Something About Nothing ... #12

Good Morning!

Quick Hi to everyone!

Went to Mexico for vacation and came back with a nasty cold- finally feeling like myself again.

Nice to 'see' everyone! :wave:

Hi!!! Yay for vacay- boo for the souvenir cold! Glad you're better now!:)

another task on the clearing out list will be ticked off today.

You're doing well with the clearing!:thumbsup2

Been having weekly lawn services since end of January
Things grow fast down here

How nice! :) Our lawn is finally green! First spray of fertilizer is down, but too wet to cut yet! Maybe in a few days! Ahh... the southern life!

Cup #2 of coffee is helping!:thumbsup2
Hey......nice to see you post again!!!!

Oh no, on the feeling poorly...….glad to hear you`re back to normal...…

Don`t be a stranger!!! :wave2:


It`s raining full on now...….looks very autumnal outside!!

Thanks! I've missed you guys!

Hope you’re over it now. Where did you stay in Mexico? We love it there and went to a brand new resort in February. Seems such a long time ago now.

We stayed at the Vidanta resort in Playa Del Carmen- it was a great resort, I would definitely go back. Where did you stay?

Good morning time for me

I thought this was bacon day at Schumi’s ...

Had my first meal out last night in two weeks
Went to O’Charlleys around 8
Had plenty of food left over and will be dinner for tonight
Mr Mac finished his dinner so I’ll share mine tonight

Looks like another warm day here in Georgia!

Been having weekly lawn services since end of January
Things grow fast down here

What is this 'sharing food' business?? I dont ever share my food... :thumbsup2

Hi!!! Yay for vacay- boo for the souvenir cold! Glad you're better now!:)

You're doing well with the clearing!:thumbsup2

How nice! :) Our lawn is finally green! First spray of fertilizer is down, but too wet to cut yet! Maybe in a few days! Ahh... the southern life!

Cup #2 of coffee is helping!:thumbsup2

thanks! Im so over being sick-
Thanks! I've missed you guys!

We stayed at the Vidanta resort in Playa Del Carmen- it was a great resort, I would definitely go back. Where did you stay?

We have stayed a few times at the Playacar Palace at Playa del Carmen - (first time my son got married there) loved it but thought we’d try somewhere larger so went to Secrets Silversands which was good fun but the restaurants weren’t brilliant and we had to move rooms as first one was awful. Then this year we went to a new opening at TRS Coral at Playa Mujures - it will be amazing there are canals and buggies for getting about, we had a beautiful swim up room, lots of restaurants to choose from, teething problems only to be expected but we were well looked after.
Good morning time for me

I thought this was bacon day at Schumi’s ...

Had my first meal out last night in two weeks
Went to O’Charlleys around 8
Had plenty of food left over and will be dinner for tonight
Mr Mac finished his dinner so I’ll share mine tonight

Looks like another warm day here in Georgia!

Been having weekly lawn services since end of January
Things grow fast down here

Oh I`m sure we could manage some from somewhere...….we can always defrost some...….

Is that the same O`Charley`s that's in Orlando? We like it is always fabulous!!

We had thunder with heavy rain this afternoon.....didn't last long though. Friend popped in for a coffee and showed me something an acquaintance had written of Facebook about us, she obviously didn't think we would see it...….I don't have Facebook and have never had any interest in it...….but its always nice to see what folks really think at times......I always know who my real friends are shall we say...….comments didn't surprise me......why are people fake!!! Don't like me......fine by me, I`m well past the age where things like that bother me.....

Off soap box now...…:D

Sun is shining again.....

One of the hotels we stay at in Scotland has sent our first "Book now for Christmas" email...….lol......even for me that's a little early...…

Time for cup of tea...….
What is this 'sharing food' business?? I dont ever share my food... :thumbsup2

:thumbsup2 I'm with you! :laughing:

showed me something an acquaintance had written of Facebook about us

So sorry about that:flower3:. I have a FB account. It IS amazing what people post. I use it for positive messages and posts, but some, oh boy! Using a public forum like FB to be negative about someone- especially one who is(should be) a friend is just plain cruel!

And eek- Christmas bookings for hotels??? let's have summer first, please!

Leaving work early today. Joe and I are going to the Buffalo Bills draft party. A little perk with our season tickets. Free appetizers, drinks, giveaways, appearances by the Bills (current and former)!! :thumbsup2

Have a great evening all!:)
:thumbsup2 I'm with you! :laughing:

So sorry about that:flower3:. I have a FB account. It IS amazing what people post. I use it for positive messages and posts, but some, oh boy! Using a public forum like FB to be negative about someone- especially one who is(should be) a friend is just plain cruel!

