Third US case of coronavirus confirmed in OC

Hey, Jillian and I were just wondering if you were going to the Grammys again this year. Glad that you got the chance again. We have a trip planned for December right after Christmas. Not sure if you will be around or in Chicago at that time. We always enjoy meeting up with you for a cup of tea and good conversation.
Thanks :-)! I'll probably be home in Chicago next December. I usually skip town around Dec 18 and return Jan 6 or thereabouts. Moreover, I have a Signature pass, which blocks me for the last two weeks in December. Since I'm always out of town, I've never considered extending it to Sig+.
Hubby works in the health care industry and wrote this up to post on FB since people in our area were starting to get panicky. Oh, and also not here to debate vaccinations.💁🏼‍♀️ Just sharing perspective...

And in other news one of the US citizens being held at March Air Reserve Base tried to sneak out. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thankful they diverted to MARB instead of ONT as we all joked they’d likely have escaped ONT. Anyhow here’s his write up:

2019-Novel Coronavirus (from CDC/WHO data): as of 1/30/2020
- 6065 total confirmed cases of which 5997 are inside China.
- 132 deaths, of which ALL are inside China. 2% mortality rate.
- 5 confirmed cases in the US with 2 in California: 1 in LA County and 1 in Orange County.

This is a serious disease with a plausible, possible potential to affect world populations.
Should you be aware? ... Yes.
Should you be concerned? ... no, not at this time.
Have any of the US citizens who arrived on the chartered flight from Wuhan, China to March Air Reserve Base shown any symptoms of the Coronavirus? ... No, they were all evacuated from Wuhan and are being monitored by the Riverside Public Health Department for at least 14 days to confirm no active infections.

NOW let’s take a look at the CDC’s information regarding the 2019-2020 Influenza (as of 1/18/2020):
- Estimated at least 15 MILLION cases this season, in the US, alone!
- More than 140,000 hospitalizations attributed to influenza.
- 88% of influenza cases are in individuals younger than 65 years old with only 12% in seniors. This has allowed the associated mortality rate to be slightly lower than normal, but the influenza rate continues to rise.
- At least 8,200 deaths, of which 54 pediatric deaths, have been attributed to influenza. About a 7% mortality rate.

Should you be aware? ... YES.
Should you be concerned? ... VERY!
Should you have had your Flu vaccine already? ... Absolutely!
Is it too late to still get your Flu vaccine? ... NO, go get it ASAP!!
NOW let’s take a look at the CDC’s information regarding the 2019-2020 Influenza (as of 1/18/2020):
- Estimated at least 15 MILLION cases this season, in the US, alone!
- More than 140,000 hospitalizations attributed to influenza.
- 88% of influenza cases are in individuals younger than 65 years old with only 12% in seniors. This has allowed the associated mortality rate to be slightly lower than normal, but the influenza rate continues to rise.
- At least 8,200 deaths, of which 54 pediatric deaths, have been attributed to influenza. About a 7% mortality rate.

Should you be aware? ... YES.
Should you be concerned? ... VERY!
Should you have had your Flu vaccine already? ... Absolutely!
Is it too late to still get your Flu vaccine? ... NO, go get it ASAP!!
While I agree with you 100% that the flu is what we should concerned with, I do not see how he came up with 7% mortality. If it was 7% of all who got it, the deaths would be 1,050,000. If it is of those hospitalized , it would be closer to 9,800.

Using the math he used to get the 2% for the coronavirus (which I can calculate), the mortaility rate is 8200/15 million = 0.054% (not 5%).
Hubby works in the health care industry and wrote this up to post on FB since people in our area were starting to get panicky. Oh, and also not here to debate vaccinations.💁🏼‍♀️ Just sharing perspective...

And in other news one of the US citizens being held at March Air Reserve Base tried to sneak out. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thankful they diverted to MARB instead of ONT as we all joked they’d likely have escaped ONT. Anyhow here’s his write up:

2019-Novel Coronavirus (from CDC/WHO data): as of 1/30/2020
- 6065 total confirmed cases of which 5997 are inside China.
- 132 deaths, of which ALL are inside China. 2% mortality rate.
- 5 confirmed cases in the US with 2 in California: 1 in LA County and 1 in Orange County.

This is a serious disease with a plausible, possible potential to affect world populations.
Should you be aware? ... Yes.
Should you be concerned? ... no, not at this time.
Have any of the US citizens who arrived on the chartered flight from Wuhan, China to March Air Reserve Base shown any symptoms of the Coronavirus? ... No, they were all evacuated from Wuhan and are being monitored by the Riverside Public Health Department for at least 14 days to confirm no active infections.

