Confessions of a Disboard Dropout...New chapter 3/14

Thanks for continuing to read. I think you guys and Marie are the only ones stopping by. Yes, if know I know have myself to blame. Obviously don't have the keyboard working so don't point out my typos Ponzi!

I am here too! Thanks for the report, love to read itl.
Hi sorry to be late to your update I'm glad you finally made it to your ADR Nice crocs and socks :rotfl2: so I wonder if the bikini phone is waterproof
Hi Sandy! I see you and Ponzi have been having fun.

I'll try to get another chapter up today. Have to finish up some freelance projects first though.
Really enjoying your TR. You make me laugh because I'm always the planner and the "must be on time/early" person and travelling always feels like herding cats to me. You seem to do a great job of not letting it get to you too much!!
Thank you for writing this report! :worship: I actually started my very 1st pre trip report for our very 1st visit but I had it deleted last night. In 2 short weeks I've found myself obsessing over everything DIS! I've read and re-read when I should be sleeping. I will be back but not until our vacation is booked, set in stone and then I can enjoy the planning.
Hi Kathy! Thanks! It was a challenge trying to rally such a large group but all the fun we had was worth it. Thanks goodness for cellphones.
Hi RunnerMommy4! Folks are pretty patient around here. You can take a while to finish a report and they don't get tooooooo annoyed.
Oh Marita and Tammy! Tammy, I wish Sheena had taken a photo of that cellphone. Thanks, Marita!
As usual, I’m the first one up. I decide to use the time to take notes from the previous day. (Little did I know that I would not write the actual chapter for 10 more months. I sure hope my notes are thorough!)

My cellphone sits silent next to me. Where is everybody? Usually that thing is buzzing all day long.

Mr. Squid and Monkston get up and we decide to eat a leisurely breakfast at Kouzzina rather than go straight to Hollywood Studios. Checking the app for available reservations, I see there are none. How is that possible? I can’t imagine that eating at Kouzzina is on everyone’s to-do list today. Rather than waiting on hold with Disney Dining we decide to just walk down and see if there are any empty tables.

My phone buzzes.

Mickey: Where is everybody? Wall-E and I are finishing breakfast at Sci Fi.
Druid: TGM and I are at Muppet Vision.
Squid: We’re going for breakfast.
And then Sheena: I’m at the pool. Who’s joining me?

We arrive at Kouzzina.

“Hi CM! Do you have any tables available?”
“I’m not sure. Let me check.”

She studies the computer screen for a minute and then says that she DOES have a table for us. She asks that we follow her to the dining room and this is what we see.

She had to look at her computer?

We wait for quite some time before our server arrives. Have you ever noticed how service is sometimes the slowest when the restaurant is nearly empty?

I decide to get the breakfast skillet (Eggs, Pequillo Peppers, Nueske’s Bacon, Onions, Potatoes, Greek Cheese, and topped with Arugula) since I had the stacked breakfast (Two Poached Eggs, Kalamata Olive Toast, Artichoke Spread, and Sweet Potato Hash with choice of Bacon or Chicken Sausage) last year. Squid orders the stacked breakfast and Monkston order pancakes. I think the stacked breakfast is really good although I didn’t think the sweet potatoes went well with the artichoke spread and olive bread. Squid orders his with regular breakfast potatoes.

We decide not to bother with the pressed pot and just order two regular coffees. She fills our mugs with the carafe right behind her. I take a sip of the thick lukewarm mud.

“Do you have a fresh pot of coffee? This tastes pretty old.”
“Nope. That’s it.”

What? They can’t make more coffee? It’s only 10:00.

I decide not to push the point and we order the pressed pot which turns out to be delicious.

At this point we are missing our Star Tours reservation but I think we can probably ride standby without too much trouble. (Am I making anyone crazy, sitting around drinking fancy coffee while my fastpasses expire?)


Rich: Next fastpass after star tours is toy story at 12:25.
Me: We will be there for that but if you’re eager don’t wait for us

Squid is reading along on his phone and says, “Eager? Who says eager? Sounds like a little old lady thing to say.” This from a guy who regularly uses the word “hullaballoo.”

Mickey: We can be both eager and wait also
Me: Squid is making fun of me for using the word eager
Druid: What’s wrong with eager?

Our breakfast arrives and the stacked breakfast is the clear winner. It’s even better with the regular potatoes rather than sweet. I am overwhelmed with the enormity of my entrée. I don’t know about you, but I prefer smaller plates. I feel defeated before I begin when faced with an overflowing plate of food. The skillet was ok, but a little dry. The dressed arugula offset the heaviness of the omelet nicely but I got sick of eating it less than halfway through.

