WDW COVID-19 Operational Changes- Reservation System-Rope Drop Procedures

Interesting- this is the first time I've seen "face coverings" defined. What I had planned to use (a cooling cloth gaiter) would not pass muster because it does not have ties or ear loops.

Same here. I just ordered those for my kids to keep them cool and to avoid knots if they tried tieing/untieing on their own...

Cut ear slots. Or buy the ones with existing ear-slots. It keeps the gaiter from sliding down as much, too. Kids are hard to fit, and don't always communicate what the issue is well so you have my sympathy.
In regards to the gaiters, people have been wearing them at Disney Springs and Disney Springs FAQ requirements has the same “ear loop” comment. So unless they just changed the Disney Springs rules it’s gaiters are not being rejected
Can the OP be edited to give factual opening bullet points, or at least someone with 100% accurate info post one?
I see many different things and it is hard to tell what is facts and what is hope/assumptions.

MK and AK opening 7/11
EP and HS opening 7/15
masks required
and so on

I'll see if I can boil it down to any summary when I have a moment. On some level I'd recommend to always consult the actual WDW site (see links below) as the information is long and growing, covers so many angles, and they change the wording often. These two links are on post 1 for quick reference if needed.

WDW Experience Updates - https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/experience-updates/

WDW Resort Official Operations Update Page - https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/travel-information/
Thank you. Wonder when they will?
No clue, but being closed July, potentially August I would think they won't reopen them until next year? Hurricane season, along with fall and winter might make sense to them to keep them closed
Volcano bay is an excellent water park :)
I think they're trying to save money wherever they can
i have to be honest, i actually find it super reassuring. we have a dl trip in sept and a dw trip in dec with a baby, a 4 year old and dec is with the grandparents. i'm really appreciating all the measures taken so i can feel comfortable with the kiddos. They were never going to stay awake for the fireworks and i'm sooo hopeful for lower crowds.
ETA: never mind. I saw saw someone in the tickets sticky that had an answer. Thanks.

We have a reservation at CBR in December but we hadn’t purchased tickets yet (we bug through UT). It looks like you can still get dates tickets through UT, but I’m not sure now if we will be able to link them/get that reservation option. Has anyone seen anything on that yet?
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Hold on to your pants. DHS 10am - 8pm.

So to recap,
MK - 9am-7pm
DAK - 8am-6pm
DHS - 10am-8pm
Epcot - no changes, yet....
There are some EMH for a MK and DHS added in. Think we'll see those include AK or some morning options for DHS? So far a night for DHS and a day and a night for MK.

Depending on how they look at issuing tickets, is it beneficial to stay on property with these cuts all added up? Could someone get a dated/reserved ticket (if that's how they are offered first to resort guests), then cancel their resort reservation for an off-site option for considerably less $$$?

*I rented DVC points so this doesn't apply to us, but just curious what others think.


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