The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

?? So it was a different tire that went down?

Nope... ;)

Story in... 3 ? more chapters.

Then again, I’m betting someone would’ve stopped right away.

No doubt. They are a very hospitable people!

Because you heard voices down the corridor?

And I thought I heard them say: Welcome Apato-Fena!!

1,000 people?

You'll see...!

Then we’d be seeing photos of that on the internet!
More than likely, yes! LOL!

Didn’t think they carried them. Huh.

Maybe this happens far more often there where things are never really, truly fixed.

Not only exists... you were there!

I was!! I was!

Thank you for sharing that with us.

You are welcome. :goodvibes

That’s okay. Nothing wrong with that. It’s how they work.

True, but they don't smell very good compared to a flusher one.

Huh. Had no idea it was so common. But makes sense.

A necessity in some cases.

Liesa of the iron stomach.

Honestly, I very rarely get sick in any fashion and least of all that way.

So you have to have a team there already?

Kind of? Easier to join an existing one than build a fresh one in a brand new place.

I meant from the manufacturer.

Some were but remember, we had to disassemble everything down to the last box to parse it out to the various villages.
That's why I'm letting her sleep as late as she wants. It's nearly 2PM and she's still asleep!

I only do that for a night shift. Gets me through it okay, even. Does she stay up late into the night? I think you've said she does.

Bugs probably live in the thatch!

No doubt! But I didn't want to know! LOL!

I don't handle anything on more than two legs very well unless it's a cat. Bugs, some dogs, spiders, OK lizards are OK. I like them well enough, but rats, mice (the big one excluded) just yuck!

No spiders!!! JUST NO!!!!!

Love lizards! Got one coming up in my next chapter, in fact!

We caught 13 mice in one weekend one time in Kaz!
But Barney Rubble wasn't Looney was Hanna Barbera. If my time in Korea was any indication, they had pirated that too. In Korea, copyright meant the right to copy! :rotfl2:

I should have clarified. Not just Looney, but all the "classics" including Hanna... We also had all the seasons of Little House on the Prairie, Brady Bunch, Twilight Zone, Adams Family, etc...

Another Korea flashback...4 lane highway with 7 lanes of traffic and mirrors an inch or two from each other. When driving a government vehicle and knowing if you have an accident, they'll automatically go after the US government, quite nerve wracking. I think it was good the general population didn't know that.

OY! That does NOT sound fun! Streeeeesful!

I would think a crank powered flashlight (or solar powered) would be very useful there.

That is exactly what they were. Solar powered. Worked really well, in fact.

Wow! Hey, don't worry about a restroom, I'll just squat here. (Again reminds me of Korea)

Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures!
Nope... ;)

Story in... 3 ? more chapters.

Okay! :)

And I thought I heard them say: Welcome Apato-Fena!!


You'll see...!

And again... okay! :)

Maybe this happens far more often there where things are never really, truly fixed.

With that heat? I’m betting batteries don’t last very long.

I was!! I was!

You were! You were!

True, but they don't smell very good compared to a flusher one.

The driveway smelled better?

Honestly, I very rarely get sick in any fashion and least of all that way.

Good thing considering where you’ve traveled.

Kind of? Easier to join an existing one than build a fresh one in a brand new place.

Got it. Plus you were newbies.

Some were but remember, we had to disassemble everything down to the last box to parse it out to the various villages.

Oh right. Of course.
What an emotionally and physically long day for you. And of course it would be the last day of school the night you probably needed sleep the most. Shame that French Press disappeared forever...

is for: Kwaherini, Christmas!

Many of you said during the last "poll" that the Africa Area was your favorite. I’ll have to be honest, they are both equally lovely to me for different reasons. On this particular trip to WDW, however, I’d have to say that Africa won out, if only for the fact that it alone was decorated for Christmas. It stands to reason that Asia wasn’t, given its heavy Buddhist influence, and anything Christmas-related in Pandora would have stood out like a sore thumb. This trip was my first foray into all that is “Holiday” at Disney and Africa didn’t disappoint!!

Let’s see how Animal Kingdom's Africa celebrates the most festive time of year….


I give to you:

Kwaherini Christmas!

‘Twas the month before Christmas, when all through the land,
All the creatures were stirring, and so was the band.

