Something About Nothing ... #12

Even on moving day did not have enough room in the moving truck so left grill, appliances, bed, w/d, freezer, etc for new owners

I told Joe that in our moving sale the items will have no pricetags -just a sign- "Just take it!" :laughing: so we can get rid of everything! His response to that-:eek: :faint:

These days people don’t collect like we used to

You're so right! Most collectibles have not increased in value much. But you know what has probably increased the most- the stuff I threw away!!:laughing:

Time for a snack- I'm having an apple (trying NOT to dip into the Reese's Easter egg I got at 1/2 price the other day!)
I guess I am not like Schumi, hoping for a second home, where it's warm all year round, but that will not be for at least almost a decade. Me too, have lots of photos, will not get rid of any.

Oh, more ice needed. Toasty, anyone? And I am not talking about the weather. Oh, hello sun. And tree doing some salsa, and some swaying. Yeah, rain to come. Tree leaves upside down. Hey rain, stay away until I am home. Rocking those sunglasses, for lunch. I hope.

We do have a second home, but it’s up in the wilds of Scotland......very remote so we don’t go there often.....we rent it out for holidays and such.......especially during deer season......think it was almost two years ago since we went up there......far too cold most of the time!

Hope you got your walk before the rain came on......sunshine is always nice!

Mac - I’m glad you found another property so quickly - the UK process is much more complicated and lengthy. Even then it can fall through at the last minute as has happened to friends. We had a holiday apartment in Devon (my happy place in the UK) but sadly felt the need to sell when I became carer to my parents and that sold first viewing and went through very quickly but that is unusual. Dreading putting this house on the market but it’s time to move on.

The Scottish system is much less complicated......and we were fortunate when we moved down to England initially.....Tom’s company paid for most of it and we purchased a place with no chain......but, in England we have seen friends be gazumped the day before contracts were exchanged.......horrible. Love Devon and Cornwall!!

I told Joe that in our moving sale the items will have no pricetags -just a sign- "Just take it!" :laughing: so we can get rid of everything! His response to that-:eek: :faint:

You're so right! Most collectibles have not increased in value much. But you know what has probably increased the most- the stuff I threw away!!:laughing:

Time for a snack- I'm having an apple (trying NOT to dip into the Reese's Easter egg I got at 1/2 price the other day!)

Lol....we did that when we moved one time.......told friends everything outside was a free for all.......all I was left with was a table lamp one of Tom’s very, very old aunts gave us......worth a fortune but dog ugly!! I kept it in the garage and forgot about it......couldn’t give it away......eventually gave it to a charity shop.....even they looked like they wanted to smash it......

Hope you enjoyed your apple........although I’d guess you’d rather have the egg!!!

No chocolate here.......don’t think we have any left......Kyle has demolished his eggs I believe.......we don’t really have chocolate in the house.....only dark stuff for Kyle......although Tom has been known to develop a taste for it!!

Did make some cherry scones today......just finished one with a cup of tea.......lovely.
maple scones still around with more chocolate found in the break room.

Was very sunny and windy for lunch walk. Inside is so warm, the just about 70 degree outside felt so refreshing.

Apple? Tiny piece of peanut butter filled egg was all I took.

It's a what for dinner. Not keto, but hmmm. Pasta maybe.
Driving by, hoping to say hi :) to a camel - yea!

mac...glad you had a good sleep...and hope the headache clears up......I`m a baby with headaches, can`t deal with them very well.....feel better...…

Patty, glad you had such a lovely trip......nice pictures!!!

Lynne, oh I see how they do it.....hope it works out for her, she sounds like a girl who will settle though, she seems outgoing enough, and even though it`s folks a year older she knows, it`s good she knows someone there.....fingers crossed she has a room mate she gets on well with. I can imagine the worry though....

Not done much today at all...….our gardener is back and is much healthier he and Tom got on with some stuff today...…

For those that may read it, new trip report is up for May trip......decided to start it as we`re only two weeks away......gosh two weeks!!!!