After breakfast, Squid runs back to the room to return our mugs and Monkston and I stop in the gift shop. She decides to buy some Mickey ears. I love that she still enjoys childish things.

Squid joins us and we start our leisurely walk (I can hear you now, dear reader. “What? Leisurely walk to the park? You’ve already wasted hours of prime touring time!”) and I spot a DVC model.

“Let’s go in and check out the 1-bedroom villa!”
“We’re checking into our own tomorrow. Can’t you wait until then?”
“Oh come on. We have time before we have to meet them.”

(Ponzi, I see you rolling your eyes. Yes, we are wasting more time doing non-park things.)

We have stayed in the 1-bedroom units at Bay Lake Tower and Animal Kingdom Lodge and they are very spacious and well laid out. You get a full-size kitchen, dining area, living room, large master bedroom and TWO full baths. This one is nice but it has a strange bathroom arrangement. From the master bedroom, you can access the room with the soaking tub and large vanity with sink. Then there is another door to the room with the toilet, sink and shower. This room also has a door opening to the living area. I prefer the two bathroom setup that the newer units have but I really can’t complain. We will have a lot more room and a washer and dryer for the last four nights.

Ok. Enough distractions. We need to get over to Hollywood Studios.

Once there my phone buzzes again.

Jack Skellington: Merida and I are on the boat.
Me: We’re here.
Druid: We are still on backlot.
Sheena: Just heading to the boat.
Druid: Noooo! Walk!

Since I have my phone out and I think of it I get Squid and Monkston to pose for a couple photos. I think to myself that I must have photos for my trip report. I don't want to be one of those trip report writers that goes on and on about nothing and doesn’t break up all that blather with some pictures. Oh wait. (See my previous attempt at trip reporting. )

We still have a little time before our fastpass is ready but not enough time to see a show or go on a ride.

“Mom, can we go shopping?”

This kid is a shopping addict. Her favorite activity is going to the mall, no matter what the weather. We went to the beach on a mini vacation last summer and her favorite part of the trip was shopping in Cape May.

She decides she wants a Stitch decoration for her magic band and I have to hand it to Disney. They now have us buying accessories for the thing that makes it easy for us to part with our money. They are truly evil geniuses.

After much back and forthing of text messages we are able to get everyone together to ride Toy Story Mania. We get into the fast pass line and walk by an empty standby line. I’ve never seen that before at this attraction. I guess the wait would still be long though since you would have to wait for all the fastpass riders to go first.

After a fun ride, we exit with sore arms. (Montague, I won’t spoil the ride for you again with my theories on why guys get higher scores.)

Some of us who didn’t have a big leisurely breakfast leave us to go get lunch. Without going into details (You want details, read Ponzi’s report. Boy, does he have details!) we ride Star Tours, Muppetvision and Tower of Terror. I will note though that interestingly Mr. Squid enjoys Tower of Terror but is afraid of Soarin’.

The braver among us decide to use our magic fastpasses on Rock n Rollercoaster. Monkston and Merida are riding for the first time. Monkston, Druid and I get through and when we stop at the end of the line I turn around and don’t see Mickey and Merida. He texts that he’s having trouble with his “magic” fastpass and the CM told him he used his already. But that’s impossible because we had fastpasses for Toy Story and Tower already! He says for us to go ahead. Just as we near the door to get in, we see that they are now in line so we now push our way back down to meet them. They broke down and gave them paper fastpasses and he is going to go back to guest relations (relations!) to fix the problem. I hope we get more fastpasses!

When we finally board the ride, I’m in the car in front of Monkston and I’m a little worried. She was nervous about Maelstrom, how will she feel about this? I watch the “limo” in front of us take off and I’m getting anxious that maybe she’s going to freak out, that I’m a terrible mother. Maybe this is too much for her and I can’t even pat her shoulder because she’s in back of me. Oh well. Nothing to be done about it now. She’s got Merida next to her. I’m sure she’ll be fine.

She may look terrified in those photos, but she loved it! It’s now her favorite ride.

One of the things I love about Hollywood Studios are the street performers, especially when they interact with guests. We stumbled upon a chef and his assistant performing tricks. The assistant was very funny with a delivery like Jennifer Coolidge. She singled out Merida who is wearing a birthday button out.

“Is it your birthday today?”
“So you’re lying like that guy. This one over here is telling the truth. It’s actually his birthday today. Everyone lies about their birthdays around here.”

We round everyone up and head back to the resort for some pool time before dinner.
Hmmmm.... You're sure Monkston really likes Rock 'n' Roller Coaster? She looks terrified. You, on the other hand, look like you are having the time of your life. Are the two events related?

