This is Us- Season four

I didn't like the boyfriend from the beginning but didn't know why.

I let it go that he "took" the flowers from a neighbors yard.

Kate asked him how he knew where she lived and he said I looked on your application. OK, I get it maybe, but a bunch of little pieces can fill the puzzle.

Kate introduced him as her friend and he then contradicts her and says, my name is (can't remember), I'm Kate's boyfriend.

Now at the end of the show, we see that there was something going on between the two and I'm thinking it is not good.
Actually, in PA, laws went into effect about kids wearing helmets somewhere in the late 80s, I think. Or at least "guidelines" were given. I was living in PA at that time and I specifically remember hearing that they were considering the law as an older teen and being appalled by the idea of crushing my big hair-sprayed hair with an "ugly" helmet. By and large most kids I knew were not wearing them when word of it first came out, but then one kid in our neighborhood was taken by ambulance after a nasty fall off a bike, and then helmets started popping up in our neighborhood and I told my mom there was no way *I* was going to wear one. Ah----the joy of parenting a near "adult". ;)

So, anyway, if the law really did go into effect at that point, then I think the Pearsons seem like the type who would have followed it and bought helmets for the kids. And while perhaps Kevin wouldn't be first to make sure he had his, maybe knowing he was riding to a school made him think twice about it skipping it. :)

I turned 14 in 1992 and that is the year that bike helmets became mandatory for kids under 14 in New Jersey. My parents bought them for me and my sister a year prior after my sister fell off her bike and got a concussion. My parents made me wear it, even though, technically, I was old enough not to once the law came into effect.
I loved when Beth sat them down and gave her speech about her favorite people. LOVE seeing William again.

I am very curious as to what happened with Kate and Mark. Her reaction to the picture was strange.

I love the relationship with Nicky and Kevin. Kevin is not giving up on Nicky. I love how Nicky is so dry. He says, "I don't like people, I don't even like you very much." LOL. He is finally connecting with someone. I just hope Nicky opens up more to Kevin. Slowly he seems to be accepting that Kevin isn't going anywhere.

Curious to see where the story with the Marine lady and her hubby goes.
I didn't like the boyfriend from the beginning but didn't know why.

I let it go that he "took" the flowers from a neighbors yard.

Kate asked him how he knew where she lived and he said I looked on your application. OK, I get it maybe, but a bunch of little pieces can fill the puzzle.

Kate introduced him as her friend and he then contradicts her and says, my name is (can't remember), I'm Kate's boyfriend.

Now at the end of the show, we see that there was something going on between the two and I'm thinking it is not good.

He is clearly going to end up being an abusive, controlling, stalker type guy. Kate will endure some sort of trauma that will lead to her weight gain.
Curious to see where the story with the Marine lady and her hubby goes.

Okay, up until this point, I have NEVER cried during this show. This storyline got me, though, when the husband talked about how the military "took away" his favorite person. I can SO relate to that guy. Same thing happened to us. The man I married changed so much after one particular deployment. Those deployments really change people and create trauma reactions that have a domino effect on their lives. It's so unfortunate. Luckily, my husband FINALLY sought treatment and things are better now than ever, but we had a very rough few years (nothing as serious as what has happened in this serious substance or physical/mental abuse). Part of his light is gone, though, and he struggles with so many issues that were never there before. He used to be so upbeat, funny, and carefree. Now he is cynical, bitter, anxious, and depressed. It's why I am no fan of military life and honestly feel like Nicky with all the empty and hollow gestures aimed at veterans. It's so easy to say "thank you for your service," but the truth is, that does nothing useful. It's almost like being mocked. No one wants to talk about how to REALLY help our servicemembers and veterans... My husband retires from the Marine Corps in one year and I can't be happier about that. I want him back.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I just really felt so much sympathy for both Nicky and the Marine and her husband. Glad to see this show shining a light on these issues.
Okay, up until this point, I have NEVER cried during this show. This storyline got me, though, when the husband talked about how the military "took away" his favorite person. I can SO relate to that guy. Same thing happened to us. The man I married changed so much after one particular deployment. Those deployments really change people and create trauma reactions that have a domino effect on their lives. It's so unfortunate. Luckily, my husband FINALLY sought treatment and things are better now than ever, but we had a very rough few years (nothing as serious as what has happened in this serious substance or physical/mental abuse). Part of his light is gone, though, and he struggles with so many issues that were never there before. He used to be so upbeat, funny, and carefree. Now he is cynical, bitter, anxious, and depressed. It's why I am no fan of military life and honestly feel like Nicky with all the empty and hollow gestures aimed at veterans. It's so easy to say "thank you for your service," but the truth is, that does nothing useful. It's almost like being mocked. No one wants to talk about how to REALLY help our servicemembers and veterans... My husband retires from the Marine Corps in one year and I can't be happier about that. I want him back.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I just really felt so much sympathy for both Nicky and the Marine and her husband. Glad to see this show shining a light on these issues.

