We probably went on a stay-at-home order that was close to New York because we were also hit hard at first. I think the attitude from those of us that went through such a dreadful shutdown and saw how quickly it reigned things in is that Florida and other states like it aren't doing enough.
Didn't a lot of states have stay at home orders back in March and April (when NY was going through theirs)? I know we (Kentucky) did. I think Florida did the same. Things in Ky started to open up in early June. We hit our "explosion" over the last week to two. So, as had been asked before... how long do you stay locked down for? Kentucky's numbers were decent, even after they started opening up. And when we went to phase 3, numbers still stayed down. But now they're not. Should states stay locked down until ALL states have low numbers?
Florida and other states should have learned from NY. Yes, NY made mistakes. But the rest of the country should have learned from those mistakes.

I think Christine said it best.
I'm not from the tri-state northeast area that was hit hard...just from the DC/MD/VA area. We probably went on a stay-at-home order that was close to New York because we were also hit hard at first. I think the attitude from those of us that went through such a dreadful shutdown and saw how quickly it reigned things in is that Florida and other states like it aren't doing enough. They had a chance to learn from the horror of New York City (even if they weren't in that mess themselves at the time) and at the first surge, in order to keep taxing the healthcare workers there, we feel they should have put their arms around it and contained it real fast. It would have worked too. But to see the cavalier attitudes towards the strain you are putting on local healthcare workers as well as the risk to the citizens, well, it's kind of mind blowing and, frankly, it makes me a bit angry, even though I don't even live there.
Didn't a lot of states have stay at home orders back in March and April (when NY was going through theirs)? I know we (Kentucky) did. I think Florida did the same. Things in Ky started to open up in early June. We hit our "explosion" over the last week to two. So, as had been asked before... how long do you stay locked down for? Kentucky's numbers were decent, even after they started opening up. And when we went to phase 3, numbers still stayed down. But now they're not. Should states stay locked down until ALL states have low numbers?

Of course not (and I don't remember what each state did). Some did a true stay at home and some just messaged that it was "safer at home." But you are correct that other states had an entirely different scenario than what NY was experiencing so I don't agree that everyone should have functioned the same way back in March/April. But the minute you (the general you--but I mean governors) started seeing the uptick in cases in states such as Florida, I believe it was then time to rely on lessons learned elsewhere and to behave in such a way that it would not spiral out like it has done.

It's really unfair to the healthcare workers, honestly, and many of them are at or past their breaking point.
Didn't a lot of states have stay at home orders back in March and April (when NY was going through theirs)? I know we (Kentucky) did. I think Florida did the same. Things in Ky started to open up in early June. We hit our "explosion" over the last week to two. So, as had been asked before... how long do you stay locked down for? Kentucky's numbers were decent, even after they started opening up. And when we went to phase 3, numbers still stayed down. But now they're not. Should states stay locked down until ALL states have low numbers?

Yes, Mississippi was the same. Locked down from mid March to late May. Reopened and things were okay until late June and have exploded here since July 1.

That's the thing. No one knew how, when and how long to lock down for. And the powers that be did not do enough to mitigate the spread by insisting on mask wearing, social distancing and cautiously venturing out from the top of the US down to the governor in my state.

It was all about we have to keep the economy churning at full throttle.

Our governor is doing more than others, but he is still following his political party lines.

Now, schools are supposed to open in less than 3 weeks...
Didn't a lot of states have stay at home orders back in March and April (when NY was going through theirs)? I know we (Kentucky) did. I think Florida did the same. Things in Ky started to open up in early June. We hit our "explosion" over the last week to two. So, as had been asked before... how long do you stay locked down for? Kentucky's numbers were decent, even after they started opening up. And when we went to phase 3, numbers still stayed down. But now they're not. Should states stay locked down until ALL states have low numbers?