The garlands all hung on the buildings so fair,
In hopes that the guests would spend all their cash there.

The tourists had risen, awake from their beds,
While visions of churros danced in their heads.

And me with my camera and trusty phone app,
Had just settled in with the Africa map.

When on the Savanah (with one ‘n’ @Glennbo), there rose such a clatter,
I stopped center walkway, “Oh what is the matter?” (Not really, that’s super rude!)

Away on a jeep I did make a mad dash,
I snapped me some photos without needing (to) flash!

The sun on the (fake) baobob out on the grass,
Gave me reason to chuckle as we stumbled past.

When what to my wondering eye should appear,
But a mob of meerkat and a chimpanzee here.

This middle-aged lady, so happy with pep,
You knew in this moment it must be our Steppe.

More rapid than Magic Band Charges they came,
She yelled o’er the fencing each one by name.

Come Bobby, Come Larry, Come, Harry, and Sue,
Run, Doofus, Run, Dander, it’s StillJustAZoo!

To the top of the water, the beach or lagoon,
We’ll steal us a jeep, or take up a balloon!

With an allure of romance and safety so clear,
I knew in a moment they had nothing to fear!

Up out of the park the animals flew,
Returning mid-morn to a 6-hour queue. (Yes, really!)

With herds, flocks, and schools, we had found in the park,
More beauty was coming not long after dark.

As I packed up my bag and was turning around,
Close up to the tree our Steppesister was found.

Then sitting nearby in a little red chair,
Thinking of Africa... yes, soon she'd be THERE!

There up on the trails was the beauty she sought,
And with camera settings she patiently fought.

A bundle of pictures she merrily took,
And posted them here for her readers to look.

She spoke not a word, and went on through the gate,
She needed to find her good trusty friend Tate.

They filled up their notes, for that was their work,
They took loads of photos, then turned with a jerk.

(Yes, the one who left his trash on the table and walked away.)

And laying a finger inside of his nose,
She gave him a nod and they quickly arose.

He sprung to his bag, to a girl gave a whistle,
And now it is time to end this epistle.

You’ve heard me exclaim as the buses were tight,
Kwaherini Dear Christmas, and to all a good night.

Remember, Friends!


Post these answers:

1) Language lessons with Steppe: What does Kwaherini mean?

2) What’s your personal favorite photo from this update and why?

3) Honest now? Have you ever noticed the balloon ride mural? How about the Africa entrance ‘gates’ on that side?

4) I mentioned two of my pet peeves up there. What is your biggest pet peeve at Disney?

PM these answers:

5) NOT including the fish or on the tree, how many animals or parts of animals do you clearly see? A list would be helpful. ;)

6) There is at least one letter K in this update in the photos. Where is it/are they?

Last chapter's Q&A's:

1) (For a Contest Point, what is one thing about Disney, or something you do there, that MOST makes you feel young again?)

Answers vary.

2) (For a Contest Point: Did you listen to any of his tracks? If so, which one and did you like it?)

Everyone got a point who answered yes or no.

3) Which is your favorite area of AK: Africa, Asia, Dinoland, or Pandora?)

Answers vary.

4) (For a point, caption this photo V):

You are all very creative!
5) So for another Contest Point or two, share with us! I’d love to hear about those things that are off the beaten path that you like to do or about something you’ve heard or read about that you haven’t yet. (A point for each)
Answers vary!
6) And, your 'J' Mystery Photo to guess: Where in the World is this?


Your answers:

pkondz: HM crypt scene, listened to Bob's tracks, Asia, Liesa: "Hips, don't fail me now!"
Tam Tam dancer: "Is that the sound of a hip popping?"
Luckily it was the woman to Liesa's right. You can see it in her face... and her posture.
Japanese Garden and VoL (2 points), Japan Total: 7

Docsoliday: Tomorrowland Speedway, listened to Bob's tracks, Asia, Macarena, Tours, Night Safari, trains, Figment, Boardwalk shows, somewhere in Africa Total: 9

Captain_Oblivious: BGM, Didn't listen, Asia, Tam Tam: "Do you see what I have to work with??", Hair cut, Street performers, Golf, and Cindy's castle, Jiko Total: 8

