Do you have *that* one relative that gets on your every last nerve? Holiday...

Curious as to how oppressive these "nice" people actually are. Do they arrive and immediately disrupt the revelry by insisting that the music, dancing, joking, games or whatever stop so they can preach? Or do they work the room, trying to evangelize all the other guests? Or interject their worldview into every conversation and start arguments? Or answer every question in context of "what God is doing" in their lives and want to say grace before dinner, or what exactly? Or is it just that most of your family members don't agree with their beliefs and although it doesn't really affect you, just knowing what they think makes it uncomfortable?

People see them arriving usually and the whole mood (happy) of the house changes. The laughing stops and people's attitudes change right before your eyes. Conversations of light hearted topics stop abruptly and people suddenly have very little to say. The in-laws don't preach to the other family members and don't start arguments. They just exude a strong sense of disapproval toward any gathering that doesn't glorify God exclusively. My in laws seem to associate fun with sin. Most family members actually DO share their religious views...they just occasionally enjoy hearing "Jingle Bells" in place of a hymn.
See, the photo thing would only bother me if (a) those are the only group photos taken (as opposed to, "Okay, now the Debbie Smith family, let's get all of you!"), and (b) how it was approached--friendly and open--Gramma wants just a picture of her "kids".

When I was growing up/young adult, my dad's family would take a picture of all the siblings at big events--mostly weddings, which kids (like me) weren't invited to. My one aunt died quite young, so it would be 6 of them...then a few years later, 5 of them, the 5 brothers. When it went down to 4, my dad said, "We're not doing that, ever again." It was just too painful a reminder of his loss.
I don't that "one" relative, but I have certain groupings. On their own - no problem. But together. Geesh, the tension can just make it so awkward. And, somehow, I'm the linchpin who hasn't taken sides and gets along with all of them, so often feel like I'm the rope in a tug of war. Usually, I hide out with the kids :)

Most recently, this GROWN WOMAN spent the entire Christmas in her bedroom because her granddaughter had the NERVE to ask her to refrain from smoking in front of her newborn great-granddaughter.

The best part was, she thought she was punishing the rest of us, but it was such a pleasant holiday without her around :)
Not really for me. i do my best to get along. There is one uncle that talks like no ones business. Thankfully I always have somewhere/ something to do when it becomes to much. I make up my different excuses for leaving before he arrives for the holidays!

It is humorous to me though to see who my sister is going to dislike for the holidays. She can get bent out of shape at times, and will let you know about it.
DHs brother. He has annoyed me for over 40 years. Once DHs parents died, I no longer felt like I had to invite him to family things, so he was cut from the list and family gatherings have never been happier!
Yup. I've got one cousin who is just insufferable. He just know everything about everything. Ugh. Luckily my other cousins are cool.
I also have one aunt,whom I dearly love, but she gets sloppy drunk just about every time I see her.
People see them arriving usually and the whole mood (happy) of the house changes. The laughing stops and people's attitudes change right before your eyes. Conversations of light hearted topics stop abruptly and people suddenly have very little to say. The in-laws don't preach to the other family members and don't start arguments. They just exude a strong sense of disapproval toward any gathering that doesn't glorify God exclusively. My in laws seem to associate fun with sin. Most family members actually DO share their religious views...they just occasionally enjoy hearing "Jingle Bells" in place of a hymn.

There is NO way I'm going with you.
People see them arriving usually and the whole mood (happy) of the house changes. The laughing stops and people's attitudes change right before your eyes. Conversations of light hearted topics stop abruptly and people suddenly have very little to say. The in-laws don't preach to the other family members and don't start arguments. They just exude a strong sense of disapproval toward any gathering that doesn't glorify God exclusively. My in laws seem to associate fun with sin. Most family members actually DO share their religious views...they just occasionally enjoy hearing "Jingle Bells" in place of a hymn.
Awkward. :scratchin What would happen if you all just carried on with what you're doing? That's what I'd do, especially if they never do or say anything overtly critical. Do they know they're "accidentally" wrecking everything? It kinda seems more like you're all imposing the restrictions on yourselves. What's the worst that could happen? They'd be offended and not come back? You (I mean your family, not just you) prefer not to have them there anyway, right?
Awkward. :scratchin What would happen if you all just carried on with what you're doing? That's what I'd do, especially if they never do or say anything overtly critical. Do they know they're "accidentally" wrecking everything? It kinda seems more like you're all imposing the restrictions on yourselves. What's the worst that could happen? They'd be offended and not come back? You (I mean your family, not just you) prefer not to have them there anyway, right?

Has my DH been speaking with you! Seriously, he looks at the situation the very same as you. He "does his thing" and ignores them for the most part. And yes, the rest of us ARE imposing restrictions on ourselves. Yes, we really would prefer they not attend our functions but I feel so wrong to not include them...they are, after all, blood relatives who live within 2 miles of us. I'm often my own worst enemy.
My MIL hated me (I am part German wife Polish) Did everything to break us apart. I got even...I married her daughter. Loved the FIL. One time while dating MIL and I got into each other face over a demand over the roof. FIL came into the room and said something in Polish. She became quiet as a mouse. Later DW told me he told MIL to shut up and quit causing trouble.
Has my DH been speaking with you! Seriously, he looks at the situation the very same as you. He "does his thing" and ignores them for the most part. And yes, the rest of us ARE imposing restrictions on ourselves

OK just stop doing that. Life is too short to walk on eggshells.

Whip out the fun songs like at Christmas time:Madonna's Santa Baby,Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer, Run DMC's Christmas In Hollis.


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