The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: NYE and NYD will be spent visiting other parts of the family at their chalet. The kids are particularly looking forward to this one since their same age cousins will be there. I will likely run around the lake or on the (frozen) lake one of the day.

I usually write down some goals in my journal at the beginning of the year, and am comfortable with trying. It gives some focus but I do not want to be harsh to myself if they evolve. From memory, last year looked like this:
- Exercise x number of time
- Smile at work
- Don’t always be the first to finish up you plate
- Host some friends
- Travel somewhere
- Save y$
2019 will probably be similar. I am considering adding some stretches, and training for my first full marathon!

BQOTD: No advice but congratulations on your upcoming anniversary!

During our 10th anniversary year, we were going to WDW and marked it on our Narcossees reservation. We got a little pixie dust. We might go to California and DL this summer and will celebrate our 15th anniversary in 2019. So, I might reserve a night at one of the restaurant and dedicate it to the celebration. Great trip ideas from everyone!
Dreams: I don't think I've raced enough to warrant a dream. But I usually have very vivid dreams, my reoccurring nightmare is that I never completed a freshman college math class and it's preventing me from getting into grad school. Weird.

Plans: Was planning on (happily!) bagging NYE, but we're doing a low-key dinner with friends.

Coincidentally we'll be in wine country the days before NYE! Our wine tours have fallen through, so I don't know what we're going to do - I guess we'll try using the concierge or just going to open tasting rooms.

@LSUlakes finally some DL love! I'm a socal girl through and through and although DL is not nearly as big as WDW, I think it's quite magical! I think 3 days at least. I've stayed at Howard Johnsons and Fairfeild Inn, which are about 10 min walking distance, other hotels you can take the ART shuttle. But if you can swing it, try Disneyland hotel or Grand Californian! You can also check out the socal beaches! You can also do socal wine country like Santa Barbara or Temecula. I've never been to Temecula, but Santa Barbara/Ojai is a beautiful area.
NYE: Running 4 miles and hopefully in bed before midnight. I may head into San Francisco in the afternoon for a college basketball game, I may head to my sister's for the evening, or I may just stay at home and relax.

NYD: Running 4 miles and watching college football. Hopefully I have all the Christmas decorations down before then so I can enjoy it.

Disneyland is a very different experience. It has a unique charm and warmth to it that Disney World just does not. I enjoy both resorts for different reasons. I have two notes about your projected number of days in Disneyland and your travel dates.

First off, 2-3 days is risking shortchanging yourself. Disneyland by itself has more attractions than the Magic Kingdom. Furthermore, in a few cases, the Disneyland version of the same attraction is either substantially longer and more detailed and/or very different from its Florida counterpart. On the whole, the two California parks have only about 10 fewer attractions than the 4 Florida parks. I tend to recommend 4 days.

Second, based on how Disneyland set their blockout dates for APs in June and is offering rarely seen discounts on park tickets that must be used before late May, it sure appears that Disneyland is looking to open Galaxy's Edge possibly as early as June 1st. For the first time ever, instead of blocking out days, the entire DLR is blocking out parks. All the lower tier passes will be unable to visit Disneyland effective June 1st without blockouts not being lifted for Disneyland until later in August. Lower tier passes (deluxe and lower) will be able to visit California Adventure as long as their pass isn't blocked out.

You can get some nice enough hotels right across the street from the main entrance that are closer to both parks than the Contemporary is to the MK except the cost will be substantially cheaper. Off property and close, I like Desert Inn and Suites, Tropicana Inn and Suites, or Del Sol Inn and Suites. I've heard good reviews for the Candy Cane Inn though I've never stayed there. There's also Fairfield by Mariott within a short walk to the main entrance.

The 3 Disney owned resorts can be substantially more expensive and only the Grand Californian is closer to the parks than some of the motels right on Harbor Blvd across the street.

It's almost comical to see just how busy the gym will get for about 1-2 weeks. Then it reverts to normal.

Yosemite is amazing. So worth it.

Disneyland by itself can take 2 days to really explore and soak in. And if Star Wars Galaxy's Edge is open, who knows how insane the crowds could be.

The Walt Disney Family Museum alone could take anywhere from 4-6 hours honestly. It's a far more substantive version of One Man's Dream with a lot more to see. If you love the history of Disney outside the theme parks and/or admire Walt Disney the person, the museum is incredible.

