'OHANA means CHUNKY! An Aug 2017 Family TR THE END 4/26 - The Last Day and Trip Epilogue!

That must be nice to go with someone who is helpful! I am always the only one who remembers everything, times everything, plans everything…I don't mind but once in a while it would be nice for someone else to have a job!

Er, yeah that was the ONLY thing she remembered to tell everyone. It was basically me reminding everyone of meal times, FP times, where to meet and when to meet. But of course they all had their pressed penny and autograph books. :rotfl:

Those are ADORABLE! :love:

Thank you! She does a great job with them.

I am weirdly so excited about this! I hate bag check at the park!

Yeah it made for a much easier time going to MK. But going to Epcot...that is a different story.

Great pictures! Your sister's outfit is to die for! I love it!

Thank you! She really put a lot of thought into her outfits!

Cute pic!

Thank you!

So true, but seeing their little faces makes it so worth all the extra effort!

It is. It was really great. I loved being able to show them the Magic!

Yay!! What a fun morning! The group, so far at least, seems pretty cooperative and listens to instruction- that's good! I have to admit I've never been to CP but I love an omelette and Tigger is my favorite so I may have to try it. I was just reading on another thread that they don't sign autographs anymore. I guess they hand out a card shaped like a honey pot with all the autographs on it.

Thank you! It was a great first morning. Everyone was excited despite the travel delays. CP is great! You should definitely try it, it's not a must do but one of the few places you can meet Pooh and gang unless you line up to meet them outside of the Pooh ride. They did sign autographs for us, they did not do the autograph card at least not at our breakfast.

Peter Pan is a great first ride!! Did you bring the fans and cooling towels from home? You were prepared!!

I had to make their first ride a classic! But now they wanted to go again and that was the only FP I had for the week for PP!
Yes I brought everything from home. It was great, every little bit helps but of course you still feel hot despite being prepared!

Traveling with kids -and so many - must offer a different perspective on touring - both good (their reactions) and bad (stroller parking!)

Oh yes, definitely this trip was about them. I'm glad I already had my Disney fix for the year so I wasn't clamoring to do things the way I usually do it.

Great update--so. much. fun! The Eeyore pic with the baby looking at Eeyore is the cutest. The wonder and the awe and admiration! Or is it the wary eye? I'm going with wonder and awe and admiration!

Thank you! Yes she was adorable! She was ok with the characters, probably just more confused than ever as to why these large furry creatures are around her. I definitely think it was more of the wary eye than the admiration, but hey, the picture says otherwise, LOL.

I love that you're the cool aunt! I might not be the cool aunt, but I'm definitely the Disney aunt. My family loves that I'm their personal tour guide when they go with me. It's probably just because I know where every bathroom on property is located. :rolleyes: You're doing an awesome job of moving everyone along, that is no easy job.

I think as a default being the Disney Aunt IS the Cool Aunt!! The bathroom locations definitely helped. In fact no one opened a map all week. :laughing:
My family really appreciated the effort I put in. They gave me a surprise later on in the week. It was really sweet. I will share it on the TR!

Poor Caylee! We actually didn't visit WDW until my youngest was 7 because she didn't like anyone in costume--we thought she'd be terrorized by the experience. Once in NYC, we saw a person in a dog costume at a parade and my youngest who was 4 at the time started screaming at the "dog" and waving her arms for him to go away, yelling "BAD DOG, BAD DOG!!!" She was absolutely frantic, it was awful. My older daughter was not happy that she had to wait until she was 10 to go to Disney!

Aww, yeah I think Caylee just has to get over it. She does not like pictures, characters or stuff like that. She's the opposite of Eva in a way although they get along fine. What she does like is SHOPPING!! She LOVED Disney springs!

Love the juxtaposition of what you and chunkysis think is important :-) Also loving the mousekeeping envelopes she made. We usually don't tip until the end of the trip. Do you find you get better service doing it all along?

Haha, of course, right? Priorities.
I did not find any different really. Sometimes I forgot to leave one out one day so I just doubled up on the next. On the occasions that we did see our housekeeper she was really sweet and she thanked us for the cute envelope! So they do notice it. We did get a nice replenishment of toiletries every day though :laughing:

After all of Casey's time in the world you'd think she'd have it down, but she gets the finger wrong at least every other time and we are good for for having to flag down a castmember to look her up on the ipad at least a few times a trip :-) So for novices I'm sure your brood did great!

