A Bird's Eye View of London and Paris March 2012 TR NEW! The END 1/12 p35

Can't wait to read about this one!!!

I'm in! Sounds great to me so far! Can't wait to hear all the details...

Yay!!:yay: I am so excited!! I can go to London thru y'all now!! LOL!!!

Couldn't miss this one ! :goodvibes

Looking forward to hearing about your adventures and seeing pictures of places I have never seen! :woohoo:

Here, Sheree!!! :banana:

So glad you've started this, I've been looking forward to it popcorn::

We visited London prior to our DLP trip in 2010 and I added it to the TR. I love re-reading it now, it brings back lots of happy memoires. :goodvibes

My first TR to Disneyland Paris!!! I'm here and ready to go!!! :cool1:

I'm so excited to be reading this TR and I am going to do my very best to keep up. :rotfl2: I'm counting on tons of tips and advice so I can start planning my European getaway! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to hear all about your adventure! popcorn::

I'm here!

I'm in! Can't wait to read all about your trip!

I'm in!! :yay: Looking very forward to reading all about your trip!
:welcome: all my page one friends!! I got so busy this week, I haven't been able to get really going! I'm glad you are here, and should get a "real" update up soon!!
I'm here! :wave2:

Subscribing! Looking forward to reading your thoughts on England and then your trip to Disneyland Paris.. I've still never been there, even though it's the closest Disney park to me :cutie:

Emma princess: x
I'll just tell you now, you should go!!!!
Thanks for the pm. Haven't been on the boards since Friday. I know - :faint:, so I plan to do some serious catching up today. Can't wait to read all about this fantastic trip! :cool1:
You haven't missed anything yet!!

Looking forward to your TR.

I'm alway interested to hear how people like my home-town!

Although I'm more excited for the DLRP bit as we're staying in the HNY next month. :)
I'll try to get to that part quickly so you have some info and pictures, but feel free to ask any questions that you have!!

I'm here!! Can't wait to hear all about the trip and see all your great photos! :cool1:

I'm here can't wait!!!!

Hooray! :cool1:
Can't wait to hear all about it, Sheree!

:welcome: all and thanks for joining in! Be patient with me, I'm still organizing pictures and trying to find an hour to get an update together!!! I should be able to do it soon!
Looking forward to hearing all about it:goodvibes
Day One - February 29

Dave and I were both off work – officially on vacation!!! We sent the girls to school since we weren’t leaving until later in the day. We figured they were going to miss 5 days, they could go for half a day today. Dave and I had a few last minute errands to run, so we took off to the bank, the store…
All packed? Pretty much!


We picked up the girls around 1 :00 p.m. My brother came to take us to the airport and we got there with plenty of time. Once we checked our bags, (free since it was international!) we had an hour to spare. We sat and read, looked out the windows at the other planes and waited for ours to arrive.

Once on the plane, we taxied out, but then stopped. The pilot came on and told us that due to bad weather in Philadelphia (where we had to change planes), we were going to be delayed for about 50 minutes. Yup, sat there on the runway. We still hope to get there around 8:10, which is important because our next flight leaves around 9:10!! But I figured, if the weather is bad, all the flights would be delayed, so no big deal.
Paige was nervous about flying, even though she’d done it before. So I told her to read while we sat there.

We're ready to go!!!




Sarah brought an eagle that her teacher gave her (she goes to Eagle Point Elementary school) to come along and keep a journal of our travels. She had to write it from the eagle's point of view! He had some good adventures. I think she said he wrote that he'd never flown so fast! HA!

We finally took off 50 minutes later, and it was a rather bumpy ride. I don’t think we waited long enough for the storms to pass! The landing was horrible! I don’t love landings anyway (other than that I’ve reached the destination), and this was bad – I was sweating through my clothes!!

So we get off the plane and check the boards to see where our connection gate is and find out that it is ON TIME!!! And 2 TERMINALS AWAY!!! We RAN through the airport with our carryons and we got to the gate and there was two people plus a gate agent there. The two people were flying standby and we were the last ones on the plane!!! We just collapsed in our seats.

We were seated in the middle section of the row – it was 2 – 4 – 2 and it was a pretty nice plane. We had t.v. screens on the backs of the seats and you could choose what to watch – movies (new ones!!), t.v. shows, or the route map! You could also listen to music. Our headphones for iphones/ipods worked, so we saved a few bucks by not having to buy them from US Air!
Once we got settled in, they brought around drinks and dinner! A real meal!! It was actually pretty good. It was a smooth flight and we turned on movies, but fell asleep soon after. I managed to watch The Help, which was great! Paige didn’t sleep much. Eventually, they came around with Danish and drinks in the morning when we had about an hour to go.