And eek- Christmas bookings for hotels??? let's have summer first, please!

Leaving work early today. Joe and I are going to the Buffalo Bills draft party. A little perk with our season tickets. Free appetizers, drinks, giveaways, appearances by the Bills (current and former)!! :thumbsup2

Have a great evening all!:)

Yep, doesn't bother me in the slightest.....she`s not a friend...friend of a friend of a friend really......but, I`m glad to know what she really thinks......always best I find.

Yes, I love Christmas, but jeez....It`s not even May yet!

Have a nice evening. When I hear Buffalo Bills I think Silence of the Lambs...…

Craving a hot curry...….think I`ll make one tomorrow and have it Saturday night......extra spicy......Kyle isn't here for dinner so just the two of us Saturday.....

Did get some good news today......girl who used to do my hair has come to the salon I now use.....delighted to hear my appointments made for next week....waxings and hair...….all sorted. Never get nails done for some reason...….I don't really like wearing nail polish so not much point I guess...…

Lazing watching some tv tonight......not the biggest tv fan, but it`s a box set of a tv show from a few years ago......haven't watched it in a while, so enjoying it.
Happy Thursday afternoon Sans family :wave:

Sending healing wishes to Robo- hope the cold goes away fast!!:)

Thank you Patty......hope you and Joe are well.

Hello Everyone. I am sneaking in here after my long, tax season absence and hope you haven't forgotten me. I am really starting to get excited for my October trip as each appointment with my orthopedic surgeon continues to be hugely positive. Started reading the HHN thread. I'

Great news agavegirl1. We haven’t forgotten you. So glad to hear you are getting excited about HHN this year.

After we got settled in new suite we headed to the beach. Beautiful sunny day, and the cool ocean breeze kept us from being too hot. But the danger is with that breeze you don’t notice you’re burning! We didn’t though.

Yep!!!!! Nice breezes off the Ocean can mask a slow burn for nice to hear you are getting into the Florida Vibe.

Cooked burgers in room then went out to Trader Joe’s to get some things.

We don’t have a Trader Joe’s around here the closer one is 3 /1/2 hours away. Wish they had one near by as it is a really nice store.

Went to Mexico for vacation and came back with a nasty cold- finally feeling like myself again.

Hey, ckmiles nice to hear you and a nice vacation to Mexico. Hope you feel better every day.

Some good news here my daughter has been for two interviews today and got a college place for September and a school work place position necessary to complete her training

Congratulations to your daughter on getting her college place and work position.

Had my first meal out last night in two weeks
Went to O’Charlleys around 8

They have really good rolls there.

Friend popped in for a coffee and showed me something an acquaintance had written of Facebook about us, she obviously didn't think we would see it..

I received two texts today about someone having posted something on Facebook that had to do with my siblings and myself. I don’t do Facebook, but other family members do. There is a fine line of real and fiction posted on facebook. It always fascinates me that people think they can post what ever they want while hiding behind their computer and think it ok.

I’am with you Schumi, here’s to being older and wiser.

Had two scam phone calls back to back. One from fake Microsoft on home phone and one from fake IRS on my cellphone. Told them both I was reporting them and the number they called from to FTC along with some other choice words. To bad you can’t transmit colds through the phone.....LOL....they would have gotten more then they bargained for.


Leaving work early today. Joe and I are going to the Buffalo Bills draft party. A little perk with our season tickets. Free appetizers, drinks, giveaways, appearances by the Bills (current and former)!! :thumbsup2

Have a great time Pattyw sounds fun.

Had lunch out at a local Mexican restaurant. We are both full so light dinner later.

Have a great rest of the day.

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I received two texts today about someone having posted something on Facebook that had to do with my siblings and myself. I don’t do Facebook, but other family members do. There is a fine line of real and fiction posted on facebook. It always fascinates me that people think they can post what ever they want while hiding behind their computer and think it ok.

I’am with you Schumi, here’s to being older and wiser.

Had two scam phone calls back to back. One from fake Microsoft on home phone and one from fake IRS on my cellphone. Told them both I was reporting them and the number they called from to FTC along with some other choice words. To bad you can’t transmit colds through the phone.....LOL....they would have gotten more then they bargained for.

lol....gotta love those fake calls!! I had one from the "internet" few months back.....the best ones are the ones when the ask if you have been involved in an accident recently.....I play along with those at times and ask them to tell me which accident....they get incredibly frustrated.....I`m very naughty.....::yes::

I`m sorry you had that to deal with about family. Facebook I`m sure has it`s place, but some people live and publish their whole lives on it it seems......and yes, you have to wonder what makes folks like that.....yep, no time for folks like that. Fake people aren't my thing at all.

