Marathon Weekend 2016

I will take that into consideration. I might do the smaller races with others but I most likely will be doing the full alone. I could also look into a full locally. I at least have some time before I get there.

I concur with @Keels. If you could manage to do a full prior to Dopey it would be ideal. There are a lot of differences between a half and full. Some I can explain and others are an experience for your own. But the Goofy/Dopey adds an extra notch into the difficulty of the full. Having that confidence and experience from already doing another full will help make the Disney experience more enjoyable.

I highly recommend Lakefront Marathon on 10/2/16. It is a point to point, a slight downhill, decent crowd support, 3500 runners (nice mid size), likely cool temps (40-55) and has a decent number of aid stations. Also, since it is in early October it gives you 15 weeks between Lakefront and Dopey. This allows for 2 weeks off running after Lakefront (for making a full recovery for the next training cycle), then it takes about 8-12 weeks to build your endurance back to ideal for another marathon. This puts this race about the latest I would consider doing a marathon before Dopey (or Chicago on 10/9/16). But my opinion is the Madison Marathon, Haunted Hustle (Middleton), and Milwaukee Marathon would all probably not give you enough time to make a full recovery and maximize your abilities for Disney.
I've never done dopey or a marathon for that matter but I feel like if I do goofy I might as well do dopey. I'm really debating which to do next year. I want to do my first full but I also want to do the 20th half, and then I feel like oh what the heck throw a 5K and 10K in there.
Yep, same dilemma here! I just did my first full, so I know what to expect there... I definitely felt like I could have handled Goofy or Dopey. The hitch for me is $$ plus I'm kind of over the shorter races at WDW. Still, if I'm doing Goofy, why not just throw in the 5K and 10K and go for broke, right?! Ugh.
If I had it ALL to do over again, I'd really listen to people and do a full first before Dopey. There were a TON of nerves and tears for me before (and, honestly during) the full. I'm lucky I had two girlfriends to pull me through.

I might be the minority here but I don't think doing a full before dopey is a necessity if you keep to your training. I didnt do one and in all honesty by the time the marathon rolled around I was strangely calm for the race. I dunno if it was because I kept myself busy the days before and by the end of the weekend it was just another race, but I think if I had of ran a marathon before and had a bad experience I would have been much more nervous than I was. I have ran a few big half marathon races this year so I knew what to expect in terms of crowding and pre race nerves and I do think this helped as this can be a bit over whelming to people new to these races (like my lil sis before the half, she though there would be like 3000 people there max). Everyone is different though, so do whatever you need to do to calm your nerves - even just a little.

Like I say think I'm the minority though. I woke up the next morning with no aches and pains, I wasn't even particularly stiff. I have felt worse after some 5k training runs. Loads of people commented on it.
I always love how when I go for marathon weekend and I'm wearing shorts in the 50 degree weather and then you have the floridians who act like its -10 with coats and scarves.

I always get a kick of that too. It has been in the teens with windchills all week up here in MA. I was in my glory walking around WDW during marathon weekend.

As for the issue about doing a full marathon before getting to Dopey, I can see a case for both sides. And from everything I have heard it sounds like the biggest issue with Dopey is waking up that early 4 days in a row, more so than the mileage. Any marathon can go good or bad so even if you have run one before and think you know what to expect something else could go completely wrong during Dopey. I would say if you want to do Dopey do it and do the proper training and everything will work itself out.

I am really hoping to get back to marathon weekend in 2017. I would love to do Dopey in 2018 but from the sounds of it, the whole world wants that as well and there is a chance I might not register. So, I might try and do it next year. While the medals will be cool in 2018 I am more after the experience than the medals.

I have a coworker that doesn't really love running, or Disney for that matter, and she does these races because of the medals (amongst other things). It's all about keeping up with the Jones' so she will try to do Dopey in 2018 (if she hasn't quit running by then) because of the medals. For me, I want the whole experience. I want the sense of accomplishment for completing such a challenge. I can only imagine how it feels. I LOVE doing these races so to get to do 4 of them in a weekend is so exciting to me.

I would say if you want to do Dopey, DO IT. As we have seen through some stories on here of people being sick, etc... if you want it bad enough you will make it through whether you have run a marathon before or not.
I always get a kick of that too. It has been in the teens with windchills all week up here in MA. I was in my glory walking around WDW during marathon weekend.