I love watching my kids have new experiences. Especially at WDW.
Hi Marie. I know she does look terrified but she really did love it. And I certainly don't look like a concerned mother there, do I. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Thanks for stopping by!
Dear readers we are close to finishing up Day 3! That is cause for celebration. Only 5 more to go! I may get lazy in my effort to finish this report. I know. I know. You’re used to a certain level of creativity and wit, but we have to hunker down and get this done. Ponzi, you can provide the wit.

Where were we…

Oh yes, we were at the pool where some margaritas may or may not have been consumed. We are in the spirit for our dinner at San Angel Inn tonight.

I’ve been to dinner there twice before. The first time we ate there it was pretty magical. It was our first trip to Disney World (not counting that one day I spent in Magic Kingdom when I was a kid many moons ago). We had my mother-in-law and sister-in-law with us. Monkston was just four and we all had such fun watching her take everything in. We were staying off site and didn’t know all the Disney ins and outs yet. We didn’t make any other reservations besides the princess dinner in Norway. We were able to make a reservation at San Angel the same day and we were thrilled to get a table right on the water.

My mother-in-law got such a kick out of seeing her granddaughter experience Disney for the first time. I’m so glad we brought her since we have so many wonderful memories of that trip and she is no longer with us.

I can’t find a photo from that dinner, probably because it was too dark, but here we are at Hollywood Studios.

The other time we went to dinner was with Sheena, Druid and TGM. We got an undesirable table in the back of the restaurant overlooking nothing. My clearest memory of the evening was that someone told me that the restrooms were not open and that I would have to take Monkston to the next country when she declared, “Mommy I have to go!” Somehow we made it there and back before the food arrived.

This time I was curious to try one of the specialty margaritas, specifically the jalapeno margarita. Doesn't that sound crazy? I keep reading good reviews about it though.

Mickey, Jack Skellington and I go to the bar and get a jalapeno and a blood orange margarita.

I take a sip. Oh my! That is weird. It goes down like fire but strangely I want to try some more. I don’t know how much I can take of it though. The blood orange margarita is good, but very sweet. I don’t think I could drink a whole glass of it. After a little while I hand the margarita to Mickey and get my standard chardonnay.

We get a table pretty quickly, and it’s not right on the water but near the water. It’s also very near every table next to it. I think they’ve added a few seats since I was here last.

Most of the kids want kids meals but all of them are over 9. Mickey tells the waiter that he doesn’t want to use the dining plan for Wall-E but will pay cash for his kid’s meal. TGM and Monkston also want kids’ meals. The waiter is having none of this. Not only does he say Wall-E has to get something with a dining plan credit, but he says all the kids must get adult platters. This is very un-Disneylike behavior. I’ve ordered a kid’s meal at Disney before for me!

When the food arrives, all of the kids have adult-sized kid’s meals. We will find out later that they also have adult-sized prices. And Sheena is not happy about that. She talks to the manager but her concerns fall on deaf ears. He could care less that we are unhappy. Here are some pics from dinner.

The men take the kids on Test Track and Sheena Jack Skellington and I watch the rest of Illuminations while walking back to the Boardwalk. As we get to the International Gateway suggests that we sit on a bench and people watch.

“Are you insane? Why would we sit here when we can go back and watch the buskers on the boardwalk?”
“I thought it would be a good spot to people watch and we have to wait for everyone.”
“They can find us on the boardwalk.”

I convince her to get off the bench and we enjoy the street performers outside the resort. It’s a really fun area at night, very festive. It’s a completely different vibe than during the day, kind of like a real seaside boardwalk would be.

We all go back to our rooms and I get a text from Mickey asking if we want to go to the lounge again. Squid is tired and says no. Sheena also says she is going to stay in.

I text Mickey: Let me know when you’re ready.
Sheena responds: Turn me over and stick a fork in me
Me: Who’s talking to you?
Sheena: Lots of love to you too.
Me: heart emojis
Mickey: Sheena, please save your pillow talk for the R rated thread and have a drink.
Sheena: I’m already tucked in. Tomorrow is another day.

Yes, Sheena. Tomorrow is another day and that means we are done with Day 3!!
I can’t imagine that eating at Kouzzina is on everyone’s to-do list today.

Well, actually... Yes. Yes it was.
I know this because they were fully booked.

That's called logics.

And then Sheena: I’m at the pool. Who’s joining me?

:sad2: Not overly surprised here.

She had to look at her computer?

Are you kidding?
Was this CM under thirty?
Because if so, you know darned well that if you pay for an item that costs $1.85 and hand them $2 they have to use the computer to figure out how much change to give you.