NOW let’s take a look at the CDC’s information regarding the 2019-2020 Influenza (as of 1/18/2020):
- Estimated at least 15 MILLION cases this season, in the US, alone!
- More than 140,000 hospitalizations attributed to influenza.
- 88% of influenza cases are in individuals younger than 65 years old with only 12% in seniors. This has allowed the associated mortality rate to be slightly lower than normal, but the influenza rate continues to rise.
- At least 8,200 deaths, of which 54 pediatric deaths, have been attributed to influenza. About a 7% mortality rate.

Should you be aware? ... YES.
Should you be concerned? ... VERY!
Should you have had your Flu vaccine already? ... Absolutely!
Is it too late to still get your Flu vaccine? ... NO, go get it ASAP!!

Those coronavirus numbers out of China are already out of date. There are over 9000 confirmed cases and over 200 deaths as of last night.
Hubby works in the health care industry and wrote this up to post on FB since people in our area were starting to get panicky. Oh, and also not here to debate vaccinations.💁🏼‍♀️ Just sharing perspective...

And in other news one of the US citizens being held at March Air Reserve Base tried to sneak out. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thankful they diverted to MARB instead of ONT as we all joked they’d likely have escaped ONT. Anyhow here’s his write up:

2019-Novel Coronavirus (from CDC/WHO data): as of 1/30/2020
- 6065 total confirmed cases of which 5997 are inside China.
- 132 deaths, of which ALL are inside China. 2% mortality rate.
- 5 confirmed cases in the US with 2 in California: 1 in LA County and 1 in Orange County.

This is a serious disease with a plausible, possible potential to affect world populations.
Should you be aware? ... Yes.
Should you be concerned? ... no, not at this time.
Have any of the US citizens who arrived on the chartered flight from Wuhan, China to March Air Reserve Base shown any symptoms of the Coronavirus? ... No, they were all evacuated from Wuhan and are being monitored by the Riverside Public Health Department for at least 14 days to confirm no active infections.

NOW let’s take a look at the CDC’s information regarding the 2019-2020 Influenza (as of 1/18/2020):
- Estimated at least 15 MILLION cases this season, in the US, alone!
- More than 140,000 hospitalizations attributed to influenza.
- 88% of influenza cases are in individuals younger than 65 years old with only 12% in seniors. This has allowed the associated mortality rate to be slightly lower than normal, but the influenza rate continues to rise.
- At least 8,200 deaths, of which 54 pediatric deaths, have been attributed to influenza. About a 7% mortality rate.

Should you be aware? ... YES.
Should you be concerned? ... VERY!
Should you have had your Flu vaccine already? ... Absolutely!
Is it too late to still get your Flu vaccine? ... NO, go get it ASAP!!
Influenza has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

There are 9,800 known cases of Novel Coronavirus. There are at least 213 confirmed deaths from Novel Coronavirus. That is a mortality rate of 2.2%. That mortality rate is 22 times that of influenza.
Some people are capable of being aware of the flu and other things at the same time. Everyone feels the need to pile on with the comparisons just like when there is any other kind of incident. It's okay to be interested and watch what is going on without being chastised because "what about the flu; what about car accidents" etc. This happens every time there is news about, say, a shark attack. Everyone jumps in to point out the odds of being eaten by a shark vs dying in a car accident. Well, I can't avoid driving, but I can decrease my odds of being eaten by a shark to 0 by not going in the ocean. I am able to try my best to avoid accidents, but also keep myself out of the ocean at the same time! Imagine that.
Only because many people's level of concern of various risky activities is correlated to the amount of news coverage.

In this case, the news coverage is warranted. This is not a non issue. This has the potential to affect everyone (unlike, say, a shark attack or to give a more recent example, a helicopter crash).

The threat of global pandemics is very real and it appears to be playing out with this virus. A virus doesn't have to be "Hollywood level greusome" to warrant media attention.

If, at the very least, the media coverage of this virus causes Americans to have more awareness and engage in practices like hand washing and staying home when ill, it will have served its purpose. A healthy level of fear is how you reign these types of outbreaks in. As a bonus, maybe we will see less people getting the flu since we are being more conscientious about not spreading germs.
So, this OC patient is being kept in a hospital down the street from me.