Great picture cool aunt!

I know, they all forgot what finger the used the first time so we did get the ipad treatment when we entered parks for at least one kid, on most days after the first day. Hahaha.

Yum as I sit here on a Sunday morning starving and wanting to eat everything for breakfast and having only cereal in the house I think I'd do just about anything for some of that lasagna right about now. Looks awesome!

I think us foodies appreciate lasagna in all shapes and forms. :thumbsup2

Love chunkysis's outfit. Did she make it or buy it somewhere?

She had it made from a seller on Etsy. She had her customize it with the longer sleeves. Unfortunately the seller is no longer around, my sister has been trying to find her to custom make more items for her!

Welcome to the club!!!! They sure are cute, but they most definitely take up a lot more time. Traveling with only 1, I can only fathom what you all endured

Haha, I have a newfound appreciation for all of you with kids, even just one kid is tough. Thank goodness there were Cool Aunts around to help out the families. My sisters would not have survived without Chunkysis and myself. LOL.
It really is a whole thing! And a world you probably didn't even knew existed!

Yes exactly. I learn something new every trip!

Great pic of you and your sister! Love the hair!

Aww thank you, it was the only day it actually stayed straight and down. It was a frizz mop every day of the vacation.

I have a very humorous image of all of you running threw the airport. Very cartoon style with hijinks and all... Ha! Glad you made it in time!

They should make a gif of us because we were hilarious.

Man, You guys took up most of the line!

We WERE the line, LOL. We were the only ones going to the Poly that late I think.

I think Steve has the same face in most of your pictures.

Haha you're right, he does.

As long as you guys thought it was cute. And 8am would be a miracle for my girls to wake up there aunt in disney!

Haha I'm also the Sleepy Aunt...

This pic is great!

Thank you!!

Great pic of you and your sister! As a side note, I know there has been talk before about the skirts you wear at the parks. But I don't remember now. Where do you get them?

Thank you!
My skirts are mainly from Sparkle Skirts. They make great quality skorts that never ride up.
I also use some from Colorado Clothing which are cheaper but not as sturdy.

Love the girls shirts!

They always had matching outfits, it was cute!

Walking around Disney with that many people must have been interesting at times! The struggle is real!

It was real!

Awesome Pic!

Thank you!

It is probably a life saver for a lot of people that IASW usually isn't too long of a wait. I do hate that que, though, even if there is a small line, it's kind of a hot mess.

It is! It was hot waiting for the boats. And I think we waited like 20 minutes, not 15!

I think that is Awesome!

Def the Cool Aunt!

Thank you again! I hope I keep that status...in the next update I'm not sure...

LOVE LOVE LOVE that your family is with you! It is exhausting to be the tour guide...but so many great memories!

Thank you!!
The things I do for my family....:rotfl:

Hi Su-Lynn. I can't imagine traveling with that many people...You have done such an awesome job of preparing for the trip...And, it looks like it's off to a great start!

Thank you! It was definitely a trip that will be looong remembered...

First of all, I'm so happy Eva had a good trip. Such a sweet girl.

She really is! Thank you!

Of course you're the cool aunt! You're just plain cool!

Aww thank you!!

Love CS's outfit! Can't wait to see more.

Haha, this is just the beginning...

I enjoy Crystal Palace, but have never had breakfast there. Too bad you missed Eeyore. He's one of my favorites.

He is my favorite! But I guess I was just too busy eating...

We've traveled with our daughters and grandkids numerous times and it can be so exhausting, but totally worth it. Doing rides in shifts because of little ones is very time consuming.

I know! It takes us 30 minutes just to get from one ride to another. I'm surprised we even got to do 3 rides that day. LOL.

I love your bag. Is that LeSportsac Everyday Bag? I had one I used for at least five years. I used to find them at TJ Maxx, but haven't seen them there in a while.

Yup! It's an every day bag! I love them! I have a few designs too! I find them at the Lesportsac Outlet and I've also seen them randomly at TJMaxx and MArshalls as well, but you are right it's rare now.

I've only been at Disney in August once. 1995 with 99 degree heat and record capacity crowds. This was, of course, before fast passes were around and most of the rides had two hour waits. Yeah.....

