The Dis Goes to Italy 5/24 - 6/1/2012 Viva Italia!!!!

I dont know about the eggs, but i ran my hands and other body parts all over his marble.

Jersey Shore is on here in unsensored English, but the Italian captions delete the cuss words.:lmao:

The news uses Vangelis for crisis music.

They have their own version of deal or no deal, which Cathie finds strangely entertaining.

Now Sean Connery is on, dubbed into Italian.

It is a whole new world.
Today has been the most difficult day to endure so far. Our guides decided we needed to watch Under the Tuscan Sun. ;)

We left Rome around 8:30, arriving in Orvieto around 10. Alas, since we dont spend the night there, I left my iPad on the bus so no pictures until we get to the villa.

I forgot to add photos of our cute "funicolore."


The Duomo at Orvieto was breathtaking inside and out.

But no photos were allowed inside the Duomo, so you'll have to imagine it on your own. There was a service going on, but the Pope wasn't there for this one.

I could have spent several more hours in Orvieto. There is nothing like it in the states, in my experience, so you have to see it for yourself. This is the square in front of the Duomo. The Duomo is on the left. The wire the dove "flew" down is just above the last building to the left.

We are on the bus to the resort. It was to be a 2.5 hour or so ride but an accident and bad directions for the alternate route have stretched it into about 3 or 4, causing some of us to get a little giddy. You can guess who.:lmao:

Here is our current position. We are the blue dot, trying to get to the red dot. The blue line was, more or less, The route Google said to take, not counting for accidents and underpasses too small for our bus.
Our route (I think)

our bus

You draw your own conclusions. Heidi and Marco deserve hazard pay.
ETA: interior photos of the room and exterior photos of the Tuscan "stables"
The door to our room.

Interior photos of the room.


Our writing desk (first photo) which was all but useless (for my purposes) because the power outlet and Internet cable were on a shelf above the minibar refrigerator (second photo).


Finally, the exterior of the "back" of the stables.

Ponte Vecchio

Buildings along the Arno River



The last photo shows where the second photo was taken (and vice versa).
Normally, today would have been a rest day at Artimino. John and Kevin arranged, at John's expense:love: to have the ABD bus drive anyone who wanted into Florence for a day of shopping and sight-seeing. The ride down the mountain was slightly less exciting than the ride up yesterday and, despite some upset lorry drivers, we made it to downtown Florence.
Since John and Kevin had just been in December, several of us followed them from leather shop to gold market, looking for quality bargains. There were quite a few shopping successes.
For lunch, Kevin recommended Trattoria San Lorenzo, a new (open about a year) next to the Basilica of San Lorenzo. If you have ever been to a small restaurant where the owner prepares the meal, this is that place.
Tony (the owner) suggested his special antipasto plate for starters.

but for the main course, we didn't order, he just brought us lunch he prepared.

This photo cant begin to describe how good this tasted, but it is the best I can do for you until you come to Florence yourself.

Tony visited with us throughout the meal, repeatedly asking us how we liked it. One of our group is a vegetarian and Tony cheerfully prepared a vegetarian antipasto and main course.
After lunch we continued shopping (Monday is a good time to shop because the public museums are closed). We walked to the bull (leather) market, COI (a gold wholesaler) and the Ponte Vecchio. By then we were ready to get back on the bus. After a detour to the Piazza Michelangelo, which provides an overlook of Florence

we made our way to the resort. Dinner tonight is a barbeque. Internet has been spotty at the resort so don't expect much for the rest of the day. I don't have that much patience. :goodvibes

ETA More photos
The Basilica San Lorenzo

More photos of the Trattoria


While I enjoyed Rome and Venice very much, I was enchanted by Florence. These photos won't do it justice.


The Duomo



Some in our group climbed Brunelleschi's dome.

Neptune and a friend

Florence displays its masterpieces on the Piazza della Signoria (their public square). Cellini's Perseus with the Head of Medusa is one of several. My jaw dropped to learn this was done in one casting.

I was enchanted by the facade of the Basilica of Santa Croce. Part of the charm for me was the approach. Florence restricts where tour buses embark so we met up at the Piazza della Signoria and walked several blocks to the bus. You get glimpses of the Basilica (best seen in the afternoon) as you walk down a narrow street to the piazza. I ran ("ran" being a gross exaggeration) ahead both days to get as many photos as possible.

And, finally, the protestors at the Piazza della Signoria.
I was one of the few that stayed at the resort today while the others ventured into Florence. It was a beautiful day and I did not regret my decision to stay back. Words can't describe the beauty of this resort. I had a lazy day exploring the resort, taking pictures, and reading out on the lawn with the breathtaking views of Tuscany below. As Jack stated, we're all coming back together for dinner tonight. Tomorrow is the official Florence day...
Nice!!! I use my London/Paris canvas bag all the time and get so many compliments on it. I love it!!!

Gorgeous view!!


I also use my London/Paris bag all the time. It's my bag for the stuff I schlep to work. I still love it. :love:

I couldn't find the eggs :upsidedow

Karen, honey, I don't think anyone has "held the Pope's eggs" for a long, LONG time. :rolleyes1

I would have loved the shopping tips in Florence. Sounds like a fun time.
Today is back to Florence for a cultural day. Dinner last night will be hard to describe for a long time. Food wise, it was not a success, in my view. Except for the desert, it was not horrible, just not as good as other meals we had. If you have heard of "mystery meat", last night we had mystery desert, and several wondered if it was mystery meat desert. the worst part was that it looked like a chocolate brownie of sorts but with pine nuts and walnuts, then you bit into it :scared1:

There was also live entertainment, which some found hilarious. Others, like me, view audience participation in live dinner entertainment with abject terror. ;) One participant made me promise not to post photos. :rolleyes1


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