An open letter to Disney about mandatory room checks.

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But whether or not I was right or wrong on the 4th I still believe that Disney should not be intruding on our space.
But Disney doesn't agree:
The following is from the Terms and Conditions we signed when we became DVC Members:

Under Housekeeping - End of Page 15

"3. Access to Units and Vacation Homes. The owners’ association at each DVC Resort, and its agents, including the management company for the DVC Resort, its employees and designees, have the right to enter and access each Unit and each Vacation Home whenever necessary, including to inspect, maintain, repair, protect, or operate the Unit or Vacation Home; to determine compliance with the governing documents for the DVC Resort; or for health, safety, security or any other purpose."

I assume they determine whether they are in compliance.

Now, who knows who is going to be inside my space. A magnitude higher number of people have access to my belongings than before.
The same number of people have access to all visitors' belongings as in the past. More CMs aren't entering rooms.
I tell you if you have ever been robbed you won’t ever trust strangers with your belongings the same way ever again.
I've been held up at knifepoint. Lot more scary than coming home to having been robbed. I still trust strangers.
I find these responses quixotic. I get that you guys love Disney. I love Disney too. But I'm not a doormat either. Any hotel guest has the right to complain about any policy that they find diminishes the quality of their stay. It's irrelevant whether or not it is legal. In many states there is no law against them videotaping you in your hotel room (outside the bathroom) either. Are you ok with THAT "in the name of security?" Hey- it's THEIR room, right? If you don't like it, stay somewhere else, right?

And that's fine for those of you who don't care if some random CM walks in on you naked or doing things that adults sometimes do on vacation. Other people DO care, and it's not going to harm Disney any to know that they are engaging in behavior that can make their guests feel violated. The knee-jerk defense of anything Disney does is just childish, as is the blind trust of everyone who works (or claims to work) in a hotel. If you love Disney so much, you should want them to be the best they can be, not go around making excuses for policies that clearly do nothing for security. Training guests to immediately open the door for anyone claiming to be a CM is not making anyone safer. In fact it is the opposite. Life isn't some quaint episode of Leave it to Beaver and there are people out there who will be taking advantage of this policy to rob guests, etc. There is nothing stopping them. I'm so sure it will happen that it's only a matter of time before Disney revises the policy AFTER someone is harmed as a result. I'd rather Disney smarten up before then.
PP was specially asking for instances about trash service, not room checks in general and not room checks in the resort rooms, DVC specifically.
This begs the question.... Are there any reports of guests having their day disturbed by the trash service since the policy was implemented?

(Maybe I should ask on the DVC board?)

Emphatically, yes.
Since you are also a DVC owner I would think those are also the reports that would pertain to your situation. Room checks with daily housekeeping on the resort side will not be in any way the same as what is going on in the DVC rooms. Not sure how they are relevant. In this specific discussion.

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I find these responses quixotic. I get that you guys love Disney. I love Disney too. But I'm not a doormat either. Any hotel guest has the right to complain about any policy that they find diminishes the quality of their stay. It's irrelevant whether or not it is legal. In many states there is no law against them videotaping you in your hotel room (outside the bathroom) either. Are you ok with THAT "in the name of security?" Hey- it's THEIR room, right? If you don't like it, stay somewhere else, right?

And that's fine for those of you who don't care if some random CM walks in on you naked or doing things that adults sometimes do on vacation. Other people DO care, and it's not going to harm Disney any to know that they are engaging in behavior that can make their guests feel violated. The knee-jerk defense of anything Disney does is just childish, as is the blind trust of everyone who works (or claims to work) in a hotel. If you love Disney so much, you should want them to be the best they can be, not go around making excuses for policies that clearly do nothing for security. Training guests to immediately open the door for anyone claiming to be a CM is not making anyone safer. In fact it is the opposite. Life isn't some quaint episode of Leave it to Beaver and there are people out there who will be taking advantage of this policy to rob guests, etc. There is nothing stopping them. I'm so sure it will happen that it's only a matter of time before Disney revises the policy AFTER someone is harmed as a result. I'd rather Disney smarten up before then.