Mom3sonstt: Dessert for a meal, didn't listen, “Who farted?”, Boardwalk performers, Fountain show, Pull the rope, DI Trails, Kali sqirters, Flag Retreat, Sonny Eclipse, Joists (yes, but not quite. ;) ) Total: 10

franandaj: running from ride to ride, maybe listened?, path between them, "White girls can't dance", Yeeha Bob, Next Sorcerer's Level, PP with Tangled Lantern, Dine in the Sky, no J guess?? Total: 8

Terra Nova Guy: Acts like a kid, didn't listen, Africa/Harambe, Jambo Total: 3

Poolrat: EWP, listented, Africa, Don't disappear with my camera (extra point for funniest caption), things that are gone, Japan Total: 7

Scores to date:


pkondz: 43
franandaj: 43
docsoliday: 40
Captain_Oblivious: 36
Mom3sonstt: 32
Poolrat: 25
Terra Nova Guy: 21
Chrystmasangel: 13
Princess Leia: 9
Amazingact21: 3
Rndmr2: 3

Last edited:
Many of you said during the last "poll" that the Africa Area was your favorite.

Not me! I'm stepping out of the herd!

I’d have to say that Africa won out, if only for the fact that it alone was decorated for Christmas.

Good point. I noticed that it was... and not so much that the other lands weren't.

anything Christmas-related in Pandora would have stood out like a sore thumb.

Yes! No kidding! Very good point!

This trip was my first foray into all that is “Holiday” at Disney and Africa didn’t disappoint!!

You considered that tapestry (or whatever you'd call it) "Holiday"?

Very nice photo! I love those lights and nice job of incorporating them in with the park sign.

Kwaherini Christmas!

Adios, Navidad!
Au revoir, Noel!

Oops! Sorry. Thought it was language lesson time.

Where are these guys? Never seen 'em before. Somewhere in... Africa? I associate steel drums with Caribbean.

In hopes that the guests would spend all their cash there.

Lady. They don't need the holiday season for that to happen.

Those are cool. Like that shot.

While visions of churros danced in their heads.

Not this tourist. I find churros to be... well... meh.

I stopped center walkway, “Oh what is the matter?” (Not really, that’s super rude!)

It is... and.... I'm sure I'm guilty of it. I really try not to do that, but.... there's been a few times when I've stopped dead in amazement at something.

Disney does that you know. They should stop. (not)

I snapped me some photos without needing (to) flash!

Liesa! Family board!

Rhino train! I've heard of those.

Actually... I didn't even notice the baby at first. :)

Whoa! You got really close! (And yes, I can see that you shot through glass.)


Yokels. Never seen a skyscraper before.


Come Bobby, Come Larry, Come, Harry, and Sue,
Run, Doofus, Run, Dander, it’s StillJustAZoo!


Returning mid-morn to a 6-hour queue. (Yes, really!)

Holy crap! six hours?????

Pretty! Very colourful!

Me. Every morning.

Also me.

Beautiful shot!

Hey! There's Tate!

They took loads of photos, then turned with a jerk.
(Yes, the one who left his trash on the table and walked away.)

:sad2: who does that???

Well, I suppose you answered that question.

And laying a finger inside of his nose,

"inside".... snort.... which is probably what he did.

He sprung to his bag, to a girl gave a whistle,
And now it is time to end this epistle.

Holy crap!

You not only used the word "epistle" (and correctly I might add)...

But rhymed it????????


Post these answers:

1) Language lessons with Steppe: What does Kwaherini mean?

2) What’s your personal favorite photo from this update and why?

3) Honest now? Have you ever noticed the balloon ride mural? How about the Africa entrance ‘gates’ on that side?

4) I mentioned two of my pet peeves up there. What is your biggest pet peeve at Disney?

1. Farewell! (or goodbye... depending who you ask.)
2. This one:

3. Nope! Never noticed it before. Wouldn't even know where to look! (Well... okay. AK... but still...)
I have noticed the Africa gates from that side, however.
4. I too (even though I'm sure I've done it) don't care for the people who suddenly stop dead right in front of you on a busy walkway.
Also... Don't stand in line at a QS only to get to the front and then start reading the menu and deciding what you want. Tell you what. Move out of the way while we order and take all the time you want.
Also... I don't think I'm a fan of CMs not being able to say "I don't know." I've had it happen that a CM has given me wrong info... I would've preferred "I don't know."
Hmmm... Don't post 5 minutes for waits and it's really 30... or longer. Either for rides or for busses.
Speaking of busses. People who are young and healthy and don't give up their seat for people carrying small children or the elderly.
Rude people in general.

