Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Breezy Carol, how does your church do Holy Communion? We used to have trays that held a ton of individual plastic juice cups. We had one big loaf of bread that was Blessed and broken at the Communion table by one of the pastors before being broken into small sections and put on about 10 or so plates. I am a Deacon and at least once a month would help serve. We would pass the bread plate first followed by the tray of juice and then each person in a pew would serve the person next to them. Both the bread and cup would continue in this way down the a pew row until it got to the end. Then the Deacon on that side would start the process over in the next row. I sadly do not see church opening here anytime soon. I won't be going back until Worship service is close to what it once was but am always interested to hear how someone else's church works especially right now with Holy Communion. Thank you, my friend :)
I loved most every subject. I was a good student and teachers liked me. I will say a great teacher can make all the difference in the world. You can really tell which ones WANT to be there and which ones are just trying to get thru the day. I feel so much gratitude for all the teachers who had to teach online this semester ( and weren’t planning to.)
@apirateslifeforme --Your math teacher sounds like a wonderful teacher. I believe that all students should come across a teacher like that thru their school years. You can have fun, and learn at the same time. I enjoyed reading about him! Are you in MA? When you said Longmeadow, as I am from MA originally and that name rang a bell. It's not too far from Springfield , or Chicopee, where I lived for a long time! That is so cool that one of your majors was criminal justice, I would have loved to have studied something like that, and become a real CSI!
I live in CT, but right on the MA border. I went to Bay Path College (now University) in Longmeadow - and Springfield is literally straight up the street! It's funny to tell people that even though I live in CT, our town is actually a suburb of a city in MA, as we're much closer to Springfield than Hartford. DH works in Chicopee now, too.

This question about teachers was quite timely...I just found out that 2 teachers from my high school passed away in the past 2 weeks. I didn't have either one of them, but of course I knew them. Both were only in their mid-70s. My high school closed in 2016 as well. So much has changed...
I live in CT, but right on the MA border. I went to Bay Path College (now University) in Longmeadow - and Springfield is literally straight up the street! It's funny to tell people that even though I live in CT, our town is actually a suburb of a city in MA, as we're much closer to Springfield than Hartford. DH works in Chicopee now, too.

Really, I didn't know that anywhere in CT was considered a suburb of MA! Small world isn't it?

This question about teachers was quite timely...I just found out that 2 teachers from my high school passed away in the past 2 weeks. I didn't have either one of them, but of course I knew them. Both were only in their mid-70s. My high school closed in 2016 as well. So much has changed...

:( about teachers you knew passing away so closely together. As they say, time marches on, things change, and who knows if the things as they used to be will ever be quite the same. As I get older, I have a harder time with changes :(
Such a beautiful day today. Just came in from mowing the yard. Later we will go for a hike.

Breezy Carol, how does your church do Holy Communion? We used to have trays that held a ton of individual plastic juice cups. We had one big loaf of bread that was Blessed and broken at the Communion table by one of the pastors before being broken into small sections and put on about 10 or so plates. I am a Deacon and at least once a month would help serve. We would pass the bread plate first followed by the tray of juice and then each person in a pew would serve the person next to them. Both the bread and cup would continue in this way down the a pew row until it got to the end. Then the Deacon on that side would start the process over in the next row. I sadly do not see church opening here anytime soon. I won't be going back until Worship service is close to what it once was but am always interested to hear how someone else's church works especially right now with Holy Communion. Thank you, my friend :)
I belong to a Methodist church and we have communion on the first Sunday of the month. This tradition goes back to when there were circuit riding ministers. Our church serves by intinction. The pastor blesses the bread and juice (no wine here). Then one server gets a half loaf of bread and the other gets a chalice of juice. There are usually two pairs for the congregation and one pair for the choir. The recipients come forward to the rail, are handed a piece of broken off bread then dip it into the juice, and take both together. On some special services we may use the little cups at the rail with broken bread. The last communion served in March was little individual sealed cups with the wafer included. I am in charge of getting stewards to set the table and of finding appropriate bread, which surprisingly became an ongoing problem. I don't see our church opening any time soon and communion will be different.

QOTD- June 13. Have you been to a DIS meet and/or met DISsers in person?

