"Accidental" drug overdose

I agree, there are only really two classifications, it's just unfortunate that there isn't another one that would be more defined or a better term that could be used. Possibly self inflicted death.

That's suicide.
Playing Russian Roulette is stupid. Dying while playing Russian Roulette is stupid. But it's still an accidental death.

See, I disagree. If you are playing Russian Roulette- Odds are really good you're gonna die- you better have made peace with that before you pull that trigger.
See, I disagree. If you are playing Russian Roulette- Odds are really good you're gonna die- you better have made peace with that before you pull that trigger.

See, I disagree. :) If you shoot yourself with a fully loaded gun, odds are you're going to die. One bullet, the chance of survival are much greater.

While a reckless game and an addiction aren't the same thing, I doubt those that play expect to die.
This thread go me thinking about life insurance. Does doing something illegal that results in your death disqualify your beneficiary from recieving their money? I guess I probably should read mine and dh's policy. Oh, not that I plan on doing anything illegal :laughing:
It killed her.

Absolutely, there are ACCIDENTAL overdoses.

:thumbsup2 I agree...I never would have realized it until I myself had an awful terrible, I want to die painful toothache in the middle of the night and I could honestly see someone taking a super dose of pain meds just to get rid of that type of pain. I did a no-no myself to get rid of the pain but I was in agony. I had never had pain that bad before or since -- I had recently had a baby too when that toothache happened & even labor with no medication wasn't as bad as that pain. My DH happened to have prescription pain meds from when he had a tooth pulled out (wisdom?) -- anyway, I took one of those. I think it was Tylenol 3 with coidene (basically whatever it is they generally give everybody for pain, so I wasn't too worried about taking it). Luckily, even in extreme pain I had my wits about me but it literally took what seemed like forever for it to work and I had no idea how I was going to survive that pain or what the heck to do next (didn't really think it was ER worthy since I knew what the cause was & figured I had already taken the pain killer what else could be done).

I remember thinking "NOW I know how someone could overdose on pain meds"...you aren't thinking straight all you think is I want the pain to end RIGHT NOW.

So, yes, I could see an accidental drug overdose as in you didn't INTEND to OD on something.
This thread go me thinking about life insurance. Does doing something illegal that results in your death disqualify your beneficiary from recieving their money? I guess I probably should read mine and dh's policy. Oh, not that I plan on doing anything illegal :laughing:

My nephew's insurance paid. Not sure if it varies from policy to policy or not.
Playing Russian Roulette is stupid. Dying while playing Russian Roulette is stupid. But it's still an accidental death.

I'm with the OP. I disagree that Russian Roulette is accidental death. "Died while playing Russian Roulette" pretty much covers it.

To me, it would have been most accurate to say Cory Heim "died of a drug overdose." I think accident makes it sound like it was a medical mistake. I would only assume suicide if it said intentional overdose.

Personal responsiblity is important. I think deaths due to risky activity can be teaching moments for those left behind. Saying this was an "accident" sort of downplays the fact that his own self destructive behavior played a part in it.

Drunk drivers can be sent to jail for "accidentally" killing someone. They don't do it on purpose, yet it is not looked at as an accident.

At the time of his death, it's important that he be remembered for the positive things he brought to this world. However, it's important that we learn lessons from his death as well and not gloss over the behaviors that caused it.
It probably varies- and you know insurance companies- if they can get out of paying, they will!

True, but being that some do, maybe thats why it is classified as accidental, for legal/insurance reasons. To differeniate between that and a true suicide.
True, but being that some do, maybe thats why it is classified as accidental, for legal/insurance reasons. To differeniate between that and a true suicide.

Good point. I wonder if some have drug clauses in them.... if drugs are found in your system on autopsy we won't pay etc. :confused3
I'm with the OP. I disagree that Russian Roulette is accidental death. "Died while playing Russian Roulette" pretty much covers it.

To me, it would have been most accurate to say Cory Heim "died of a drug overdose." I think accident makes it sound like it was a medical mistake. I would only assume suicide if it said intentional overdose.

Personal responsiblity is important. I think deaths due to risky activity can be teaching moments for those left behind. Saying this was an "accident" sort of downplays the fact that his own self destructive behavior played a part in it.

Drunk drivers can be sent to jail for "accidentally" killing someone. They don't do it on purpose, yet it is not looked at as an accident.

At the time of his death, it's important that he be remembered for the positive things he brought to this world. However, it's important that we learn lessons from his death as well and not gloss over the behaviors that caused it.

Why does anyone assume that simply saying 'accidental' means that people will gloss over what led to his death?

I really don't get that.
Why does anyone assume that simply saying 'accidental' means that people will gloss over what led to his death?

I really don't get that.

Me either.

Drugs clearly ruined his life. His best friend even TRIED to help him (as much as he could). Cory's life was not admirable at all--and that is due to his drug use.

It doesn't make his death anymore intentional and it doesn't mean that he is being glorified or glossed over or anything.

His stupidity led to his death, but that doesn't mean that his death was intentional.

People need to look up "accident" in the dictionary.
But I accept the risks associated to it. If I was driving wrecklessly or illegally, I heightened those risks and I made an intentional decision that depending on the heightened risk, may have ultimately sentenced me to a high probability of death.

But you will not have DELIBERATELY taken your own life.

It doesn't change that it was an "accident".

My kids have "accidents" all the time aka "oopsies". Sometimes it is due to careless behavior. I educate them that their carelessness led to the accident.

However--it doesn't mean they intended to harm anyone, break anything, or hurt themselves.
Suicide is very different. Yes I agree that people taking drugs have got to know it will probably kill them. But it's much different than a suicide on so many levels. Then when you get into legally perscribed drugs it's a whole other ball of wax. In some ways it would almost be better if they just said "intentional overdose" in case of suicides.

You can stretch it further--there are people that stuff their faces with food that WILL kill them eventually.

However, it doesn't mean that their daily habit of Krispy Kreme meant that they wanted to die via heart attack or other obesity related health condition.

Yet--it can be argued...they should KNOW that their body cannot withstand all that abuse.
No it doesn't bother me. The person isn't intending to die, so it is an accident.

If someone does something risky and the result is death, even if they didn't mean to die, the resulting death is accidental. Just like a car accident...someone is speeding, being stupid and taking a risk but they don't intend to kill themself. I don't know what else you could call it but an accident.
Good point. I wonder if some have drug clauses in them.... if drugs are found in your system on autopsy we won't pay etc. :confused3

It has been a while...

But when we got our policies 5 years ago, we were questioned on things like...do we skydive.

I don't recall if illegal drug use was on there. But if it were, at the time, no we didn't do drugs.

I got questioned on my entire medical history and meds in the past X number of years.

My policy also included a clause for suicide that within the first ____ (timeframe) of the policy, there would be no pay out due to suicide.

I don't recall any clauses for death by illegal substance.
Good point. I wonder if some have drug clauses in them.... if drugs are found in your system on autopsy we won't pay etc. :confused3

I'm sure it's been tried. I know when Heath Ledger died the insurance company tried to not pay his daughter because they were trying to claim it was a suicide when the coroner had said it was accidental. He didn't mean to die but drugs caused him to die so the insurance company said it was suicide.
I'm sure it's been tried. I know when Heath Ledger died the insurance company tried to not pay his daughter because they were trying to claim it was a suicide when the coroner had said it was accidental. He didn't mean to die but drugs caused him to die so the insurance company said it was suicide.

I forgot about that!


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