Yeah, I can't believe I used to wait hours for rides!! But back then, there was nothing you can do!
Tell Steve about my last TR title :laughing:: PeopleMover is my kind of thrill ride! :rotfl:

I will!!!

Awww, so glad to hear this!

She did great! Caylee on the other hand...was so against meeting characters!! She does love to shop though! Disney springs was her mecca.

That's amazing! Typically I get a little creative with my Mousekeeping envelopes but I kinda left this for the last possible minute so they weren't quite as cool as usual, but a step above just leaving money on the counter :laughing:

Ooh you need to post pics of your mousekeeping envelopes!

Duh! I like to think of myself in the same club - the Cool Aunt Club! :thumbsup2

Duh, it's like the best club!! :thumbsup2
Club Cool Aunt...think we should take over Club Cool at Epcot with our nieces and nephews!

Oh I remember this with my nephew. I had him on one hip and I'm pretty sure two plates in the other hand :rotfl2:

Haha we are also jugglers!

Ahhh, yes... you're bringing back memories of my January trip, except we only had TWO kids with us!

Sounds like a great start to the trip, I'm hoping the Disney spirit continues for everyone!

Haha we shall see....

Looks like a crazy but fun morning! Where did you get the fans that go around your neck?

We got them from amazon! Here they are: https://www.amazon.com/O2-Cool-Neck...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=BZB22RH68VASYXN0G9GV

They were great, they are adjustable in length and every little bit helps in the heat!

I have followed lots of your reports but have never commented. I just had to say how much I relate to the 10 minute process of deciding who sits next to who! I have 5 nieces and nephews (all from the same sister) and it is always an argument who gets to sit next to me and my husband. They usually argue over him more than me though. We went to Disney with them in January and I understand the pain of it taking ten times as long to do anything between a million bathroom breaks and parking the stroller then finding the stroller when it inevitably gets moved! Can't wait to read more!

Hi Gina! Thanks so much for reading!!
Haha you played the family musical chairs so you know what we went through. At. Every. Meal.
It was a challenge but hey, this is just a typical day out with my family. :)

Great family photos. Love your sisters mousekeeping envelops. Such a great idea. You're definitely a cool aunt,which is something I can relate to.
I'm getting so excited reading your trip report and seeing photos. I leave tomorrow for Disney with my niece (13). Just her and I this trip.

Aww thank you!!
And WOW have a magical time!! You are definitely the COOLEST AUNT!

You are actually making me think of bringing the whole extended family to Disney, even though I know it would be NUTS. You make it looks so easy and fun!

Thank you!! Well, it wasn't as easy as I made it all sound, but I think I was just happy to have them all there so it was worth all the hours of planning!
Loving this huge family trip! I'm also loving the themed clothes- even the little ones in their tshirts are adorbs! :lovestruc
I was reading your travel day issues to DH and we were taken back to our July 2015 trip when we had flight delays and a long wait on ME before leaving, and didn't get to the Wilderness Lodge until well after midnight...oy. I am so glad all of the kids (and adults) were still in good spirits by the end of it, because it is so exhausting!

I also said, "Yay, she's in Rarotonga!" out loud, b/c that's where I've requested my room in October. I am curious how you liked it, your view, etc...I was originally going to request Fiji but though Rarotonga would be more convenient overall.

Your sister's outfits were a highlight for me on facebook, so I'm excited to see them throughout the report!!

DH and I are sitting here trying to figure out when we're going back now (even though I'll be there in October, he is missing it, and I ALWAYS am!) because we can't handle it! I said we should just homeschool and go tomorrow :rotfl:

Your CP breakfast seemed like a hit! It's one of my favorites, one of those I seem to always book and then cancel though. I need to get back for more breakfast lasagna and puffed french toast!

Can't wait to hear how the rest of the first day goes!!
What a great start! We did a family trip, but only 9 of us. I was the planner, but my sister hates DisneyWorld :scared1: so she was not as helpful as your sister (who has awesome outfits btw) The kids had a great time though. It did take a long time to get anywhere with a big group.
Can't wait to read more!
I am amazed and impressed after your late arrival night that everyone was up and ready. I'm loving all the family pictures it's getting me even more excited to see my grandkids faces when they see the Castle and meet the characters for the first time.
I feel for you and your family with the August heat :faint:
We went one time in August and that was the last time. Even with spray bottles and misting fans it was just too hot to enjoy ourselves.
We love CP great food with Pooh and company. Love CS outfit so cute.
Awesome - thanks! My dad and I are doing a quick trip Labor Day week and these could come in handy! I'm also going to look into getting the ones that spray water.

