Something About Nothing ... #12

Marshmellow is doing great after her surgery. She came into the house briefly last night. She saw the kittens this morning playing through the slider glass door and she started meowing for them. It broke my ❤️. They were too busy running around to pay her any attention.

AWW!!! My Ginger was separated from her kids, Colby & Oliver for a few months while we had her in our garage deciding if she was tame enough to let in the house. People were telling me that she would not remember them. I don't believe it at all! They will go up and wash each other- She doesn't do this with my others. I believe her Mom instinct is still there!
Living in Georgia means you will have quick access to a chick fil la

I go to the one that is ten minutes from our house

Lines are always long for the drive thru

Who wants me to bring a bag of those sandwiches with me when I go to Orlando?
Thanks again for thinking of our family. It's going to be weird for awhile-I look for him when I get home as he always got petted when I came in door. Then a check of his food/water. Swear I heard his sigh as I opened dishwasher door yesterday - he liked to lay right in front of it as that is where the vent is for a/c, nice cool tile-he'd sigh and get up when I had to open the door.
There was a quote on FB page from a friend about pets-"Maybe the reason I love animals so much, is because the only time they have ever broken my heart is when they've crossed that rainbow bridge".
When we took her to the vet as a kitten to be spayed, it took me and my son, a laundry basket, a fishing net, a trash can lid and a pair of welding gloves plus the cat box to catch her.
Now this is a story!! Wow!

Anytime I see where someone has lost a loved one from the family, I start thinking back to 99. The pictures of the dog made me cry after I saw he had died.
Love your story of your beloved 99-and what a cool name. I am so sorry the pictures made you cry but appreciate the empathy:hug: Our family spent some time yesterday sending pictures back and forth that we'd taken of him. We all started by saying "I don't have many" and then as we searched-realized we had tons. My son didn't have any with him as he is new to his phone. That is how it started with the picture sharing-finding some so he could have with him.

When we go to Orlando, we usually stay on Sand Lake road, and we have to pass right by one on our way to the condo. I have been know to get some strips to have in the morning for breakfast.
Where do you usually stay? We've stayed at Marriott Cypress Harbour the past 2 trips with kids (our favorite resort!). Staying at Marriott Harbour Lake in a couple weeks as they were only one with Thursday check in date I wanted.

So done with work. Miss having my days off during week. Thought I was getting one next week, but need to cover one last visit of a home I am dropping in October-tried to get out of september visit. Oh well-the $$ will be nice when check comes in October!

Husband had to go to other side of state this am for work. Left right before I got up-walk into kitchen and see his wallet sitting on table:scared1:. Luckily he hadn't gone too far and I drove to meet him part way. I have a pocket on my phone I keep my DL and emergency CC in-I always have my phone and keys and I have left purse behind before.
Lunch break waaayyy over.
Living in Georgia means you will have quick access to a chick fil la

I go to the one that is ten minutes from our house

Lines are always long for the drive thru

Who wants me to bring a bag of those sandwiches with me when I go to Orlando?

I must try those one day...........many folks have rated them highly.........

MonyK.......hope you’re all doing ok......or as well as you can be.......:hug:

Bed time here........early rise tomorrow........

Going to try and get Trick r Treat movie this weekend........would like to see it before HHN.......
Way behind...

Sorry to hear about your sweet Pups MonyK. That's so tough and we're sending Virtual Hugs to y'all.

Agave..Hate that the trip got "Postponed"...(That's what I tell my crew when we've had that happen.) Good to hear the bod is bouncing back though.

Happy B-Late'd-as-usual Anniversary Schumster!

Hope everybody bounces back from whatever has them under the weather.
And here comes the thunder and lightning.

Tomorrow, will have been home for a week. Was such a fun teip.Oh, and have to say, the make your own oriental bowl at Aventura’s food court was delicious. Add as much vegetables as you want from a pretty good selection, then pick protein that they add for you, and they make into soup or teriyaki bowl. Sir fried as you wait, then brought to your table. Pizzas looked good too, though we were so full with our bowls. Then had mango and coconut sorbets with our wine and coke at the 17 th floor bar. Both were very good, 2 scoops per serving. The mango was almost way too sweet, so after little one ate one of the mango, I had her try my coconut, we thought coconut was refreshing, though mild in taste. So we mixed the two, and perfect amount of sweetness. Blush wine was a perfectly sec for me, and I thought was a nice pour. We also took the dining shuttle from PBH to Adventura and back. We caught the dining van just dropping off people at PBH, so got right in, and headed to Adventura after stopping at HRH for some others already in the van. Getting the van back to PBH took some time. I forget the time schedule the bell hop said, but I think we waited about 15 minutes. Very nice driver, and short trips.

