*Sept 10th 2011 WB Transatlantic* - From Spain to Space Mountain - Part 5

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Good Morning :wave:

I feel like I'm walking on virgin snow ;)

Well I've finally caught one stinking cold - I feel really yuk!!!!

I hope you feel better soon Michelle. :hug:

Yay part 5 :cool1::cool1:

Hi evryone been keeping up each night but not posting as its a very busy time for me. I am studying for my personal trainer exam in a couple weeks, home educating Billy, and going to endless plays and graduations etc for Jayden and Keegan hopefully it calms down slightly soon!
My foot is feeling much better and my manager has been more sympathetic lately
thanks to everyone for the pixie dust.
Its a bit scarey some very organised people are packing, I havnt even begun Will get a start on this next week i think.

Good luck with your exam. :wizard:

Glad your foot is slowly feeling better.

For those staying on in Orlando after the cruise, LOVE desserts and don't expect to be fed up of eating(we normally are but.....:confused3;)), you can now book the Wishes Dessert Party right through to November now.

We did this a couple of years ago and really liked it. Lots of yummy desserts and a different view of Wishes too.

We did the Wishes Dessert Party a few years ago too, when they first started. It was good but we didn't really eat too much so it probably wasn't worth the price. I'd probably do it again though.

Quick question do all printers take the magnetic paper?

You need an Inkjet printer. :thumbsup2
Thank you for the get well wishes.


Here's hoping you a speedy recovery! There's so much to do....packing, shopping, planning, etc......you can't afford to be sick!!!! :flower3: Hope you are feeling better soon!!!

Can't wait to see HP! I think we will wait 'til at least Sunday though so the theater is not as crowded. Still want to see Pooh also.....so many good movies out right now.

I was talking with a friend yesterday who hasn't read the books (I've read them all multiple times) and she is going to go to the movie - she told me she already knows that Harry dies but she is excited to see how it will all end. I told her, she has no idea what JK Rowling has in store for her!!! ;)

So its sad that the movies will be over, but as long as the words are in print, we can re-read them again and again. Its kind of silly, but I feel when I read the books that I'm connecting w/ old friends. :blush: I guess I've read them so many times that I feel like I really know the characters!

I hope that someday Rowling does another series.

I hate to see the HP movies end too! Heard great reviews about it. I hated when the Lord of the Rings series ended and the Twilight books ended (still have a couple of Twilight movies to look forward to!). It's been nice to read the books and then have the movies come out. It was like you had something exciting to look forward to and now it's coming to an end! I also hope Rowling does another series!

For our door ears we have just used a roll of magnetic strip that we got from craft store. Than just cut small bits off and stuck of back of ears. Works a treat!

I've got the roll of magnetic strip for my magnets too. Used it last year for our door magnets and it worked out perfectly (until we flew back into New York and security confiscated the remaining roll because it looked suspicious! Makes me wonder why none of the other airports picked up on it when it went through the x-ray machine???? :confused:)
Thank you for the get well wishes.


Hope you are on the mend quickly!!

Hazel and I have spent the past 2 days with nasty stomach bug kindly shared by one of the children! Feeling a bit more human today though. Not nice being ill at the same time though as sympathy is in very short supply!! :rotfl2:
Here's hoping you a speedy recovery! There's so much to do....packing, shopping, planning, etc......you can't afford to be sick!!!! :flower3: Hope you are feeling better soon!!!

I hate to see the HP movies end too! Heard great reviews about it. I hated when the Lord of the Rings series ended and the Twilight books ended (still have a couple of Twilight movies to look forward to!). It's been nice to read the books and then have the movies come out. It was like you had something exciting to look forward to and now it's coming to an end! I also hope Rowling does another series!

