Something About Nothing............ #14

Robo, sounds like some nice family time.

So full from a great meal, and dear mum was happy with all we gifted her.

And I guess all did not use all their fireworks last night. As we came down the street coming home, what was all that sparkle ahead as we came to the top of a hill? Yeah, someone was setting off high fireworks just ahead. Heard some more after we got home, then all was quiet. Traffic was not too bad.

Well, back to routine tomorrow. Then a day after that to pack, run errands, pay a bill, and print out stuff just in case. Day after that day, last minute stuff, and ah, plane ride, with thoughts of a nice dinner at the beach. Is getting so close.

Have a very good night, homies. Get ready, thirsty Thursday is tomorrow.
Woot Lynne, you are thisclose to your family vacation!!

Where I live, peeps start their fireworks day before - December 30
Guessing this is their trial run...

Lots of fireworks December 31 at night and continues to 1 am January 1

Tonight fw began about 11 pm
Guess neighborhoods are using up what they had left yesterday
Happy New Years Mac.....hope your cats did ok with all the noise.
Cats were spooked by the fw on 12/30 and went under my bed
FW on the 31st, they did not freak out
Tonight they slept through the fw booms

Hope you have safe travels moving back to your Florida home!
So nice you can escape harsh cold winters

Heavy rain in N GA tomorrow and 80% for following day
Sunshine on Saturday
Robo….glad to see you, and sounds like a wonderful festive season was enjoyed by you and your family....the baby sounds so cute!!! Safe travels back to your home in the South...…...

Lynne, glad your mum had such a lovely day, it`s hard to buy for ladies of that age....they have everything!!!! We heard no fireworks after midnight this year which was strange as it was a clear cold night, but last night we heard few in the distance.......dinner on the beach sounds idyllic!!!

Keisha.....oh Folks who eat well done beef shouldn't be given Prime Rib.....cancel my thoughts!!! Yes, keep it for yourselves though!! Lovely big piece of beef!!! I think I`ve been lucky to not have any disasters with it, but I can imagine, if it goes wrong.........And again, hope boys are better now......takes it right out of folks.

mac, you have rain??? Glad to hear it`s not going to last very long, although I`m guessing your lovely rose bushes will appreciate it. We are to have high-ish winds and no rain for a change!

Thursday.....and back to normal today. No thirsty Thursday here......time for a break from the indulgences.......although not doing Dry January this year......there`s something about being told you can`t do something that makes me want to do it anyway. So we`ll just abstain till we feel like not abstaining........

Boring grocery shopping this morning.......hopefully stores won`t be too busy, most folks are back to work today.

Have a great Thursday........almost the weekend!!!!

Yep, it is Thirsty Thursday and it is cold out. 28 outside said the car. Why yes, 72 inside the car. Clear out and very dark commute, but the higher temps are arriving, so rainy afternoon and rainy days the rest of the week. At least with the rain, we will see 50 degrees this afternoon.

Have a great Thursday all.

And yeah, grocery shopping is not that fun either.

Abd hope Mac’s cats are back to routine today, and letting Mac get some sleep.

ooh, so many sirens this morning, heard outside the office window.
I hope he gets better soon @keishashadow. It's not good when someone has to go to the ER. @macraven I hope your cats get better soon as well.

On a brighter side, nice to see that @Robo56 and others had a good time! Hope you stay safe @Sue M. And it's almost time for @Lynne G's cruise!

Surprised we didn't get an extra fireworks. Then again, I got home at two in the morning so people were probably out like a light by then. I expected something last night in case people wanted to continue to party since it was officially New Years Day, but nothing. So good for me, however, still didn't sleep much. Been thinking of going to US on Sunday since my original plan of going between Christmas and NYE didn't happen, but we shall see.

I hope everyone has a good Thursday! It's strange to think it's almost the end of the week already.
Hello all, peeking in between overseeing GD crafting. Thus far a few rows on her afghan & now a string bracelet kit. Appears the holes in the beads for that are smaller than the string. Who was in charge of that quality control? Lol

Lynne - wow, so just 2 more days till you leave? Cool
is such a beautiful day, but very chilly.......we did take a walk down this morning to Tom‘s man cave (large shed) where him and our tree guy have been brewing more home made’s coming along nicely, but our guy takes most of it away.......he loves it!!
How did i miss this? Tom is a moonshiner :). Many make ahem “italian” red still here in there basements. OMG the kick that has, will give you visions.
Heading South in couple days....Will miss them all.