OMG about the bolded, My kids had an assembly for Veterans Day when they were in elementary school and they told all the kids to say, "thank you for your service" when they see a veteran or service person. I have to admit I cringed a little and I'm not sure why.

I felt so much for Nicky at the game. He was startled by the loud noises, scared of the crowds, tempted by the beer etc. Kevin was completely clueless and was wanting Nicky to enjoy himself, but he just couldn't.
Okay, up until this point, I have NEVER cried during this show. This storyline got me, though, when the husband talked about how the military "took away" his favorite person. I can SO relate to that guy. Same thing happened to us. The man I married changed so much after one particular deployment. Those deployments really change people and create trauma reactions that have a domino effect on their lives. It's so unfortunate. Luckily, my husband FINALLY sought treatment and things are better now than ever, but we had a very rough few years (nothing as serious as what has happened in this serious substance or physical/mental abuse). Part of his light is gone, though, and he struggles with so many issues that were never there before. He used to be so upbeat, funny, and carefree. Now he is cynical, bitter, anxious, and depressed. It's why I am no fan of military life and honestly feel like Nicky with all the empty and hollow gestures aimed at veterans. It's so easy to say "thank you for your service," but the truth is, that does nothing useful. It's almost like being mocked. No one wants to talk about how to REALLY help our servicemembers and veterans... My husband retires from the Marine Corps in one year and I can't be happier about that. I want him back.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I just really felt so much sympathy for both Nicky and the Marine and her husband. Glad to see this show shining a light on these issues.
thank you for your sacrifice, sounds very difficult

on a lighter note, i hated that song rebecca sang, hated...
Okay, up until this point, I have NEVER cried during this show. This storyline got me, though, when the husband talked about how the military "took away" his favorite person. I can SO relate to that guy. Same thing happened to us. The man I married changed so much after one particular deployment. Those deployments really change people and create trauma reactions that have a domino effect on their lives. It's so unfortunate. Luckily, my husband FINALLY sought treatment and things are better now than ever, but we had a very rough few years (nothing as serious as what has happened in this serious substance or physical/mental abuse). Part of his light is gone, though, and he struggles with so many issues that were never there before. He used to be so upbeat, funny, and carefree. Now he is cynical, bitter, anxious, and depressed. It's why I am no fan of military life and honestly feel like Nicky with all the empty and hollow gestures aimed at veterans. It's so easy to say "thank you for your service," but the truth is, that does nothing useful. It's almost like being mocked. No one wants to talk about how to REALLY help our servicemembers and veterans... My husband retires from the Marine Corps in one year and I can't be happier about that. I want him back.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I just really felt so much sympathy for both Nicky and the Marine and her husband. Glad to see this show shining a light on these issues.
It was no rant. I wish I could respond as eloquently as you wrote. It is always hard to respond to anyone who has or is undergoing trauma. Words are truly empty in this case. I hope retirement helps to heal your family. Your family has truly sacrificed for all of us.