If states enact strict quarantine requirements on all interstate travel like there is in Hawaii, then it would make efforts a little bit easier for individual states to deal with their own virus situation. Then any state that is doing well can continue to function. But, I don’t foresee that happening at all. There’s just no national effort in this country.
Didn't a lot of states have stay at home orders back in March and April (when NY was going through theirs)? I know we (Kentucky) did. I think Florida did the same. Things in Ky started to open up in early June. We hit our "explosion" over the last week to two. So, as had been asked before... how long do you stay locked down for? Kentucky's numbers were decent, even after they started opening up. And when we went to phase 3, numbers still stayed down. But now they're not. Should states stay locked down until ALL states have low numbers?
In a word, yes.
A more nuanced response would be to open and close by regions composed of nearby states. The states near me and certainly my own still haven’t fully reopened. Given what is currently going on to the south and west of us I would not be surprised if we close down again.
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Didn't a lot of states have stay at home orders back in March and April (when NY was going through theirs)? I know we (Kentucky) did. I think Florida did the same. Things in Ky started to open up in early June. We hit our "explosion" over the last week to two. So, as had been asked before... how long do you stay locked down for? Kentucky's numbers were decent, even after they started opening up. And when we went to phase 3, numbers still stayed down. But now they're not. Should states stay locked down until ALL states have low numbers?
No - you open up slowly, but maintain the same basin tenant throughout -- physical distancing 6feet with masking if unable to maintain such distance.

Many reopenings did not maintain the basic tenant and essentially put transmission risk back to square one.
If states enact strict quarantine requirements on all interstate travel like there is in Hawaii, then it would make efforts a little bit easier for individual states to deal with their own virus situation. Then any state that is doing well can continue to function. But, I don’t foresee that happening at all. There’s just no national effort in this country.
Hawaii? You're comparing Hawaii's interstate travel ban to everyone else? I'm sorry, does that strike anyone else as funny? Hawaii would be about the EASIEST state to enact a travel ban. Every other state would have so much border, it will be ridiculous to try and regulate.
If states enact strict quarantine requirements on all interstate travel like there is in Hawaii, then it would make efforts a little bit easier for individual states to deal with their own virus situation. Then any state that is doing well can continue to function. But, I don’t foresee that happening at all. There’s just no national effort in this country.
Hawaii is in the middle of the ocean. You cannot compare them to states here that share borders with the exception of Alaska and that required most often going through Canada or flying.

How would you actually quarantine people who live in one state and work in another? Or people who live right on the border and they go from this place to that place just to go to the store.

The quarantines right now do the best they can with common sense being utilized; reduce the desirability of leisure travel because the rest is normally a matter of necessity.
Interesting to see today that the Coronavirus Task Force daily gatherings are kicking off again tomorrow. And it seems that the administration is really super big on masks now too....going as far to call it "patriotic" to wear a mask. Ok, new tact, but it's worth a shot. Good luck trying to put that genie back in the bottle.

I'm thinking some folks in there got a glimpse at what some of the biggest CEOs in the country are saying....and it's not great. With the new outbreak in the south and west, and seemingly no end until a vaccine, Americans are taking things into their own hands to a great degree. We're staying home. And it seems that CEOs and now the administration may be noticing this. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
So Trump is gonna tell patriotic Karens they're being unpatriotic by not wearing a mask? Well that could be entertaining to watch.
Looks like Spain has completely lost patience in social distancing. After their early disaster they had a successful lockdown. But now cases are completely out of control again. Stay at home order again now for Barcelona - but everyone is ignoring it and the beaches are full apparently. 😕
We should let Disney and the NBA run the country. They seemingly have this figured out. As I've said, people have to get there, which is the problem, because outside of the Disney's not as great.

However, the NBA is in the Disney/NBA bubble. They have really strict rules in place for the players. They couldn't leave the bubble. No other person allowed in their rooms. Two players tested positive last Monday, and so they were quarantined. Today, all 346 players tested negative. So, they did it. If you don't give the virus a new host to jump to...the virus dies.

