Please Put Your Arms Down, There are Kids Behind You

It is definitely possible to block someone on mine train. Usually the second angle picks them up though.

I do think about how we are going to sit as a family unit to try and prevent the kids from being blocked. Ex - We will put both kids on the same side if riding two and two.

For7DMT, if you don't want to block your kids, put them in the odd numbered row. The cars seat 4 people and the odd numbers are the ones that are always in the front of the cart & picture. And unless Joel Embiid (basketball center for those who don't know) is sitting in the mine cart in front of them, no one's arms would block their faces from a different mine cart.
Why was your response so hostile? I made it clear that my post wasn't to tell others what to do on the ride, but to make other parents aware what could happen if ride photos are important to them. I know your hostile response has more to do with you than me, so no big deal. Have a magical day.

Actually I think her response was appropriate. I had the same reaction. I really am a pretty considerate person, however I am pretty shocked that you or anyone else feels entitled to tell others how they should sit on a ride so that your family can get nice pictures. We all pay to enter the parks, and we all have our own way of enjoying attractions. Mine is to keep a death grip on the hand rail, so if you see me your picture will be great, except that I will also be gritting my teeth, and probably have my eyes squeezed tight. Take your pick.
Frankly I find it odd that anyone would worry about a picture.
Are you saying that you don't know where the cameras are?

I have no idea where any of the cameras are. Multiple trips for over 13 years and I have never even wondered where they are.
Are you saying that you don't know where the cameras are?

As I've gone multiple times, I have a vague notion where they are, but not to the point where I know exactly when the photo is being taken. It seems like a lot of work, and missed time enjoying the attraction, to look for the exact location and do the "arms down now" some people expect. Just a little bit over the top, IMO.
Part of the fun is putting your hands in the air!

I understand you're upset, but honestly most folks do not pay attention to the photos taken on rides.
sorry but my grandsons feel the ride photos are importation to them so yes your hands in the air would upset them as much as you being told to put your hands down
sorry but my grandsons feel the ride photos are importation to them so yes your hands in the air would upset them as much as you being told to put your hands down

If this is an issue, what happens if someone's in front of them at parades, or if a taller person is sitting in front of them at a show? It's all relative. You want to be unobstructed get the front row.
This thread is indeed funny. When my family goes to any amusement park the last thing I am thinking about is who is behind me or in front of me. We are a family of four so we would have two cars the fun of the ride for me are the off guard photos. Relax people we don't live in a world of 1. Just go and have fun there are some kids who will never have a chance to have their faces blocked in Disney.
This thread is too funny! Ride photos are luck-of-the-draw kinda things, some turn out great, some not, but either way the ride was fun right? That’s what’s important. You don’t ride just to get the photo. That’s a problem at WDW nowadays, no ones “in the moment” anymore, everyone’s worried about documenting their trip instead of experiencing it, like watching HEA thru your camera screen! Sorry, personal pet peeve.
This thread is too funny! Ride photos are luck-of-the-draw kinda things, some turn out great, some not, but either way the ride was fun right? That’s what’s important. You don’t ride just to get the photo. That’s a problem at WDW nowadays, no ones “in the moment” anymore, everyone’s worried about documenting their trip instead of experiencing it, like watching HEA thru your camera screen! Sorry, personal pet peeve.
See I usually let nothing bother me while I'm in my happy place but people who watch HEA through their phones piss me off so bad! And even if I just want to snap a quick pic, there's like, 50 phones in my photo. You don't have to hold your phone up the ENTIRE time. It's so dumb in my opinion. Lol.
This would make an awesome pet peeve thread. If OP had worded this differently, I think people would commiserate more. As much as we all love Disney, there are things that can be annoying or distracting. It's fun to vent sometimes.
See I usually let nothing bother me while I'm in my happy place but people who watch HEA through their phones piss me off so bad! And even if I just want to snap a quick pic, there's like, 50 phones in my photo. You don't have to hold your phone up the ENTIRE time. It's so dumb in my opinion. Lol.

Yes! All of the phones... we even had someone near us holding up an iPad. That was pretty odd. Just put your phone down and experience the show. You can rewatch it over and over again on youtube.


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