"Are you done with that?!" A photo heavy, gluttonous, Jan 2012 Trip Report! NEW PG32

All I can say is wow! This is some trip report. I apologize for just skimming through. Your post came up after a search for night time photography.

May I ask what camera you use? You photos are gorgeous! Do you do post processing?
I want to buy a camera for DD (DisWishes)who is taking her baby on the Disney Cruise and then to Disney.

I've read some posts about cameras but not too many posts show images of low light situations. I can't afford to buy her a DSLR. I just want a camera that's good in low light even though I know P&S cameras suffer in this area. I also think that a long zoom is helpful but I think image quality suffers with these cameras.
We'll be meeting her and I'm bringing my DSLR.

I'm guessing your camera is a high end DSLR.
Thanks in advance,
DisWishes Mom

The cameras I'm considering: Nikon S9100, Sony HX100v, Panasonic FZ150,Canon S100, Canon SX230, Sony HX9
I just loved your trip report. I think I am driving my family crazy! I have been eating and breathing disney since we booked our vacation! I am so excited. Thanks for feeding my disney addiction!!
Sounds like it was a great trip and like all disney trips never long enough. Thanks for sharing.
GREAT TR! I loved reading this every morning after updating my own TR. It felt like a sister TR since we both updated on a pretty daily basis (though I'm kind of taking a mini-break right now).. Sooo I'm pretty sad to see it end. I'm glad you and your family got to have the trip of your dreams, though that car ride home did NOT seem like fun at all! :scared1:

I promise I will make my way on over to your PTR soon; just trying to catch up with TRs, my own TR, and then of course LIFE (because it's been insane this week, and not in a good way). ANYWAY! Loved this TR and all of the photos so much. :goodvibes
Loved your TR !! Isn't so sad when you are finished ?? I feel like if you are writing a TR you extend the trip some. But when you are actually finished, THEN the Disney blues really set in.
We chose the same Christmas ornament! I knew you had good taste! :lmao:
Sorry about your disaster drive home. Tom refuses to ever consider driving to Disney. And reading your experience reminds me why. Except that we'd have 3 super whiny, fighting children for all 18 hours. :scared1:

I really enjoyed your TR, Karen! I'm so glad you, your family and your car made it home safely! What a long day! I'm also glad the fix wasn't anything too expensive. Your souvenirs were really nice! I liked the mug and the glass. The snowman ornament with the Mickey Ears was so cute!
My feet usually hurt, but this time it was especially painful. I'm a runner and I just recently developed Plantar Fasciitis, which is an inflammation of the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. It's fairly painful under normal circumstances (I had to stop running a couple weeks before the trip b/c of it) but I REALLY irritated it more at Disney. I wasn't willing to pay for a wheel chair, so I just kept going and I'm actually still paying for it now, 2 weeks later! I have read it can take a few months to get better, so I'm just trying not to walk a lot now and hope it gets better soon. :rolleyes:

I suffer from Plantar Fasciitis as well. It can be really painful and takes forever to go way. I was in WDW in December and could barely walk by the end of our trip. I contemplated getting a scooter but decided against it.

Have you been to a podiatrist? When my feet get really bad he'll tape the bottom of my feet and that can help. The thing that helps the most is a cortisone shot. It did wonders and helped within hours.
Lived in FLW for 4 years, so I know Rolla well! Loved your trip report, and I reallllllly loved your pictures. I got a DSLR for Christmas, so I'm fascinated reading your thoughts on your lens! I just have the stock lens and a zoom, and I've been pondering a fixed lens. Your shots are pushing me over the edge quickly!

Glad you all made it home safely!
I'm home and all caught up! :cool1:

Two questions: What happened to the car, after all that? You had repairs done, yes? And where is the souvenir post of all the things everyone bought? See, i am extending your TR!

You are not crazy - you did not have low crowd days. At all! Have you or anyone else checked the crowd level predictors and actual levels? They seem pretty solid as far as crowds go. I will have to send you my crowd pictures now that I am home!

Great TR, Karen!!!
I promise to respond here soon, but I was photographing a homebirth yesterday and it took ALL DAY! Now I'm up to my ears in editing, but the mama is ok if I share some of her less graphic photos, so here's a pic while we wait for me to respond to each of you! (b/c you KNOW I cannot post without sharing a picture! :laughing:

I'm tired and have a busy day tomorrow, so logic would have me going to bed. Instead I'm parked in front of the computer, having a drink and reading your trip report. Sounds good to me.

Oh, and I probably do type more than you. THIS time I'm going to post more pictures than you. :rotfl: Sorry! I'd probably be fun to have around for the actual trip report, instead of afterwards. When I finish up with this one I'll make it over to your pre-trip report and actually be on time with that one!