And we did decide to not pick up the new car till after we come back from this upcoming seems silly to have a brand new car sit for 16 days not moving....and the dealership is quite a distance away from us, so it `ll be easier to wait I guess time wise......although I`m sure Kyle will have enjoyed running around in`s very careful, not a boy racer in any way. But, we`ll wait.

Sun is shining but not overly warm outside......can`t complain though......:D

Off to a fine start it is.

I’d not pick up the car & let it sit. An asteroid might hit it lol. JK but i’d Be worried something terrible would befall it the whole time we were away

Quick lunch drive by
back to work here too. and rainy cooler day. Hoping rain clears by this evening as DD and I are going to Springfield Cardinals game tonight.
Knee is much better, weird I never thought about it being possibly dislocated-can it be partially dislocated and slip in/out? must be fully seated back where it is supposed to be now.
EEk vacation countdowns getting so close: 4 days! 14 Days! We are at just over a month-but finally DH scheduled his and DD scuba lessons to get certified (re-certified for him).
Doggy Jack and my chickens sound like they share same "seek and destroy" outlook...

Hi three!
Schumi so exciting to have a new car to return to. Something to help with any post trip blues I am sure! My 4Runner just turned 250k miles this am (took a pic) and still going strong; I've taken good care of it over the years and body still looks good -some minor scratches obviously as it is 18 years old.

This thread is so nice to come (back) to. I'm following another thread where a poster just popped on to basically insult choices-completely unnecessary as the posters had been having decent and honest posts. The original starter of thread is so sweet in dealing with these kind of incursions.

Lunch consumed-back to work-happy tuesday ya'll!

Maybe you’re turning double jointed? I’ve heard of people having loose cartilage and things popping out of place.

We do have the best leader! :goodvibes She's such a great example to follow!



Sorry, tried to crop that 3 times, I give up lol

Real, house cleaning out. Yeah, I've been in my house for almost 30 years. Not going to say how many runs I would need. Just got rid of loads of clothes and shoes not longer wanted or out grown. Started to give house stuff away too. But the final purge before moving. Oh my. Hope your house sells quick, at a great price for you.

I guess I am not like Schumi, hoping for a second home, where it's warm all year round, but that will not be for at least almost a decade. Me too, have lots of photos, will not get rid of any.

Tink, sending you lots of luck the work goes fast, and you are enjoying a longer week-end. 12 hours. Oh my.

Robo, yay, nice to hear from ya, and a big wahoo for trip in 5 days. All these May trips. Hope all have a fabulous time. And so nice, Robo with her GD on this trip.

Oh, more ice needed. Toasty, anyone? And I am not talking about the weather. Oh, hello sun. And tree doing some salsa, and some swaying. Yeah, rain to come. Tree leaves upside down. Hey rain, stay away until I am home. Rocking those sunglasses, for lunch. I hope.

I’ve rented dumpsters for my mom when moving her, all the while she was claiming everything was a treasure. Product of living thru Great Depression & not having much growing up I’m thinking. Sometimes the stuff you own can tend to own you.

I can’t join the club here for purging in our house

Did that 2 years 5 months ago when we sold our house up north to move to Georgia

Only moved basic furniture with us and replaced a lot when we moved in here

It took a lot of time to do that right before we moved but near the end just left in the house many things for the new owners

Even on moving day did not have enough room in the moving truck so left grill, appliances, bed, w/d, freezer, etc for new owners

They wanted it all and we were glad to give it to them

First house we contacted fell threw
Found out as we were driving home on first trip

Our house was under contract which put us into a slight panic

So after being home two days from first house hunting trip, made a second trip to Georgia (16 hour drive)
for another search to house buying

Ended up with a house within 4 days

I swear this will be our forever house
Things I don’t like about it but learning to live with it has been okay

Why houses down here have a fireplace seems weird
We run the ac all but a couple months a year

And you claim you’re not a shopper! Finding a new house so quick is unbelievable task

Mac - I’m glad you found another property so quickly - the UK process is much more complicated and lengthy. Even then it can fall through at the last minute as has happened to friends. We had a holiday apartment in Devon (my happy place in the UK) but sadly felt the need to sell when I became carer to my parents and that sold first viewing and went through very quickly but that is unusual. Dreading putting this house on the market but it’s time to move on.

