Someone defend Tough to be a Bug to me

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I know it might seem early, but after reading this - I just cracked open a half gallon of scotch and grabbed Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" off the shelf. I'll probably follow that with some Tequila and a little Dostoevsky to end the day on a high note.....

Count me as another person who loves ITTBAB. One of my favorite attractions at AK.

What I'm afraid of is all the whiney people are going to get their way and we'll end up with a neutered attraction, just like what happened to Alien Encounter.
Tough to be a bug is one of my favorite attractions at DAK. Disney makes rides for a range of guests from infants to seniors and not every ride is designed for every guest. I have personally seen many kids in the 3-5 range love that attraction. I have seen some that dislike it and cry, but you can see that on small world as well. It is completely fine that you have a negative opinion of the attraction but to call it offensive seems to be a little of a over reaction.
We liked it ... But then if we have a bug in the house we step on it or get out the bug spray : )
Count me as another person who loves ITTBAB. One of my favorite attractions at AK.

What I'm afraid of is all the whiney people are going to get their way and we'll end up with a neutered attraction, just like what happened to Alien Encounter.

"Offensive" Really? You're right, the bugs are not clothed. Other than that, some may not enjoy ITTBAB, but there is nothing "offensive" about it.:confused:
"Offensive" Really? You're right, the bugs are not clothed. Other than that, some may not enjoy ITTBAB, but there is nothing "offensive" about it.:confused:

Well, the stink bug does pretty much fart on you. :lmao: But as someone who lives in an area of the country that has been over run by stinkbugs, I can totally relate. I was accidentally drank water that a stink bug fell into... not good, not good at all.
Just like many other attractions at Disney theme parks, if it's too scary/intense for someone, then don't let that person ride it. Voila!

Condemning an attraction because there are some people who may not enjoy it, rather than on the merits of the attraction itself, is counter-productive.
Thanks to the DIS, I knew on my DD's first trip (age 5) that she would HATE it, so we skipped it. We still haven't experienced it, however, DD's best friend's first trip to WDW (same age) AK was their first park and ITTBAB their first attraction. She was terrified and didn't trust her parents for any ride after that. To this day, they have not been back because she would rather do other things than go to WDW. If even one kid feels this way and misses so much other magic, then yep, I think there is something wrong with ITTBAB!:confused3

So you are really willing to condemn all attractions that even once child is scared of? Better be ready for the whole park to be shut down!
"Offensive" Really? You're right, the bugs are not clothed. Other than that, some may not enjoy ITTBAB, but there is nothing "offensive" about it.:confused:
lol naked bugs?! Didn't some country ban Donald for not wearing pants?!;)

My kids always like ittbab.

I always find it amusing when people think something should be closed because they don't like it. Really? Does all the world mold around those folks?
I really enjoy ITTBAB but have experienced it when parents were escorted out with a screaming young child. Fortunately, they had asked to be seated near the exit because they didn't know whether the child could handle it or not. However, my experience with the frightened, screaming child in the Tiki room was worse. The birds scared the bejeezus out of a child (3 or 4) and the parents justed stayed through the show trying to get her to calm down. Gotta know your children and know yourself. Not every ride is for everybody.
My kids (DD9, DS11) like it and have liked in for the past few years since we started going... Never had an issue with them getting scared, but then again, we live in the woods and they are used to seeing all kinds of critters :)

Even better to escape the hot, humid FL sun and retreat to a cool, dark area for a much-needed respite!!
We saw it in Feb with a 3 yo and 6 yo. They loved it and wanted to go see it again. I guess it depends on the kid.
How can you not love an attraction the punches you in the spine?
I always lean forward.

I like ITTBAB. I try to sit as close to Hopper as possible. He is one of my favorite animatronics.
I always lean forward. I like ITTBAB. I try to sit as close to Hopper as possible. He is one of my favorite animatronics.

If nothing else, go down there to check out the Tree of Life up close and the funny theater posters.
I have never had a problem with ITTBAB. It's great to sit in the cool, dark theater on a hot September day. We even get there early to look at the posters and rest in the cool air.

I have heard kids screaming and being taken out but I just compare it to my DS10 who hates HM. Is it really scary? No. He loves roller coasters, the bigger the better. TOT is one of his favorites but HM just freaks him out. Everyone has things that freak them out, for a lot of people that is bugs.

Of course, I don't expect Disney to remove HM just because DS doesn't like it. I don't even need someone to defend it.
Dont quite understand the "offensive" part. That said we went several years ago with DD twins when they were 5 and had no problem. I didn't even remember it being scary. Took our DGD 5 last year and it scared her too death. As in never for her again. I guess it is clearly individual children have different things that scare him.
The attraction is not my cup of tea.

But I will say that all it takes is one kid in the audience to scream in terror to affect the mood of the audience. If some kid is deeply frightened, most Disney guests will have empathy, and will realize, 'hey, this would be kind of scary for a little kid'
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