That is quite a face from Savannah! :lmao: That's how I would look bright and early in the morning. You could ask my kids...they like to get up at 6 am, and so I have to get up with them. It's horrible.

I was not aware that they had stopped doing rope drop. I don't think we got to any of the parks for opening on our last trip, so that's probably why. That's a good change, I think.

Is nemo ever NOT a walk on? :rolleyes1 That long queue, and never any line. Someone messed up with that one!

Living with the Land is really fascinating, but it was SO much better when you had an actual guide talking to you. The recording is just too boring for the small people that I bring with me on these rides...

Sorry you had such a bad experience eating at Sunshine Seasons. It all depends on the cast member that you get, unfortunately. We've had similar issues with the dining plan.

On the plus side, I do love what you got to eat (I don't remember what it is, exactly, but I know that I've eaten it multiple times and loved it!).

Aww, I love that picture of Rey in Epcot. And his shirt!!! :love:

Oh no, if you hate Duffy you are in BIG trouble in Epcot! I don't mind Duffy, but I think the meet-n-greet character is pretty creepy looking.

It is true, you can't go into Mexico without trying on sombreros. Even if you're sleeping. Poor kid, the things we do to her!


Oh that squirrel made me laugh out loud. Cuteness!

I would not have left either. I'm glad that it all worked out!

Aww, what a great group shot! It's weird travelling with teenagers...everyone looks at the camera? No one ruins hundreds of pictures (including photopass) by making a silly face in EVERY SINGLE ONE??? True story. Examples:












And it wasn't even just him.


I'll spare you any more photos, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. It was really 90% of our pictures.

Anyway...Wow, that is an amazing table at Via Napoli! We love that restaurant. Pretty cheap for TS as well. All the pizzas look delicious. I'm sorry that lots of your family didn't like them! I didn't notice anything but how delicious it was! ;)

Your exit picture is still pretty good! I love it! And I love all the clothes you made! So adorable!

Yikes for getting lost on the way home. We had a car last time and I never would have gotten back to the hotel without the GPS. My DH had no problem, but he's a driver for FedEx for a living, so he's good at that sort of thing. Actually, considering that, what's Rey's excuse? :confused3

I hope your feet get better on this TR! When we went on our honeymoon we just did WAY too much walking, and it felt like my arches were collapsing. I have never been in so much pain, and I had to roll up socks and put them under my arches to just alleviate the pain during the day. Luckily I have never had that happen again. WDW is terrible on feet. :hug:
I'm tired and have a busy day tomorrow, so logic would have me going to bed. Instead I'm parked in front of the computer, having a drink and reading your trip report. Sounds good to me.

Oh, and I probably do type more than you. THIS time I'm going to post more pictures than you. :rotfl: Sorry! I'd probably be fun to have around for the actual trip report, instead of afterwards. When I finish up with this one I'll make it over to your pre-trip report and actually be on time with that one!

That is quite a face from Savannah! :lmao: That's how I would look bright and early in the morning. You could ask my kids...they like to get up at 6 am, and so I have to get up with them. It's horrible.

I was not aware that they had stopped doing rope drop. I don't think we got to any of the parks for opening on our last trip, so that's probably why. That's a good change, I think.

Is nemo ever NOT a walk on? :rolleyes1 That long queue, and never any line. Someone messed up with that one!

Living with the Land is really fascinating, but it was SO much better when you had an actual guide talking to you. The recording is just too boring for the small people that I bring with me on these rides...

Sorry you had such a bad experience eating at Sunshine Seasons. It all depends on the cast member that you get, unfortunately. We've had similar issues with the dining plan.

On the plus side, I do love what you got to eat (I don't remember what it is, exactly, but I know that I've eaten it multiple times and loved it!).

Aww, I love that picture of Rey in Epcot. And his shirt!!! :love:

Oh no, if you hate Duffy you are in BIG trouble in Epcot! I don't mind Duffy, but I think the meet-n-greet character is pretty creepy looking.

It is true, you can't go into Mexico without trying on sombreros. Even if you're sleeping. Poor kid, the things we do to her!

Oh that squirrel made me laugh out loud. Cuteness!

I would not have left either. I'm glad that it all worked out!

Aww, what a great group shot! It's weird travelling with teenagers...everyone looks at the camera? No one ruins hundreds of pictures (including photopass) by making a silly face in EVERY SINGLE ONE??? True story. Examples:

And it wasn't even just him.

I'll spare you any more photos, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. It was really 90% of our pictures.

Anyway...Wow, that is an amazing table at Via Napoli! We love that restaurant. Pretty cheap for TS as well. All the pizzas look delicious. I'm sorry that lots of your family didn't like them! I didn't notice anything but how delicious it was! ;)

Your exit picture is still pretty good! I love it! And I love all the clothes you made! So adorable!