Putting on my realtor hat, it happens far more often than most realize. One day had 3 relatively solid deals fall apart. I almost had that money spent lol

We do have a second home, but it’s up in the wilds of Scotland......very remote so we don’t go there often.....we rent it out for holidays and such.......especially during deer season......think it was almost two years ago since we went up there......far too cold most of the time!

Hope you got your walk before the rain came on......sunshine is always nice!

The Scottish system is much less complicated......and we were fortunate when we moved down to England initially.....Tom’s company paid for most of it and we purchased a place with no chain......but, in England we have seen friends be gazumped the day before contracts were exchanged.......horrible. Love Devon and Cornwall!!

Lol....we did that when we moved one time.......told friends everything outside was a free for all.......all I was left with was a table lamp one of Tom’s very, very old aunts gave us......worth a fortune but dog ugly!! I kept it in the garage and forgot about it......couldn’t give it away......eventually gave it to a charity shop.....even they looked like they wanted to smash it......

Hope you enjoyed your apple........although I’d guess you’d rather have the egg!!!

No chocolate here.......don’t think we have any left......Kyle has demolished his eggs I believe.......we don’t really have chocolate in the house.....only dark stuff for Kyle......although Tom has been known to develop a taste for it!!

Did make some cherry scones today......just finished one with a cup of tea.......lovely.

Up in the wilds & wooies. Bet the fishing is good!
Hello Everyone. I am sneaking in here after my long, tax season absence and hope you haven't forgotten me. I am really starting to get excited for my October trip as each appointment with my orthopedic surgeon continues to be hugely positive. Started reading the HHN thread. I'm following Schumi's latest trip report since I missed her by hours in Orlando (I was medically cleared to fly and cruise). So...I will quietly rejoin this auspicious group of "homies" for the not so "tax season".
Agavegirl, welcome back home!

We could never forget you
You have been a part of this family for years

I’m thrilled you will be able to do hhn this year!
I remember when you had a trip planned for the past hhn but you had to cancel and it was heartbreaking for all of us to hear

Now hhn will be the trip you can look forward to this year

Hope your dates are same as mine and I get to see you this October!
Maple scones sound nice Lynne......first scone I`ve had for a while yesterday...…

keisha…...yes, the fishing is fabulous up there....not that I fish of do reap the benefits of ones that do though!!! I like my fish with the head and tail removed and filleted.....yes, happy to wait a little longer for the car....

Wendy, so good to see you and of course we haven't forgotten you......glad things are on the up and of course delighted you have your trip to look forward to this year....yep, we have missed many people by hours at times!!! Hope you enjoy reading the report too...…..:)

Thursday again...…..

Grocery shopping to get in before the weekends....never fun to shop on a Saturday. We did the whole online delivery from the stores for our shop many times, but they don't seem to pick the best veg at, only now and again do we get our grocery shop delivered...….we have the time to go ourselves anyway...….

Looks nice outside, hopefully sun will shine all day...…

Feels like a spicy pulled pork for dinner idea!

Have a good Thursday....….
Maple scones sound nice Lynne......first scone I`ve had for a while yesterday...…

keisha…...yes, the fishing is fabulous up there....not that I fish of do reap the benefits of ones that do though!!! I like my fish with the head and tail removed and filleted.....yes, happy to wait a little longer for the car....

Wendy, so good to see you and of course we haven't forgotten you......glad things are on the up and of course delighted you have your trip to look forward to this year....yep, we have missed many people by hours at times!!! Hope you enjoy reading the report too...…..:)

Thursday again...…..