PM these answers:

5) NOT including the fish or on the tree, how many animals or parts of animals do you clearly see? A list would be helpful. ;)

6) There is at least one letter K in this update in the photos. Where is it/are they?

PM coming a bit later!

pkondz: 43
franandaj: 43
docsoliday: 40
Captain_Oblivious: 36
Mom3sonstt: 32
Poolrat: 25
Terra Nova Guy: 21
Chrystmasangel: 13
Princess Leia: 9
Amazingact21: 3
Rndmr2: 3

Whoops! Alison caught up. Better buckle down and do better!
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Just a quick little tidbit.... in case I can’t get on tomorrow...

If anyone has an inkling to pray, think positive thoughts, or send good vibes, my 19 year old, Zach, is having a procedure done under general anesthesia on Monday afternoon where I work as a recovery nurse. If I’ve learned anything doing this job, it’s: no surgery is “routine”.

Yes, I’m a nurse, but I’m still his Mama.

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With that heat? I’m betting batteries don’t last very long.

I thought it was cold they didn't do well with.

The driveway smelled better?

I'm certain of it.

Got it. Plus you were newbies.


What an emotionally and physically long day for you. And of course it would be the last day of school the night you probably needed sleep the most. Shame that French Press disappeared forever..

It really was! And of course! Murphy's Law!

Without too big a spoiler.... there is an eventual happy ending. ;)
Full replies later, but...

You considered that tapestry (or whatever you'd call it) "Holiday"?

No, and kind of...

I know it's not Christmas per se. but, it is the first time I'd ever noticed it as well. AND, more importantly, I liked it, I was there for Chrismassy stuff and I had no other real good place to put it in the TR. LOL!
Just a quick little tidbit.... in case I can’t get on tomorrow...

If anyone has an inkling to pray, think positive thoughts, or send good vibes, my 19 year old, Zach, is having a procedure done under general anesthesia on Monday afternoon where I work as a recovery nurse. If I’ve learned anything doing this job, it’s no surgery is “routine”.

Yes, I’m a nurse, but I’m still his Mama.

Prayers for Zach, you and your family. Hope it’s nothing too serious. :hug:
I thought it was cold they didn't do well with.

No. It's heat. Cold doesn't hurt batteries. Well... if it's really cold... colder than it gets here, then a battery can freeze.
When I lived up north, you had three plugs sticking out of the front of your car. One for the block heater, one for the in-car warmer and one for the battery blanket. Which sounds exactly what it is. A little electric blanket you wrapped around your battery.

But normally, cold doesn't hurt a battery... it just slows it down.

Heat on the other hand corrodes batteries. Some think that a battery not starting in cold winter temps is because the battery was first damaged in the heat, reducing its ability to perform in cold.

You can check out this article, for example: How Temperature Affects Your Car Battery Performance

I'm certain of it.


Full replies later, but...

No, and kind of...

I know it's not Christmas per se. but, it is the first time I'd ever noticed it as well. AND, more importantly, I liked it, I was there for Chrismassy stuff and I had no other real good place to put it in the TR. LOL!

Fair enough!
Just a quick little tidbit.... in case I can’t get on tomorrow...

If anyone has an inkling to pray, think positive thoughts, or send good vibes, my 19 year old, Zach, is having a procedure done under general anesthesia on Monday afternoon where I work as a recovery nurse. If I’ve learned anything doing this job, it’s: no surgery is “routine”.

Yes, I’m a nurse, but I’m still his Mama.

Prayers for Zach (and Mama).
What a creative post. You always keep us entertained with your updates! :goodvibes

Post these answers:

1) Language lessons with Steppe: What does Kwaherini mean?


2) What’s your personal favorite photo from this update and why?


I love anything giraffes and thought this was a neat decoration I'd never seen before!

3) Honest now? Have you ever noticed the balloon ride mural? How about the Africa entrance ‘gates’ on that side?