Yikes for getting lost on the way home. We had a car last time and I never would have gotten back to the hotel without the GPS. My DH had no problem, but he's a driver for FedEx for a living, so he's good at that sort of thing. Actually, considering that, what's Rey's excuse? :confused3

I hope your feet get better on this TR! When we went on our honeymoon we just did WAY too much walking, and it felt like my arches were collapsing. I have never been in so much pain, and I had to roll up socks and put them under my arches to just alleviate the pain during the day. Luckily I have never had that happen again. WDW is terrible on feet. :hug:

OMG, you rock! I love your pics! Seriously though, I really liked all of them, I would take silly pics over that teenage GLARING at the camera, any day! :lmao:

Oh no, just the younger girls didn't like Via Napoli, the rest of us loved it! We thought it was great! I'm looking forward to going back! :thumbsup2

I have NO IDEA what Rey's excuse for getting lost was! He's usually so good at navigating, luckily too b/c on the way home he KNEW there was a highway and the Garmin did not! (you'll get to that eventually!) :laughing:

I'm glad you are having a drink this evening and enjoying...I'm having a drink (or two) as well! So...excuse any typos! :lmao:
I just read every last word and looked at every picture on your trip report. I loved it! I can't wait to read your next trip report! Great pictures by the way! I love the balloon shots. I never thought to do that before.

Awww, thank you!!! :lovestruc I hope you do read my next one, pop over to our pre-TR if you get the chance!

How cool would THAT be?!?!? You should start a PTR as well and we can chat for the next year!

I would LOVE to do a PTR but, I don't know that I would be any good with it.:confused3 We are supposed to be going with another family and I would love to be able to do a PTR just to see how things really work out in the end with all of us and the planning. I don't really know how to even get started doing a PTR though, I have only ever posted messages. Maybe, I could get some pointers from a pro like yourself?? :flower3:

You can totally do it! Just go to the PTR area and you can click on new thread/post to make your own! PTR's are a great way to plan and get to know people, as you get closer to your trip, you will get more followers, usually people that are going around the same time! :thumbsup2

All I can say is wow! This is some trip report. I apologize for just skimming through. Your post came up after a search for night time photography.

Wow, I came up after searching for photography! Cool! :goodvibes

May I ask what camera you use? You photos are gorgeous! Do you do post processing? I use a Nikon D40, which is an entry level DSLR. The great thing about photography is that once you start learning, you don't need "the best" camera around to get magical shots...but it does take lots of time and there is a learning curve! I do post process all my shots, once you start shooting with a dslr, it kind of just progresses. I shoot in RAW as well.

I want to buy a camera for DD (DisWishes)who is taking her baby on the Disney Cruise and then to Disney.

I've read some posts about cameras but not too many posts show images of low light situations. I can't afford to buy her a DSLR. I just want a camera that's good in low light even though I know P&S cameras suffer in this area. I also think that a long zoom is helpful but I think image quality suffers with these cameras.

I would do a little research into BRIDGE cameras. They have a lot of the qualities of a dslr but not as complicated and no lenses to change out!
We'll be meeting her and I'm bringing my DSLR.

I'm guessing your camera is a high end DSLR. Nope! In fact, I'm wanting to upgrade, but I've worked hard to get my shots looking like they are from a great camera, so I guess I'm pretty flattered that you think they are from a high end camera!! :goodvibes
Thanks in advance,
DisWishes Mom

The cameras I'm considering: Nikon S9100, Sony HX100v, Panasonic FZ150,Canon S100, Canon SX230, Sony HX9

You cannot go wrong with any of those brands, although I don't know the models specifically. I love Nikon, but I think Canon is great as well, I also know people who have Panasonics & Sony's.

I just loved your trip report. I think I am driving my family crazy! I have been eating and breathing disney since we booked our vacation! I am so excited. Thanks for feeding my disney addiction!!

Absolutely! I know that need, I have it 24/7 myself!! :laughing:

Sounds like it was a great trip and like all disney trips never long enough. Thanks for sharing.

It was and I wish I could just LIVE at Disney so it would never end! ;) Thanks for listening!

GREAT TR! I loved reading this every morning after updating my own TR. It felt like a sister TR since we both updated on a pretty daily basis (though I'm kind of taking a mini-break right now).. Sooo I'm pretty sad to see it end. I'm glad you and your family got to have the trip of your dreams, though that car ride home did NOT seem like fun at all!

I felt like they were sister reports as well! :goodvibes I'm so glad that you are taking a break b/c I've been so busy, I have been falling behind!

