Official 2012 Princess 1/2 marathon thread part 2


First of all, MOUTAINEER!!! So awesome to hang with you in the Race Retreat on race morning!! Sorry I spent so much time trying to get my pic with Tink!! It was so awesome to meet a Dis-er!!

OK, wow!! What an amazing race!! I had the absolute time of my LIFE!! I got so many awesome pics, which I will upload soon and share :) I finished in just under 3 hrs!!! WOO HOO!!!!!

I now have the task of going back and reading what all of you have written since last week!! WOW I have my work cut out for me lol!

Best race ever ladies!! What an amazing time!!!
On my way home right now. First, I lost my WISH Princess bondiband right before the castle. Didn't dare stop to pick it up, I would've been trampled over.
I met up with mountaineer at MK on my last day. I think we're doing another half together in June in WV. I also chatted with HockeyKat after riding Star Tours one day - I spotted her shirt. I also caught up with a vet school classmate and an undergrad sorority sister pre-race. I chatted so long with her I barely made it to my corral. I had to climb a fence at E and run the grass to B. I'm so glad I walked the parks that day and he next 2. But my knee was pretty sore. Feeling better now.
Oh, and I forgot my credit card and my liscence at the Expo, so I could only spend the cash I had. Bummer, too because I missed an awesome deal in a pair of Newton's.
And I was told at the med tent that the Mylar blankets were supposed to be for the critical cases only.
Is anyone else having Princess withdrawals??? I need a new race to sign up for ASAP!
Is anyone else having Princess withdrawals??? I need a new race to sign up for ASAP!

I agree. We got home on Tuesday and I was still off work today. Felt kind of sad all day. :sad2: I actually was looking at races for this spring and early summer. Gotta have another goal. :thumbsup2
Can someone tell me about the Race Retreat? Were you glad you did it? What were the special gifts you got and how was the brunch?
Hello Princesses! Just back last night. I wasn't sure if I would actually do the running, I was diagnosed with pneumonia last Tuesday. My lungs were feeling good on Saturday and I wasn't coughing anymore so we got up in the morning and decided to at least START the race. We were Corral G and we got off to a good start. I was feeling pretty good. I was going to decide if I would keep going at the 5K marker. My mom stopped for a potty break right before the TTC. LONG lines-probably a good 5+mins but whatever, we were not there for time!
At that point I checked my 5k time-13.3min/mile ave. Oh-too fast for how I was feeling! We slowed a bit and made it through MK. At 10k we were averaging 15.3min miles-better!
I was still feeling ok so we kept this pace and made it to mile 10. I gotta say-I was not prepared for miles 10-12 being quite to hilly and uneven. I heard about the overpass but that begining ramps seemed to go on forever!
Once we made it up the overpass we saw mile 12 and knew we'd finish. Officially we did it in 3:23. Not to bad for a 62yr old and a princess recovering from pneumonia running their first race!
Thanks for all the support and encouragment. Princesses ROCK!!

Congrats on finishing!!
Anyone else having race withdrawal?? I wish there were more races that fit with my schedule!!
On my way home right now. First, I lost my WISH Princess bondiband right before the castle. Didn't dare stop to pick it up, I would've been trampled over.
I met up with mountaineer at MK on my last day. I think we're doing another half together in June in WV. I also chatted with HockeyKat after riding Star Tours one day - I spotted her shirt. I also caught up with a vet school classmate and an undergrad sorority sister pre-race. I chatted so long with her I barely made it to my corral. I had to climb a fence at E and run the grass to B. I'm so glad I walked the parks that day and he next 2. But my knee was pretty sore. Feeling better now.
Oh, and I forgot my credit card and my liscence at the Expo, so I could only spend the cash I had. Bummer, too because I missed an awesome deal in a pair of Newton's.

I ADORE my Newtons!!!

Is anyone else having Princess withdrawals??? I need a new race to sign up for ASAP!