Have you ever noticed how service is sometimes the slowest when the restaurant is nearly empty?

Sometimes. But not always, yes.

“Do you have a fresh pot of coffee? This tastes pretty old.”
“Nope. That’s it.”

What? They can’t make more coffee? It’s only 10:00.

"Anyway, thanks for dinner, here's your tip."
"Eight cents? That's all?"
"Nope. That's it."

At this point we are missing our Star Tours reservation but I think we can probably ride standby without too much trouble. (Am I making anyone crazy, sitting around drinking fancy coffee while my fastpasses expire?)

Welllll...... :rolleyes1

Squid is reading along on his phone and says, “Eager? Who says eager? Sounds like a little old lady thing to say.” This from a guy who regularly uses the word “hullaballoo.”


Monkston and I stop in the gift shop. She decides to buy some Mickey ears. I love that she still enjoys childish things.

Whoa! Careful there! You may be riling up a whole bunch of adult DISers who thrive on those things!

Squid joins us and we start our leisurely walk (I can hear you now, dear reader. “What? Leisurely walk to the park? You’ve already wasted hours of prime touring time!”) and I spot a DVC model.

'nuff said?

(Ponzi, I see you rolling your eyes. Yes, we are wasting more time doing non-park things.)

Oh, you'd be surprised.
Read the rest of my report (when it comes out), you'll see.

and TWO full baths.

"That's your bathroom... this one's mine.

I don't want to be one of those trip report writers that goes on and on about nothing and doesn’t break up all that blather with some pictures. Oh wait. (See my previous attempt at trip reporting. )

<phew!> :scared: For a second there, I thought you were talking about me.

She decides she wants a Stitch decoration for her magic band and I have to hand it to Disney. They now have us buying accessories for the thing that makes it easy for us to part with our money. They are truly evil geniuses.

Oh, I know.
Again.... you'll see.

After a fun ride, we exit with sore arms. (Montague, I won’t spoil the ride for you again with my theories on why guys get higher scores.)

What ever do you mean by that Laura???

(You want details, read Ponzi’s report. Boy, does he have details!)

I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about....

But, hey! Thanks for the shout out... I think...

I will note though that interestingly Mr. Squid enjoys Tower of Terror but is afraid of Soarin’.

That's just.... weird.

he is going to go back to guest relations (relations!) to fix the problem.

Relatives are always helpful.
That's what you meant when you re-said 'relations', right?

Family board!

She’s got Merida next to her. I’m sure she’ll be fine.

Oh yeah. She so looks fine! :laughing:

She may look terrified in those photos, but she loved it! It’s now her favorite ride.

Is that what you tell yourself so you can sleep at night?

“Is it your birthday today?”
“So you’re lying like that guy. This one over here is telling the truth. It’s actually his birthday today. Everyone lies about their birthdays around here.”


Dear readers we are close to finishing up Day 3! That is cause for celebration.


Ponzi, you can provide the wit.

Sorry, I can only get you half way.

Awww... look how little Monkston is! Too cute!

This time I was curious to try one of the specialty margaritas, specifically the jalapeno margarita. Doesn't that sound crazy? I keep reading good reviews about it though.

I've read those reviews too... but don't really have much interest in trying one.
And after reading your sparkling review....
Yeah. Still not on the to do list.

Most of the kids want kids meals but all of them are over 9. Mickey tells the waiter that he doesn’t want to use the dining plan for Wall-E but will pay cash for his kid’s meal. TGM and Monkston also want kids’ meals. The waiter is having none of this. Not only does he say Wall-E has to get something with a dining plan credit, but he says all the kids must get adult platters. This is very un-Disneylike behavior. I’ve ordered a kid’s meal at Disney before for me!

But this is wonderful!
That means we get the seniors discount when we hit 35!


I convince her to get off the bench and we enjoy the street performers outside the resort. It’s a really fun area at night, very festive. It’s a completely different vibe than during the day, kind of like a real seaside boardwalk would be.

<sigh> Some day. :sad2:

Sheena: I’m already tucked in. Tomorrow is another day.

Hey! Maybe she can go to the pool!

Thanks for the updates Laura! :goodvibes
Well, actually... Yes. Yes it was.

I know this because they were fully booked.

Fully booked for breakfast??

Are you kidding?

Was this CM under thirty?

Because if so, you know darned well that if you pay for an item that costs $1.85 and hand them $2 they have to use the computer to figure out how much change to give you.

My first job when I was 15 was in a grocery store. No scanners then and the registers were the old fashioned kind that you had to really push the keys down hard. AND, the register didn’t give you change. You had to figure it out yourself. Showing my age again.