You shouldn't confuse the fact that accepting Disney has the right to enter the rooms because it's their property with liking it. Fact is, Disney owns the hotel, not me.
And at no time can a CM or other hotel employee walk in to a room if a guest takes the time to flip the latch to lock their door. Some self responsibility comes in to play too, don't you think? Don't want someone to walk in, even on accident, lock your door.
Thank you AngiTN for your comment. The 9 links I provided cover the gamut. It was not my intent to point out purely trash specific posts contained within the threads but rather giving the person who wanted links a starting point for further investigation. That is all. I figured it actually would provide people who are still onboard for this thread the ability to see the extent of the sheer interest this issue has generated. I won't debate this further as I don't want to give moderators justification that this important issue merely is generating tit for tat arguments. I have always wanted to stay above that fray. I'm sure you do too.

Also, when I originally documented those 9 links a few weeks ago there were a total of 2891 posts. While that isn't a superbowl of interest it shows a high degree of interest for sure.

I think it is great for you to communicate how you feel to Disney. And if you are so inclined, you might have a legal case (4th amendment aside). I personally do not have the energy to worry about this too much. Do I like it? No. Do I think it is customer friendly? No. But I do not find Disney as it exists today to be a very customer friendly company. This is why even though we have been on the brink many times, we have not bought into DVC-- we do not really trust Disney. We love Disney history and that is why we go, but the company today-- bleh!
I find these responses quixotic. I get that you guys love Disney. I love Disney too. But I'm not a doormat either. Any hotel guest has the right to complain about any policy that they find diminishes the quality of their stay. It's irrelevant whether or not it is legal. In many states there is no law against them videotaping you in your hotel room (outside the bathroom) either. Are you ok with THAT "in the name of security?" Hey- it's THEIR room, right? If you don't like it, stay somewhere else, right?

And that's fine for those of you who don't care if some random CM walks in on you naked or doing things that adults sometimes do on vacation. Other people DO care, and it's not going to harm Disney any to know that they are engaging in behavior that can make their guests feel violated. The knee-jerk defense of anything Disney does is just childish, as is the blind trust of everyone who works (or claims to work) in a hotel. If you love Disney so much, you should want them to be the best they can be, not go around making excuses for policies that clearly do nothing for security. Training guests to immediately open the door for anyone claiming to be a CM is not making anyone safer. In fact it is the opposite. Life isn't some quaint episode of Leave it to Beaver and there are people out there who will be taking advantage of this policy to rob guests, etc. There is nothing stopping them. I'm so sure it will happen that it's only a matter of time before Disney revises the policy AFTER someone is harmed as a result. I'd rather Disney smarten up before then.

I have been following this since the policy was announced and have not seen one person post they liked this. I have seen people, myself included, indicate that they are not upset by it or that they accept it.

Training guests to immediately open the door for strangers? Asking guests to champion someone walking in on guests in various stages of dress? I have not seen that anyone is cheering that behavior on either. We know that every hotel reserves the right to enter a room, even if we try to forget that. We now know that Disney has provided a warning to guests that they no longer can expect the rooom to be ignored daily if they put a DND sign up. I cannot see how anyone has any notion that legal action will stop that.

As has already been pointed out, if you are uncomfortable, flip that latch. You now have more protection. If you have concerns in regards to rest, mobility, etc, make sure you let management know, and follow up if your request is not respected. If any cast member barged in on me after I had specifically shared my schedule to avoid that happening, there would be a meeting of minds with the manager and it would not happen again, I can assure you. I knwo it has occured so I woudl be sure to point that out when I discussed it with the concierges initially.

If anything was stolen I woudl follow up as well, however in all the years I have been visiting WDW I have never had one thing, not even a lollypop removed from my room. I not only have daily housekeeping, I request turn down and never hide tablets, or cameras.