Grocery shopping to get in before the weekends....never fun to shop on a Saturday. We did the whole online delivery from the stores for our shop many times, but they don't seem to pick the best veg at, only now and again do we get our grocery shop delivered...….we have the time to go ourselves anyway...….

Looks nice outside, hopefully sun will shine all day...…

Feels like a spicy pulled pork for dinner idea!

Have a good Thursday....….
I stopped using supermarkets altogether for a few years (even wrote a blog about it). Then as I now shop twice a week for my parents I’m back in the stores.....hate it! Still get my meat and most veg from local farm shops.
Off for the school run and it’s raining here on the edge of the Peak District. Happy Thursday all.
Sue is ready for vacation time
Sue is on vacay! Lol.

Hi all, just checking in! Flights were good. On time, minimal bumps! Our flight attendant was great! A fellow Canadian, so she enjoyed chatting with us.
Minor glitch with hotel room. We arrived maybe by 6:30pm and got our room. Dropped our bags and went grocery shopping (our unit has a kitchen). Returned to room and when we flicked on lights saw bugs on floor. It’s tile so easy to spot.
In the morning we went down and told them. Very unusual for this property. We’ve stayed here 10 yrs. they get a lot of snow birds that stay 1-2 months. We were the first in that room after snowbird left. The woman at the desk told me they constantly left the door open at night. Anyway, they moved us to a 1 bdrm suite and I noticed within 30 min they had the bug company in spraying prev room. They are always right on things.

After we got settled in new suite we headed to the beach. Beautiful sunny day, and the cool ocean breeze kept us from being too hot. But the danger is with that breeze you don’t notice you’re burning! We didn’t though.

Cooked burgers in room then went out to Trader Joe’s to get some things. In the morning going to see my mom, then do some shopping. We want to go check out DSW, Marshall’s, Macy’s, Brighton, etc. Then meeting cousins for dinner, Italian.

Loving the warm weather and sunshine.
I stopped using supermarkets altogether for a few years (even wrote a blog about it). Then as I now shop twice a week for my parents I’m back in the stores.....hate it! Still get my meat and most veg from local farm shops.
Off for the school run and it’s raining here on the edge of the Peak District. Happy Thursday all.

Oh I don’t buy meat from the supermarket......nope......we have a wholesale guy we long as you don’t mind seeing animal carcasses going in the back it’s a fabulous!!

I use supermarkets for most every day things, stock up every week.....I’m with shops and delis local to us.......we do have a very good grocery store a few towns away.....good old M&S! Groceries and tights all in one

Don’t send your rain over to the coast please......enjoying the sunshine here!!

Sue......enjoy your trip........

Ok.....breakfast out of the way......toast and ginger preserve made by the lady farmer next to us.......and sun is still shining........hasn’t made its way round to the back of the house I’m basking in the sitting room.....glorious.........
Quickest grocery shop ever..........Shower gels, toothpaste and kitchen spices and seasonings all replenished again......among other things of course........quick trip to Makro which is like Costco I guess, for fabric softener and bottled water for us and coffee for the village nursery......everywhere was empty!

Will bring back some shower gels I like from America and my Aussie shampoo too.......

Did forget to buy self raising flour!!! No baking today then.........

And the sun has gone.......we now have light rain now and again, but not cold........not going far today.....

Lunch is turkey, Brie and cranberry grilled sandwich.........lush!!
Got up with DH for some reason. And, a quick commute. Chances for rain today. Happily, that storm never happened yesterday, as storm stayed further out to sea then expected. So, a very sunny day, though the sunset had clouds starting. And cooler. almost 10 degrees cooler than the last couple of days. But that's okay, warmer temps are happening more often as we head to the month of May.

Lunch does sound lush, Schumi. I'd swap the Brie with a Cheddar though. Not as fond of Brie. Lunch will be a turkey sandwich too, but not grilled. Decided on oatmeal for breakfast. So, eating that with my tea. For once, it does feel cooler inside this morning. An ooh, a very golden sunrise.