I promise I will make my way on over to your PTR soon; just trying to catch up with TRs, my own TR, and then of course LIFE (because it's been insane this week, and not in a good way). ANYWAY! Loved this TR and all of the photos so much. :goodvibes

Thanks! I'm going to hold you to it and stalk you until you sub to my PTR! :laughing:

What a great trip report! I loved every single word of it and every single photo. :)

Thank you so much!!

Loved your TR !! Isn't so sad when you are finished ?? I feel like if you are writing a TR you extend the trip some. But when you are actually finished, THEN the Disney blues really set in.

YES! I feel like it's really over now, I'm just glad there is another trip in the future, even if it is over 11 months away!! :eek:

We chose the same Christmas ornament! I knew you had good taste! :lmao:

How cool! Great minds think alike! ;)

Sorry about your disaster drive home. Tom refuses to ever consider driving to Disney. And reading your experience reminds me why. Except that we'd have 3 super whiny, fighting children for all 18 hours. :scared1:


Yep, totally not worth it, it's going to be flying for me from now on! :laughing:

I really enjoyed your TR, Karen! I'm so glad you, your family and your car made it home safely! What a long day! I'm also glad the fix wasn't anything too expensive. Your souvenirs were really nice! I liked the mug and the glass. The snowman ornament with the Mickey Ears was so cute!

Thanks Erin!!! :goodvibes

I suffer from Plantar Fasciitis as well. It can be really painful and takes forever to go way. I was in WDW in December and could barely walk by the end of our trip. I contemplated getting a scooter but decided against it.

I was so close to getting a wheelchair, but I didn't want to spend my souvenir money on it! :lmao:

Have you been to a podiatrist? When my feet get really bad he'll tape the bottom of my feet and that can help. The thing that helps the most is a cortisone shot. It did wonders and helped within hours.

Meh, I haven't been to a Dr. at all, I was hoping it would just go in time...we don't have insurance...and I'm cheap. :p

Lived in FLW for 4 years, so I know Rolla well! Loved your trip report, and I reallllllly loved your pictures. I got a DSLR for Christmas, so I'm fascinated reading your thoughts on your lens! I just have the stock lens and a zoom, and I've been pondering a fixed lens. Your shots are pushing me over the edge quickly!

Glad you all made it home safely!

Wow! Small world! I love my prime lens, it's an adjustment not being able to zoom, but the crispness and the bokeh I can get with it is out of this world! AND, the Nikon 1.8 35mm lens is pretty cheap as far as lenses goes! :thumbsup2

I'm home and all caught up! :cool1:

Yay!!!! I cannot wait to hear all about the race and the goddess-escapades! :lmao:

Two questions: What happened to the car, after all that? You had repairs done, yes? And where is the souvenir post of all the things everyone bought? See, i am extending your TR!

Car was just a sensor...$300...but better than a transmission! :thumbsup2 I only took pics of MY souvenirs and then there are pics in the different days of what the kids got.

You are not crazy - you did not have low crowd days. At all! Have you or anyone else checked the crowd level predictors and actual levels? They seem pretty solid as far as crowds go. I will have to send you my crowd pictures now that I am home!

Great TR, Karen!!!

I cannot wait to see the pics!!!

What a beautiful picture, Karen! I can feel the emotion coming through on that photo :goodvibes

Thanks Erin! That's exactly what I want to convey with my photography!
Wow! Small world! I love my prime lens, it's an adjustment not being able to zoom, but the crispness and the bokeh I can get with it is out of this world! AND, the Nikon 1.8 35mm lens is pretty cheap as far as lenses goes! :thumbsup2

Yep, that's pretty inexpensive for my Sony. I think I need to get one before my trip to Hawaii this spring!

The 4 years we spent in MO were the best! My husband had to drag me kicking and screaming from FLW. I miss the area, but I don't miss the long sanity trips to go shopping in Springfield or STL! LOL
Yep, that's pretty inexpensive for my Sony. I think I need to get one before my trip to Hawaii this spring!

The 4 years we spent in MO were the best! My husband had to drag me kicking and screaming from FLW. I miss the area, but I don't miss the long sanity trips to go shopping in Springfield or STL! LOL

It's definitely my biggest complaint about living out here, there just are no stores! Or Starbucks! :laughing: Well, I know there is one way out in Waynesville, but that's 40 miles for me and I rarely make the trip just for coffee!
I was living there when St. Robert got the Cracker Barrel! I was in heaven. I'm not sure I'd even drive to Waynesville for Starbucks! LOL

And I have one thing to say - when photobucket was asking for an upgrade and you said that without your pictures ___________________ - well your narrative STANDS ALONE KAREN. :thumbsup2 Both rock. And you know how much I adore your pictures!!!!! :laughing:

Just loved it.

And the home birth - wow. :cloud9: Nice work. Both of you. :rotfl2: ;)


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