I've got the roll of magnetic strip for my magnets too. Used it last year for our door magnets and it worked out perfectly (until we flew back into New York and security confiscated the remaining roll because it looked suspicious! Makes me wonder why none of the other airports picked up on it when it went through the x-ray machine???? :confused:)

someone in TSA just needed it for something.. whatever they need or are short of, they just take it out and claim it as "suspicious" :confused3 It's like they have no brains..... don't get me started...:lmao:

Hope you are on the mend quickly!!

Hazel and I have spent the past 2 days with nasty stomach bug kindly shared by one of the children! Feeling a bit more human today though. Not nice being ill at the same time though as sympathy is in very short supply!! :rotfl2:

Sorry for those feeling bad... hope you all feel better very soon.....
First up; :worship: Lynne for the recap! Combine that and me reading the new posts on part 5 and at least I'm not totally lost anymore.

Claire and Colette; wishing for a speedy recovery for you both.

Hmm new names for the FE-groups? Seeing multiple come by? My gosh, how many groups have appeared in that short week?!

Those going to the HP-movie; enjoy! It sure must be an amazing movie, knowing the story.

And yep, I'm back in town. Sorta. Long story short; they couldn't get me down with the sedation. Warned them for it, but as usual it got brushed away with a "we've got enough, never seen that happen and you're just a smallish girl, don't worry". Sure. :mad: So back home with nothing done except me learning that some very basic health items are not being taken care of (will be bringing family/friends along to avoid this from now on), being horibly sick from the meds they used to try and get me down and losing a scare amount of weight. Fingers crossed I can get myself back together somewhat, in which case a new attempt will be done on Wednesday. You guys won't believe how peed off I am and made that very clear yesterday. Only 7 weeks to recover if that doesn't fail in the condition I'm in now........ somebody in that hospital isn't going to survive if I don't make this cruise if I have any say in it.
I was talking with a friend yesterday who hasn't read the books (I've read them all multiple times) and she is going to go to the movie - she told me she already knows that Harry dies but she is excited to see how it will all end. I told her, she has no idea what JK Rowling has in store for her!!! ;)

So its sad that the movies will be over, but as long as the words are in print, we can re-read them again and again. Its kind of silly, but I feel when I read the books that I'm connecting w/ old friends. :blush: I guess I've read them so many times that I feel like I really know the characters!

I hope that someday Rowling does another series.[/QUOTE]
And yep, I'm back in town. Sorta. Long story short; they couldn't get me down with the sedation. Warned them for it, but as usual it got brushed away with a "we've got enough, never seen that happen and you're just a smallish girl, don't worry". Sure. :mad: So back home with nothing done except me learning that some very basic health items are not being taken care of (will be bringing family/friends along to avoid this from now on), being horibly sick from the meds they used to try and get me down and losing a scare amount of weight. Fingers crossed I can get myself back together somewhat, in which case a new attempt will be done on Wednesday. You guys won't believe how peed off I am and made that very clear yesterday. Only 7 weeks to recover if that doesn't fail in the condition I'm in now........ somebody in that hospital isn't going to survive if I don't make this cruise if I have any say in it.

Wow, couldn't get you under the anaesthetic? Poor you. I bet that doesn't give you too much confidence, but I am SURE they will have learnt from it and are able to proceed properly on Wednesday. We have been thinking about you, but we weren't wanting this sort of news Jacqueline. :grouphug: I hope you can relax over the weekend, feel better, and gain some of the weight back.
So back home with nothing done except me learning that some very basic health items are not being taken care of (will be bringing family/friends along to avoid this from now on), being horibly sick from the meds they used to try and get me down and losing a scare amount of weight.

I will be happy to give you some of my weight if you would like. I could stand to lose a few (or 50) pounds.:lmao:
First up; :worship: Lynne for the recap! Combine that and me reading the new posts on part 5 and at least I'm not totally lost anymore.

Claire and Colette; wishing for a speedy recovery for you both.

Hmm new names for the FE-groups? Seeing multiple come by? My gosh, how many groups have appeared in that short week?!

Those going to the HP-movie; enjoy! It sure must be an amazing movie, knowing the story.

