Covid And The Rest of Us

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Yeah I don't worry about my lipstick any more, but I do try and match my mask to my outfit :) (Ottawa resident)
My main mask is black..I figure it may be hot at times because of the color but it matches with everything :rotfl2: I do actually like your idea though of matching to your outfit!
Sorry try this? I added some interesting quotes below. Apologies for the lack of cut and paste skills!
I think this also goes back to what has been drilled into us. There are enough articles regarding 'long-haulers', warnings all over the place that just because you had mild symptoms does not in fact mean you won't be dealing with something for months on end, lots of "just because you're young doesn't mean you're invincible" type articles/interviews by people and even several of the same posters on this Board def. mention it a lot.

I take it there is less focus elsewhere in the world on so-called 'long-haulers'?

I've long since thought and even posted regarding what hindsight will show us especially what methods were actually most useful and what weren't. Even when considering the vastness that is the globe and different cultures and social constructs we know there are some of the same results no matter where and what was done.
It's funny that the American politics means questioning actions is often being branded as ultra right-wing, regardless of where one is located. I'm one who questions, and reads, and pushes for action, but I am a very, very dark shade of pink left.
Without straying too much here because of Board rules part of what is basic to what we are as Americans is actually questioning our leaders; it's been a founding part to us as a Nation. We abide by rules at times and push back at other times and with that comes positives and negatives. Pushing back is how we get change done a lot of the times. One of the things I've been most proud about is pushing back against legal rights stripped away or not even given at all to those belonging to the LGBQT+ Community such as marriage rights and employment protection.

However, as delicately as I can put it in recent years (across a few administrations) so much more than in the past the way you are perceived to be politically aligned can mean the difference between your questioning authority/leaders as being completely acceptable or not acceptable. In some ways that may make some sense given how certain topics generally align with specific party alignments but we've lost the ability to be more than just an "either/or". Two different topics may be at the heart of it pushing back on the legalities or social constructs but have drastically different optics to someone.

I actually think it's ironic when someone is labeled an American because of what they say but they aren't. This pushing back against authorities isn't strictly American but we're perhaps like the poster child for the perception it maybe? Hard to explain what I'm thinking lol. I remember years ago protests in the UK over college tuition fees. I remember thinking "right on" basically. I know they weren't successful but I just remember thinking how interesting it was that level of push back over tuition fees, something of which we largely here grumble, deal with and accept that it's putting many of us into debt with long-lasting ramifications.
Furthermore, it really depends on the issue. I am convinced that Clinton-Lewinsky would never had happened here. Yes, embarrassing, but in the end a case between man and wife.
I've often used this example for how looking back these days it would be laughable for that situation to garner that much attention these days much less be at the heart of an impeachment trial. Oh the 90s..they were a different time that's for sure.
I take it there is less focus elsewhere in the world on so-called 'long-haulers'?

If I think about it most of my information about long-haulers comes from the States.

But basketball has kept me away from national news sources here - both print and broadcast.

I have pernicious anemia (b12 deficiency) and I find it interesting that the majority of the ongoing issues reported overlap with symptoms that I have experienced. Coincidence? Probably. Maybe. But it does make me wonder if something has happened in the body to make absorption an issue. Those in hospital - simple - they need to plough them with meds to save their lives. And that in turn can greatly impact the intestinal area, where absorption occurs. But what about those who had little to no symptoms - and needed no medical care - but now have these issues?

It must be so frustrating for those affected.
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Are they saliva tests? Or nasal swabs?

They were showing nasal swabs. But who knows if the media simply chose stock footage that was easiest to grab.

I have yet to read up about it.

EDIT*** Ask and you will NOT find. I have read two articles and neither of them were clear. But one did state Health Canada is open to review all types of testing kits. And the other said nasal swabs were the gold standard, insinuating that at home tests might miss some positive findings.
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I can't. I just can't.
My sister and I google Ford and french lessons on a regular basis.
:rolleyes1Never underestimate the power of French lessons! If she had been just a teeny, tiny bit more fluent in French, an amazing first-generation Canadian woman of colour would be the leader of the Conservative Party today. ::yes::
They were showing nasal swabs. But who knows if the media simply chose stock footage that was easiest to grab.

I have yet to read up about it.

EDIT*** Ask and you will NOT find. I have read two articles and neither of them were clear. But one did state Health Canada is open to review all types of testing kits. And the other said nasal swabs were the gold standard, insinuating that at home tests might miss some positive findings.
I have to think it was this. There is virtually NO WAY people would nasal-swab themselves properly at home on their own. Even the throat swab has to be done aggressively enough that it would be daunting as a DIY. I'm afraid home-testing won't be of much value and may even be detrimental if anything is being staked on the results.
They were showing nasal swabs. But who knows if the media simply chose stock footage that was easiest to grab.