I went to the infamous Riddlecon in Ohio at Cedar Point Park in August 2003. Went to several other gathering of people I met on the DIS. There are a group of us that keep in touch still on a regular basis. We've met for weekends in Providence, Rhode Island, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore. And several individual meet ups along the way too. A fine group of people.
Thank you for sharing, Breezy Carol! :) I belong to a Protestant Church, really a Disciples of Christ church. We have Holy Communion every week. No alcohol which personally I think is more inviting of "all are welcome to Jesus' Table." We do have twice a year special services were the congregation comes forward to receive Communion. Then there is also our Maundy Thursday dinner where Communion is served at each small table. Very cool to read about your church, thanks.

I've met two Dis-ers. One kind family who had a magic morning and didn't mind getting up at the crack of dawn were able to secure us a bench for the Candlelight Processional at Disneyland. I came a couple hours after they had, and we held the fort all day. They were fun to get to know and I remember it being so weird leaving "our" bench at the end of the evening once CP was over. Wonderful experience that I'd love to do again sometime. Prayers they are all doing well! I also met another Dis-er who, looking back, I wish I had waited around with for that night's Candlelight. She was also a nice lady and good to meet. I hope of course she is well, too!
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Thank you for sharing, Breezy Carol! :) I belong to a Protestant Church, really a Disciples of Christ church. We have Holy Communion every week. No alcohol which personally I think is more inviting of "all are welcome to Jesus' Table." We do have twice a year special services were the congregation comes forward to receive Communion. Then there is also our Maundy Thursday dinner where Communion is served at each small table. Very cool to read about your church, thanks.

I've met two Dis-ers. One kind family who had a magic morning and didn't mind getting up at the crack of dawn where able to secure us a bench for the Candlelight Processional at Disneyland. I came a couple hours after they had, and we held the fort all day. They were fun to get to know and I remember it being so weird leaving "our" bench at the end of the evening once CP was over. Wonderful experience that I'd love to do again sometime. Prayers they are all doing well! I also met another Dis-er who, looking back, I wish I had waited around with for that night's Candlelight. She was also a nice lady and good to meet. I hope of course she is well, too!

I've meet two "Dissers" by chance. Both stayed at WDW hotels at the same time as me and we bumped into each other at the concierge lounge. One was at the Contemporary and she nicely suggested a wine spritzer as an adult beverage; found out in talking that we were both on the DIS. The other was at the Boardwalk and I recognized her from the picture in her avatar and started a brief conversation. We were running late (had to pick DGD and friend up from the pool) so not really time for an extended talk. Enjoyed both informal meets:).

Had an informal meeting set up after a Christmas service at the Contemporary but the poster was traveling via the monorail and it went down so it never happened unfortunately.
No, I've never met any Dis'sers IRL. At least, as far as I know. I did do a meetup once with another mother I became online 'friends' with on a parenting chat board. We met at a BBQ joint when she was in town visiting family. It was...awkward. Easy to chat online with someone you don't know, much harder to do in person.

Lazy day again today. I picked up 'Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat' on the Kindle a couple of days ago for $3.99. I've been reading it, and it is very informative; I started reading, looked up and it was 4 hours later. :coffee: Time to put it away and get some housework done. :sad2:

Dinner tonight: sloppy joes, tater tots and the ever present vegetables. Leftover strawberry shortcake for dessert.
Beautiful day here, but on the cool side at 67 degrees, feels good after the heat we had earlier in the week. Did my weekly Aldi/Walmart grocery shopping. Both stores had fully stocked meat departments ( I did notice a rise in the price of ground beef at Walmart, was at least $1 a lb more). I didn't notice any limit sign on meat in Aldi's this week though. Walmart has taken the limits off of water, but still has 1 per family on paper goods, bleach etc. Still no cleaning stuff or wipes. A lot of stuff that has been missing for awhile is slowly making it's way back onto the shelves. I finally got a pkg of Keebler chocolate graham crackers that I have been craving for months! I did all my yardwork yesterday, and watered the garden this morning. I knew once I planted it, all our rain would disappear, and I was right!
Dinner tonite will be honey battered chicken tenders and macaroni and cheese. I'm making it a lazy cooking weekend, lol! Hope all of you are having a wonderful Saturday!!!
Today is a lovely cool day in MA. Yesterday my oldest granddaughter turned 5. We were able to see her and give her the gifts for her birthday. Today older DS and his family stopped by for some outside visiting. Love to see the grandkids. Tonight DH and I are doing patio dining at one our our usual restaurants. I am so excited to actually eat out again.

I have never met a Diser in real life but would really like to sometime.
[QUOTE="Breezy_Carol, post: 61998877, member: 1469"

QOTD- June 13. Have you been to a DIS meet and/or met DISsers in person?