Ah we will be there the night of sept 3 - evening of sept 5th! We're just there for two days after 2 days at Universal. If you're there those days we should say hi!

Enjoying reading about your adventures. Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much for reading!

Loving this huge family trip! I'm also loving the themed clothes- even the little ones in their tshirts are adorbs! :lovestruc

Thank you so much! I was going to do the themed shirts thing but my sister refuses to wear a regular t-shirt. And we also ran out of time towards the end of the trip, LOL, but next time for sure I want to do the matching t shirts because if there is one place that embraces the matching t shirt, it's Disney World!

I was reading your travel day issues to DH and we were taken back to our July 2015 trip when we had flight delays and a long wait on ME before leaving, and didn't get to the Wilderness Lodge until well after midnight...oy. I am so glad all of the kids (and adults) were still in good spirits by the end of it, because it is so exhausting!

Oh yeah soooo exhausted by the time we got to the Poly. Thank goodness we were in Disney World as that kinda raises our happiness level a bit so we were still excited!

I also said, "Yay, she's in Rarotonga!" out loud, b/c that's where I've requested my room in October. I am curious how you liked it, your view, etc...I was originally going to request Fiji but though Rarotonga would be more convenient overall.

I love that building as it's literally right next to the Great Ceremonial Hall, and was just a hop skip and jump to the bus stop. We didn't have a view though, our view was of the parking lot, trees, and the bus stop. LOL. I like the Poly rooms but it's a lot more crowded when you have all these people in a room, especially since you don't have the sinks outside of the tub/toilet so only one person could get ready at a time. We made it work though.

Your sister's outfits were a highlight for me on facebook, so I'm excited to see them throughout the report!!

Haha she is definitely the fashionista of the family. All of us were just trying to stay cool and she puts on her cardigan and is full steam ahead. I don't know how she does it.

DH and I are sitting here trying to figure out when we're going back now (even though I'll be there in October, he is missing it, and I ALWAYS am!) because we can't handle it! I said we should just homeschool and go tomorrow :rotfl:

Ha I'm sure everyone would like that idea!!

Your CP breakfast seemed like a hit! It's one of my favorites, one of those I seem to always book and then cancel though. I need to get back for more breakfast lasagna and puffed french toast!

Can't wait to hear how the rest of the first day goes!!

It was definitely a really fun first meal at Disney! Plus we didn't have to walk far and the food was tasty! And you can't beat the puffy french toast! Which really just tastes like fried dough, not sure why it's called french toast at all!

This seems like such an amazing trip-- you have definitely earned your "cool aunt" title!

Thank you!
Well, that title may be short-lived, you'll see...

What a great start! We did a family trip, but only 9 of us. I was the planner, but my sister hates DisneyWorld :scared1: so she was not as helpful as your sister (who has awesome outfits btw) The kids had a great time though. It did take a long time to get anywhere with a big group.
Can't wait to read more!

Oh no, hates Disney world! That must have been tough...but I'm sure you had a good handle on everything! And if the kids had a great time then that's all that matters, right? :)
Cute Crystal Palace pictures. I love Pooh bear. <3 I am impressed with your people wrangling skills already. I would not have that kind of patience. You are a queen.
I am amazed and impressed after your late arrival night that everyone was up and ready. I'm loving all the family pictures it's getting me even more excited to see my grandkids faces when they see the Castle and meet the characters for the first time.

I feel for you and your family with the August heat :faint:
We went one time in August and that was the last time. Even with spray bottles and misting fans it was just too hot to enjoy ourselves.
We love CP great food with Pooh and company. Love CS outfit so cute.

Yeah it still amazes me too. I think everyone was just a little too wired since it's the first day and we wanted to keep to our schedule! But it was great seeing the faces of my nieces and nephew for their first glance at the castle!

August is not a good time to go but at least it wasn't horrendously crowded. I felt like it was more crowded during race weekend in february!
CP was a great first meal I'm glad they liked it!
Ah we will be there the night of sept 3 - evening of sept 5th! We're just there for two days after 2 days at Universal. If you're there those days we should say hi!