I've always enjoyed the Africa entrance gates but nope, never seen the balloon ride mural.

4) I mentioned two of my pet peeves up there. What is your biggest pet peeve at Disney?

The wifi not working in the resorts. When you're at the mercy of the MDE app to look at, change, or cancel Fastpasses it can be annoying as anything when you can't log on to do that. It's even more applicable now that I'm not in the states and don't have data to rely on!
Not me! I'm stepping out of the herd!

But, but..... we'll miss you!

Good point. I noticed that it was... and not so much that the other lands weren't.

Well, maybe I'm not giving Disney enough credit. If any company can pull off fantasy/alien/sci-fi and Christmas, it's Disney.

Yes! No kidding! Very good point!

See ^.

Very nice photo! I love those lights and nice job of incorporating them in with the park sign.

Thanks! I'm a bit smitten with the light fixtures at Disney, but especially this park.

Adios, Navidad!
Au revoir, Noel!

Oops! Sorry. Thought it was language lesson time.

Hey, I've got you in the spirit of things!

Where are these guys? Never seen 'em before. Somewhere in... Africa? I associate steel drums with Caribbean.

I found them on the little walkway between Pandora and the Lion King show. An area I've never been before.

Lady. They don't need the holiday season for that to happen.

Too true. Good at decorating AND sucking every wallet dry within 20 miles.

Those are cool. Like that shot.

Thanks! I like how they used recycled stuff in them- bottle caps, cans, etc...

Not this tourist. I find churros to be... well... meh.

Me too, but there seem to plenty of folks out there who love them.

It is... and.... I'm sure I'm guilty of it. I really try not to do that, but.... there's been a few times when I've stopped dead in amazement at something.

Disney does that you know. They should stop. (not)

I have too, but like you, try to be considerate, apologize profusely and move to the side.

Liesa! Family board!

What? Not appealing?

Rhino train! I've heard of those.

Actually... I didn't even notice the baby at first. :)

He's hidden well!

Whoa! You got really close! (And yes, I can see that you shot through glass.)

Yep, he was right there


Yokels. Never seen a skyscraper before.



Holy crap! six hours?????

Yes. 6 hours. The FoP queue wass 360 solid minutes and stretched alllll the way almost to Africa.

Me. Every morning.
Wakey, wakey!

Beautiful shot!

Thank you.

Hey! There's Tate!

He's a trusty friend. Or is that crusty?

:sad2: who does that???

Well, I suppose you answered that question.

I don't understand some people.

"inside".... snort.... which is probably what he did.

;) I was wondering who would catch that.

Holy crap!

You not only used the word "epistle" (and correctly I might add)...

But rhymed it????????


Yes, I did.

1. Farewell! (or goodbye... depending who you ask.)
2. This one:

3. Nope! Never noticed it before. Wouldn't even know where to look! (Well... okay. AK... but still...)
I have noticed the Africa gates from that side, however.
4. I too (even though I'm sure I've done it) don't care for the people who suddenly stop dead right in front of you on a busy walkway.
Also... Don't stand in line at a QS only to get to the front and then start reading the menu and deciding what you want. Tell you what. Move out of the way while we order and take all the time you want.
Also... I don't think I'm a fan of CMs not being able to say "I don't know." I've had it happen that a CM has given me wrong info... I would've preferred "I don't know."
Hmmm... Don't post 5 minutes for waits and it's really 30... or longer. Either for rides or for busses.
Speaking of busses. People who are young and healthy and don't give up their seat for people carrying small children or the elderly.
Rude people in general.

All noted!

PM coming a bit later!

Got it!

Whoops! Alison caught up. Better buckle down and do better!

Keep at it. Just meant to be fun, though.

Post these answers:

1) Language lessons with Steppe: What does Kwaherini mean?

Goodbye, so long, farewell.

2) What’s your personal favorite photo from this update and why?

For me, it's photos (plural). I like both of the ones above and they're my favorites for different reasons.
The tortise, just because I've never seen a turtle or tortoise do that and it looks cool.
The flowers because when I first saw them, I thought it was butterflies and the stamens were antennae. I thought it was gorgeous and that's not a term I often use.