She apparently visited 3 places while ill with a fever:

99 Ranch Market (a very popular Asian supermarket chain)

South Coast Plaza (Orange County's largest indoor mall), more specifically a Hot Pot restaurant there, but also apparently several stores

Diamond Jamboree shopping center (a HUGE Asian complex of restaurants and shops)

She potentially infected dozens of people by visiting these very crowded places, which are all in a city that has a population of over 200,000. It's my home, and I'm worried now.
Instead of using flu statistics to downplay the Coronavirus, medical professionals should be using the Coronavirus to up-play the flu. Encourage flu vaccinations and handwashing, staying home when sick, etc. If the Coronavirus does become widespread in the US, less flu cases will enable medical facilities to better handle an influx of sick people.
Instead of using flu statistics to downplay the Coronavirus, medical professionals should be using the Coronavirus to up-play the flu. Encourage flu vaccinations and handwashing, staying home when sick, etc. If the Coronavirus does become widespread in the US, less flu cases will enable medical facilities to better handle an influx of sick people.

Exactly. FWIW, the school district here is cracking down HARD on sending kids home that have ANY illness symptoms. As they should. Parents treat school like daycare and send in sick kids all throughout flu season. It's how my son got sick 2 days after going back after winter break. It's not right. Hopefully this will make people a bit more paranoid and will cut down on ALL the viruses circulating.
Exactly. FWIW, the school district here is cracking down HARD on sending kids home that have ANY illness symptoms. As they should. Parents treat school like daycare and send in sick kids all throughout flu season. It's how my son got sick 2 days after going back after winter break. It's not right. Hopefully this will make people a bit more paranoid and will cut down on ALL the viruses circulating.

I had a meeting with my DD's teachers last week and they all thanked me for keeping her home. She was sick with just a fever and cough that started on a no school day on Friday. Monday was another no school day as it was MLK day. She had a fever mid day but it went away without meds. I kept her home on Tuesday to make sure she wasn't sick anymore. The way they were thanking me I realized this does not happen often.
I had a meeting with my DD's teachers last week and they all thanked me for keeping her home. She was sick with just a fever and cough that started on a no school day on Friday. Monday was another no school day as it was MLK day. She had a fever mid day but it went away without meds. I kept her home on Tuesday to make sure she wasn't sick anymore. The way they were thanking me I realized this does not happen often.

My younger son is autistic and in a self contained classroom in middle school. His teacher is a kidney transplant recipient and thus is immunocompromised due to the anti rejection drugs she has to take.

She starts off every year by pleading with parents to keep their kids home if they are so much as sniffling. Since this program isn't academic in nature (it's a functional skills program), kids missing school has NO impact.

In December, a letter came home with my son that a child in his class had tested positive for WHOOPING COUGH and that my son could start showing symptoms over the next 14-21 days. I asked my son who was sick and he told me which kid it was. He then said "Miss K had to call his dad. He was coming to school coughing three times. Miss K called his dad 3 times to take him home." Unbelievable. How do you send your 13 year old to school with whooping cough, of all things? How do you brush that kind of cough off as "nothing to worry about." Luckily the incubation period came and went and my son is fine, undoubtedly because his teacher is absolutely militant about cleaning the classroom for her own safety.
My younger son is autistic and in a self contained classroom in middle school. His teacher is a kidney transplant recipient and thus is immunocompromised due to the anti rejection drugs she has to take.

She starts off every year by pleading with parents to keep their kids home if they are so much as sniffling. Since this program isn't academic in nature (it's a functional skills program), kids missing school has NO impact.

In December, a letter came home with my son that a child in his class had tested positive for WHOOPING COUGH and that my son could start showing symptoms over the next 14-21 days. I asked my son who was sick and he told me which kid it was. He then said "Miss K had to call his dad. He was coming to school coughing three times. Miss K called his dad 3 times to take him home." Unbelievable. How do you send your 13 year old to school with whooping cough, of all things? How do you brush that kind of cough off as "nothing to worry about." Luckily the incubation period came and went and my son is fine, undoubtedly because his teacher is absolutely militant about cleaning the classroom for her own safety.

I don't understand either. That is horrible. Knowing that the teacher is immuocompromised I would be more careful and keep my kid home at the first signs of anything. I also have a job that is flexible with a lot of PTO days and I can work from home. So maybe it is different at other jobs and it is not as easy to take off.
Influenza has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

