidden Mickeys, we've been trading with them for a long time, they are nice people and we like them.

I completely agree, and I had no intention of purchasing from these sellers.

Gold, however, only had 2 pin auctions in his past 200 feedbacks. I believe that he may have real pins, since he doesn't sell many and he starts his auctions much higher than everyone else.

That sounds good, that person may have good pins for sale then. :)
I have some pins that I am quite sure are scrappers however their quality is very, very good. There have been times that I have chosen pins that I know to be scrappers off a CM's lanyard. Me and my kids are in it for the fun of it. Besides the fun we have trading the very good quality scrappers, (I'm assuming most of them are that I have purchased) we also buy at least $100 pins in the parks from Disney on our yearly visit. For us it's all in fun so we are aware of what's out there. Our collection is only for our enjoyment so we love it!
Our collection is for our enjoyment as well. But it really stinks to have someone tell you point blank "your pins are all fake, you need to educate yourself on scrappers" and refuse to trade with you. Especially when you gave a CM a really nice pin in trade. It also stinks to trade a pin you paid $6.95 or more for only to get a scrapper in return.
I am sick to my stomach having read this- we are going on our first Disney Cruise soon and I bought pins off of Ebay for my son to trade. I figured the CM would already have ones available on the ship, so I thought that buying them on ebay would help him get a start. We have never been to WDW, and don't have Disney stores anywhere so we have no other way to buy I realize that all of the ones I bought him are most likely scrappers and he was so so excited to get them in the mail today. He doesn't understand why we can't trade them...he is devastated.
I am sick to my stomach having read this- we are going on our first Disney Cruise soon and I bought pins off of Ebay for my son to trade. I figured the CM would already have ones available on the ship, so I thought that buying them on ebay would help him get a start. We have never been to WDW, and don't have Disney stores anywhere so we have no other way to buy I realize that all of the ones I bought him are most likely scrappers and he was so so excited to get them in the mail today. He doesn't understand why we can't trade them...he is devastated.

It isn't too late. From what I've seen, most of the scrapper sellers on e-bay will let you return the pins for a refund. They do this to avoid negative feedback and probably in hopes they won't be reported.

Send a message to the e-bay member and let them know that you've checked the pins against You are concerned because many of the pins they sent to you do not seem authentic. Request that they replace X pins or give a full refund. Unfortunately if you send them back they will eventually be sold back to another person who doesn't know about scrappers.

Check back in the e-bay seller threads to find a decent seller and get some of those before your cruise! Then your son will still have some great pins to trade on the ship.
I am sick to my stomach having read this- we are going on our first Disney Cruise soon and I bought pins off of Ebay for my son to trade. I figured the CM would already have ones available on the ship, so I thought that buying them on ebay would help him get a start. We have never been to WDW, and don't have Disney stores anywhere so we have no other way to buy I realize that all of the ones I bought him are most likely scrappers and he was so so excited to get them in the mail today. He doesn't understand why we can't trade them...he is devastated.

I am SO sorry that you had to find this out, but the good news is that you found out in time to do something about it.

I agree with the previous post indicating that you should return them for a refund. Do this as soon as possible. You can always buy authentic pins on the ship, so even if you don't have any outlets available to you locally, that option is the best and always available.

Depending on when you depart, you can sometimes find deals on pins on, check them out too. Don't worry, just be glad you figured it out now and not on the ship. I would tell my son the reasoning behind it, how it was an honest mistake, but how it will be corrected. I'd bet that he will understand just fine, and when he does get on the ship with authentic pins to trade, will have even more fun doing so!

I fully understand that pin trading is expensive. There are ways to buy pins less than buying directly from the ship, park or store. But the savings are truly not worth the repercussions that occur by buying and trading scrappers. Let us know what happens!
You can also purchase pins from the sellers we mentioned on this thread, or from, which is a good site :thumbsup2:

I just purchased 3 lots of 5 from mubunny to replenish my traders since BBBC's pins are mostly scrappers. They are cool pins, so I will keep them if they are scrappers. She didn't have a HUGE volume of pin auctions, like BBBC and others, so I thought they may be okay. I will post pics again when I get them. Another green flag is the fact that she posts pictures of every single lot she sells.
I am SO sorry that you had to find this out, but the good news is that you found out in time to do something about it.

I agree with the previous post indicating that you should return them for a refund. Do this as soon as possible. You can always buy authentic pins on the ship, so even if you don't have any outlets available to you locally, that option is the best and always available.

Depending on when you depart, you can sometimes find deals on pins on, check them out too. Don't worry, just be glad you figured it out now and not on the ship. I would tell my son the reasoning behind it, how it was an honest mistake, but how it will be corrected. I'd bet that he will understand just fine, and when he does get on the ship with authentic pins to trade, will have even more fun doing so!

I fully understand that pin trading is expensive. There are ways to buy pins less than buying directly from the ship, park or store. But the savings are truly not worth the repercussions that occur by buying and trading scrappers. Let us know what happens!

I wasn't as worried about the cost as much as I was worried that the CM on the ship would already have the pins we would purchase on the ship. I think I will go to the Disney store and buy him some. Do you know of any that are not common on the cruiseline? I'd like for him to have some that the CM on board wouldn't already have...I am going to contact the seller right now. There is only one "obvious" scrapper, but I went to the pinpics website, and I don't even see these pins on there...they have the "official" markings, but now I know that doesn't mean a thing. What a shame!


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