We're flying in on the 4th! My dad just got us tickets for the sold out (it's actually free, but limited on how many people can attend) DVC after hours event at the AK on Wed night!! I guess they had some cancelations - SO EXCITED!! We're also doing the Halloween party on Thursday night - never been to any of the parties before so we're excited about that too! We'll be in HS on Monday afternoon/evening and AK on Tuesday - if either of those line up with your plans, we should say hi!
What a great start...meaning everyone made to to breakfast in one piece, no meltdowns!

I am excited about bag check at the Poly! I am not excited that a year from now we will be home from the Poly (and hopefully BC).
Definitely following along! I'm also the planner for the group trips we've taken but the most I've wrangled is 8. 15 - not sure how I would handle that! And my groups are adults (maybe worse-haha). So far it looks like everyone is pretty go with the flow. Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
Thank you everyone for the comments and responses! I really appreciate them! Already on page 6 and we're only halfway thought Day 1! Whew!
First off, I'm just posting more pictures of the first part of our day. I'm getting lots of pictures in from my family so thought it would be cute to share:

On the monorail:


Outside of CP:


CT2 and her family got their moment in front of the caste:


It's always friendship day at Crystal Palace!


Sienna had a bunch of disposable bibs which were Mickey themed! So cute.


Sienna making sure Uncle Steve was really there:


And now onto the next chapter!

Day 1 Part 2: I am still the Cool Aunt right?

After IASW the girls decided they want to ride the spinning ride. "What spinning ride?" I asked. Oh the tea cups...

Guess who got suckered into doing the tea cups, the one ride she hates, but because she wants to maintain Cool Aunt status, she goes along with it...


HELP ME :faint:

Thankfully the kids didn't know the difference between fast spinning and SUPER FAST spinning so I was able to control the revolutions at manageable rotations per second...


"Spin faster Auntie Su-Lynn!"


Look at these suckers on the tea cups...oh wait they actually LIKE the tea cups.


Next up was our long-awaited FP+ for 7DMT. For the past few months I've been measuring the heights of Eva, Caylee, and Bryan. It's really cute, they line up against a wall and I take their heights with a tape measure and I say, Eva, you're ready for Soarin'! or Caylee, you can ride the Barnstormer! so I was really excited to see Eva was tall enough to ride the Mine Train! Caylee and Briyan were not but we didn't get a rider swap for this. Not sure why or how but I think I was too distracted to say anything and the dads just whisked the younger kids away while the twins rode with myself, Steve, CS and Kelly's family. Eva was excited too for her first official roller coaster. She kept asking if it was scary. I said 7DMT was not a scary roller coaster at all, and that it was more fun than scary.


You are in the back of the train.

Which we were.

I totally forgot.

It swings madly from side to side and you can feel the movement more from the back.

So I think from this picture, you can tell I may have lost my Cool Aunt status.


Poor Eva! She was not a happy camper. She didn't cry but she kept saying, "I don't like this ride!" Thank goodness this is a short ride! :scared1:

After we got off, she was a little stunned and said she didn't want to go on it again. We all kept saying how proud we were of her going on the ride like a big girl. She was a little placated after that. After the ride we went to meet the guys to swap places. I think we hung out in one of the stores to keep cool and got some ice cream.


Who needs Mine Train when you have Mickey ice cream bars?

After the guys' turn on 7DMT, Marc, who is Eva's dad, said, WOW, Eva went on that ride?!? :eek:

Yes I brought your child on a roller coaster for the first time. But I think secretly, he was proud of her too. :thumbsup2

Well the day was more than halfway done and I managed to get most people on 3 rides. Our other FP for Jungle Cruise was not until a little later but I said people can do whatever they wanted to since it was at the hottest point of day and I could see the kids getting a little tired. So the twins decided to head back to the Poly and rest while myself, Steve, SQ, Kelly and her family stayed on. We were all standing next to Storybook Circus so we got one last picture before Eva went back to the Poly:


Then the gang of us when to visit some characters. For some reason we were missing Kelly's DH in the pictures...not sure where he went!:




It was cute as we were leaving Daisy really didn't want Steve to leave!


It started to rain, it was more like a sunshower though...so we waited inside the big top tent and got Sophie and Mimi some cherry slushies. Oh CS found the pressed penny machines and taught Sophie and Mimi all about pressed pennies. Then they found pressed penny books to display it all in so Kelly bought those for them using our AP discount.