Whoa! Careful there! You may be riling up a whole bunch of adult DISers who thrive on those things!

At least you didn’t also use that eating popcorn emoticon.

Oh, you'd be surprised.

Read the rest of my report (when it comes out), you'll see.

Nice marketing, Ponzi.

Relatives are always helpful.

That's what you meant when you re-said 'relations', right?


Of course! What did you think I meant?

Oh yeah. She so looks fine!

Is that what you tell yourself so you can sleep at night?

Well, yes. But she really did love it!

<sigh> Some day.

At first I read that as Some day. Like that was some day Laura. What did you accomplish and then I realized that you were saying you wanted to see the boardwalk area some day.
Monkston did look pretty scared in that picture!! Glad she enjoyed it after all though!! It looks like you still did a fair bit despite the leasurely morning and non park activities!! It's nice sometimes to do that and try to not get stressed about getting enough done. I'm going to have to keep reminding myself about that when I'm there with my DD in March...we are only doing one park day and it's gonna be tough to try not to be all commando style.
Fully booked for breakfast??

Sure! I had eggs and toast and ... something else that I can't remember...
Hang on... It'll come to me....

My first job when I was 15 was in a grocery store. No scanners then and the registers were the old fashioned kind that you had to really push the keys down hard. AND, the register didn’t give you change. You had to figure it out yourself. Showing my age again.

Nah. Showing your ability to do simple math.

At least you didn’t also use that eating popcorn emoticon.

That's what it was!
Eggs, toast and popcorn.

Nice marketing, Ponzi.

Actually, it's more like this:
If I say "Yeah! I did that!" then I'm giving away my own TR story before I want to.
Conversely, if I say "I've never done that!" Well, same thing.

Of course! What did you think I meant?

Oh, just that, of course.

At first I read that as Some day. Like that was some day Laura. What did you accomplish and then I realized that you were saying you wanted to see the boardwalk area some day.

:laughing: Never even occurred to me that you'd read it that way.
And that's one thing I can say, 'cause t'aint no secret.
Never been to the boardwalk area and would like to... some day.
Kathy, I think our commando days are over. When we first started going to WDW we would park hop all day from morning until night. Now that we've been going for so many years we take a much more relaxed approach. I figure since we spent so much on the DVC membership we should also enjoy the resort. One of my friends wants to do another 4-park challenge day this year but I don't know that I'm up for it. But I get if you only have one day in the parks that you will probably want to fit in as much as you can.
Ponzi, I think you would like the Boardwalk, especially at night. It's just a short walk from world showcase.
At this point we are missing our Star Tours reservation but I think we can probably ride standby without too much trouble. (Am I making anyone crazy, sitting around drinking fancy coffee while my fastpasses expire?)

Yes. Yes, you are.

She decides she wants a Stitch decoration for her magic band and I have to hand it to Disney. They now have us buying accessories for the thing that makes it easy for us to part with our money. They are truly evil geniuses.

It probably was not in their original idea when they decided to upgrade to a newer technology, but it wouldn't have been far behind. Disney is so good building and expanding on a single idea to maximize profits. It's natural that guests would wa

Some of us who didn’t have a big leisurely breakfast leave us to go get lunch. Without going into details (You want details, read Ponzi’s report. Boy, does he have details!) we ride Star Tours, Muppetvision and Tower of Terror. I will note though that interestingly Mr. Squid enjoys Tower of Terror but is afraid of Soarin’.

Maybe Squid is more sick than scared from watching the screen?
We had to use the chicken door on Tower of Terror. My younger granddaughter is scared by the story, although I think she's okay with the actual ride. She and I left my older granddaughter on the ride and went down where it ends and waited. I was able to go back up and do the ride the same way, through the chicken door, when DGD16 finished.

When we finally board the ride, I’m in the car in front of Monkston and I’m a little worried. She was nervous about Maelstrom, how will she feel about this? I watch the “limo” in front of us take off and I’m getting anxious that maybe she’s going to freak out, that I’m a terrible mother. Maybe this is too much for her and I can’t even pat her shoulder because she’s in back of me. Oh well. Nothing to be done about it now. She’s got Merida next to her. I’m sure she’ll be fine.

She may look terrified in those photos, but she loved it! It’s now her favorite ride.

Both granddaughters loved the ride but looked scared silly (is that saying as bad as eager?) in the photo. It was the younger one's first time, and she was barely tall enough (we had to change shoes before getting in line).
We hit a glitch in the system about 45 days before our trip that let us get fastpass+'s for both Rockin' Rollercoaster and Toy Story Mania is the same day, and both Soarin' and Test Track on our Epcot day.


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