Oh Sweet Mother of Bread Pudding...What have I got myself into? 9/26 Update!

After a day of Epcot and snacking more than what normal society not at WDW would consider snacking...:rolleyes1...we went out for an evening at Port Orleans Riverside for entertainment with Yehaa Bob Jackson and to grab some food at their famous food court.

(I will write more about Bob in the TR but know it is like a PG version of the dueling piano bar at Starring Rolls! Highly recommend it and it is free!)

Options were much more vast at Riverside Mill than at Sassagoula. I needed to walk around a few moments to really gather all it had to offer. From build your own pasta bar to roast beef and turkey freshly carved, this has probably one of the biggest array of selections I had ever seen and well worth a CS food credit compared to some of the meals we had eaten.

In the end, Baylor and I were both wanting a burger. They looked glorious and sometimes a juicy beef patty combined with a soft bun is the thing that will hit the spot. The major plus factor was they did not look like they had been sitting in a steamer for 3 hours and now a nice shade of gray.


The fries were crisp and fresh as well and the condiment bar was full of fresh veggies and sauces to ensure your burger bliss was achieved. :love:

Dan also did not feel like a heavy pasta meal and so chose a sandwich resembling very close...like a second cousin born from your mama back in the holler close...:crowded:...to the sandwich love of his life at Starring Rolls at DHS.


Classic Turkey Sandwich $8.99

(His had ham on it as well.)

The bread was not rock hard but likely made that morning vs. in the afternoon. Foccacia had plenty of flavor baked into the outer top crust and hints of rosemary could be smelled from across the table. He was thrilled with his choice and again we discussed how the resorts for people with cars at WDW, offer so many more options for different meal choices than one would think. Plus you get to explore the unique decor of each resort and find out what sets them apart from another. He said the chips tasted like they were homemade and not the typical open up a bag of ruffles and slap em next to a sammy!

Dessert was an easy choice for myself.

"Give me Chocolate or Give me Death," will be written on my tombstone someday. The funny thing is I did not like chocolate at all until my twenties. I mean a Snickers here and there was okay but I was never one for all chocolate. I still do not like chocolate ice cream, chocolate milk and keep all the traditional or peanut M&M's for yourself please. I also am not a fan of chocolate sauce on ice cream. Fudge maybe but I love me some caramel.

But if it is a choice of chocolate cake or carrot cake and it does not look like the chocolate cake has freezer burn too bad, I will choose chocolate as long as it is cake and frosting. If it is chocolate cake with white butter cream...no thanks. I am good though with yellow cake and chocolate fudge frosting.

Now that you know my life story on chocolate, have had children and grandchildren born while waiting for me to move on...here is the cake I chose at long last.


This was really good for a CS cake.

Really good.

Moist cake that crumbled in your mouth but not on the plate as the fork sliced through. Rich consistency of fudge icing that was not over layered but definitely made you wish your Mamma had brought a glass of milk with it. The frosting danced on your tongue. Daring you to chew slowly because one bite in the gut was a guaranteed ten dimples on the butt.

Excuse me...

"Does this frosting make my cake look fat?" :lmao:

No joke, Dan, Baylor and I could not finish it all. It was that rich. Yet alas, I say again, great food and good food is separated by the pace and satiation you feel when eating it.

I would rather have three bites of something great that makes you tune out the outside world and focus on what is percolating your palette than a mound of blah that leaves you wanting something more so you continue to plow through it mindlessly, hoping somehow the last bite will miraculously be better than the first.

Looking at my life and others and knowing we spend most of it blindly plowing through quantities of crap because it has been indoctrinated in our souls since the clean plate club you were forced to endure at age 5, I wonder who would not be currently facing weight issues if we had been raised to indulge in the great and not wallow through the good?

That cake, was great.


Dan had the carrot cake and although rich as well and also not finished, not as great as my cake IMO. I want a carrot cake to be nutty, bursting with flavors of the fall.