If a guest willy nilly opens doors without checking who is on the other side, their mother did not do a good job of instilling basic precautions when they were kids. Honestly.
No, I don't have links. I'm not sure why people have such a hard time believing that bad stuff happens at WDW! It does. If you're a pedophile, what better place to go 'hunting'....a place where parents have let their guard down and kids are running all over the place.
Am I thrilled with this new policy? No. But, I can make reservations at a place that allows me more privacy, if I so choose. I can also make reservations at a resort that doesn't charge for parking. I don't like that policy either.
Having been to WDW several times since the policy was implemented, we have not been affected AT ALL by it. We don't decline housekeeping so having our room serviced counts as the daily check. No one has knocked on our door while we have been in the room. We have returned once or twice for an afternoon rest and our room was already made up - no one interrupted our rest time.

If you have been PERSONALLY affected by the policy in a NEGATIVE way I completely understand feeling the need to contact management to express your displeasure. Have at it. However, MOST of the indignation I have seen over the policy is from those who haven't even stayed at WDW since the policy was implemented - expressing outrage over what COULD, but might not, happen including coming up with paranoid scenarios of ruined vacations and how everyone is now at extreme risk of being victimized while in their resort room. If being paranoid and fearful about all the things in life that could even REMOTELY negatively affect you is how you roll, than that is YOUR choice but there are many of us who don't want to waste that much time and energy on things that are just not that big of a deal.

I can't even imagine getting so worked up and being so angry about things that I would consider my entire vacation RUINED if a knock on my door woke me from a nap.

NOT being up in arms about this policy does not mean that someone isn't aware of there surroundings or that they think WDW is a bubble where nothing bad happens. It just means they don't allow fear and paranoia to dictate their life.
CA606AF2-9890-4C24-92CE-B0DAA4CA753E.jpegSo my husband and I have been talking about this leading up to this trip. My daughter apparently listens. We are here now and she comes out of the gift shop with this today. She said she’s putting it on her suitcase:rotfl:She is 9. Sorry, I had to add some humor.....
No, I don't have links. I'm not sure why people have such a hard time believing that bad stuff happens at WDW! It does. If you're a pedophile, what better place to go 'hunting'....a place where parents have let their guard down and kids are running all over the place.
Am I thrilled with this new policy? No. But, I can make reservations at a place that allows me more privacy, if I so choose. I can also make reservations at a resort that doesn't charge for parking. I don't like that policy either.

Someone my DH is friends with had a child vanish at wdw (later found). I won't give away details of Disney's security apparatus, but let's just say, they are on it like you would not believe (beyond impressive, far superior to any government security), and children being targeted by bad people is very common at wdw. If your child ever gets lost/taken--- you want it to be at WDW. I will tell you that Disney told these parents the first thing an abductor does is cut your child's hair and change his/her clothes.
Having been to WDW several times since the policy was implemented, we have not been affected AT ALL by it. We don't decline housekeeping so having our room serviced counts as the daily check. No one has knocked on our door while we have been in the room. We have returned once or twice for an afternoon rest and our room was already made up - no one interrupted our rest time.

If you have been PERSONALLY affected by the policy in a NEGATIVE way I completely understand feeling the need to contact management to express your displeasure. Have at it. However, MOST of the indignation I have seen over the policy is from those who haven't even stayed at WDW since the policy was implemented - expressing outrage over what COULD, but might not, happen including coming up with paranoid scenarios of ruined vacations and how everyone is now at extreme risk of being victimized while in their resort room. If being paranoid and fearful about all the things in life that could even REMOTELY negatively affect you is how you roll, than that is YOUR choice but there are many of us who don't want to waste that much time and energy on things that are just not that big of a deal.

I can't even imagine getting so worked up and being so angry about things that I would consider my entire vacation RUINED if a knock on my door woke me from a nap.