We have family planning on visiting so that will help.
How nice to have a 2nd (warm) home :). Enjoy
Keisha.....oh Folks who eat well done beef shouldn't be given Prime Rib.....cancel my thoughts!!! Yes, keep it for yourselves though!! Lovely big piece of beef!!! I think I`ve been lucky to not have any disasters with it, but I can imagine, if it goes wrong.........And again, hope boys are better now......takes it right out of folks.
Thinking they got there inevitable winter bug out of the way

Yes, my thoughts are if you’re going to serve it well done, might as well just go with chuck roast lol
Wish my cats get back to normal soon

no cat wants to eat this early
Hard to ignore cats yowling for food, even with bedroom door shut. Good luck with that.
:wave2: just stopping in while enjoying morning snuggles with the grand dogs and coffee with Bailey's.

Had a quiet but great new years Eve with the kiddos. We arrived, had some nibbles and then played games until midnight. We didn't hear any fireworks...but they live in the suburbs and most of the fireworks were in the big city.

Got the baby's room all set up yesterday. Her and I started washing and sorting baby clothes so we know what she needs yet for baby's arrival. But I would say she is pretty well set. We do have to take the dresser back we purchased. It was sent damaged and there really is no way for the hubby to fix it. We will return that today while the kids are working. We are going to head out to Banff for a little sight seeing and maybe go for a dip in the natural hot springs that are there. They really are so beautiful.
was surprised how well things turned out last night. Taking the back route worked perfectly and there was plenty of parking for us at Poly which was a surprise. We also walked to GF since my friend never been inside before going to Kona and watch the fireworks.

Sounds like an amazing evening that worked out perfect! Those types of crowds scare me...but I'm glad someone gets to partake in them

Happy New Year (again) everyone. I think today is going to be a day of errands. I'm going to start by eliminating the gray in my hair. I also plan to do a little shopping. I got a Kohl's gift card for Christmas and could really use some new socks. I also need to pick up a package I had delivered to a local store. T
We did some shopping too. It was actually a great day to go out...most of the places we went had that always makes me happy
not better yet, got worse & wound up in ER all day Saturday. MultipleI’ve bags of fluids & meds. I’m calling him patient zero
Keisha...yikes. I hate when my kiddos get so sick like that. It is scary, that they can get so sick so fast at times. I hope he is on the mend now
REally really need to get a jump on packing as I work next two days and will leave for St louis after work friday. That exciting. Even if you pack last long as you have a credit card and your passport your set can purchase what ever you need 🤭😁
, I need to get packing soon too. When I get home. Thinking of leaving for home tomorrow. Have lots to do. Take down Christmas decorations, have my
Have a great trip Sue!!!! I know it is not the best of circumstances, and I hope you get so e peace and closure from it.

mac...I hope you cats come out and resume their regular routine soon.

Schumi...I hope that Tom's wine turns out like a winner. They can be tricky. My dad used to do that a few years ago. I'm not a huge wine makes me tired and gives me horrible headaches. So I tend to not drink it often.

Well...I should shower and get ready to head into the city to return the dresser then onto lunch in Banff and the hotsprings.
Have a great day everyone!!!
Hello all, peeking in between overseeing GD crafting. Thus far a few rows on her afghan & now a string bracelet kit. Appears the holes in the beads for that are smaller than the string. Who was in charge of that quality control? Lol

Lynne - wow, so just 2 more days till you leave? Cool

How did i miss this? Tom is a moonshiner :). Many make ahem “italian” red still here in there basements. OMG the kick that has, will give you visions.

How nice to have a 2nd (warm) home :). Enjoy

Thinking they got there inevitable winter bug out of the way

Yes, my thoughts are if you’re going to serve it well done, might as well just go with chuck roast lol

Hard to ignore cats yowling for food, even with bedroom door shut. Good luck with that.

lol......moonshiner! Never thought of that......have to say it’s not the worst wine I’ve ever tasted,’s strong! I’m trying to talk them into making a pineapple wine I saw a recipe for.......I got the weird side eye look from both of them.......I think it sounds lovely, maybe too sweet for me, but I’d try it. Sounds like fun with GD.......hate when craft stuff doesn’t quite fit together the way it should. And yes, hope boys are much better.......
Yep, I’d never serve that good a meat to folks who wouldn’t appreciate it....

:wave2: just stopping in while enjoying morning snuggles with the grand dogs and coffee with Bailey's.

Had a quiet but great new years Eve with the kiddos. We arrived, had some nibbles and then played games until midnight. We didn't hear any fireworks...but they live in the suburbs and most of the fireworks were in the big city.

Got the baby's room all set up yesterday. Her and I started washing and sorting baby clothes so we know what she needs yet for baby's arrival. But I would say she is pretty well set. We do have to take the dresser back we purchased. It was sent damaged and there really is no way for the hubby to fix it. We will return that today while the kids are working. We are going to head out to Banff for a little sight seeing and maybe go for a dip in the natural hot springs that are there. They really are so beautiful.

Sounds beautiful where you are.....I’m very jealous as Banff is somewhere I’ve always wanted to go......looks gorgeous!

Baby’s room sounds as though it’s ready for the little one......lovely thing to prepare!