3) Honest now? Have you ever noticed the balloon ride mural? How about the Africa entrance ‘gates’ on that side?

Nope, never have. Nope again. Since I'm not much of a photographer as evidenced by my TR, I don't look for details as much. Not sure if it's never sparked my interest or I just don't have an eye for it.

4) I mentioned two of my pet peeves up there. What is your biggest pet peeve at Disney?

You mentioned one of mine. Walking behind someone and they just come to a dead stop. People who cut you off mid stride. It's as if some folks don't even care there's other people around, where they're going is more important than the 20+ people they cut off to get there. People walking slowly and 5 or 6 abreast. I'm usually pretty proficient at weaving through the crowds, but these drive me nuts. Another one doesn't affect me directly and I can't see how the bus drivers don't go postal...people cutting in front of the bus and then slamming on their brakes. Oh, I guess it's similar to walking pet peeves listed above. Parents not being parents. I get you're on vacation, but don't just let your kids do any and everything especially when it negatively impacts someone's (or many someones) vacation. MDE - If the problem with people glued to their phones and not watching what they're doing or other people they're impacting wasn't bad enough already, Disney made it worse with MDE since you can't do much of anything without it. Okay, I listed several...I guess in a summary, the common thread -- my biggest is inconsiderate people.

PM these answers:
5) NOT including the fish or on the tree, how many animals or parts of animals do you clearly see? A list would be helpful. ;)

6) There is at least one letter K in this update in the photos. Where is it/are they?

PM sent
Prayers for Zach, you and your family. Hope it’s nothing too serious. :hug:
Thank you!! I'll let you all know how it went. And... it's not a big surgery, but going under always has inherent risks.

No. It's heat. Cold doesn't hurt batteries. Well... if it's really cold... colder than it gets here, then a battery can freeze.
When I lived up north, you had three plugs sticking out of the front of your car. One for the block heater, one for the in-car warmer and one for the battery blanket. Which sounds exactly what it is. A little electric blanket you wrapped around your battery.

But normally, cold doesn't hurt a battery... it just slows it down.

Heat on the other hand corrodes batteries. Some think that a battery not starting in cold winter temps is because the battery was first damaged in the heat, reducing its ability to perform in cold.

You can check out this article, for example: How Temperature Affects Your Car Battery Performance

AH, got it! Had no idea! Really thought it was just the cold that somehow reacting to the chemicals.

Prayers for Zach (and Mama).

Thank you so much!! :) It's at 4:00 PM PST.
Just a quick little tidbit.... in case I can’t get on tomorrow...

If anyone has an inkling to pray, think positive thoughts, or send good vibes, my 19 year old, Zach, is having a procedure done under general anesthesia on Monday afternoon where I work as a recovery nurse. If I’ve learned anything doing this job, it’s: no surgery is “routine”.

Yes, I’m a nurse, but I’m still his Mama.


Praying! If anyone would like to please pray for my pastor's wife. She fell Thursday and basically destroyed her right shoulder, the earliest they can schedule replacement surgery is Wednesday, we are praying for a cancellation earlier. :-( Her name is Dianne, in her mid-60's.

What a creative post. You always keep us entertained with your updates! :goodvibes

THanks! I do have a lot of fun writing and sharing here.

I love anything giraffes and thought this was a neat decoration I'd never seen before!

I think it's only up for Christmas time? There were so many very creative wreaths!

I've always enjoyed the Africa entrance gates but nope, never seen the balloon ride mural.

It's great finding new things in the parks every time I go!

The wifi not working in the resorts. When you're at the mercy of the MDE app to look at, change, or cancel Fastpasses it can be annoying as anything when you can't log on to do that. It's even more applicable now that I'm not in the states and don't have data to rely on!

HUGE! Yes, I noticed that too, and it's super inconvenient, I agree! When they've set it up to be dependent on that and then it doesn't work....:headache:
Praying! If anyone would like to please pray for my pastor's wife. She fell Thursday and basically destroyed her right shoulder, the earliest they can schedule replacement surgery is Wednesday, we are praying for a cancellation earlier. :-( Her name is Dianne, in her mid-60's.

OH no!!! How horrible and horribly painful! Is she being hospitalized? I'd imagine it's immobilized but... pain meds? Certainly will do!


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