This was bursting with decent cream cheese frosting but a cake that lacked any aroma. Very safe and very ordinary and if I can say I make better from scratch at home, then it is not a win in my book. I want the carrot cake to be dense, moist and yet effortlessly airy, so when sliced, I can see texture. This was more Duncan Hines than a bakery highlight.

Baylor ordered a milk shake for his dessert and went back and picked it up after he finished his burger. He said it was good but nothing special. He could not finish it and he is an ice cream fiend. He ordered chocolate so that is the end of my review on it! :thumbsup2

Milk Shakes - $3.99

Overall I say the meal deserves an:

One of the very best CS meals I have ordered at any resort or for that matter at any park. The CM's working the lines really had a great attitude and were proud of their delivery and food which at times is lacking at the parks. I think they tend to feel more of a sense of pride working at a place they have a good probability of seeing guests repeat times and it just oozes a sense of community versus at a burger stand at MK, it feels like they are there to collect a paycheck and say, "Have a Magical Day, thank you and move out da way!"

The food was really good overall and I cannot recommend it enough if you are at POFQ to come for the entertainment, grab a meal and relax. The only downside was hauling the meal from the food court to the lounge where he played. You had to meander through a ton of people and I am not the most graceful. The other piece of that was the plates were just the right size for the food so it did not allow you to move around anything without spilling or if you had dared to put ketchup on your plate, have it run into other pieces of your food that you might not care for ketchup on.

Ohh...and one more nugget:

Dan ordered a special drink at the bar:


Sort of like a "strawberry stripper" but with raspberry flavoring instead! So if you go, eat for cheap and drink like you were paying for a 2TS meal! :rotfl:

Up next:

Yeah - you are back!!!!!!

Sounds like things are not yet resolved, but I hope progress is being made on that front.

I sent you an email from my work and my home address. Please let me know if you did not get them, because if you didn't someone has a very similar email address as yours and they probably are putting me in their spam folder.:rotfl:

I absolutely love YeeHaw Bob. When I saw him last September I actually went to his website and sent him an email telling him how much I enjoyed his show. I really love a good musician. And - he responded back. No wonder he has so many fans!!!!!!

Fun update. Thanks!
I cannot WAIT to try one of the school breads when we go in October! I have a whole list of things to try :teacher:

M U S T E A T!!!!!
I'm glad the Avocado Margarita was delicious! That one is next on my list. I have had the Passion Fruit one too and while I like sweet drinks it just seemed overly syrupy to me :confused3
M U S T D R I N K!!!! :lmao:
Will definately have to check that place out in January! Who knows, after doing the 5K, I may need a flight of tequila!
I know I have said it to you but I am going to brag on ya here!!! I am so very proud of you and you deserve an entire carafe of tequila for your accomplishment!!! :lovestruc
Glad you are back and writing!!! What's the dealio with October for you guys now? I'm still going Oct 16-23. Let me know if we can catch up.
We will catch up!!! I believe our arrival day is the 17th and we check out the 27th. A few days at OKW, followed up by a few days at the Hilton Time Share they suckered us into staying at for less than $170 for three nights and then back to AKV before we drive up to see the college kiddos! I just realized that bat crap crazy Harold Kamping (that description is literally on his business card) is predicting the end of the world while we will be there. Maybe we should have some sort of special breakfast that morning and raise a glass to his being wrong AGAIN! ;)
I'm glad to hear that you are back! I must try that school bread on our next trip. It looks so good! :thumbsup2
I cannot say thank you enough. I really miss writing to you all!
Oh to be 21....but only 143 more days!!!
Not that you are counting!!! :lmao:
Hope your life has calmed down a bit, especially since you now have only 1 kid.
Less stressful yes but I miss them. This summer I just wanted to spend every chance I could creating memories with them so I can play back the snap shots in my head over and over.
so glad you are back-it was kind of like reading a good book only to find the final chapters ripped out
That was well said and I know how you feel and yet I turned into the AWOL writer that drives me crazy!!!
El Mayor premium silver Tequila, melon liqueur, fresh avocado, agave nectar and fresh lime juice, served frozen with a hibiscus Himalayan salt rim