Thanks! I will check it out!
I DID IT! :thumbsup2 finished my first 1/2 in under 2:45. It was a great race! I am already chomping at the bit to sign up for next years, start training Monday! Goals are to be to finish in 2:30 or under and lose 30 pounds. Was disappointed that I didn't get to meet any of year! I am glad to hear that the princess I saw on the ground at mile 2.5 is going to be ok.
Congratulations to everyone!!!
I DID IT! :thumbsup2 finished my first 1/2 in under 2:45. It was a great race! I am already chomping at the bit to sign up for next years, start training Monday! Goals are to be to finish in 2:30 or under and lose 30 pounds. Was disappointed that I didn't get to meet any of year! I am glad to hear that the princess I saw on the ground at mile 2.5 is going to be ok.
Congratulations to everyone!!!

I'm also chomping to do next year, I'm considering Wine and Dine and even Marathon weekend 2013:scared1:. I loved :lovestrucevery part of the race except maybe mile 11-12 the foot held up but oh where my quads aching that point from not training for 3 weeks to heal the foot. I finished in 2.28 with stops at every mile marker cept 13 and a few quick character stops. My goal next year is under 2! and injury free- :thumbsup2
Is anyone else having Princess withdrawals??? I need a new race to sign up for ASAP!

Me! I miss WDW and I miss talking about training with all of you! I had such a wonderful time this weekend. I'm bummed I didn't get to meet any of you, but it was still fun chatting with other princesses the day of the race. I can't wait for next year's race and I'm even considering doing the Half on Marathon weekend. Miles 10-12 were rough for me, my ankles were not prepared for the concrete. I was still in pain yesterday. So, I've got some new goals out of this race most important is to finish in under 3 hours and stop for more pictures. I was so focused I missed a lot of characters, I didn't see Mickey or Minnie anywhere! How could I miss Mickey??? I'm also hoping to talk a friend or two into running with me, it got a little lonely on the road back to EPCOT, it would be nice to have some others to help keep motivated.


I posted all my pictures from the race on my blog. I don't have time to type up a mile by mile recap now, so I figured I'd just post the pictures since I took a ton of them!
Congrats to you all! I had a great time cheering from my scooter. I was amazed (and intimidated) by the number of RUNNERS! There were so many!

I did make it to the Friday meet and it was great meeting all of you! And we did make it to the expo to check things out. DH purchased some new Brooks and wants to do the 2013 Half with me, as well as the Goofy the month before by himself. It would be great to run with him as he's very supportive, but not pushy.

Glad to hear the Princess with pneumonia ran and even finished! That's awesome! Kudos to your Mom too!!

Did the gal in Chicago ever make it?

Anybody preorder the necklace? What does it look like? Are you happy with your purchase?

My 2 cents about the DB bags- I think they should limit one bag per Princess WITH A BIB. Anybody can get into the expo... While they were cute, I liked the jackets instead. I didnt buy anything there, but my DS's 4 and 7 LOVED the Chiquita lady! :love:

It's been great fun getting to know you all here!
I don't understand why Disney doesn't let you pre-order event merchandise to pick up with your BIB like they do the necklaces / pins. Popular sizes disappear quickly. They would make more money and have a better gauge of how many items to order. Maybe I'm alone in this thinking, but it sucks when you can't get something you wanted because you don't get in town the first day of the expo, or even the first few hours of the expo.
Can someone tell me about the Race Retreat? Were you glad you did it? What were the special gifts you got and how was the brunch?
DW and I did race retreat and both very very happy with it. This is my second race doing it, and I'll be signing up for race retreat every race it is available. It provides you a nice area to relax and sit down before you have to go to your corral. A huge advantage is the port-o-potty line. Much much shorter than the general public's. I had it really good since I was one of a handful of guys, and it had its own area. After the race the handed out flip flops and a Instant Cooling pack along with a ticket for one free alcoholic beverage. I had previously done the January Half Marathon, and thought the brunch for the Princess was much better, at least the quality of food, than in January. They had eggs, bacon and Potato casserole along with various muffins juices / coffee / water / power aid. I'll always do this if it is available. It is worth the money IMO. They also have a private character meet & Greet area. For this race they had the Fairies. For the January Half they had Toy Story Characters. Also, the bonus gift at the Half was socks. Hope that helps.
I posted all my pictures from the race on my blog. I don't have time to type up a mile by mile recap now, so I figured I'd just post the pictures since I took a ton of them!

Thanks for posting. I completely forgot about the accordions, and I couldn't remember exactly where I saw Mushu. I thought he was much earlier on the course. Now I won't be making fun of people anymore when they don't remember everything on the course. I get it now :lmao:


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