News Round Up 2019

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Thanks for the link. Really enjoyed his take on Disney's handling of the Muppets. They're my favorite set of characters and it is sad how they've been treated. The sitcom on ABC was embarrassing, frankly. I think Jason Segal and Amy Adams did a great job in respecting the Muppets and what they stand for. They did such a great job that the follow-up fell flat due to how well they did (High bar to reach). Maybe they can reach out to Jason Segal and Frank Oz and find the ethos they so need.

Yep ... I really enjoyed the 2011 movie. Muppets: Most Wanted was decent and had the right feel, but didn't click with me like the previous movie. And of course after that ABC proceeded to run them into the ground. With the success of shows like 'America's Got Talent' and prime-time game shows, I'm amazed that Disney hasn't tried to bring back a Muppets variety show format like the original. Think something like the Graham Norton show meets original Muppets and none of workplace comedy that ABC did.
Yep ... I really enjoyed the 2011 movie. Muppets: Most Wanted was decent and had the right feel, but didn't click with me like the previous movie. And of course after that ABC proceeded to run them into the ground. With the success of shows like 'America's Got Talent' and prime-time game shows, I'm amazed that Disney hasn't tried to bring back a Muppets variety show format like the original. Think something like the Graham Norton show meets original Muppets and none of workplace comedy that ABC did.

yeah, what worked about the original Muppet Show is that the Muppets themselves were so earnest about the show they were putting on ... they tried too hard with the remake to make it seem Meta or like breaking the 4th wall
with the whole date based pricing thing I can see a lot more of this - periodic tweaks and updates to certain dates that happen more often than the major price changes that happened once or twice a year in the past
That’s my thought as well.
New Aladdin Trailer:

Was on the fence... but this looks great!
Looks exciting, but definitely looks like it will be like Beauty and the Beast - pretty much identical beat-by-beat story as the animated version with perhaps some new or slightly different scenes/songs.


Like I have said before .. with only so much time to see movies nowadays, I will opt to see NEW things rather than remakes of movies I have seen a ton of times (and some very recently -- thanks to the kids :)).
with the whole date based pricing thing I can see a lot more of this - periodic tweaks and updates to certain dates that happen more often than the major price changes that happened once or twice a year in the past
Right .. plus these tweaks like this probably get a LOT less press. Thus it will not be noticed by the general public like the old once a year ticket price increases.
I really liked the new Aladdin Trailer. I'll be taking my kids to all of these remakes.

Ticket pricing: It's just going to get worse and end up forcing people off site to balance out the costs. The only caveat is that you basically need to plan a vacation that's at least 7 days because the tickets become sensible at 5 or 6 tickets ESPECIALLY since tickets are only valid in certain windows.
The Aladdin trailer looks better than the other previews we have been seeing. I feel better about seeing this movie now.

Since the internet blew up about this after the last teaser trailer, I would just like to point out that Will Smith isn't blue the entire movie. :D I personally like it that way though.

In regards to ticket price increases, I'm still looking into everything, but it looks like they didn't go up that much. However, of course it happens while I started looking into buying tickets for a friend last night but decided to wait a few more days.
The Aladdin trailer looks better than the other previews we have been seeing. I feel better about seeing this movie now.

Since the internet blew up about this after the last teaser trailer, I would just like to point out that Will Smith isn't blue the entire movie. :D I personally like it that way though.

In regards to ticket price increases, I'm still looking into everything, but it looks like they didn't go up that much. However, of course it happens while I started looking into buying tickets for a friend last night but decided to wait a few more days.

though, when the first image came out and he wasn't blue people complained that he wasn't blue ... then when he was blue people complained that he was blue (or the wrong blue)

I think for some people they just don't want to see anyone that isn't Robin Williams in the role
I can't put my finger on it, but the CGI just looks so cheap to me.

As soon as 'A Whole New World' started during the trailer and the cuts became quick, it didn't look so bad. Which isn't exactly what one is looking for.

It's still not finished at this point so I wouldn't expect CGI to be completely rendered for theatrical release. However, I have no clue how much more they WILL do. I never quite got past the fact that Beast's horns disappeared into a pillow in the live action BAtB movie. o_O
I think/hope Disney have learnt from Aladdin and Frozen 2 about what makes a good teaser and what does not :) The new trailer looks better, but I am still unsure about it :)
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