NOT being up in arms about this policy does not mean that someone isn't aware of there surroundings or that they think WDW is a bubble where nothing bad happens. It just means they don't allow fear and paranoia to dictate their life.
Having been to WDW several times since the policy was implemented, we have not been affected AT ALL by it. We don't decline housekeeping so having our room serviced counts as the daily check. No one has knocked on our door while we have been in the room. We have returned once or twice for an afternoon rest and our room was already made up - no one interrupted our rest time.

If you have been PERSONALLY affected by the policy in a NEGATIVE way I completely understand feeling the need to contact management to express your displeasure. Have at it. However, MOST of the indignation I have seen over the policy is from those who haven't even stayed at WDW since the policy was implemented - expressing outrage over what COULD, but might not, happen including coming up with paranoid scenarios of ruined vacations and how everyone is now at extreme risk of being victimized while in their resort room. If being paranoid and fearful about all the things in life that could even REMOTELY negatively affect you is how you roll, than that is YOUR choice but there are many of us who don't want to waste that much time and energy on things that are just not that big of a deal.

I can't even imagine getting so worked up and being so angry about things that I would consider my entire vacation RUINED if a knock on my door woke me from a nap.

NOT being up in arms about this policy does not mean that someone isn't aware of there surroundings or that they think WDW is a bubble where nothing bad happens. It just means they don't allow fear and paranoia to dictate their life.

I think the biggest issue people are having with this “ safety “ measure is it’s not anymore safe then before *see my previous post . It seems to be more of a show then something that works , I think most people realize Disney has TOP of the line security that we have little knowledge of but that alone should tell you that they can and do have the ability to secure their property without being a nuisance to guests.
Someone my DH is friends with had a child vanish at wdw (later found). I won't give away details of Disney's security apparatus, but let's just say, they are on it like you would not believe (beyond impressive, far superior to any government security), and children being targeted by bad people is very common at wdw. If your child ever gets lost/taken--- you want it to be at WDW. I will tell you that Disney told these parents the first thing an abductor does is cut your child's hair and change his/her clothes.

Unknowingly you just made a great point AGAINST the nuisance room checks ... it IS correct that Disney has amazing security that is highly secretive, given my own experience last week with having cast members in my room and the lack of really either not caring or really not paying attention then I definitely see the checks no more then a security system sign in your front yard , a possible deterrent but once enough people notice this also it will no longer be a deterrent and all that will come of it is angry guests.
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The point is, "security theater" (man does that phrase get overused here or what?) or whatever you want to call it, and believe me, I'm not arguing anything against it being anything but for show, does cover their butts if something were to go down. They can show they go through the motions of making all necessary (aka minimum) precautions. Be that bag check, metal detectors, room checks, or whatever else you have. They go through the process of having something so they are now covered. Having NOTHING (while maybe equally as effective) would not cover them. So they are not going to go back to having nothing, no matter how much you may wish it.
The point is, "security theater" (man does that phrase get overused here or what?) or whatever you want to call it, and believe me, I'm not arguing anything against it being anything but for show, does cover their butts if something were to go down. They can show they go through the motions of making all necessary (aka minimum) precautions. Be that bag check, metal detectors, room checks, or whatever else you have. They go through the process of having something so they are now covered. Having NOTHING (while maybe equally as effective) would not cover them. So they are not going to go back to having nothing, no matter how much you may wish it.

You should check law a bit more ( especially Florida law) nothing they do for “ show” covers them as you say .. if a store just mopped and they put up a sign that says “ wet floor caution, walk at own risk “ the store can still get sued and loose easily .. it just does not work that way ( the law , that is ) .
You should check law a bit more ( especially Florida law) nothing they do for “ show” covers them as you say .. if a store just mopped and they put up a sign that says “ wet floor caution, walk at own risk “ the store can still get sued and loose easily .. it just does not work that way ( the law , that is ) .
You honestly don't think Disney covered every angle? Ok.
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