As for the issue about doing a full marathon before getting to Dopey, I can see a case for both sides. And from everything I have heard it sounds like the biggest issue with Dopey is waking up that early 4 days in a row, more so than the mileage. Any marathon can go good or bad so even if you have run one before and think you know what to expect something else could go completely wrong during Dopey. I would say if you want to do Dopey do it and do the proper training and everything will work itself out.

I am really hoping to get back to marathon weekend in 2017. I would love to do Dopey in 2018 but from the sounds of it, the whole world wants that as well and there is a chance I might not register. So, I might try and do it next year. While the medals will be cool in 2018 I am more after the experience than the medals.

I have a coworker that doesn't really love running, or Disney for that matter, and she does these races because of the medals (amongst other things). It's all about keeping up with the Jones' so she will try to do Dopey in 2018 (if she hasn't quit running by then) because of the medals. For me, I want the whole experience. I want the sense of accomplishment for completing such a challenge. I can only imagine how it feels. I LOVE doing these races so to get to do 4 of them in a weekend is so exciting to me.

I would say if you want to do Dopey, DO IT. As we have seen through some stories on here of people being sick, etc... if you want it bad enough you will make it through whether you have run a marathon before or not.
My hope was for Dopey in 2018 as well but as you said everyone wants to. I still hope to do it in 2018 but it would be nice to do it next year as well. I was really thinking goofy but then I have that in the back of my head oh might as well just do dopey. I completely agree with you I want the whole experience. I woke up two days this year but had a day in between doing the 5K and the Half. Seeing everyone who has done dopey almost makes me jealous in the fact that I want to do that and I want to wear my medals proudly because of what an accomplishment it is.
I would have no problem doing Goofy this year and Dopey for 2018 but my kids might go with me in 2017 (I went without them this year) and they want to run a race with me. Well, if I am doing the 5K with them and Goofy I might as well do Dopey at that point. For me the biggest challenge is the training. Working in retail during December makes it difficult to fit in 4 days of running in a row. Ideally I would have a new job by then but I can't plan that way.

As for the accomplishment, I have no tattoos but I always told myself that if I did Dopey I would get 48.6 tattooed on my calf in Disney font. :yay:
Hello all. I did a video of the marathon. It is my first time using my GoPro as well as editing a video so if you watch it and have any feedback take that into consideration. :scared:

I tried to show a few different things I have never seen before, like the stuff before the race Hopefully you like it if you watch it.

Hello all. I did a video of the marathon. It is my first time using my GoPro as well as editing a video so if you watch it and have any feedback take that into consideration. :scared:

I tried to show a few different things I have never seen before, like the stuff before the race Hopefully you like it if you watch it.

Looks great! I've always wanted to do a video like this but just have taken pictures during the races. Maybe next year I'll do something like this. All week I have been watching videos of the races because I'm having Disney withdrawals.

I don't have much to say as feedback except maybe that there was a period after the 7 minute mark that was just running on the road that seemed a little long but not too bad. Music selections are good even though I didn't know all of the songs. It was a little shaky of course but understandable while you're running. One more thing maybe would be at points of large cheering crowds or things like the choir turn the music off and have the cheers or choir in the video. Good job!
Looks great! I've always wanted to do a video like this but just have taken pictures during the races. Maybe next year I'll do something like this. All week I have been watching videos of the races because I'm having Disney withdrawals.

I don't have much to say as feedback except maybe that there was a period after the 7 minute mark that was just running on the road that seemed a little long but not too bad. Music selections are good even though I didn't know all of the songs. It was a little shaky of course but understandable while you're running. One more thing maybe would be at points of large cheering crowds or things like the choir turn the music off and have the cheers or choir in the video. Good job!

Thanks. I would do the video. It is so much fun. I have tons more footage to watch that didn't make the video. It allows me to go back and feel the same feelings. Different than pictures. It gives you the sounds and the cheering, etc... Well worth the effort.

Now that I watch the footage I would have done things so much different but oh well, it is still a nice reminder for me. And I am also watching a lot of the videos and I am having serious withdrawals. I need to find a way back next year.

The reason I didn't have the sound was because my friend was running his first marathon and there was a lot of swearing as things got tough for him. It was hard to edit it all out so I just did music.

But thanks for watching.
Thanks. I would do the video. It is so much fun. I have tons more footage to watch that didn't make the video. It allows me to go back and feel the same feelings. Different than pictures. It gives you the sounds and the cheering, etc... Well worth the effort.

Now that I watch the footage I would have done things so much different but oh well, it is still a nice reminder for me. And I am also watching a lot of the videos and I am having serious withdrawals. I need to find a way back next year.