I nor any immediate family member served in the military (not since grandfathers), but I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer at a young age. My husband could have said those exact same words about me. I truly mean no disrespect in the comparison; I just had empathy when Ryan spoke to Kevin last night.
Okay, up until this point, I have NEVER cried during this show. This storyline got me, though, when the husband talked about how the military "took away" his favorite person. I can SO relate to that guy. Same thing happened to us. The man I married changed so much after one particular deployment. Those deployments really change people and create trauma reactions that have a domino effect on their lives. It's so unfortunate. Luckily, my husband FINALLY sought treatment and things are better now than ever, but we had a very rough few years (nothing as serious as what has happened in this serious substance or physical/mental abuse). Part of his light is gone, though, and he struggles with so many issues that were never there before. He used to be so upbeat, funny, and carefree. Now he is cynical, bitter, anxious, and depressed. It's why I am no fan of military life and honestly feel like Nicky with all the empty and hollow gestures aimed at veterans. It's so easy to say "thank you for your service," but the truth is, that does nothing useful. It's almost like being mocked. No one wants to talk about how to REALLY help our servicemembers and veterans... My husband retires from the Marine Corps in one year and I can't be happier about that. I want him back.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I just really felt so much sympathy for both Nicky and the Marine and her husband. Glad to see this show shining a light on these issues.

Oh my. Never a rant when you are or related to military. You are everything in my families eyes. We don't have military in our family but we have police officers.

I always say the military should be given everything so I am asking this in all honesty, is it better for us not to acknowledge someone's service, even when they talk about it? Would you think that is what should be done? I never know if I should say anything, thank, etc., or not but reading your post, it looks like most don't want us to say anything. Is that correct? Thank you so much for taking the time to answer, I appreciate it.
Oh my. Never a rant when you are or related to military. You are everything in my families eyes. We don't have military in our family but we have police officers.

I always say the military should be given everything so I am asking this in all honesty, is it better for us not to acknowledge someone's service, even when they talk about it? Would you think that is what should be done? I never know if I should say anything, thank, etc., or not but reading your post, it looks like most don't want us to say anything. Is that correct? Thank you so much for taking the time to answer, I appreciate it.

I won't speak for anyone else, but I am always gracious (as is my husband) when someone says that to us, because we know they mean well. The thing is, though, it's all lip service. What really matters is that policies are made at the city, state, and national level, by politicians who have the best interest of our servicemembers and their families in mind. VOTING is where people can truly make a difference. Voting in people who want better care for our military and veterans, and who will actually do something, is the best thing one can do. Thinking about potential wars and how a president will handle them BEFORE he/she is elected, is important. Make informed decisions and VOTE. In addition, when you hear about issues with things like medical/mental health care for veterans, homelessness, etc, write your representatives and ask what they are doing to help. Hold your elected officials accountable.

As a small change, saying "thank you for your sacrifice" is far more reflective of the realities of being a servicemember/military family. When someone says "thank you for your service", my husband WANTS to say, "you're welcome, what will you do in return for all of us?" He is not the type to seek out public acknowledgement or anything like that. He doesn't even like to be around for the flag retreat ceremony at Disneyland. It makes him feel awkward. He didn't join the military for a pat on the back. It was a calling for him.
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As a small change, saying "thank you for your sacrifice" is far more reflective of the realities of being a servicemember/military family. When someone says "thank you for your service", my husband WANTS to say, "you're welcome, what will you do in return for all of us?" He is not the type to seek out public acknowledgement or anything like that. He doesn't even like to be around for the flag retreat ceremony at Disneyland. It makes him feel awkward. He didn't join the military for a pat on the back. It was a calling for him. But he is really fed up with the state of our country's leadership and it is a major reason why he is retiring. One can only sacrifice so much before it stops being worth it.

I was going to ask if thank you for your sacrifice would be better to say, since then we are acknowledging that we realize they have sacrificed themselves for the betterment of all of us.
I loved this episode!! It just had so much in it.