Wahoo, for hearing from Agavegirl. Happy to hear you are doing so well. And HHN to look forward to this year. Perfect.

I am not a grocery shopper fan either. I do it, because we need stuff from there, that I'd rather not get from big box stores, and I do, sometimes have grocery delivered to the house. I can also order online, and they have the bags packed and waiting for me, at the door. Some will bring out to you, when you text them you are in the parking lot.

Sue, glad to hear you made it down, and enjoying your stay, even with the bug issues. Good to hear they moved you to a clean room.

With that, drink up, it's a Thirsty Thursday on tap. One more day, and we can say, Friday is here.

and yep,
Loving the warm weather and sunshine.

Enjoy the beach!!:sunny:

And the sun has gone.......we now have light rain now and again, but not cold........not going far today.....

Clouds, rain- sounds heavenly for a nap!:)

So, a very sunny day,

:sunny: here too! Cold this morning- 39 degrees! Sun for now but clouds moving in.

Busy trying to go through mail and e-mails at work. Didn't sleep well last night so I am dragging this morning! Finishing coffee #1, then on to cup #2!

Have a great day all! Sending healing wishes to those that are under the weather!:)

Good Morning!

Quick Hi to everyone!

Went to Mexico for vacation and came back with a nasty cold- finally feeling like myself again.

Nice to 'see' everyone! :wave:

Hey......nice to see you post again!!!!

Oh no, on the feeling poorly...….glad to hear you`re back to normal...…

Don`t be a stranger!!! :wave2:

Lynne we`re starting to eat the same things.....scones yesterday, turkey today!!!

I love favourite cheese....I prefer it not in a grilled sandwich, but room temperature with crackers and other little accessories......I do like cheddar, especially Scottish it`s not something I eat a lot of...…

I`ve been tempted to try the ordering of groceries and go pick them up, as places nearby do offer that, but do prefer them delivered if we ever don`t want to shop......not very often though, usually when it`s snowing...….

It`s raining full on now...….looks very autumnal outside!!
Dry here now Schumi sorry it came your way. I love Brie but we only have strong Cheddar now as part of our Keto way of eating.

Some good news here my daughter has been for two interviews today and got a college place for September and a school work place position necessary to complete her training. I’m so proud of her as she’s been a stay at home mum since my grandson was diagnosed but she will need to work in the future and employment in education will mean she has same vacation as the children.

We were up very early this morning as my son dropped their dog off at 6.30 - my DIL works long haul Virgin Atlantic and we have Teddy when she is away - Louie loves it as they play like toddlers!

Just having coffee then I’m going to empty a bedding chest - another task on the clearing out list will be ticked off today.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Good Morning!

Quick Hi to everyone!

Went to Mexico for vacation and came back with a nasty cold- finally feeling like myself again.

Nice to 'see' everyone! :wave:
Hope you’re over it now. Where did you stay in Mexico? We love it there and went to a brand new resort in February. Seems such a long time ago now.
Good morning time for me

I thought this was bacon day at Schumi’s ...

Had my first meal out last night in two weeks
Went to O’Charlleys around 8
Had plenty of food left over and will be dinner for tonight
Mr Mac finished his dinner so I’ll share mine tonight

Looks like another warm day here in Georgia!

Been having weekly lawn services since end of January
Things grow fast down here
Good morning time for me

I thought this was bacon day at Schumi’s ...

Had my first meal out last night in two weeks
Went to O’Charlleys around 8
Had plenty of food left over and will be dinner for tonight
Mr Mac finished his dinner so I’ll share mine tonight

Looks like another warm day here in Georgia!

Been having weekly lawn services since end of January
Things grow fast down here
DH got a new scarifier - petrol as he’s also doing my daughter’s huge garden at the moment - practically scalped our lawn! We’ve reseeded and hopefully it will recover with some TLC.
Enjoy your day Mac.


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