that sounds so good yummmmmm
Yes...Yes it does!!!!
I am enjoying you report very much. Hi praise, i assure you. I am far from a foodie...most second graders probably eat better than I do. But you have me all excited reading a food report :rotfl:. Now I have to go try and make a ressie for Raglan Road for my December trip.
I hope you are still here and have floated aside this adrift raft of food! I assure you she has sails full open now and is full steam ahead!!!
I have heard so much about the avocado margarita but confess it still does not sound appealing. BUT for the sake of the DIS boards, I feel it is my duty to try all the margaritas :rotfl: Glad to hear it shouldn't be an unpleasant experience :laughing:
You are a true American. There should be a medal of some sort given by the President to you next spring! :rotfl2:
So this is where you have been hanging out!
Hanging is such a loose term. More like posting and then pulling a Hudini as of late!! :headache:

I can't wait till you start positng updates again-I feel like a kid stalking Santa looking for your updates-I love them because they make me :)
It's not stalking if I like it!! ;)
Dawn -

I just LOVE your dining reports. Sounds like you are one busy mom.
Busy always but I need this for myself so like excersize...I must do it even if there are a million reasons to distract!!!

Stumbled across your report this afternoon and just finished the whole thing so far!

Am loving it so far - can't wait to read more!:surfweb:
I hope your hair has not turned gray waiting for me to get my tukkus back here!!!
You and me both!!:rotfl2: I just realized I have been watching this thread for 6 MONTHS!!:scared1: I really need to move on! LOL!!!:lmao:
Please don't move on. Let's pretend I am a Navy Pilot off at war and you are awaiting me to come back and romance you with my tales of near death.

Or I can just say I suck and I am sorry and will ya forgive me for heading to the bar again when your mamma arrives for a weekend stay!

(Why am I writing like a cross between Al Bundy and Tom Cruise ??? :confused3 :rotfl2:)

:lovestruc your last couple of updates Dawn! Can't wait to have a schoolbread for myself in only 27 days! :banana:
I want all the glorious details!! Glad your back- missed our commentary/reviews. You always make me laugh when I need it the most.:goodvibes
You are so kind!
By the way, I think we need a Minnesota DisMeet sometime- there sure are a lot of us here!
I wanted to for the summer but just too crazy to put together so how about one before the holidays???
She still hasn't called?
No but I did call DVC yesterday and asked for their help and they have a supervisor from their guest relations area helping me. In an hour I had three return phone calls from them, making sure theat I knew they were not dropping the ball on this. I am supposed to hear back within a few days at what they found out. I will keep you posted.
That makes me sick to my stomach...
Nothing like that is supposed to happen at Disney... Disney is a MAGICAL place where everything is wonderful and safe...
I hope Carsyn is ok and that they make everything right with you guys...
Thanks and I hope they do what is right as well. Carsyn is fine but it will be a visit we will never forget.
Gosh Dawn. I hope everything is ok and Disney gets it straightened out soon.
From your words to Mickey's ears!!!
When Disney does something good, they do it really well. When they don't, well, they fail miserably. Doesn't seem to be any middle ground.

Hope this gets resolved soon and Carsyn is ok.

Hope you can continue soon.

Jill in CO
Last night I just decided I was not going to let the actions of a few ruin my love to write here and will just keep plugging along!
That was really vague and didn't say much of anything...
I know and I am sorry but I am trying to give you a bit of understanding without crossing into an area Carsyn is not okay with sharing. I also need to make sure I am being careful not to give too many specific details because I do love Disney and I feel loyalty to a place that is our second home but like I told the DVC person yesterday, I am a few steps away from pulling up stakes on that home due to "their" lack of follow through.

I spoke with Carsyn last night and here is what she agreed to allow me to post. It is abbreviated but you can get the basics.