I always love the parallel scenes - like the two dinners, and the ice cream ritual...

It was great to see William, and I love that they gave Kate the piano! It's so perfect and we know it ties into great things for baby Jack and his future.

I feel so bad for Tess, and so worried for teenage Kate, and I really wish Randall would take Beth's advice.
Wanted to add this episode made me a fan of Beth.

I've always loved Beth, but this episode was a great example of why.

One thing that surprised me was what Beth didn't say to Randall when he refused to see someone. I was definitely expecting her to point out that asking Tess to seek help while Randall refuses it is not likely to go over well. I would not be surprised if at some point later either Tess and/or Beth point that out to him.

I loved seeing William again. I've missed him. And I miss Annie, too. The two of them had such sweet scenes together. We seem to barely see her this season.

I'm interested, yet scared to see where things go with Kate & Mark.
on a lighter note, i hated that song rebecca sang, hated...

Did you realize it was from The Princess Bride? A tie-in to Kevin and Sophie feeling that seeing it playing was a sign they should get married (Oh youth! Or sometimes young older people.:rolleyes1)

Either way I suppose you still hate it. :laughing: Just curious.
What an exquisitely beautiful episode. So well done.

I cried at many points. Thinking back I am unsure if I have ever cried before during This Is Us. Wait, probably did with the beloved William at some point. So thrilled to see him again.

It hit me over and over. It made me long for loved ones gone in my own life; made me sigh how hard parenting is; how difficult and unsettling it can be to mourn in different ways; the sarcasm/lack of happiness made me nervous for young Kate; I was happy that I never saw what was portrayed in season one with Miguel - saw beyond it; loved that never giving up could sometimes do some good re:Nicky; loved that Kevin - and then others - are going to get another glimpse of their father/husband through Nicky.

I could go on and on and on how much I loved this epsiode. Good job writers!
I am wondering, after thinking about the song in episode one, if Kevin is simply a catalyst to emotionally change Cassidy and somehow get her back to her marriage. We shall see.

And I was really impressed with the talk Cassidy's husband had with Kevin, explaining his love for his wife, their fractured history. I cried during his scene in the driveway. How trauma can impact so many people. How people leave each other because they can't break through - can't get passed such continued stress.


Off topic I just realized he is Jack? from Revenge.
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Okay, up until this point, I have NEVER cried during this show. This storyline got me, though, when the husband talked about how the military "took away" his favorite person. I can SO relate to that guy. Same thing happened to us. The man I married changed so much after one particular deployment. Those deployments really change people and create trauma reactions that have a domino effect on their lives. It's so unfortunate. Luckily, my husband FINALLY sought treatment and things are better now than ever, but we had a very rough few years (nothing as serious as what has happened in this serious substance or physical/mental abuse). Part of his light is gone, though, and he struggles with so many issues that were never there before. He used to be so upbeat, funny, and carefree. Now he is cynical, bitter, anxious, and depressed. It's why I am no fan of military life and honestly feel like Nicky with all the empty and hollow gestures aimed at veterans. It's so easy to say "thank you for your service," but the truth is, that does nothing useful. It's almost like being mocked. No one wants to talk about how to REALLY help our servicemembers and veterans... My husband retires from the Marine Corps in one year and I can't be happier about that. I want him back.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I just really felt so much sympathy for both Nicky and the Marine and her husband. Glad to see this show shining a light on these issues.

I just want you to know that both of your posts touched me deeply DLgal.

I too am happy to see the show shine a light on these difficult and complex issues.
I don't know if I am remembering incorrectly from last season. Didn't Toby say something to the effect of Thanks for including me or Thanks for letting me know to Randall. It really seemed as though they had been out of touch somewhat or Toby didn't have the same connection/presence in the family as he obviously has now, right?

Sigh. It suddenly makes me wonder if they are apart, for whatever reason, sooner rather than later. Oh Kate. Oh Toby. I was thinking much further into their future.
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