Now back to regular programming.

Hey, Buckeev, nice to hear from ya. Hope all is back to normal now.

MonyK, more hugs. Yeah, was hard to not get a greeting after our last pup died. Nice long life, and he was a well loved pup, I hope all find some comfort in that.
Thanks for the Aventura food and drink review Lynne...looking forward to checking it out when we're there in 12 days.

Hope the weather clears up for you and selfishly for the Falcons/Eagles game since it's delayed temporarily and I'm looking forward to the start of football season.

Also hope I can stay awake since I haven't been sleeping well lately...except the hour or so I sleep whenever I'm watching TV.

Have a good night everyone :goodvibes
Good evening. Long, busy day today, I’m so glad I have tomorrow off.

Chick-fil-A is my comfort food. I grew up in GA, so I was used to having them everywhere. I was a little worried when I moved to Miami and couldn’t find one. Thankfully my new friends told me which malls I could find them in. We have 4 locally (if you count the one on the University campus) but they are all on the same side of town. We could really use one out where I live. B has a crush on the youngest son of the man who owns 2 of our local franchises.

Our weather forecast is good news/bad news. It’s supposed to get cooler this weekend, but we are also supposed to get more rain.

I’m watching the Falcons/Eagles game right now. I wonder if the Falcons will be able to find the end zone tonight.
Good late evening Sans family :wave2:

Monykalyn I’am so sorry to hear your sweet doggy passed. Thank you for sharing your pictures of him with us :grouphug:

Agavegirl1 so glad to hear from you...continued get well wishes still coming your way :hug:

Hello tlinus :wave:

Happy Birthday to Liv


Robo, sending good thoughts your way, and hope you are strengthening every day. Will be so nice to say hello to ya. And sending a hello to your Dsis. Enjoyed meeting her, and loved her purse.

Looking forward to saying hello to you too Lynne.......thank you for your good thoughts......and I will let my sis know you said hello.

Good morning all! I was off my computer yesterday and work- I had a bad migraine!

Pattyw hope your feeling better :hug:

Marshmellow is doing great after her surgery. She came into the house briefly last night. She saw the kittens this morning playing through the slider glass door and she started meowing for them. It broke my ❤️. They were too busy running around to pay her any attention.

So good to hear marshmallow is doing good after her surgery.

Lynne thanks for the food review on Aventura. Food sounds yummy.....definitely will go over and try some of the food and drink while there at Universal.

Keisha keep those feet propped up......sending get well wishes your way :hug:

Hey! Mac, Tink, Charade, buckeev, Schumi, Tgrgrl :wave:.....and any one else I have missed.
buckeev..........nice to see you posting.........thanks for the wishes.......yes, hope the trip went well........

Lynne thanks for the review of the food at Aventura........I think what they are offering looks fabulous........looking forward to having a try of something up there..........

Vicki, hope you’re sleeping right now! Lack of sleep isn’t fun.........

Bobbie.......missed it was your daughters birthday...........hope she had a lovely day!!!

Autumn is definitely here..........sunny but chilly this morning.........looks to be a better day than into town later for a few bits and bobs........

Then I have ironing to do!! Joy!

Have a great Friday.........

No, not a Wednesday, but a FRIDAY.
- I have to say, we had the meal plan at SW, and most of the food was just okay, but at the end of the night, little one got a cupcake from the restaurant near the stadium for nighttime shows. Best of the meal plan, it was moist, not too much icing, and good chocolate flavor. I made her save my seat, and ran back for another as the restaurant closed. We had a giggle that it took all day to find something that good to eat.

They did it, took a very sloppy game, but the birds won the NFL season's home opener. Sorry Tink. I didn't watch most of the game, but enjoyed seeing some snips from last night, this morning. Older one went over his friends to watch the game. I think he beat DH coming home. I don't remember. I was close to being sound asleep, though I do wake up, when I hear the front door open.

