Something About Nothing ... #12

If it makes anyone feel better, it is now 50 here where I am.
It feels cold to me but nothing like youse have north of me.

So tell me Patty, is Canada good with Chinese restaurants?

At first it was impressive to say you went to Canada for dinner tonight.
When you added the 15 minutes portion of the statement, i had to laugh.

When the kids were little, we drove to Canada.
The kids wanted french fries for a snack so we stopped and got it.

The place put poutine on the fries and none of the boys would eat it.
That is when I learned about poutine....

Charade, you can never go wrong getting Chinese food.
Nice thing about Chinese take out, it all comes in paper boxes and you don't have to use dishes to wash later.

Lynne hope you get a tax refund this year
Use it for vacation....
Ah @Charade67 - hope your weekend goes better! I think we have all had days like yours today. I've also totally done the money thing too-I have an account for the kids money they get from birthdays, holidays etc. Same bank as our mortgage, business checking, and personal checking. Then I have a personal account at another back (and a joint account at that bank that DH no longer uses)-I once paid bills out of the kids account by accident and couldn't figure out why I had such a high balance in my account-started to think I'd imagined paying bills and was in danger of losing water lol!

Took middle kid to see her friend dance-turns out it was on college campus, part of concert (wind ensemble) and a composer wrote the piece just for this dance after he saw a family member dance this number. Was really cool and we enjoyed the music alot (couple original pieces by composer written for the band). Got home before the rain hit, which now sounds like it has turned to ice/sleet. Have a feeling soccer game cancelled tomorrow.

Son having a friend over for the night tomorrow-taking them to see Ready Player One. DH and middle are going to see Pacific Rim. And we bought our Avengers:Infinity war tickets = all for Alamo Drafthouse. Love that place with big comfy recliners and servers who bring you food and drink :)

Think Schumi idea of cozy clothes a good one...bed soon for me I think...
Mac- The Chinese restaurant we go to in Canada has been in business for over 50 years! Most Chinese restaurants locally are either take out only or buffets- hard to find a nice sit down place. This one is great! We had to take a dessert to go(we were sooo full) but they get the desserts in from Toronto and they looked soo good. Guess what's for breakfast this morning::yes:: Sorry to hear about your 50 degrees!
Good morning. I managed to sleep until 8:30 this morning. Wish it had been longer. I have nothing on the agenda today until I have to get B at 4:00. I’ll probably end up doing some housecleaning.

Lynne - Hope you stay warm.

Patty - Your Chinese place sounds nice. We had one good Chinese restaurant in my city, but the owners decided to turn it into a beer and burger place. I just has cheap chinese (Panda Express) yesterday.
Been a funny day today..........

Warmest day for a while, but so grey and miserable.......I believe the sun came out at some point.........then promptly disappeared. Very misty tonight..........but mild.

We don’t get Chinese food in cardboard boxes here.......they come in what looks like Tupperware clear tubs now.......used to be the stronger foil like we always use plates......but, that’s what dishwashers are for.........::yes:: then we all fuss over who’s turn it is to empty always causes controversy in our house!

Tomorrow is ironing and a little grocery shopping for for fresh stuff........then the Bahrain Grand Prix later in the day............quietish day ahead..........
Yeah, the Chinese place we always use puts everything in plastic tubs too. The dumpling place uses cardboard boxes.

Kids want dumplings, so off to order it.

Cold game, they lost, but was playing at 2 levels above them. Oh well. Game tomorrow is early too. Blanket left in car.

Ah, love a Saturday night.
I have added the word fixin to my daily vocabulary.

Such as, "I'm fixin to go to Walmart today"
"I'm fixin to to watch Law and Order this afternoon

Houseofthrees, when are you fixin to come back and join in and post more here?....

SAN Grammer Police here... :mic:

Hey Mac... It's FIXIN'....(you left out the "Southern Comma thingie"..But you're slowing learnin'.)

5DAYS!!!!!! :rockband:

Howdy person with 3 trees in their horse. Welcome to the most fragmented bunch of hard drives on the Dis. :badpc:
Horse or house Buckeev? Fat fingers and autocorrect I get too.

A big WAHOO for the 5 day countdown though.

Older one is playing some game I cannot stand. May have to leave room.

Little one wanted ice cream, so off to grocery store for her. Then wants coffee, so I guess either Starbucks or the DD.

Getting dark, I hope she gets home soon.
We are so exhausted already...been wacky bizzie here. 4 20+ hour work days this past week...My legs are like jello!
We are so exhausted already...been wacky bizzie here. 4 20+ hour work days this past week...My legs are like jello!

You can sleep on the plane....

Hang in there as Thursday will soon be here!

Have a fantastic vacation
You deserve it!
Buckeev sounds like vacay can't come quick enough!

Chickened out and didn't go to DS game-stayed home with middle kid instead. Finally let the chickens out around 11 am as it warmed up some. OMG they let me know they did NOT like the white stuff on ground (inch of SNOW on April 7??) and how cold it was. Gave them some scratch before they got shut up for the night to keep them warm. Did get 2 eggs today...

Ready player one was very good! Lots of '80's references...son and his friend enjoyed it alot. Boys back seat convo's with friends are quite different than girls...I've always enjoyed listening to these convos...girls consisted of school, friends, boys, teachers. Boys-favorite real life car/boat then fantasy car/boat, then food :rotfl:
Possible more snow/rain/sleet tomorrow...

I like that the Chinese food is in the plastic tubs now-I may have a collection of them in my plastics drawer :rolleyes1 they hold up well in freezer.
Today was much better than yesterday even though I spent most of it cleaning. The one weird moment was when I emailed B’s tutor to tell him I needed to pay by check and asked if I should write it to him or to his business name. I didnt pay attention and it somehow got corrected to “I need to pay by Cecil.”

Tonight’s dinner was Mexican. We will probably eat out a lot this week since dh is out of town.

We actually got a little bit of snow here today. I’m early starting to miss Florida.
buckeev.......hope you have an amazing deserve it!

Lovely mild day here........sun is shining..........but no plans to go out today. Do have to drop off a special and unique bottle of Tequila we brought him back from Total Wine........very elaborate and pretty bottle. He is building a bar in his house and likes “unique” just haven’t got around to dropping it off yet.........

Have a great Sunday.........
A sunny Good Morning homies.

Weather conditions for the game to start shortly, 34, chilly and breezy.

Hat and blanket ready.
Hello everyone. I would say good morning but my morning has not been good. Just after midnight I started getting very sick and my right side was really hurting. I finally decided to go to the ER and I have a kidney stone and minor infection. Hopefully this one won’t be as bad as the last one.
buckeev- How exciting for Thursday!! We leave for Orlando on Wednesday. I'll warm it up for you!!

Charade- so sorry about the kidney stone!! Hope you're better soon!!

Lynne-keep warm at the game- 27 and cloudy here right now; sun is peeking a little!

schumi- hope you kept some Tequila for yourselves!

3 days until vacation- laundry and lots of house cleaning today! Hate to leave piles of laundry and a dirty house! Well I can only do so much- the cats will be home!!


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