She had a shirt designed specifically for that trip for her birthday. The thought was to get signatures from CM's representing various countries to sign her shirt and then get a picture with that person. She had a friend with that went with her to meet each CM as we held back, not wanting to embarass her too much by having parents always around. A particular CM decided to write something inappropriate in his native language that included calling her a name no female would ever fathom being called at Walmart let alone Disney. Innocently she approached other CM's with her friend with her, to translate what was written and thus found out after many told her they could not tell her because it was inappropriate, what was written. She was very hurt and humiliated. It was cruel, it was vulgar and if I had realized the extent of what he wrote instead of a brief synopsis which Carsyn originally told me, I would have hunted him down and kicked his teeth in. She was embarrassed and had not wanted me to cause a scene or have it the focal point for the day and ruin the rest of it. So she trooped on until I knew it was eating at her. She had tears in her eyes as she came forward with more information she had been told and then we looked up the word in the slang/adult/vulgar section of a dictionary we found online and thus the better and more accurate description emerged and we went to guest relations.

Long story short, we were pulled into a back room there, had two head people take photos, write a description, apologize up one side and down another at the severity and lack of intelligence this person had and offered us everything short of staying in the castle to make our stay better. It was our only night, we had dogs with us so they made promises of what to expect for our stay if we came in December.

They are a company though and will always try and protect themselves but I knew enough not to honor their suggestion/request of taking the shirt to replace with one from a store there, covering up the bad word with a Mickey head or erasing the picture I had of Carsyn with him after he signed the shirt, because it would remind us of that event when we look through our vacation photos. I knew if the promises were not followed through, I had no proof it ever happened so I smiled and declined their suggestions!

30 days later, the "box" that was supposed to be sent to Carsyn as an initial apology to make up for her day, has still not arrived and the other promised items for December have some clarifications I have been asking about since Aug. 29th have yet to be answered. I have direct phone numbers and e-mails so this is not some complaint that is going to a generic e-mail and waiting for some 1st year CM to respond to.

Sorry to hear of your bad experience in Disney :mad: Hopefully they will make it up to you, or at least try to :guilty:
They will. It's just a matter of knowing which arm to tug on!
Oh that is awful!!! I hope you can sort this out!
Did I miss something??

I hope I explained it better above.
:scared1: ummmm.... seriously, that is soo wrong. I am sorry that your daughter had to go through that. I hope the chain of command does not drop the ball on this. :mad:

So glad to see you back posting....:hug:

Wow. How horrible! I'm glad you are pursuing this. :hug: to Carsyn and you.

Now, back to the food porn! Great update! It's getting me in the mood for my own trip 10/5-10/17!!! There will be food, there will be wine,....a lot of wine after spending 5 days with my niece (2) and nephew (4)!!!!!!

Jill in CO
Sorry for Carsyn and that horrible CM's behavior. I hope you continue to get that promise fulfilled and Disney rights that wrong.

On the food front - YAY! You're back! I've missed you!

We've enjoyed Riverside Mill in the past and that burger looked scrumptious! I agree - sometimes the bun can make a HUGE difference!! I really like that they have so many options there!
Glad you are back! I've missed your updates.

So sorry about what happened. I have a daughter Carsyn's age. I would be LIVID! And my husband the attorney would be communcating with Disney.
Sounds like you finally got through to some CMs who will follow through.

About your dessert - That cake looks soooo yummy. We stayed at POR 2 years ago and my fav dessert from the CS was the apple blossom. It was an individual apple pie that they served warm. To Die For! Every evening somehow found us visiting the bakery for one of those!

Looking forward to your next update!
that is just disgusting - I would be livid. I cannot believe any decent person would do this - bad for their nationality too................ poor girl - you give independence to your kids and you don't expect it to be abused by someone in a position of trust. If I was Disney management she'd be getting more than a parcel to apologise. Free trip maybe?
Hope it is rectified but mainly hope she isn't too traumatised to enjoy the magic again.
That is horrible :scared1: I really hope you continue to pursue this and that Disney makes this situation more than right :sad2:
I have really enjoyed reading your reviews so far. Makes me hungry, and want to change all my ADR's for my honeymoon. My husband is gonna have my head. :bride:

I have NOT enjoyed reading about the experience that Carsyn had! Horrible experience, bad show by that employee, and terrible follow through by Disney. I hope they come through and resolve this with you. That is the one good thing about Disney messing up....when they finally fix a problem, they fix it right. I hope that this gets taken care of!