I went to the infamous Riddlecon in Ohio at Cedar Point Park in August 2003. Went to several other gathering of people I met on the DIS. There are a group of us that keep in touch still on a regular basis. We've met for weekends in Providence, Rhode Island, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore. And several individual meet ups along the way too. A fine group of people.

Many......at DLR, WDW, and Chicago. I have met so many Dis people over the years

Our zoo opened today. We went (well DD, DGD, DGS and me). Only open to members today and tomorrow.
We had reserve a spot because of only 2500 being admitted. Only open from 7-12. No readmittance The kids were so glad to get out of the house and see their animal friends.
We got in around 8 and stayed until 10:30......too hot by then. Home and into the pool
Had a nice lazy do nothing day. Did some hand wash, worked out the coming week's dinner menu and that's about it.
Made a simple chef's salad for dinner with more greens and less protein than normal. Oh right and I added some avocado just because I love them so. Fruit salad was my dessert and the man is having a grapefruit half topped w/ honey.
I am behind in posting.
We enjoyed hello fresh shepherds pie for dinner tonight.

My favorite school subject was history. It's an interest of mine still.

Had it not been cancelled, the College World Series would have started today. While I totally understand why, I'm still a little sad. For me, there is nothing quite like going to one of those games. It's such a happy, exciting atmosphere. And it will be again one day. ⚾
Happy belated Birthday to your granddaughter, Snowysmom! :) So glad you got to spend time with her today.

Gwynne, when I lived in a very small town that had not quite a minor league baseball team but more of a local older youth team, I always wished I had gone to see them play. From what I could see it always seemed so positive :) I hope sometime not too long from now you do get to enjoy another college world series game.

To all, remember our eventual Minnie's breakfast meet! ::MinnieMo :)

Saturday Gratitude:

Thinking about as I help my Dad sort through his old photos, what a Blessing it will be to one day start a brand new album together with items dear to us both :)

Much better night's rest last night and prayers for even more sleep tonight now that time of month is all done--hooray!

A nice message from a friend.
Good morning all... or I'm sure afternoon for most of you. LOL I've been reading but haven't had chance to reply all week, been a little busy. I have my niece visiting until later this afternoon and I should have a chance to catch up on the laptop where its easier to quote and reply and not my phone with its tiny screen and keyboard. :laughing: Just wanted to bump up the post to the 1st page again. Hope you all are having an enjoyable Sunday.
Good to see you, AuntieMe3, have fun with your niece :) It's still morning here in CA. Thank you also for the first page bump. I always like to see this thread visible :) Prayers everyone is having a peaceful Sunday. I am so thankful that so far all is quiet here. There was (maybe still is, don't know) going to be a huge protest march in my area today. Maybe it got cancelled.

Some other early Sunday gratitude :)

Talking with an elderly friend Ruth and hearing her husband is home from the hospital--praise God!
Target.com came through 100% this time with our order. We got our last items today.
A cooler yet sunny day that the Good Lord has made and given me health and joy in it :)
Even though the weathermen weren't calling for rain , we had a good long downpour this morning (my garden said Thank You to Mother Nature!), and it's been sprinkling on and off all day. Temp is only 57 and actually feels chilly! We are having a lazy do nothing Sunday, ran out and got Subway for a late lunch/early dinner. Sign on door saying masks mandatory, but people passing thru from Mc'D's into Subway not wearing them. Stopped at Dollar General to get a couple of sales items. Sign on door says masks mandatory, the employees didn't have any on :( !!! Some restaurants are starting to open, others aren't , at least not yet. The mall will be open next weekened, hopefully I can call and get an appt for a haircut before JulY!
The Tivo is almost down to nothing to watch, so we are sitting here watching Star Wars movies, lol. I haven't seen them in so long, when I first saw them in the theater they looked great, now a lot of it just looks 'cheesy' to me! Have a great Sunday everyone!
happy Sunday, y'all.

Worked on the kitchen and laundry today. We all played on the Switch (Mario Cart and Smash). Less than a week until I get to see GS#2! :love: OH, and DD#2, of course. :lmao:

I made Ricotta corn cakes with a blackberry sauce for DH for breakfast this morning. Then we did a fridge cleanout for lunch/dinner, but I wasn't super hungry tonight, so I'm just having watermelon with salt and Penzey's Pico Fruita for dinner. :woohoo: And a margarita, or three. :drinking1


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