I believe they enter a phase down the road where some family are allowed to stay with the players, but they need to be quarantined/tested first. It'll be interesting to see how that next phase goes. But these kinds of strict controls are necessary to squash this virus.
I'll join you! I'll glad complain about my state doing absolutely nothing to curb this. I don't know why anyone would defend a job poorly done. Our numbers were worsening daily and then magically 3 days ago, the reporting site started having errors and we haven't gotten any numbers since. We have no clue how we're doing.

Florida has been abysmal in their handling of this virus along with a great many other states and it shows. I don't get the state loyalty thing.
I’ll throw my state of TN under the bus as well...our governor just “trusts people will do the right thing”😐
We should let Disney and the NBA run the country. They seemingly have this figured out. As I've said, people have to get there, which is the problem, because outside of the Disney's not as great.

However, the NBA is in the Disney/NBA bubble. They have really strict rules in place for the players. They couldn't leave the bubble. No other person allowed in their rooms. Two players tested positive last Monday, and so they were quarantined. Today, all 346 players tested negative. So, they did it. If you don't give the virus a new host to jump to...the virus dies.

I believe they enter a phase down the road where some family are allowed to stay with the players, but they need to be quarantined/tested first. It'll be interesting to see how that next phase goes. But these kinds of strict controls are necessary to squash this virus.

Maybe. But how about grocery clerks and delivery people get daily tests instead of professional athletes. 🤦‍♀️
I disagree that expectations are not realistic. No one expects 0 cases. My concern is how so few states are following the guidelines that were put out for reopening. What happened to the 2 straight weeks of declining numbers between phases? So how people tend to forget that. It feels like Florida threw out any plan just cause they needed the parks open.
The vaccine may not provide a "cure" like some expect. The virus will likely be with us for a long while.
Didn't a lot of states have stay at home orders back in March and April (when NY was going through theirs)? I know we (Kentucky) did. I think Florida did the same. Things in Ky started to open up in early June. We hit our "explosion" over the last week to two. So, as had been asked before... how long do you stay locked down for? Kentucky's numbers were decent, even after they started opening up. And when we went to phase 3, numbers still stayed down. But now they're not. Should states stay locked down until ALL states have low numbers?

I don't think most states missed the boat on the lock downs, I think they opened too early and then stepped through the phases too quickly. For FL specifically their first mistake was allowing beaches and hotels to be open for spring break and they never really got any smarter.
Maybe. But how about grocery clerks and delivery people get daily tests instead of professional athletes. 🤦‍♀️
No argument from me. We need to be testing way, way more. And we need to be wearing masks. Just wanted to point out that testing, a short period of isolation and Yes, more difficult to do in general society, but if we were all doing the same thing for the same length of time, it’s possible to we could flatten the curve as a nation. We won’t do that. But we could have.
Hawaii? You're comparing Hawaii's interstate travel ban to everyone else? I'm sorry, does that strike anyone else as funny? Hawaii would be about the EASIEST state to enact a travel ban. Every other state would have so much border, it will be ridiculous to try and regulate.
It's not ridiculous or impossible to regulate. We did it for quite some time between our Canadian Provinces - which share massive land borders. In fact, our Atlantic Provinces are still not allowing anyone in from other provinces and have not since the spring. It's not hard to regulate at all - any vehicle that does not have that Province's plates is pulled over and sent packing - as well as given a hefty fine in some cases. No buses or transit are allowed to cross those borders, either.

Ditto for the longest land border between 2 countries - which we have maintained as closed to the U.S. for 4 months now despite many U.S. members of congress appealing to our Federal Gov't to open it. It's starting to get quite humorous to us Canadians, actually, how many U.S. citizens are still showing up at the border every day trying to cross in order to take a vacation. They seemingly don't know about the closed border?

For those who live in one Province, work in another - most were laid off or forced to work from home. The only vehicles allowed across the border to both the U.S. and between restricted provinces are those truckers carrying essential goods.

It's obviously not ideal and takes an incredible amount of sacrifice, but it's certainly not impossible.


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