I have yet to read up about it.

EDIT*** Ask and you will NOT find. I have read two articles and neither of them were clear. But one did state Health Canada is open to review all types of testing kits. And the other said nasal swabs were the gold standard, insinuating that at home tests might miss some positive findings.
That's what I was afraid of. I agree with the PP and it was my thoughts from the beginning. Nasal swabs can be hard enough to administer correctly when done through drive-thru or at the doctor's office. At home? Yipes that's just asking for issues.
Oh @lisaviolet - my sides! :rotfl2: I had to go down your google rabbit hole. Honestly, I haven't laughed this hard in a while. :thanks:

Snipped from a Narcity article:
Short video of why and what for home test kits. This YT channel has a few longer conversations for anyone interested. This is for a US based audience, I sure would like to know if other countries have tests like this for sale that could be shipped to Honduras.
Ah, Canadian posters, trying to act so straight laced.... ha, we know better ;) Second time you have made headlines in the German news for your health department recommendations during intimacy.... I won't post more but easily searchable!
Such foolishness though, really... 💋👄. I guess it is better than the B.C recommendation eh.. 😉
In all seriousness though, I think that the issue of celibacy is often overlooked when we talk about younger people catching the virus. It's easy to say 'don't engage' if one has a partner at home, but in the UK and in Australia where people were prevented from being with their non live-in partner (or in instances where one is now separated from their partner due to travel restrictions) it really does become an issue of mental health.

Not only are we expecting people to follow restrictions on travel, dining, hair dressers etc but we are also expecting them to stop engaging socially if they are single. That is rarely discussed, but is also a serious side effect of the pandemic. The longer this goes on, the less we can reasonably expect people to remain celibate simply because they don't have a long term partner.
In all seriousness though, I think that the issue of celibacy is often overlooked when we talk about younger people catching the virus. It's easy to say 'don't engage' if one has a partner at home, but in the UK and in Australia where people were prevented from being with their non live-in partner (or in instances where one is now separated from their partner due to travel restrictions) it really does become an issue of mental health.

Not only are we expecting people to follow restrictions on travel, dining, hair dressers etc but we are also expecting them to stop engaging socially if they are single. That is rarely discussed, but is also a serious side effect of the pandemic. The longer this goes on, the less we can reasonably expect people to remain celibate simply because they don't have a long term partner.

Indeed. I live this last part with my 24/year old son, no “serious” girlfriend. Fun times. He also has dual citizenship, but has not left Canada thus far.
Short video of why and what for home test kits. This YT channel has a few longer conversations for anyone interested. This is for a US based audience, I sure would like to know if other countries have tests like this for sale that could be shipped to Honduras.
The German biotech firm Evotec is planning to have tests available for at home use within a few months. I've seen cost estimates around 30 Euro but that seems high to me.

I'm not sure what plans may be in place for these to be distributed globally but would hope that NGOs or humanitarian agencies may help to ensure that they are available to areas like yours.

Do you expect distribution battles as to who will get the vaccine first or at all?

Lanthaler: No, I don't expect that. The industry will be able to produce large quantities very quickly. The development is going on at a rapid pace. Take the tests: I expect that in six months you can buy a Covid-19 test for 30 euros in the supermarket.
Ok, so our minister of justice can stay. He got emotional during his own statement, almost cried.

There was a motion of no confidence (severest motion) and a motion of disapproval (medium) neither one of them got enough support to be actually useful.
They will investigate the fines, might bring it down from 390 to 100 euro and to have it on your record or not, could also be temporary on your record.

And that was all the excitement from the Netherlands.
In all seriousness though, I think that the issue of celibacy is often overlooked when we talk about younger people catching the virus. It's easy to say 'don't engage' if one has a partner at home, but in the UK and in Australia where people were prevented from being with their non live-in partner (or in instances where one is now separated from their partner due to travel restrictions) it really does become an issue of mental health.

Not only are we expecting people to follow restrictions on travel, dining, hair dressers etc but we are also expecting them to stop engaging socially if they are single. That is rarely discussed, but is also a serious side effect of the pandemic. The longer this goes on, the less we can reasonably expect people to remain celibate simply because they don't have a long term partner.

In Australia at least, that was not the case. That's been one gripe with our restrictions, actually. There is no 'bonk ban' for people with partners, but if you are single and living alone then you aren't allowed contact with anyone. So, one of my Mum's coworkers has 2 adult children living at home. Her 21 year old son has a girlfriend, so she is allowed to come over and spend time with him and his family and he is allowed to go over to her house and spend time with her and her family. She also has a sister who also has a boyfriend and they are then allowed to do the same thing. It works out to be quite a sizeable social circle! Meanwhile, my 71 year old aunt is widowed and on her own and isn't allowed to see a single soul.
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