That thunder and lightning gave lots of rain to the Southern part of our city, but nary a drop where were were. Won't escape the rain today, tomorrow and Sunday. Overcast and muggy start, at 75 early this morning. Rain expected to make the late afternoon a rain filled one, with spotty thunderstorms. Then a damp and dreary week-end, with the temp on Sunday almost 30 degrees cooler than the past few days. Yesterday, 96, today, 85, tomorrow, 75, and Sunday, expected to only be 68. Eek, wet and pant weather. Not a nice week-end in store. Oh well, we will have some glorious ones by October, so hopping Bobbie and her kid gang can enjoy 6 Flags before they close for the season. I don't think they do any Halloween stuff like Hershey and Dorney Parks, but I agree, it's a nice park to walk around in.

And, I have a girl. Yes, a girl. Wants to go to a party tonight, and at 9:30 last night, declared every dress in her closet was either too fancy, or not the look she wanted. So, phone, what's open? oh that's open until 10:30, really? Sigh. 20 dresses tried on, and finally, a nice one in the pile of oh not good on ya, second to last dress tried on. 10:23, purchase made. Sigh, she's lucky I'm still functioning at that hour of a week night.

Yes, time for tea. Seems the cooler and damp weather has not convinced the AC to stop pumping almost too cool air. Blanket, you may be worn shortly.

Have a festive, and happy Friday homies.

:wave2: Mac. Hope you're not saying that as a bad thing. LOL Me, ready for the week-end, even after this short work week, even if a crappy one at that. Hope you had a good night sleep, and the cats are behaving this morning.
:wave2: Mac. Hope you're not saying that as a bad thing. LOL Me, ready for the week-end, even after this short work week, even if a crappy one at that. Hope you had a good night sleep, and the cats are behaving this morning.

Oh no, not saying it as a bad thing

I worked full time and at different parts of my life held down a part time job while working f a full time job

It got to the point where I lived for Friday 5:00


Nope up by 6 this morning as I have early cat herding and feeding for two weeks
Lynne,.......your weather sounds sucky! Ours isn’t great either.......but picking up by Sunday hopefully......

Yep, mac I’m the same.......even though I’m a full time lady of leisure.......there’s still something nice about it being Friday and the weekend starts here feeling...........::yes::

Got all housework and ironing done friend popped in for a coffee earlier and made me laugh by asking if I’d packed yet..........has she just met me!!!! She arrives in Orlando with her husband a week before we leave and she’s been packed for about a month!!! Don’t get that thinking.......I’d need to wash everything again after being in a suitcase all that time.......

Chicken in honey mustard sauce tonight.........had to go buy mustard as we had run out.......not sure how that happened........friend asked me how much mustard I put in the mix........:confused3 no idea..........never use a set recipe for cooking......much prefer to wing it and see..........

Just wandered through to the kitchen and it smells delicious!!! Baby potatoes and some roasted veg will go nicely.......

And have some lovely coconut mix in ice cream maker for later........

Now to wait for dinner!!!
Good morning everyone. Nothing exciting today. I took B to school and then went to the grocery store. B asked for teriyaki chicken for supper tonight. I have never made it before. I found a recipe that looks fairly easy. Let’s hope for the best. I also picked up ingredients to make mini Oreo cheesecakes for a party tomorrow night.

Schumi - Still to hot and humid here, but I can’t wait for Autumn. I can tell it’s on the way because B’s allergies have started acting up.

Lynne - I fell asleep during the game last night, but woke up just in time to watch the Falcons lose.

Caspian just gave me a good scare. I realized that I had not seen him all morning. I was afraid he might have got out of the house this morning when dh was leaving for work. I looked all over the house and couldn’t find him anywhere. He finally came strolling into the bedroom like he had been there all along. I still don’t know where he was hiding all morning.
Good luck with your meals, Charade. Yum for the cheesecakes. I need to grocery shop. Not my idea of fun. Claims of no food in house. I usually only go on the week-end, picking food for week. Guess even with a short week, either too much ate too fast, or did not buy enough. I'm betting on the former. With men and a teen in the house, nothing stays around much.

Lunchtime. Later. I need something hot. Yes, blanket is on, and wish I could stop over at Schumi's for dinner. Lush food as always! Lovely meal planned for dinner Schumi.
Happy TGIF everyone!! Just arrived in Orlando this morning!! We had to move the rest of the small stuff out of Troy's apartment and turn in the keys today. The lease ends before the end of the month. So, we did work all day today and have a day and a half of fun!! We're here until Sunday. Staying at the JW Marriott- heading over to UO tomorrow!!

Charade- Yay that Caspian was just playing hide and seek!!


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