I also think that just 2 days leaves you very little time to revisit favorites that aren't found in Florida including Pirates of the Caribbean. Anyone who has ridden both, well versions, knows what I'm talking about.

I'm also wiling to help on Disneyland questions.

A wonderful NYE in my book.

You may want to rent a car in San Francisco. Some of these locations are nowhere near each other. If you're a baseball fan, I strongly recommend catching a game at AT&T Park. It's a beautiful place to watch a game.

And my most crucial piece of advice. Pack a warm jacket for the summer in San Francisco. It's real easy to spot the tourists in the summer. They're dressed for a day at the beach and shivering in their shorts and t-shirts while the rest of us are often in long pants with jackets. Mark Twain once said the coldest winter he ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

The museum is one of my must do's for sure! I love everything Walt and the company's history. I can't wait to get there.

As for the comparison of WDW and DL. I love WDW, no question. It was my first exposure to Disney and made me fall in love with it. But DL has something special. It's cleaner, the cast members/service are much better, in many ways it feels like it is still stuck in the 50's. And there is something to be said about eating breakfast in Main Street and watching the horses walk up and down Main Street, etc.... then there is always Walt's apartment with the light. That is currently my lock screen wallpaper on my phone.
NYE: we will still be at the beach so the day will be spent on the beach and set off fireworks and sparklers that night.

NYD: we drive back to GA then will catch the UCF game. Then I guess start packing for Marathon Weekend!
ATTQOTD: I will be working on NYE so nothing too crazy for the family. NYD will be relaxing at home and watching some football/TV.

As a west-coaster, I highly recommend Disneyland. I think 2 park days is enough for a visit, but 3 days would be the most ideal. The Grand Californian is our favorite due to its charm and proximity to the parks, but you can’t go wrong with any of the Disney hotels.

If your wife is into wine tastings, I would suggest going to the Santa Barbara/Los Olivos region. Instead of wasting a day flying to Napa, the drive to Los Olivos is only about 2-3 hours. Napa, as much as I love the area and their wines, have a pretty high markup so I like the Santa Barbara wines for their quality and prices. The city of Los Olivos is super charming and has small hotels with wine tasting either within walking or short driving distance. You can’t go wrong with Napa, but going to the Santa Barbara area might give you an extra day at the Disneyland parks!
We might go to California and DL this summer and will celebrate our 15th anniversary in 2019.
Don't be afraid to mention that it's your anniversary at every restaurant. While you may not receive extra portions of pixie dust per se, you may receive a small complimentary dessert or extra little things that they might do.

And there is something to be said about eating breakfast in Main Street and watching the horses walk up and down Main Street, etc.... then there is always Walt's apartment with the light.
Main Street is a major part of Disneyland's charm. It's a snapshot in time and seems to transport us away from the pressures of our day to lives. It seems overly simple, but I really think the difference between Disneyland and any other Disney theme park in the world is explained in that light. When Walt Disney was alive, if that light was on, it meant he was in the park. In many ways, he still is in the park.
Thank you everyone for all the suggestions! They have been great!!! After all of that, our original option of going to Punta Cana (Spelling is probably wrong) seems to be back on the table. Once I started putting $$ to the other ideas, cost wise we are looking at about the same. So, DW said if we don't do the island trip now, when will we realistically do it again? So, I am thinking shes leaning towards that idea now. Not my favorite idea, but it's not always about me lol. I think it will be cool to go over there and I am sure I will enjoy it, but I was looking forward to DL for a while! Guess that one may have to wait to the kiddos are older and we make a family trip out of it. Which raises the question, should we do a Disney cruise first or Disneyland? Plenty of time to figure that one out.

In other news, DS got tubes put in yesterday morning. That afternoon it was like watching a whole new kid. According to the Dr his hearing has probably been similar to the way you hear sound under water for the last 2-3 months. As it started to drain he seemed much more responsive to us and very excited in his babbles. Perhaps this would explain why his vocabulary has been limited so far. He understands a lot of things we ask him though. For example, jokingly I told his to throw something away in the trash. We were not near the trash can either. He walked to it, opened it up and dropped it in, then walked back giggling. I was impressed, I know its a simple request, but I did not think he would understand it and then actually do it. Little booger surprises me often.