Ended up being invited over to friends house for the day.......think they are still celebrating the festive was fun. She’s the University professor who I help out now and again......did show her an email I received from someone asking me about the latest project.......I couldn’t read was full of “ur” instead of your/you’re, ”u” instead of you and thot instead of thought.......unbelievable as this is someone who is doing an English Literature Degree.

But, had a lovey afternoon and then went out for an Indian meal with them. They have a wonderful little restaurant in their town....haven‘t been there for years. Same family that’s owned it for years.

Back home and chilling in front of the’s getting colder outside now. Very, very chilly tonight.

Hope your Thursday has been a good one........strangely it feels like a Monday........
And a very good Friday morning......although it is actually afternoon here already...... travels, hope you and your family have a wonderful trip.....

Christmas trees are all down and everything else is down too.......rooms all look so bare now! Now to pile it all back in the attic.

Lunch was a brioche roll with honey ham and avocado......nice. Not doing much else today.....apart from some laundry. Fun.

Hope your Friday is a good one.......
Aww, nothing like a day to get all done, with DH off today too. As per usual, both of us were up early, now both of us are washed up, and kids are both sound asleep. Yep. Decided a day off before we leave was the right call. Errands, and packing to do. Guess I’d get the luggage out today. I think little one got her’s out yesterday, but I think older one has not got his out either. Guess I need to remind him. Checked the weather in Orlando, rainy and in the 70’s. While we will be in Tampa, going to bring some light weight pants, a long sleeve shirt or two, and a lightweight jacket. Though my winter coat will also be in the bag, as will need it to get to airport and from airport.

Thanks for our trip wishes, Schumi. I am looking forward to nice hot weather and Island fun.

Sorry for the, work, Dix. But hey, it is a Friday. Yay!


Yes indeed! May all the homies have a Happy Friday!

Ooh, eggs with bacon, and ham steaks on toast. Perfect day to cook breakfast and make tea. Woot!
Fun is what the weekend is for, @Lynne G. 😉 You should be good along the way. You're going to have an amazing time!
Happy Friday. Today looks like a day of laundry and other errands. I worked extra hours yesterday and then spent several hours working on backing up photos that are on my desktop. I didn't want to look at another screen last night. I have come to 2 realizations: 1. I need to be better organized with photo storage, 2. I have way too many pictures of my cat.

Charade it was easy to set up my new ipad mini-just had to sign in with my passwords and all the stuff is there. Got my case and screen protector from amazon already too.
I'm loving the new iPad and Apple keyboard. I should probably get a screen protector though.

Ds looked so much better today,
This is good to hear.

forgot to answer earlier, my middle DS in that pic was wearing coaching great from HS football team. The Bucs.
When I saw it I thought it looked like the ECU Pirate logo.

And Monday morning we both woke up at 3 am with food poisoning. We tried to get up and get something done but ended up just staying in bed until Tuesday morning. The cats loved it!
Sorry to hear this. What a terrible way to end the year.

Where I live, peeps start their fireworks day before - December 30
Guessing this is their trial run...

Lots of fireworks December 31 at night and continues to 1 am January 1
Are fireworks legal in GA now? When I was there they weren't. Everyone drove to South Carolina or Alabama to get them.

Christmas trees are all down and everything else is down too.......rooms all look so bare now! Now to pile it all back in the attic.
I need to do that today. I am not looking forward to it, but I do want my house back to normal.

Lynne - Safe travels. Hope you have a wonderful cruise.
Safe travels Robo! Hope your trip down has no issues.

Thank you Lynne hope your trip is good too.

It has rained from the time we left Southern Indiana until just a few minutes ago. We are about 50 miles north of Valdosta. Sadly we have seen the aftermath of multiple accidents. Folks just driving to fast in pouring rain. Folks are doing a lot of weaving in and out and getting far to close to each other.

Hubby is driving so getting a little rest time and phone time

Robo….glad to see you, and sounds like a wonderful festive season was enjoyed by you and your family....the baby sounds so cute!!! Safe travels back to your home in the South...…...

:wave2: Schumi...sounds like you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and New Year with lots of family togetherness, friends, good food, gifts and fun. That’s what the season is all about after all.

Your food for your gatherings always sounds so good.

I’am looking forward to the Sunshine

How nice to have a 2nd (warm) home :). Enjoy

Thanks Keisha. Hope your son is doing better.

Hope you all have a wonderful Friday evening.
I worked extra hours yesterday and then spent several hours working on backing up photos that are on my desktop. I didn't want to look at another screen last night. I have come to 2 realizations: 1. I have way too many pictures of my cat.

Are fireworks legal in GA now? When I was there they weren't. Everyone drove to South Carolina or Alabama to get them.

You can never have enough cat pictures

FW legal in GA
Best deals on fw prices can be found in TN I have been told

In my county, fw and shooting off your guns are allowed on specific holidays and have to end by 1 am next morning

In my area, regulations not enforced...


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