And yep, I'm back in town. Sorta. Long story short; they couldn't get me down with the sedation. Warned them for it, but as usual it got brushed away with a "we've got enough, never seen that happen and you're just a smallish girl, don't worry". Sure. :mad: So back home with nothing done except me learning that some very basic health items are not being taken care of (will be bringing family/friends along to avoid this from now on), being horibly sick from the meds they used to try and get me down and losing a scare amount of weight. Fingers crossed I can get myself back together somewhat, in which case a new attempt will be done on Wednesday. You guys won't believe how peed off I am and made that very clear yesterday. Only 7 weeks to recover if that doesn't fail in the condition I'm in now........ somebody in that hospital isn't going to survive if I don't make this cruise if I have any say in it.

So sorry you had to go through all that for nothing! :flower3: Hope you bounce :tigger: back soon!!!!
And yep, I'm back in town. Sorta. Long story short; they couldn't get me down with the sedation. Warned them for it, but as usual it got brushed away with a "we've got enough, never seen that happen and you're just a smallish girl, don't worry". Sure. :mad: So back home with nothing done except me learning that some very basic health items are not being taken care of (will be bringing family/friends along to avoid this from now on), being horibly sick from the meds they used to try and get me down and losing a scare amount of weight. Fingers crossed I can get myself back together somewhat, in which case a new attempt will be done on Wednesday. You guys won't believe how peed off I am and made that very clear yesterday. Only 7 weeks to recover if that doesn't fail in the condition I'm in now........ somebody in that hospital isn't going to survive if I don't make this cruise if I have any say in it.

:mad: That is not on, you warned them. :sad2:

I hope you are feeling better soon, just relax and don't get stress over the recovery time as that will make you worse. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I have everything crossed for you that it all goes well on Wednesday. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
Soooooooo jealous of all of you who can see the new HP movie now! Here is Skopje, we don't get "current" films and then when the do come they are covered in subtitles and the theater experience is "culturally different" so to say...people arrive 30 minutes late, movies never start on time, and until last year, smoking inside the theater. Needless to say we have not really enjoyed our movie going experience the last two years.

I was lucky to see part 1 of HP last year when I was back in the States for a conference. I am hoping it is still in theaters on Sept 25 when we arrive!

Enjoy it on the big screen for me.

I've got the roll of magnetic strip for my magnets too. Used it last year for our door magnets and it worked out perfectly (until we flew back into New York and security confiscated the remaining roll because it looked suspicious! Makes me wonder why none of the other airports picked up on it when it went through the x-ray machine???? :confused:)

Debra, you know that you and Rick look just like terrorists!!! :lmao::lmao:

It's really a funny story about them taking the magnetic tape - you can just imagine what the TSA guy was thinking. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
And yep, I'm back in town. Sorta. Long story short; they couldn't get me down with the sedation. Warned them for it, but as usual it got brushed away with a "we've got enough, never seen that happen and you're just a smallish girl, don't worry". Sure. :mad: So back home with nothing done except me learning that some very basic health items are not being taken care of (will be bringing family/friends along to avoid this from now on), being horibly sick from the meds they used to try and get me down and losing a scare amount of weight. Fingers crossed I can get myself back together somewhat, in which case a new attempt will be done on Wednesday. You guys won't believe how peed off I am and made that very clear yesterday. Only 7 weeks to recover if that doesn't fail in the condition I'm in now........ somebody in that hospital isn't going to survive if I don't make this cruise if I have any say in it.