I also have a cold now :( and feel like garbage. It's all sinus I believe and the worse part is the morning headaches. I hope this sucker clears up prior to marathon weekend. I doubt I am going to get a run in this weekend based on how I am feeling and to be honest... it fits the whole theme of things lol. The good news is I've gotten two 18 milers in, so at least I feel like I can make it through the marathon and if I can get in a few runs between now and then I think I will be ok. I am at peace with whatever time I end up with during marathon weekend. I told DW to not miss FP+ if I am taking to long on the course lol. She enjoyed the comment.

Happy New Year to everyone. Be safe in whatever you are doing over the weekend/holiday and have fun!
We're heading to Disney for NYE. Dinner at V&A for their champagne extravaganza followed by the fireworks. A bit of a change for us since we normally stay home with pizza and wine.

Tim Tracker went to V&A and did a review on it a while back. They didn't video the whole thing, but the parts they did looked amazing. Watching it, I was like I had no idea they had spoons like that lol. Hope yall have a great time for what is sure to be a special event.
In other news, DS got tubes put in yesterday morning. That afternoon it was like watching a whole new kid. According to the Dr his hearing has probably been similar to the way you hear sound under water for the last 2-3 months. As it started to drain he seemed much more responsive to us and very excited in his babbles. Perhaps this would explain why his vocabulary has been limited so far. He understands a lot of things we ask him though. For example, jokingly I told his to throw something away in the trash. We were not near the trash can either. He walked to it, opened it up and dropped it in, then walked back giggling. I was impressed, I know its a simple request, but I did not think he would understand it and then actually do it. Little booger surprises me often.

i suffered from this as a child. according to my mom, i was effectively deaf for about a year. at that time they didn't do tubes and, instead, they slit my eardrums. the result was similar to what you are describing. the downside is i now have tinnitus although it's not clear if the infections or the procedure caused it.
Tim Tracker went to V&A and did a review on it a while back. They didn't video the whole thing, but the parts they did looked amazing. Watching it, I was like I had no idea they had spoons like that lol. Hope yall have a great time for what is sure to be a special event.

We're really looking forward to it. Never had a bad meal or experience there yet.
Thank you everyone for all the suggestions! They have been great!!! After all of that, our original option of going to Punta Cana (Spelling is probably wrong) seems to be back on the table. Once I started putting $$ to the other ideas, cost wise we are looking at about the same. So, DW said if we don't do the island trip now, when will we realistically do it again? So, I am thinking shes leaning towards that idea now. Not my favorite idea, but it's not always about me lol. I think it will be cool to go over there and I am sure I will enjoy it, but I was looking forward to DL for a while! Guess that one may have to wait to the kiddos are older and we make a family trip out of it. Which raises the question, should we do a Disney cruise first or Disneyland? Plenty of time to figure that one out.

In other news, DS got tubes put in yesterday morning. That afternoon it was like watching a whole new kid. According to the Dr his hearing has probably been similar to the way you hear sound under water for the last 2-3 months. As it started to drain he seemed much more responsive to us and very excited in his babbles. Perhaps this would explain why his vocabulary has been limited so far. He understands a lot of things we ask him though. For example, jokingly I told his to throw something away in the trash. We were not near the trash can either. He walked to it, opened it up and dropped it in, then walked back giggling. I was impressed, I know its a simple request, but I did not think he would understand it and then actually do it. Little booger surprises me often.

I also have a cold now :( and feel like garbage. It's all sinus I believe and the worse part is the morning headaches. I hope this sucker clears up prior to marathon weekend. I doubt I am going to get a run in this weekend based on how I am feeling and to be honest... it fits the whole theme of things lol. The good news is I've gotten two 18 milers in, so at least I feel like I can make it through the marathon and if I can get in a few runs between now and then I think I will be ok. I am at peace with whatever time I end up with during marathon weekend. I told DW to not miss FP+ if I am taking to long on the course lol. She enjoyed the comment.

Happy New Year to everyone. Be safe in whatever you are doing over the weekend/holiday and have fun!