Can't wait to read more from you. :goodvibes
Wow. Just...wow :sad2:

I can't believe someone would actually do that, much less a Disney CM. I think it's safe to say that if you had kicked his teeth in, all of us here would have posted your bail!

I am interested in how Disney has/is responded. But then again, I literally took a class on how to deal with these things, so I'm always intrigued at how something is handled, especially something of this caliber. Much love and pixie dust to Carsyn and hoping everything gets resolved.

On the food side--my family love Love LOVES POFQ. It's pretty much become our usual hotel, except when we feel we can spring for AKL or WL. But one of the main reasons we choose it is the food court. We've never eaten or attended anything at the restaurant itself though...it'll have to go on that ever-growing list of "Things Dawn Has Eaten/Done That I Want to Try." I feel like I will definitely be gaining some pounds if I get accepted into the college program. And I have always enjoyed their snack chocolate cakes, even when they come in the little round pre-packaged containers.
Oh my goodness!!! That is horrible. I am so sorry. I always tell my kids' "no, you can't have them write your name, I can't read their language!" I hope that one person doesn't ruin it for Carsyn and I am glad she has parents' that will pursue this until the wrong has been righted. :grouphug:to you all, Cindy
Oh my gosh. I'm glad that Carsyn is ok, but how horrible to have something like that happen at all and especially at Disney.
Dawn, so sorry to hear that Carsyn had such a bad experience - I hope it doesn't ruin Epcot/Disney for her. It's bad enough when something bad happens to yourself, but when it happens to your child, no matter what the age, it hurts not only them but you as well because that's your little girl!! My daughter is 22 and I still morph into mama bear when someone trys to mess with her. My only advice would be, as far as Disney - don't let up on them, make sure they follow through with their promises and hopefully that one t*rd monkey doesn't ruin your love of Disney!
That drink looks great:goodvibes
I had a sip and it was delish!
Yeah - you are back!!!!!!

Sounds like things are not yet resolved, but I hope progress is being made on that front.
It is. On 9/2 I spoke (actually spoke) with the CM in charge of Carsyn's "file" and she said I would have an e-mail that night over the questions I had on details of what they had promised and look into why Carsyn's package had not arrived. Labor day weekend and so I was not too angry when nothing came to my inbox. 1 week later though (9/9) and still no package which was told to me it was on the way a week after the incident (8/11), let alone the e-mail I was told I would get or at the very least a phone call saying, "still researching" I left another voice mail and e-mail, still polite but saying the package situation was ridiculous and I had not gotten an e-mail. By Tuesday,9/13 I was ready to utilize other resources and that would be DVC.

Bottom line, we have spent thousands on DVC let alone other trips taken and stayed at other reorts. We have 30 years more to come to WDW with DVC so it is not like we are a one time wonder and will never see them again. That is 30 more years of tickets and meals let alone shopping etc with us, kids, grandkids and friends and family. The kids Dad and I were just talking about buying more points because as the kids grow older and have lives to themselves, their families will grow and it was always our intent to use this as a family gathering. (We just paid off our second add on of points so money that had always been alloted for that could go to that again.) I had been discussing with DVC rates etc. in July, so they know this resolve will determine my intent, Dan's intent, the kids Dad intent, my childrens intent and their families at a minimum.

Are they really wanting to risk that future income because they can't get their poop together over promises that do not equate to what most families spend on a long weekend getaway at a Value? I am not asking for more than what they offered because I was not trying to take them down to Chinatown but like I told them, outside those magic walls, lies a whole media gauntlet of reporters who would jump on a story like this. I did not call them, I went to guest relations because I believed it would be handled.