We had to circle a bit before landing, because, after all, it was London and there was FOG! It was actually a surprise when we touched down, because we couldn’t even see the runway! They must do that a lot, because it was a nice smooth landing. We drove for a while to get to our gate and then we got through customs. And walked about a mile to get out to baggage claim! I think we walked as far as the plane taxied!

Our plane

Not sure if we were supposed to be taking pictures around customs, but we nabbed this one.


My friend Jenny picked us up at the airport and we crammed all our stuff and the 4 of us into her little tiny car – apparently everyone drives small cars there. For a good reason – the roads are SO narrow!! We hardly saw any minivans or SUVs, which seemed weird to us since they are everywhere here, along with pickup trucks.
Anyway she drove us back to their house, which is the cutest thing! They are living in an upscale suburb called Gerrard’s Cross.


Very English looking, don’t you think?

We unloaded our stuff, got a tour of the house and had to take a quick drive to her kids’ school (where she teaches too) because one of the boys forgot his basketball shoes. It’s a very nice private school, mostly for ex-pat families from around the world.
We needed to do something to stay awake, so we took a walk up to the “village”. It was so quaint – they have a little playground, lots of shops, a few restaurants (including a subway – they are everywhere!). I couldn’t believe how nice the weather was - sunny and about 50-60 degrees!






Jenny has two sons, one is the same age as Sarah and one is 13. We didn’t see much of the boys that day, as the older one and Jenny’s husband had basketball practice. We had dinner and relaxed and tried to make plans for our next day! The girls played foosball and we all managed to stay awake. More or less!



Coming up - our first Royal encounter!

Loving your 1st update! Gerrard's Cross isn't far from me and is definitely a lovely part of the country.

Can't wait to read more! :goodvibes
Loving your 1st update! Gerrard's Cross isn't far from me and is definitely a lovely part of the country.

Can't wait to read more! :goodvibes
and Thank You! Where do you live? I thought the area was just so beautiful and, well, so very English! It seemed to fit the stereotypes of a quaint English village, yet it had some very big and new houses (though they were built to fit with the style of the area). I loved being able to walk into the main area and shop or eat, or hop on the train. (more on that later!)
and Thank You! Where do you live? I thought the area was just so beautiful and, well, so very English! It seemed to fit the stereotypes of a quaint English village, yet it had some very big and new houses (though they were built to fit with the style of the area). I loved being able to walk into the main area and shop or eat, or hop on the train. (more on that later!)

I live in a village called Croxley Green which is just outside Watford - it's about 8/10 miles away from Gerrards Cross.

I love living where I do as I get the best of the beautiful countryside yet within half an hour I can be in the heart of London! :cool1:
You made it. It sounds like a scary flight though. I've had a couple of those too and I start doing a lot of praying!!!
I love her house...I would call the English Tudor. :p
As soon as you said 50 minutes late into Philadelphia I thought :sad: (all the smilies have changed). My question is - how many times did you circle Philly or did you not even notice because its almost like you are getting closer and closer to the airport- when you are actually there!!!!! Phew - so happy you made it on time!

How great to be able to stay at your friends house. It looks like a lovely house and a beautiful day to arrive.

Great start!
So 50 min sitting on the runway and a rough flight is not exactly an auspicious beginning. So glad it wasn't a sign of things to come. How cute is that village? You are right... exactly what I would imagine for an English village!
Great first update. :)

Glad you made your connecting flight and that it all went smoothly.

My husbands family don't live far from Gerrards Cross. It's a nice part of the country out there. :)

Looking forward to more. X
Ugh to the shaky landing and the race to the connecting flight -- so glad you made it!!!

The Eagle idea is great! I bet some of those journal entries are hilarious!

Love, love, love all the pictures of the English village -- I am ready to move there right now. LOL! Even their mailboxes are great!
Oh my! I'm hooked already!

Your flight sounded like a nightmare to me though. I don't know how you held it together. That would have sent me over the edge! :scared1: I'm so glad you guys made it ok.

I love your friend's house! It looks exactly like what I would expect. Very English indeed. I have a feeling that before this TR is over, I'm going to have a trip booked! :laughing: I just need to read enough of it to forget about the flight you had first though.


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