Aww, Jacqueline...so sorry this happened. Certainly, they will correct their sedation medication/techniques and get you all fixed up this time!
Here's some extra pixiedust:pixiedust:pixie dustpixiedust:pixiedust: for your super speedy recovery! :thumbsup2
And yep, I'm back in town. Sorta. Long story short; they couldn't get me down with the sedation. Warned them for it, but as usual it got brushed away with a "we've got enough, never seen that happen and you're just a smallish girl, don't worry". Sure. :mad: So back home with nothing done except me learning that some very basic health items are not being taken care of (will be bringing family/friends along to avoid this from now on), being horibly sick from the meds they used to try and get me down and losing a scare amount of weight. Fingers crossed I can get myself back together somewhat, in which case a new attempt will be done on Wednesday. You guys won't believe how peed off I am and made that very clear yesterday. Only 7 weeks to recover if that doesn't fail in the condition I'm in now........ somebody in that hospital isn't going to survive if I don't make this cruise if I have any say in it.

I am so sorry for your bad experience. I have never heard of a hospital running out of anesthetic? Think I would be looking for a new hospital. I do hope your surgery goes well on Wed and you are totally over it by the cruise.
Debra, you know that you and Rick look just like terrorists!!! :lmao::lmao:

It's really a funny story about them taking the magnetic tape - you can just imagine what the TSA guy was thinking. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Yep....that's Rick and I.....we get mistaken all the time for terrorists! :rotfl2:

Actually the guy was really interested in what I used the magnetic tape for...had to explain about the door magnets. I finally told him he could have the tape because we were holding up the line of people behind us. Told him I didn't need it anymore! I would have been fit to be tied if they had taken it before the cruise!!!! :headache:
Lol... Apparently I was lagging behind in thread 4... :lmao: You people move fast!!

Anyhoo... hello again! I'll save you a repeat from my jammering in thread 4 (that was sooooo 5 minutes ago :rotfl:) and just say that my family and I will be joining all you lovely people on the Disney Magic in September. This will be our second Disney cruise (the first was also a transatlantic Disney cruise, only the Eastbound one, lol) and we are really looking forward to it. We had such a fabulous time last year!

It will be just the three of us, my husband, my 4 year old daughter (who is already dreaming about the kidsclub) and myself.

Nice to (sort of) meet you! :dance3:
Lol... Apparently I was lagging behind in thread 4... :lmao: You people move fast!!

Anyhoo... hello again! I'll save you a repeat from my jammering in thread 4 (that was sooooo 5 minutes ago :rotfl:) and just say that my family and I will be joining all you lovely people on the Disney Magic in September. This will be our second Disney cruise (the first was also a transatlantic Disney cruise, only the Eastbound one, lol) and we are really looking forward to it. We had such a fabulous time last year!

It will be just the three of us, my husband, my 4 year old daughter (who is already dreaming about the kidsclub) and myself.

Nice to (sort of) meet you! :dance3:

So glad you are to be part of the happiest (and chattiest (such a word?)) cruisers on this planet!!! :thumbsup2
First up; :worship: Lynne for the recap! Combine that and me reading the new posts on part 5 and at least I'm not totally lost anymore.

Claire and Colette; wishing for a speedy recovery for you both.

Hmm new names for the FE-groups? Seeing multiple come by? My gosh, how many groups have appeared in that short week?!

Those going to the HP-movie; enjoy! It sure must be an amazing movie, knowing the story.

And yep, I'm back in town. Sorta. Long story short; they couldn't get me down with the sedation. Warned them for it, but as usual it got brushed away with a "we've got enough, never seen that happen and you're just a smallish girl, don't worry". Sure. :mad: So back home with nothing done except me learning that some very basic health items are not being taken care of (will be bringing family/friends along to avoid this from now on), being horibly sick from the meds they used to try and get me down and losing a scare amount of weight. Fingers crossed I can get myself back together somewhat, in which case a new attempt will be done on Wednesday. You guys won't believe how peed off I am and made that very clear yesterday. Only 7 weeks to recover if that doesn't fail in the condition I'm in now........ somebody in that hospital isn't going to survive if I don't make this cruise if I have any say in it.

I am so sorry you had so much trouble with the anesthesia. Doesn't sound like you had a very competent anesthesiologist but that is my opinion!

Just my thoughts...
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