The person I spoke with at DVC took my info, called me back in 10 minutes to tell me they had not forgotten about me and would have a senior CM call and she did 2 minutes later. Said she would follow up with the CM from Guest relations I had been dealing with, including asking for e-mail and phone dates which I gave her. Was given her direct number and told I would get a follow up call within 2-3 days. If I don't count the day we spoke, this is day 2.

I absolutely love YeeHaw Bob. When I saw him last September I actually went to his website and sent him an email telling him how much I enjoyed his show. I really love a good musician. And - he responded back. No wonder he has so many fans!!!!!!
I got the notion to see him from you!!!! :rotfl:
Fun update. Thanks!

:scared1: ummmm.... seriously, that is soo wrong. I am sorry that your daughter had to go through that. I hope the chain of command does not drop the ball on this. :mad:
I do not believe that will happen. I have all the e-mails, documented every phone call and we had 4 people sitting in the office when promises of appology were extended. Carsyn has the shirt and I still have the photo of who the CM was.

Now, back to the food porn! Great update! It's getting me in the mood for my own trip 10/5-10/17!!! There will be food, there will be wine,....a lot of wine after spending 5 days with my niece (2) and nephew (4)!!!!!!

Jill in CO
There will be a need for wine to get past the whine!!! :lmao:
We've enjoyed Riverside Mill in the past and that burger looked scrumptious! I agree - sometimes the bun can make a HUGE difference!! I really like that they have so many options there!
Will go back if we still go in December with the whole family. Plus my sister is going and she has refused a trip to WDW with us until now. I will drown her in Disney schtick if it kills me!!!pirate:
So sorry about what happened. I have a daughter Carsyn's age. I would be LIVID! And my husband the attorney would be communcating with Disney.

That would be the other possibility we have not pursued because I am trying to be nice. I thought keeping my mouth shut here for 30 days was really nice too and I would have not said a single word if the follow through was done.

About your dessert - That cake looks soooo yummy. We stayed at POR 2 years ago and my fav dessert from the CS was the apple blossom. It was an individual apple pie that they served warm. To Die For! Every evening somehow found us visiting the bakery for one of those!
Will need to see if those are still available!!!

that is just disgusting - I would be livid. I cannot believe any decent person would do this - bad for their nationality too................That was the funny part. The head manager from the area this CM worked called, explained he was fired, offered something personally over the phone if we come in Dec. and then, tried to back pedal and say there was never any ill will intended. That every area of the country he was from has a different dialect and the word did not mean the same thing everywhere.

I acted dumb, appologized profusely and asked what did it mean then in the area that person was from because I felt so bad he was fired if it was just a big missunderstanding! ;)

Then he stuttered and stammered and finally spit out, "well sometimes there just is no English translation."

Yea buddy. 8 other Italians (men and women) all were horrified and shocked and told Carsyn and Carly they could not tell them what was written, minus one, then would only nod in acknowledgement when Carsyn asked, "Does this mean_______." I am sure Disney hired everyone from the same village to work this summer at Disney so the whole "dialect" thing is probable. Then there is the little factor a dictionary representing your countries language, also has only one defenition of the word.

Can I have, "Whose Momma did not raise a dummy for $1,000 Alex?" :teacher:
poor girl - you give independence to your kids and you don't expect it to be abused by someone in a position of trust. If I was Disney management she'd be getting more than a parcel to apologise. Free trip maybe?It was not a free trip by any means but it was reasonable enough that I was not going to push it. As far as independence, Carsyn was 17, 3 weeks from her 18th birthday and heading to college the next day. So she was pretty independent. The point I was so angry about was she was made to think she was part of something great. Dan and I watched the whole thing from 30 feet away. They asked a group of CM's if someone would sign and take a picture, he stepped forward, the other two, including one woman, laughed and joked while he was writing. Another CM came over to see what was going on and then walked away. A male CM was saying something non stop to the guy that was writing and then, laughing, they all were in on the "joke" as he smiled a huge grin and took a picture with Carsyn. I am sure they were thinking, "Stupid American, will never know what I/he wrote." It's like the school nerd being invited to sit at the cool kids table only to find out she was actually only the butt of their joke.