My DS has tubes put in when he was 7 months old. It was such a difference. He had them put in again around 2.5yo. He finally learned how to say truck without an f in place of tr.
My DS has tubes put in when he was 7 months old. It was such a difference. He had them put in again around 2.5yo. He finally learned how to say truck without an f in place of tr.

DD had tubes as well - total life changer between her hearing and language being improved, and stopping the constant ear infections!
ATTQOTD: We are pretty low key around NYE, to be honest it has always felt like a random holiday to me. But we will likely fix a nice dinner, hang out and watch a movie or two, maybe play some family games. Earlier in the day I will watch the Spartans bowl game, and hope for the best.

Bonus: It has all been shared - Cedar Point is a lot of fun and a rollercoaster enthusiast paradise, but go to California and plan for more than two days in Disneyland. I grew up in California, splitting time between Santa Cruz and San Bernardino. My recommendation: plan 3 to 4 days at Disneyland, it is the park Walt built and really needs the time to soak in all that is there - even in it’s smaller footprint. Rent a car and drive up the coast on Hwy 1. It is a long drive, but long sections are literally on the edge of the coast. The views are stop the car and get out to trade it in breath taking! Stop in Big Sur, great hiking in the area. Spend time in the Monterey Bay/Carmel area, visit Cannery Row, and The Monterrey Bay Aquarium (one of the best in the world). An hour further north on Hwy 1 is Santa Cruz a cool California Beach town with incredible seafood, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Amusement Park (fun for a few hours) and just a short drive to a couple of the best Redwood Parks in California, both offering great hiking and views. From there it is just 1 1/2 hours more along Hwy 1 to San Francisco. North Beach has the best Italian food I have ever had and the Disney Museum is fantastic. All the tourist stuff there - Alcatraz, Pier 39, Golden Gate Bridge and the SF Zoo will be very busy but worth the crowds. SF is a great city to explore. In short, my vote is California. In fact now I want to go!
I recently started having issues with my calves... I am training for my third half marathon, and have never had calf problems before. It started about two weeks ago. I was doing a 30 min run, and my calves cramped up so bad, I ended up walking the whole time. I thought it was a fluke... that maybe I was dehydrated. But since then, every run but one, I have had issues with my calves. They tighten up to the point where just walking hurts for about a minute after I stop running. Yesterday I was only 1/4 mile into a run and was already in pain. I stopped, stretched, foam rolled, biofreezed, switched shoes, shortened my run intervals, and somehow made it through 5 miles. I don't know what is going on, and it is driving me nuts. Any advice/suggestions?
I recently started having issues with my calves... I am training for my third half marathon, and have never had calf problems before. It started about two weeks ago. I was doing a 30 min run, and my calves cramped up so bad, I ended up walking the whole time. I thought it was a fluke... that maybe I was dehydrated. But since then, every run but one, I have had issues with my calves. They tighten up to the point where just walking hurts for about a minute after I stop running. Yesterday I was only 1/4 mile into a run and was already in pain. I stopped, stretched, foam rolled, biofreezed, switched shoes, shortened my run intervals, and somehow made it through 5 miles. I don't know what is going on, and it is driving me nuts. Any advice/suggestions?

Oh, that's not fun. You may have reached the point where it's time to have it looked at. (I know no one wants to hear that.) Be careful stretching or rolling it, as it could exacerbate a damaged tissue, if that's what's going on. I bet they would recommend an MRI, as it's so hard to know without getting that in depth look. Fingers crossed.
I recently started having issues with my calves... I am training for my third half marathon, and have never had calf problems before. It started about two weeks ago. I was doing a 30 min run, and my calves cramped up so bad, I ended up walking the whole time. I thought it was a fluke... that maybe I was dehydrated. But since then, every run but one, I have had issues with my calves. They tighten up to the point where just walking hurts for about a minute after I stop running. Yesterday I was only 1/4 mile into a run and was already in pain. I stopped, stretched, foam rolled, biofreezed, switched shoes, shortened my run intervals, and somehow made it through 5 miles. I don't know what is going on, and it is driving me nuts. Any advice/suggestions?

Not something you may want to hear, but I would take a solid week or two off of running and rest. You won't lose anything really from your training, and if it's a minor overuse injury, this time off may help. If you still have issues after that, I would consider seeing someone. Be gentle with the stretching. I find that rolling while I have an issue aggravates it, but you may be different.

Good luck.


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