Hope you`re feeling much better tonight....colds can be awful!!

And not long till your trips too...….:wave2:
Schumi yes O’Charleys is a chain restaurant and they are all over

We enjoy their food!

The one near me takes ten minutes at the most from my driveway to the restaurant parking lot

Logan’s is the other steakhouse that is in the same parking area

They added 3 more steaks to their menu this month

I drove last night so Mr Mac could run up the bar tab
Funny, never heard of either chain restaurant. Guess we have our share of others though.

Thanks MonyK, for cruise info.

Robo, glad you are doing well. Have a nice night.

Schumi, that is awful what was said on Facebook. I belong to it, more to see what my family and friends want to share. I rarely post.

Ack, 10 o’clock news saying 2 or so inches of rain to fall by end tomorrow. And wind sheer may be an issue, with tornado warnings already in place for tomorrow. Sigh. At least I have the day off. Older one asked what I wanted to do, since he would be done school before lunch. I said, out to lunch and picking up donuts from Krispy Kreme. I think last day or so for lemon flavored. Yum.

Made burgers with beans and salad.

Almost time for bed.

Morning (UK).
School run
Drive to next town to collect first financial declaration from ex son in law (not holding out hope for truth)
Later out to eat with DH, DS and DIL at our local country pub as burger event on!

Lovely morning but more storms later.

Have a good day all.

Good Friday morning...…..

Hope you got a good sleep Lynne......I love going to bed genuinely tired.....

O`Charleys is a fabulous place, we go to the one in Orlando atmosphere......very good food though and well worth a visit.....Logan`s we don`t go to as they do the peanut thing......and the tidy person in me cannot abide folks throwing shells on the floor....I`d want to run round with a brush and admonish everyone for making a….not really in the way of the place...….

Lemon doughnuts sound good!!!! Yep, I can laugh at folks that have such opinions about us and how we`s their issue not mine......I`m very lucky I`m happy enough in my own skin to not give a damn what anyone else thinks of me, except for folks I genuinely care about......they matter, no one else.

Have a good day off and hope weather isn't too bad for you....

Even though I`m a lady of leisure full time......I still love that Friday feeling.....something good about the weekend...….although we haven't got a great forecast for weather real plans.....

Making a curry today for tomorrow night and having steak tonight......hopefully on the grill outside before weather changes...….if not I`ll cook it inside.

Sun is shining right now, but cold.....hills around us look a little frosty, but it may just be dew...…

Have a great Friday all......
4 am, DH gets up. Why? Noisy rain. Yeah, rain did not wake me up, you did. Sigh. Alarm did go off at 4:30am. I was awake, but then fell back to sleep when he left at 5, but woke up in enough time to sound the mom alarm for little one. On my day off, older one sleeps in, and I do the drop off. Way too much traffic for me, so glad it is older one’s job, usually.

With that, yep Wahoo! Friday it is, and a very wet one.

Tea for me. May make some eggs and finish up the matzo.

Enjoy your Friday all!
Good Morning and happy FriYay!

My puppy dog was sick last night - so I didnt get much sleep. I hope he is feeling better today.

Its a damp rainy day here- So glad Im working from home- in my yoga pants and sweatshirt.

Im ridiculously excited about seeing the Avengers movie tomorrow.

Wishing everyone a great day!
CK, hope puppy feels better today.

Mac, hope you are feeling well, and ready for your trip.

Keisha, Sade travels and fun soon.

Schumi, cooking outside sounds nice. And lush food listed as your lunch.

I need more tea. House feels almost too cool. And noisy rain outside once again.
TGIF all!!

Ckmiles- Hope the puppy perks up soon! :)

Lynne- looks like rain is coming our way too! Enjoy your day off!

Realfoodfans- Yummy burger menu!:thumbsup2

:wave2: to Robo, Schumi, Mac and all others just getting started today!!

Cloudy and drizzly today- but 60 so it feels warm!

Have a great day!!

Good Morning and happy FriYay!

My puppy dog was sick last night - so I didnt get much sleep. I hope he is feeling better today.

Its a damp rainy day here- So glad Im working from home- in my yoga pants and sweatshirt.

Im ridiculously excited about seeing the Avengers movie tomorrow.

Wishing everyone a great day!
Is your doggie feeling better now? Ours often gets upset tummy as he eats any rubbish he can find! He’s a real cutie though and brings lots of peace to our lives. Meet Louie...


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