There was a break in the rain so we decided to run to the railroad station which was really close, so we ran and waited for a train under the shelter.


I asked Sophie and Mimi to show me their new pressed penny books and they gladly obliged:




Only two pennies for now but that book would be full at the end of the week!

It started to pour, and we had to decide what we were going to do, should we head to Jungle Cruise or go back to the Poly. Kelly said they had left their stroller near the Carousel since they hadn't used it since getting on Peter Pan, so there was no point in getting off at Main Street. We decided to plow on and see if we can get on Jungle Cruise and then pick up the stroller before heading out. So we got on the next train and headed to Frontierland!


but boy, was it coming down sooo hard. It was so WET.

I luckily had a small microfiber towel in my bag, which came in very handy over the week, let me tell you. It could wipe up anything: sweat, rainwater, splashes, wet seats, spills. I would wash it every night and it dried overnight quickly. Just something to note if you don't like to get wet (which is me).



No wet train seats for me!

When we got off near Splash, there wasn't really any place to stand to avoid the rain. I had an umbrella and CS had her poncho but Kelly had left all her ponchos in their stroller, which was in the middle of Fantasyland, so we had to run into one store, wait for a while, then dart into another, and finally after darting in and out a couple of stores, we were near Adventureland and headed for Jungle Cruise. The poor kids, all wet on their first day. I tried to shield them with my umbrella but it was really coming down at times and since they are so much shorter than me, it didn't help much.

Our FP+ for JC was expired at this point but they still let us on in the FP line. I guess they expected everyone to be delayed with the rain. Our skipper was great though and I used my trusty microfiber towel to mop up the wet boat seats. You can't avoid getting wet though when it's that wet and humid out. :crazy2:

Here we are just hanging in the rain:


Weary from our wet afternoon, we headed back to the Poly before our dinner that evening in AK. I think we were all ready for a change of clothes by then!
Honyee ran and got the stroller while the rest of us made our way to the monorail and hopped on for a quick ride to the Poly.

Our first morning was great but the afternoon was a little dampening...literally. I hope Eva didn't think I was the Mean Aunt for tricking her into going on 7DMT!
Do I retain Cool Aunt Status? We shall see...

Stay tuned for dinner at Tusker House!
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Cute Crystal Palace pictures. I love Pooh bear. <3 I am impressed with your people wrangling skills already. I would not have that kind of patience. You are a queen.

Thank you!! Haha I do have a certain level of patience and a pretty high tolerance for pain.
Those are key to dealing with so many people. Good thing I like my family, LOL.

We're flying in on the 4th! My dad just got us tickets for the sold out (it's actually free, but limited on how many people can attend) DVC after hours event at the AK on Wed night!! I guess they had some cancelations - SO EXCITED!! We're also doing the Halloween party on Thursday night - never been to any of the parties before so we're excited about that too! We'll be in HS on Monday afternoon/evening and AK on Tuesday - if either of those line up with your plans, we should say hi!

Ah ok! We are at DHS the morning of the 4th, followed by Epcot for lunch and then a 3pm wine tasting then headed to MK to meet @cinderkelly and to watch HEA! Maybe as we're leaving HS as you're entering we can say hi in passing?
On Tuesday we're at Epcot all day before ME picks us up around 5pm from Yacht Club. Not sure if this fits into your plans but it would be great to just say hi!!

What a great start...meaning everyone made to to breakfast in one piece, no meltdowns!

Yeah don't know how we managed that but I think the first day excitement has just built up and everyone was in good spirits.

I am excited about bag check at the Poly! I am not excited that a year from now we will be home from the Poly (and hopefully BC).

Haha already thinking about the end of your trip! Just schedule another one and you'll be happy again. Trust me, it's what I've been doing all year. LOL.

Following along can't wait to see how you managed to wrangle that many people.

Ha wrangle is a good word. Herding is another one. I did a lot of both!
Thanks for reading!!

Definitely following along! I'm also the planner for the group trips we've taken but the most I've wrangled is 8. 15 - not sure how I would handle that! And my groups are adults (maybe worse-haha). So far it looks like everyone is pretty go with the flow. Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

Thank you for following!
I can see how adults can be worse. So many of them have opinions! I'm glad all the adults kinda trusted me with everything because they would have no clue what to do without me!


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