There are 9,800 known cases of Novel Coronavirus. There are at least 213 confirmed deaths from Novel Coronavirus. That is a mortality rate of 2.2%. That mortality rate is 22 times that of influenza.
I think part of the reason people are freaking out about the coronavirus so much is because of the simulation the Gates foundation ran in 2019. They did a simulation based on how it spreads and they simulation showed by the time it was eradicated it had a death toll of 65 million. For comparison, the last time an epidemic like that happened it was in 1918 with the Spanish flu that wiped out 50 million people.
I think this simulation is the reason people are taking it so seriously.
I know this may be an unpopular opinion here, but I'm not a believer in constant use of hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, sterilizing every surface, wearing gloves to avoid touching surfaces others have touched, etc. It makes sense if you're already immunocompromised, but the way we develop resistance and a strong immune system is by exposure. I don't mean we should seek out the sick or not stay home from school or work if ill, but IMO we have an excessive paranoia about germs. They're everywhere, and sometimes they'll make us sick, so caution is smart but it's simply not possible or even advisable to avoid every illness. I strongly support vaccination. But there is genuine reason to be concerned about overuse of anti-germ agents and I also don't plan to live my life behind a mask, a pair of gloves, and a layer of hand sanitizer. Soap and water is great; keeping things clean, limiting exposure, being cautious and aware are all good ideas, but we're also helping to create supergerms when our efforts get extreme. It also, IMO, inhibits simply enjoying things. I do understand people's views on super vigilance but I don't share them. One of these days we'll have another pandemic (hopefully not soon) but we're not going to stop it with Clorox wipes; that may actually help create it.
I know this may be an unpopular opinion here, but I'm not a believer in constant use of hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, sterilizing every surface, wearing gloves to avoid touching surfaces others have touched, etc. It makes sense if you're already immunocompromised, but the way we develop resistance and a strong immune system is by exposure. I don't mean we should seek out the sick or not stay home from school or work if ill, but IMO we have an excessive paranoia about germs. They're everywhere, and sometimes they'll make us sick, so caution is smart but it's simply not possible or even advisable to avoid every illness. I strongly support vaccination. But there is genuine reason to be concerned about overuse of anti-germ agents and I also don't plan to live my life behind a mask, a pair of gloves, and a layer of hand sanitizer. Soap and water is great; keeping things clean, limiting exposure, being cautious and aware are all good ideas, but we're also helping to create supergerms when our efforts get extreme. It also, IMO, inhibits simply enjoying things. I do understand people's views on super vigilance but I don't share them. One of these days we'll have another pandemic (hopefully not soon) but we're not going to stop it with Clorox wipes; that may actually help create it.

I do agree with you. We are not big on all of this. I am a bit worse at work though. I work in a very large public building. Part of it is a mall other part is office space and a few floors are now apartments. If I go out of our building I do use hand sanitize when I get back to my desk. We just moved to a different office space in the same building. Before we moved my department (in a separate floor and area of the building then the rest of our office) had no running water. We had to take an escalator down a floor then go up an elevator to our office for running water. So with no other choice after touching railings and buttons I would use hand sanitizer.
So, this OC patient is being kept in a hospital down the street from me.

She apparently visited 3 places while ill with a fever:

99 Ranch Market (a very popular Asian supermarket chain)

South Coast Plaza (Orange County's largest indoor mall), more specifically a Hot Pot restaurant there, but also apparently several stores

Diamond Jamboree shopping center (a HUGE Asian complex of restaurants and shops)

She potentially infected dozens of people by visiting these very crowded places, which are all in a city that has a population of over 200,000. It's my home, and I'm worried now.

The more you mention about this woman the more I’m astounded by how selfish she is. Between this and knowingly flying when she suspected she had the virus.

Hell I’ve had the flu for the past week and pretty much holed myself up in my apartment once I realized A) I don’t really have the energy to do anything and B) even if half my campus is infected already I don’t feel like being the one responsible for causing more illness.
So, this OC patient is being kept in a hospital down the street from me.

She apparently visited 3 places while ill with a fever:

99 Ranch Market (a very popular Asian supermarket chain)

South Coast Plaza (Orange County's largest indoor mall), more specifically a Hot Pot restaurant there, but also apparently several stores

Diamond Jamboree shopping center (a HUGE Asian complex of restaurants and shops)

She potentially infected dozens of people by visiting these very crowded places, which are all in a city that has a population of over 200,000. It's my home, and I'm worried now.

This makes me so mad! What a selfish excuse for a human being!

I hope you and your family stay healthy.

I have a couple of auto-immune diseases and am taking a medicine that is immunosuppressant so this kind of stuff makes me a bit paranoid.:scared:
This makes me so mad! What a selfish excuse for a human being!

I hope you and your family stay healthy.

I have a couple of auto-immune diseases and am taking a medicine that is immunosuppressant so this kind of stuff makes me a bit paranoid.:scared:

It is incredibly selfish. I believe her son is under voluntary home quarantine. I hope he isn't as selfish as his mother and stays put at home.


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