Carsyn had just had a makeover at the French pavillion earlier, was feeling pretty and good about herself and as a Mom, that is the best gift I could ever get...to see my daugher happy. She had worked on her self esteem over the summer, lost a bit of weight but most of all was becoming secure in who she was.

Then some jackwad crushed her for his enjoyment and I swear on everything I hold important, if I had known what I knew 3 hours later, or if Treyner would have been with, he would not have had to worry about being fired, he would have had to worry about being in traction.

I really hope you continue to pursue this and that Disney makes this situation more than right.
I am hoping for the same.
Can't wait to read more from you. :goodvibes
Maybe we will bump into each other in December!!!!
it'll have to go on that ever-growing list of "Things Dawn Has Eaten/Done That I Want to Try."
This made my day!!!! popcorn::
I hope that one person doesn't ruin it for Carsyn and I am glad she has parents' that will pursue this until the wrong has been righted.
I am not sure how this will change things for her to be honest. It might sound stupid but there is just that piece in all of us that believes WDW is a different place. Sheltered and special and I am not saying perfect but we all pay big bucks because it is different than Six Flags for a reason. Now, a pice of the ugly in the outside world has reared it's head and although I am sure she will always love Disney, it will never be the same. Kind of like if your car got broken into in your driveway, you will drive, you will park in your driveway again but you will be more watchful and a lot less trusting.

Maybe that's the word I have been searching for this past month.


She trusted it would be a good experience. I trusted it would be too or I would never have encouraged it/started it. This was a suprise to her, she only knew of it that morning, did not know of the shirt and originally all it was was a shirt then I got the idea for the signing because she used to like pin trading and I thought it would be a fun way to bring back the enjoyment of interacting with the CM's. In a million years I would have never thought what I hoped to be the perfect sendoff for her would end with our trust being betrayed in such a way.

I'm glad that Carsyn is ok, but how horrible to have something like that happen at all and especially at Disney.
It's bad enough when something bad happens to yourself, but when it happens to your child, no matter what the age, it hurts not only them but you as well because that's your little girl!!

I was bawling in their office at guest relations. I was mad, hurt and felt like I could have protected her from the experience but most of all I felt so guilty. It was my idea.

Then I was mad as heck because I felt guilty and throw in the fact Carsyn was moving into her dorm room 2 days later, 20 hours away from me, I am sure my emotions were on hyper drive! Plus I was mad I was crying because I hate feeling weak and helpless and usually handle things well but his was not one of those times.

Thanks for all the well wishes. Sorry to those who just want dining reviews but this is me and my family and if you get the reviews, you get our lives at times as well.

I will get another post done today - probably tonight as I have a busy day of work, picking raspberries and Baylor has Football in Minnesota's balmy 56 degree weather!!!! :woohoo:
I think that was a good description of what happened - but I still can't believe they haven't gotten back to you. I know you won't let it just go by, and I think that is a good thing!
Carsyn is such a sweet girl!!! She deserves to be treated like the nice young lady that she is! Did I tell you she brought us flowers and a card? Cute!!!

Ok, enough of the ick stuff - bring on the best breakfast EVAH!!

**oh, and have you cleaned out your PM box yet? :laughing:
Oh, and thanks for bragging on me!!
I finished my first 5K last week - unfortunately it took me longer than I wanted to finish it in - stupid hills!
But keeping going!!!

Baylor has Football in Minnesota's balmy 56 degree weather!!!! :woohoo:

Ha, balmy! Same here! :lmao:Remember how I was getting pants for Ellie last night? Well one pair has a hole in the crotch. I wasn't really paying attention since we were gabbing, so back to JcPenney I go tonight!
56??? Jeez....this is why I live in the south. Today's high was 89. Now granted, tomorrow we drop to a frigid 68, but Sunday we're back in the high 70s.


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