The reason I didn't have the sound was because my friend was running his first marathon and there was a lot of swearing as things got tough for him. It was hard to edit it all out so I just did music.

But thanks for watching.
I am the same way I need to find a way back next year too and I only did the half and 5k.

That's understandable then with the swearing, it was just a suggestion.
Has anyone ordered pictures or images from marathonfoto from the race. I am looking at ordering my images but can figure out the best deal with all the extras. I did get a coupon at the expo but didn't get the gift certificate. Are there better deals out there? Also does anyone know if they will offer better deals if I wait?
Hello all. I did a video of the marathon. It is my first time using my GoPro as well as editing a video so if you watch it and have any feedback take that into consideration. :scared:

Thanks for sharing. I'm also into watching anyone's video from the weekend. I have spotted myself a couple times in people's, always funny. I have some pretty embarrassing narration in my video, especially in the marathon where I kept saying I hated it and was dieing, so get why leaving out your friend's comments out was for the best. Thanks again for posting!
Has anyone ordered pictures or images from marathonfoto from the race. I am looking at ordering my images but can figure out the best deal with all the extras. I did get a coupon at the expo but didn't get the gift certificate. Are there better deals out there? Also does anyone know if they will offer better deals if I wait?

I purchased the Goofy Premium Download with the 10% off coupon that was in the igiftbag, which I think is the same coupon you got at the expo. This was the first time I have ever purchased pictures from any race, mainly becuase this was one of the few races where I had some decent shots. I think I ended up with just over 100 for both races in my download.
Just read on Facebook that today is the last day to order the Dooney & Bourke bags from this weekend...

Call 407-827-7600 no later than 4:00PM EST on Monday, 1/25 to place an order.

(Still can't believe they messed this up!)
I've never done dopey or a marathon for that matter but I feel like if I do goofy I might as well do dopey. I'm really debating which to do next year. I want to do my first full but I also want to do the 20th half, and then I feel like oh what the heck throw a 5K and 10K in there.

Completing a full by itself would be a wise route to travel before doing Goofy and/or Dopey. A marathon is a different beast and IMO needs to be experienced in and of itself before adding additional races around it. When you do that, you get an idea as to how the distance (and the respective training) affects your body and mind. Once you know what to expect from a full, then you can ask yourself if adding additional races around it is wise for you. Just my $.02

I expect to be back at Marathon weekend in 2018 or 2019 and I will be doing a challenge. Truthfully I'd rather just do the Goofy and the 5K with my oldest son (he'd be 9 in 2018). I am debating on doing the Dopey (I have ethical reasons against it) as paying more for another race when I can just run a 10K distance near our villa the day of the WDW 10K would save me money and I would still achieve the same thing as a Dopey (I don't give a sh*t about an additional medal FYI). But I go a few years to go and more chances to complete another full or two.
Completing a full by itself would be a wise route to travel before doing Goofy and/or Dopey. A marathon is a different beast and IMO needs to be experienced in and of itself before adding additional races around it. When you do that, you get an idea as to how the distance (and the respective training) affects your body and mind. Once you know what to expect from a full, then you can ask yourself if adding additional races around it is wise for you. Just my $.02
I am the same way I need to find a way back next year too and I only did the half and 5k.

That's understandable then with the swearing, it was just a suggestion.

No, I agree. Now that I have done one and I know how the GoPro shoots and how the microphone works I will shoot way differently and I would add more sound from the actual race.

Thanks for sharing. I'm also into watching anyone's video from the weekend. I have spotted myself a couple times in people's, always funny. I have some pretty embarrassing narration in my video, especially in the marathon where I kept saying I hated it and was dieing, so get why leaving out your friend's comments out was for the best. Thanks again for posting!

You have a video too? Did you post it and I missed it? I am watching as many as I can get my eyes on. I still can't get enough!

Great video! I have to admit I got teary eyed at the end. Great song choice!
Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it.
You have a video too? Did you post it and I missed it? I am watching as many as I can get my eyes on. I still can't get enough
Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it.

I have video, but it's not online anywhere. It's nothing amazing just lots of short clips. I put a lot of pictures in my trip report though.

Have you watched this guy's videos yet,
He has one for the 5k, 10k and half so far. They are really good.
I have video, but it's not online anywhere. It's nothing amazing just lots of short clips. I put a lot of pictures in my trip report though.

Have you watched this guy's videos yet,
He has one for the 5k, 10k and half so far. They are really good.
Yes I watched that one. I have run out of videos to watch. I just posted my video however it's 33 minutes long and isn't all video it has a lot of pictures as well.



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